Your #1 Source for a Healthy Dose of Quackery
Happy Belated Cake Day! :] I just welcomed a bunch of new members by linking them to a reviewing article you had written and thought of you - hope you're doing well Kale!
Kale Living life. Planning on a brand new car. Stuff.
Feb 15, 2020
Omni I'm pretty much the same, except on the car xD just trying to survive my undergrad and applying for jobs because i graduate at the end of the year
Feb 17, 2020
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Kale Thanks!
Dec 17, 2019
Kale Quack
Nov 17, 2019
Kale ExCuSe Me ArE yOu ImPlYiNg SoMeThInG aBoUt My SiZeyou should know my ego is nowhere near that small, gawd
Oct 30, 2019
Kale So do I. When I saw that image, I just had to make it into an avi.
Apr 25, 2019
Lib I can understand.
Apr 25, 2019
Dec 17, 2021