I made a group for my novel Take A Chance. If you want to join it...
KaylaCoon yippie
Aug 5, 2011
Hey Kayla! Thanks for the two awesome reviews. I love that you think the character's are human like and realistic. It means I'm doing my job as a writer, right Thanks again!
Thanks so much for the review! It was lovely to hear that you liked so much after being so unsure about everything. It was very helpful so thanks a whole bunch!
If I can review anything for you let me know,
Xox Kagi
Thanks for the review! The goal was to get to learn a little bit more about characters, and give a break to the reader. I'm happy you liked it.
KaylaCoon It would be hard not to like your writing
Jul 29, 2011
KaylaCoon Thank you soo much!
Jul 13, 2011
KaylaCoon Thank you soo much!
Jul 13, 2011
KaylaCoon Thank you soo much!
Jul 13, 2011
Thanks for the reviews, it means a lot. Also, don't worry, the character that I do introduce (more then just mention their names) are important in the story itself, and you'll see them later on. The others, I won't go into details and you'll probably don't even remember them, and that's exactly what I want.
Nov 1, 2011