I like your name?
Did you just come up with it randomly? And the iTunes apple is intersting...
But welcome to YWS! I see you've been on here for a couple of weeks, but I'm late what's new
27017296 Thanks! The first four numbers are kind of random, but the last four are my birthdate. I've been good, a little busy, trying to figure out how I can do everything I need to this summer...how've you been?
Jul 16, 2011
stargazer9927 Good
Wait 'til college comes up and then suddenly all your life's problems seem little.
Jul 19, 2011
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First sign! :3
Just thought I'd welcome you again! And reading your bio, I rather like seeing you're homeschooled. I was homeschooled until I graduated highschool, and now I'm in college. How do you like it? ^^
27017296 Thanks! I've been homeschooled my entire school-life so far, and though I used to hate it, I've realized the advantages of it. I still don't really love (or appreciate entirely) homeschooling, but I guess it's growing on me.How about you? Did you like it? Did you ever go to public school?
Jul 12, 2011
Rosendorn I never went to public school. I was in private school from K to 5, but I had skipped a grade so I was 9. Homeschooling was an ideal for me as I didn't really trust people after being pulled out of school (it was a really bad environment) and I needed time to recover. I really liked it although sometimes wished there were more teenagers who did it around here. xD But now that I'm in college I miss my classmates in the summer.
Jul 12, 2011
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Oct 30, 2011