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  • SkyeDreamer
    Jun 12, 2012

    Cammieeee!! Hi! I haven't been on here in forever (and I see that you haven't, either)! But if/ when you get back on, this can be the first thing you see. ;) How are you??

  • SunshineandCarnage
    Nov 23, 2011

    you're a bunny??? *jealous* D:

  • tigershark17
    Nov 2, 2011

    Hey! Chapter 3 of Hidden Illusions is up if you're interested (:

  • jrauthorintraining
    Aug 16, 2011

    3, 4
    8, 7
    12, 13

    sorry its so late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Wolfdra
    Aug 15, 2011

    Eh, I know it's late, seeing as how the 17 is just a few days away, but, 3, 4, 7, 10, 12, 15. :P

    cammie That's ok. Write fast! I have 0 entries and I can't extend the dealine!
    movie set
    bubblegum factory
    Kyle the mail delivery boy who is constantly drinking milk
    A selfish old grandmother with a secret identity
    The sunglasses of someone famous
    A half-eaten egg-salad sanwhich

    Good luck and have fun!

    Aug 15, 2011

    Wolfdra That is so freaking random! I love the grandmother bit. XD I bet Kyle has strong bones...
    Aug 15, 2011

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  • OnigiriChan
    Aug 15, 2011

    2,3,8,7,12, 11.

    cammie OK...

    underwater cave
    movie set
    Kyle the mail delivery boy who is constantly drinking milk
    A monster who acts full of himself but is scared of the dark and shy
    A broken toy airplane
    The sunglasses of someone famous

    Good luck and have fun!

    Aug 15, 2011

  • Yuriiko
    Aug 12, 2011

    hey! 2,5,6,9,12,13


    cammie Let's see...
    underwater cave
    railroad tracks in the desert

    An eight-year old blonde girl with pink glasses who wants to be a princess and is very shy (Luna)
    A red chicekn named Schoompey Poo who is very noisy
    The sunglasses of someone famous
    Wilted petunias

    Aug 14, 2011

  • Emmzziee
    Aug 12, 2011

    2, 4, 8, 10, 11, 15. (:

    cammie Gottcha.

    underwater cave
    bubblegum factory
    A monster who acts tough but is actually super shy and scared of the dark
    A selfish old grandmother who has a secret identity
    A broken toy airplane
    A half-eaten egg-salad sandwhich

    Have fun and good luck! :)

    Aug 14, 2011

  • EnchantedPanda
    Aug 12, 2011

    Thank you =)

  • EnchantedPanda
    Aug 12, 2011

    Thank you for placing my second in your contest, I had a lot of fun writing an entry and I am so pleased that i got placed as it was my first ever Young writers Society contest! i will look out for more of your contests because this one was really fun!

  • DarthAJ
    Aug 11, 2011

    Hey I wanna try your contest, I hope its not too late to enter.

    The numbers I want are: 4,5,6,10,11,12

    cammie OK! It is never to late to enter. :)

    bubblegum factory
    railroad tracks in the desert
    An eight-year old blonde girl with pink glasses who wants to be a princess and is very shy (Luna)
    A selfish old grandmother with a secret identity
    A broken toy airplane
    The sunglasses of someone famous

    Good luck and have fun! :)

    Aug 11, 2011

    DarthAJ Thanks! Interesting indeed..
    Aug 12, 2011

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  • silentwords
    Aug 7, 2011

    hey i want to try your contest (:
    idk if i will be able to finish in time.. but i'll try (yn)
    my numbers are: 2,5,7,8,11,12

    cammie laundry mat
    railroad tracks in the desert
    Kyle the mail delivery boy who is constantly drinking milk
    An eight-yearold blonde girl who wears pink glasses and thinks she's a princess but is very shy (Luna)
    A half-eaten egg-sald sandwhich
    A broken toy airplane

    All right good luck!

    Aug 8, 2011

    silentwords okay thanks!
    i was also wondering, for the places, do the characters actually have to be there or can they just mention them?

    Aug 9, 2011

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  • LittlePrincess
    Aug 7, 2011

    Hii! Can I attempt your contest? I might not get it done but I would like to try. So.. numbers; 3, 4, 7, 10, 13, 14. Ok, cool :)

    cammie Yep ok...
    movie set
    bubblegum factory
    Kyle the mail delivery boy who is constantly drinking milk
    A red chicken named Schoopey Poo who never stops clucking
    A stolen credit card
    A bunch of wilted flowers (petunias)

    Aug 8, 2011

  • BerlynnRae
    Aug 2, 2011

    Will you edit my short story "I can't keep you Secret" ? i need to make it all shiny and stuff. here's the deal I purposely made it NOT in chronological order. So would you be willing? Its a love story and fantasy.

  • hazellgreene
    Jul 30, 2011

    hi there :) on the page of your contest I said I was going to enter, but I'm really sorry, I haven't had time to get my entry finished! sorry about that, but I hope it goes well apart from that :( x

    cammie Oh, it's ok. I'd like to extend the deadline to make up for all the confusion but schoiol's coming up and when that starts I won't have time for anything except homework all night. It's totally fine. Since you said entry finished, maybe you started one? If you did, I would love to see it. Even if you only have a paragraph. Otherwise that's ok too.
    Aug 1, 2011

Life is about losing everything.
— Isabel Allende