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  • LuminescentAnt
    20 minutes ago

    Wait...I gave 7 gifts and none of them counted?

  • Guys all this time I thought the lyric in Barbie Girl (the Ice Spice and Nicki Minaj one) was "I'm an LA Rodeo Drive, I'm a New York medicine ad" 😭😭

  • WeepingWisteria wrote:Small RP Mod survey!

    Who here has the desire to join an SB but has struggled to do so due to limited spots or not knowing when a new one opens?

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  • Avian truth: who was the first person you followed on yws?
    dare: go to a random person's wall and post a picture of a glowing ant. if they ask about it, tell them that you wanted to give them a self-portrait.

    Feb 10, 2025

    avimoon truth: which exotic animal would you like to own the most?
    dare: write a skit about becoming a certain animal

    Feb 10, 2025

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  • I played around with Google Translate with @eulogy and...

    Spoiler! :
    Is there a house, is there a god, an orange board, but the children of the house and I are afraid of pores because the pregnant book wife has acne, but the children are deterred and have acne, see you again, I think Rama rash, red god, is there anything I have on the shelf, pari mala puri pani pani puri, son of fart wallet, oran oren, old man, papa amah, what house am I. I'm fried, thinking about what style, fig, fig, fig, my father's rich water, my mother's noodle shop

    LuminescentAnt Also here is the thing in Indonesian
    Spoiler! :
    dewan apa ada rumah apa ada dewa dewan jeruk tapi anak rumah dan saya jera pori karena istri buku hamil yang jerawat jerawat tapi anak jera dan jerawat sembilu, sampai jumpa lagi saya rasa rama ruam dewa merah apa ada yang saya rak pari mala puri pani pani puri putra dompet kentut, oran oren orang lama papa amah rumah apakah saya. saya goreng perpikir ala apa ara ara ara ara ara ayah air kaya saya ibu toko mi

    Feb 10, 2025

    Spoiler! :
    "the pregnant book wife has acne" TOOK ME OUT LOL

    Feb 10, 2025

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  • EllieMae
    Feb 9, 2025

    Here is your name in Duoscript! Let me know if you have any questions or want to me to write something else :D


  • LuminescentAnt wrote:I just had a brilliant idea for a dystopia. (So AldousHuxleyLoisLowrySuzanneCollinscore)

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    Okay so here is the concept and I need your help because I don’t know if this has been done before. Please let me know if it has! Also the names for the classes are temporary, so they may not make sense and I’ll probably change them.

    Spoiler! :
    In a new world, humanity has been split up into two classes: pathfinders and hillclimbers. The pathfinders, after being assessed through years of schooling, are the intelligent portion of the population. Hillclimbers, meanwhile, are assessed to be the least intelligent. However, hillclimbers are raised to positions of power and prestige and are worshipped by society and believed to make important decisions, with the idea implanted that they are the true leaders and pioneers of society. They believe the pathfinders are less intelligent than them and doing less important work. But behind the scenes, the pathfinders, the real intelligent people, are making real decisions unbeknownst by the hillclimbers, who have no real impact on society but as tool for the pathfinders to ridicule and see as someone lower than them. Thus we create a society of uplifting each individual to feel happy, to be in a position of importance. Isn’t that what humanity’s always wanted? To have a purpose and use it to better lives, and do such in an individual way that we believe is better than others?

    This brilliant idea by an even more brilliant and awesome writer examines how humans put others in positions of lower status and humiliation in order to bring ourselves up and feel better about ourselves.

    Elektra this sounds awesome!
    Feb 8, 2025

    LuminescentAnt Thank you!
    Feb 8, 2025

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  • Elektra wrote:Click on the graphic to view the RP Weekend event schedule! Social Week is just around the corner! :3


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  • I just had a brilliant idea for a dystopia. (So AldousHuxleyLoisLowrySuzanneCollinscore)

    Elektra make it into a sb for RP Weekend! I am a huge fan of dystopias :3
    Feb 8, 2025

    LuminescentAnt Hmmm...do people make SBs for stuff they are also working on for a novel or another project?
    Feb 8, 2025

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  • Woman disagrees with her sister's marriage choice so she casts an eternal winter on her city and hides away in a mountain and makes a pretty dress and house for herself.

    Anyone know what movie this is?

    Spoiler! :

    Feb 6, 2025

    Spoiler! :
    honestly i dont blame elsa cuz her sister had only known that weirdo for a day-

    Feb 6, 2025

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  • Okay now I am really tempted to make a straw page but I don't know what to put in it...

    GengarTheGhost Honestly just put anything! Little personal sites are inherently cool no matter how much 'stuff' is in them.. also strawpage isn't very corporate and because of that it has a ton of neat features built in
    Feb 6, 2025

    NovemberCrow I, for example, have one where I just dump stuff. Literaly. Memes, gifs, stickers lists which make no sense, everything.
    Feb 7, 2025

  • NovemberCrow wrote:My ghosthunters WIP is a nutshell:


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  • I just realized someone on here could have a very heavy accent or an extreme stutter and we would never know. (Not in a bad way, none of those things are bad but just a curious thing I realized)

    RangerofIthilien Oh my goodness you’re right-
    Feb 5, 2025

    RavenAkuma To be fair I type like a Cali surfer chick *almost* as much as I talk it XDD
    Feb 5, 2025

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  • Writing poetry is just ignoring all grammar and punctuation rules to magnify bits of your life and turn it into a soap opera or drama series.

  • LuminescentAnt wrote:

    Hello! Yes, you, reading this!

    Are you a person who writes reviews in abundance, perhaps reviews from the Green Room? If so, have you discovered Knights of the Green Room yet? Well, it is a super cool part of YWS where you can defend the beasts of the Green Room by reviewing, and if you log reviews, you can earn badges and sometimes participate in challenges. (Or if you are already a Knight or a Squire, you probably forgot you were and should update your log so you can earn a badge) Anyways, the point is, we have 199 knights so it would be super awesome if more people joined and we can reach 200 knights!

    So what are you waiting for? Head over to the Knights of the Green Room Great Hall and declare yourself a Squire and start reviewing!

    (Definitely not an advertisement)

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The adjective should reinvent the noun.
— Leslie Norris