The guy in the background being AWESTRUCK at George is my reaction exactly!
Dossereana Agreed.
Feb 2, 2021
First chapter of my fanfic is up. Check it out either on here or Archive Of Our Own.
I just got the go-ahead to post my Boy George fanfic from another site... so uh... look forward to that folks!
Whether or not I’m in a relationship where I can have biological children in the future, I really want to adopt. To make a child feel loved and wanted in this world is priceless. Also, I also want to give someone else a somewhat similar feeling as when I felt abandoned by the world and God took me in as his child. I’ve never felt so loved and wanted in my life. I love God, he’s awesome! <3
I believe in infinite parallel universes. So, whenever I’m upset about something going a certain way, I just remember that the ideal outcome is happening somewhere. It really helps.
Hey, thanks for the follow! It means a lot.
So, you were on here before? *gestures in a “go on” motion*
FlamingHomosexual Yeah it was years ago. My old account is AriannaC. Idk if u remember me?
Nov 10, 2020
JoyDark Probably not. I joined this site this year, actually, way back in March. I think March? That’s cool, though
Nov 10, 2020
Feb 5, 2021