Snoink Hi!
Apr 9, 2022
shiney1 Thank you!
Mar 12, 2018
shiney1 Thank you!
Mar 12, 2018
shiney1 Thank you!
Nov 26, 2017
When you are done with your two summer classes and only have two weeks of summer break left, and your mom informs you that that's the average amount of vacation time for the typical working American per year.
Summer vacation is not a thing anymore. R.I.P.
Tagged by @rosette
Music - Pretty much Christian songs, not limited to specific genres. I also like instrumentals and gaming music with little or no words. They are great to listen to while I draw.
Food - I really like Chinese food, and an a serious meat lover.
Animals - I like cats, and don't really like dogs. Horses are okay too.
Hobbies - I draw dragons, crochet all sorts of things, and read a bit.
Appearance - Not gonna give you much here. Average height, dark hair, and the rest is my and God's business :p
Dream Job - Who knows? Because I don't. It probably doesn't exist anyway.
Sexuality - straight
Favorite songs - Lecrae and his posse over in 116 usually make songs I enjoy, if you want me to be specific.
Fun Fact - Erm, I hate heights?
Apr 9, 2022