AuthenticallyAngie Thank you! ^^
Jun 1, 2023
AuthenticallyAngie Thank you!
May 31, 2023
Hi Angie, welcome to YWS! ^-^ This is a wonderful place for readers, writers, poets, roleplayers, and just people in general. But no worries if you feel a bit intimidated at first— navigating the site can be tricky! Here are some quick links to help you get started:
FAQ for New Users -> This post lists the basics of publishing and reviewing works on YWS.
Knowledge Base -> This is a treasure trove of helpful articles about poetry, writing, reviewing, and more.
Along with reviewing other ywsers' works and publishing your own works, you can have some fun in the Randomosity forum, join a roleplay, hang out on the People tab, or just explore the site. And of course, feel free to ask me or any moderator (junior or global) any questions you have! I hope you'll like it here! =D
Feb 3, 2024