SEVERUS SNAPE'S SING-ALONG DIARY NEEDS REVIEWS!!! common people! Don't pass this one up, it's a mash-up of Harry Potter and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. Can't get much better than that...
O.o it's crazy, I've never met a Screen Writer before, then I run into two in one day. O>o
BlondieMissyAngel haha are you referring to Severus Snape's Sing-Along Diary?
Apr 24, 2013
StoneHeart XD
Apr 24, 2013
8 months of not being on YWS, sorry to say that I completely forgot about this website... I feel terrible... oops. So if anyone is interested in what happens to Astor and Amira in "The Cherry Code" let me know and I will start posting the new chapters up on YWS as soon as I have them written! <3
Piper We need to get together sometimes. It's seriously been forever. Maybe sometime over break?
Dec 16, 2012
Chapter 7 of The Cherry Code is finally up and ready for reviews! So sorry for the delay! Hope you all enjoy it!
Hey I seemed to have misplaced all my 9 names from the 7 winners of The Name Game, you 7 winners know who you are, if you remember the names you submitted please please please private message them to me ASAP! I will try to find all your names and message this to you. #notlikingthisnewlayout
Piper Go to dashboard and all posts, or go to browse and click only mine. You'll get used to it eventually <333
Apr 27, 2012
feelin illl................... i donno wen i'll post the next chapt of TCC... sorry guys =[
averypaws Gasp!!!! am a fish out of water.......
Sep 22, 2011
DeanieGet better soon!
Sep 25, 2011
I have my 9 new names. Look out for the next chapter in the Cherry Code!
BlondieMissyAngel Hey IdEaBoNe, I followed everyone who won in my competiton "The Name Game".
Sep 7, 2011
IdEaBoNe I-I-I won??? When? How? WHAT!!!??? OMG!!!! Wow, now tHiS is ShOcKiNg!!!
Sep 7, 2011
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In my new house in good old MI =] can't wait to reconnect with old friends and make tons of new ones!
Piper Like me! Let me know when you're available.
Sep 3, 2011
May 19, 2013