sarahjane97 Thank you!! ^__^
Jul 5, 2016
Mageheart You're welcome!
Jul 5, 2016
Aw it's no problem! I just thought it was really weird we joined within a month of each other and never spoke :O
sarahjane97 Yeah, seriously! How anti-social of us! xD
Feb 27, 2013
LadySpark I know! But I'm Peyton :3
Feb 28, 2013
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haha, yeah it's a little confusing that collarbones don't really have much to do with the neck x) Actually they connect to your shoulders and move with them, if you take your finger you can feel the bone is attached to your shoulder. It's a pretty pointless piece of information but it can really help with accuracy when you're drawing someone's profile xP
zohali93 Welcome back.
May 7, 2012
michaeld WELCOME!!!!
May 31, 2012
Thank you very much for your review on my story:) It means a lot. After I revise it, would you mind reading it over again? Your opinion means a lot:)
sarahjane97 Sure, no problem. Just tell me when you're done revising, and I'll go check it out!
May 7, 2012
sarahjane97 You're very welcome! It was amazing!
May 7, 2012
Yay! Just posted my first poem in three months (writer's block is a terrible, terrible thing...)
I posted the next chapter! I tried to post the third one as well, but my computer is messed up right now... it posts my chapters two or three times at a time
it's extremely annoying! But anyways, I hope you enjoy the second chapter!!
sarahjane97 No problem. It was really good!
Nov 20, 2011
I sat staring at your avie for like five minutes before I was able to get on with anything else. Gerard Way . . . *drools*
sarahjane97 Haha, I know right?! I love MCR =)
Nov 12, 2011
sarahjane97 Thanks, and I totally agree. Their music has such impact.
Sep 30, 2011
sarahjane97 Thanks! I think I'm just a little (a lot) obsessed with their music. =)
Sep 27, 2011
Anchor Haha, me too!
Sep 28, 2011
sarahjane97 You're welcome! I hope it helped!
Sep 26, 2011
Jul 4, 2016