Eh, I know it's late, seeing as how the 17 is just a few days away, but, 3, 4, 7, 10, 12, 15.
cammie That's ok. Write fast! I have 0 entries and I can't extend the dealine!
movie set
bubblegum factory
Kyle the mail delivery boy who is constantly drinking milk
A selfish old grandmother with a secret identity
The sunglasses of someone famous
A half-eaten egg-salad sanwhich
Good luck and have fun!
Aug 15, 2011
Wolfdra That is so freaking random! I love the grandmother bit. XD I bet Kyle has strong bones...
Aug 15, 2011
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cammie OK...
underwater cave
movie set
Kyle the mail delivery boy who is constantly drinking milk
A monster who acts full of himself but is scared of the dark and shy
A broken toy airplane
The sunglasses of someone famous
Good luck and have fun!
Aug 15, 2011
cammie Let's see...
underwater cave
railroad tracks in the desert
An eight-year old blonde girl with pink glasses who wants to be a princess and is very shy (Luna)
A red chicekn named Schoompey Poo who is very noisy
The sunglasses of someone famous
Wilted petunias
Aug 14, 2011
cammie Gottcha.
underwater cave
bubblegum factory
A monster who acts tough but is actually super shy and scared of the dark
A selfish old grandmother who has a secret identity
A broken toy airplane
A half-eaten egg-salad sandwhich
Have fun and good luck!
Aug 14, 2011
Thank you for placing my second in your contest, I had a lot of fun writing an entry and I am so pleased that i got placed as it was my first ever Young writers Society contest! i will look out for more of your contests because this one was really fun!
Hey I wanna try your contest, I hope its not too late to enter.
The numbers I want are: 4,5,6,10,11,12
cammie OK! It is never to late to enter.
bubblegum factory
railroad tracks in the desert
An eight-year old blonde girl with pink glasses who wants to be a princess and is very shy (Luna)
A selfish old grandmother with a secret identity
A broken toy airplane
The sunglasses of someone famous
Good luck and have fun!
Aug 11, 2011
DarthAJ Thanks! Interesting indeed..
Aug 12, 2011
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hey i want to try your contest
idk if i will be able to finish in time.. but i'll try (yn)
my numbers are: 2,5,7,8,11,12
cammie laundry mat
railroad tracks in the desert
Kyle the mail delivery boy who is constantly drinking milk
An eight-yearold blonde girl who wears pink glasses and thinks she's a princess but is very shy (Luna)
A half-eaten egg-sald sandwhich
A broken toy airplane
All right good luck!
Aug 8, 2011
silentwords okay thanks!
i was also wondering, for the places, do the characters actually have to be there or can they just mention them?
Aug 9, 2011
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Hii! Can I attempt your contest? I might not get it done but I would like to try. So.. numbers; 3, 4, 7, 10, 13, 14. Ok, cool
cammie Yep ok...
movie set
bubblegum factory
Kyle the mail delivery boy who is constantly drinking milk
A red chicken named Schoopey Poo who never stops clucking
A stolen credit card
A bunch of wilted flowers (petunias)
Aug 8, 2011
Will you edit my short story "I can't keep you Secret" ? i need to make it all shiny and stuff. here's the deal I purposely made it NOT in chronological order. So would you be willing? Its a love story and fantasy.
hi there
on the page of your contest I said I was going to enter, but I'm really sorry, I haven't had time to get my entry finished! sorry about that, but I hope it goes well apart from that
cammie Oh, it's ok. I'd like to extend the deadline to make up for all the confusion but schoiol's coming up and when that starts I won't have time for anything except homework all night. It's totally fine. Since you said entry finished, maybe you started one? If you did, I would love to see it. Even if you only have a paragraph. Otherwise that's ok too.
Aug 1, 2011
Jun 12, 2012