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Young Writers Society


  • Random avatar
    Nov 17, 2015

    I wonder if you could list us in your forums? The name of our company is Bombadil Publishing. We publish books by youth for youth. 12-26 years of age is our target author group. We have started an online authoring tool called MageQuill and are looking for beta testers. I can be contacted at jay@bombadilpublishing.com


  • sherineahmed
    Jan 18, 2014

    thanks for your effort. this is really helpful but i have to ask how do you present your work to them do you have to write a book proposal ? and what is the fair average of the money given to the writer ? please reply

  • AlexSmith
    Dec 21, 2013

    I think you might want to check this out.

    New Blog being set up for teen writers

  • Rubric
    Jun 13, 2012

    Hey thanks for the review, I'm not hugely familiar with Samuel Delany's Neveryon books, but I'm always on the lookout for good reading. In a sense these early sections are just Arvad's backstory, the second protagonist hasn't even been introduced yet. I'm definitely hoping to maintain the grim atmosphere, but action has been a little slow off the mark. I've just thrown scene 5 up, and I'm worried that I might be getting a little bogged down in exposition, so I'd really value your feedback. Further reading suggestions are also welcome!

  • pettybage
    May 25, 2012

    Check out examples of publisher editing viewtopic.php?f=151&t=94524

  • Well, I got my sixth contract from a sixth publisher. They are all pretty minor, but then again so am I. But next year! But this winter! But this autumn! They shall all rue the day, muahaha.

  • <3

  • sargsauce
    Dec 7, 2011

    "As -current- not really sci-fi enthusiasts." I just got all of the Dune books and all the Hitchhiker's Guide books on my kindle. I'm going to busy for, probably, oh, seven years.

    pettybage All Frank Herbert Dunes, or all Frank Brian Herbert Dunes? The latter would be a certain overdose for sure:) I'd suggest diluting even ole Frank with someone like Larry Niven or Brian Aldiss or Phil Dick.
    Coincidentally, I also read Dune and the Hitchhiker in the same year, with a space of a month between them. The third book was LOR. It was a fruitful year. I can only envy you for your immediate reading program.

    Dec 7, 2011

    sargsauce Ah, I didn't know about the progeny shenanigans. Luckily, it's just the Frank Herbert ones. I'd heard of Ringworld multiple times, so I'll definitely read that. And I'll look into the others. Thanks for the protip!
    Dec 8, 2011

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  • Frills don't attract me. A review is a review. :D

  • joshuapaul
    Nov 13, 2011

    Taken down, thanks to everyone for all the feedback
    huh? gi'me it!

    pettybage I hear and obey! :)
    Nov 13, 2011

  • pettybage
    Oct 28, 2011

    Just discovered an awesome mashup: Dr. Seuss meets Lovecraft. Such an adorable Chtulhu:) http://bookishardour.com/2011/10/28/fun ... t-cthulhu/

  • Recently I read a review of yours, I found something peculiar

    There are millions of people out there who believe the King's plots are imaginative...who am I to argue with that?

    But then suddenly I realised you must mean another King, surely not my beloved Stephen?

    pettybage Haha, certainly not, I must have meant the Stephen King standing behind Stephen King. Thank you for tickling me, Joshua Paul, I shall indeed react with a sheet-long explanation:)


    Oct 28, 2011

  • WaitingForLife
    Oct 13, 2011

    But... but... why did you delete Lonely September Testicles? D:

    pettybage In order to send it to some mag weird enough to publish it? :)
    Oct 14, 2011

    WaitingForLife Oh, that makes sense then. :P I was just gonna show it to a friend of mine. : D
    Oct 14, 2011

  • WaitingForLife
    Oct 7, 2011

    It seems the reply button is lagging out on me, at least I can't see the reply I posted. o.o Anywho, ole oikein hyvä. ;)

    Oh, and d'you know a lot of finnish too?

    pettybage Nah, I don't, that was just basic stuff I found in wikipedia :)
    Oct 7, 2011

    WaitingForLife Thought as much. :P Finnish is a damn hard language for someone not native. If I remember correctly, it's the third hardest language in the world. :D
    Oct 7, 2011

  • Dear Pettybage,

    I freaking loved it. Now I see about 45% of where you get your humour from. ;)

    pettybage 47%!
    Sep 26, 2011

If you know what the tip of a shoelace is called, Congratulations, you watched Phineas and Ferb!
— FireEyes