For those part of the poetry exchange who I have to review for... I promise I'll do it as soon as I have more than half an hour free to myself. It's exam week and my life seems to be 75% study and 25% sleep.
Why does it feel like unless I started gaining work experience when I was 5, I will never get any position I really want to go for -.- I don't have 'experience in the field' for God's sake! I'm twenty! Yet, it seems like people my age already have substantial experience in... you name it, every field. How???
Ehtaniel I've kind of the same problem as I'm trying to look for a work in another field. "need 10 years of experience in this or that."
May 23, 2014
Hannah Hecate! I read an awesome piece of information just the other day, and the gist of it was YOU SHOULD APPLY ANYWAY. Like shouting this with as much love as possible, because first of all, generally somebody makes up those requirements for the job posting, not after like careful research of what they'll actually need. And in addition, there was a statistic that women generally apply for jobs where they meet 100% of the requirements, but men usually apply if they meet only about 60%. But you know you don't get interviews for ANY of the jobs you never apply for~ What's the worst that can happen when you apply when you're "underqualified"? You don't get an interview. Which will happen anyway, right!?
this is my good luck speech.
May 23, 2014
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Hey guys! I have a review thread on Will Review for Food
Please post all your literary works on it! I will review pretty much everything (terms and conditions apply) . If you need something reviewed ahead of Review Day, now's the timeI will do at least three reviews between today and tomorrow. All I ask is that you post it in my super awesome new thread in Will Review for Food.
Hecate's Magical Review Thread
Request reviews and help me stay active
I will aim to complete all requests within 48 hours of receiving them, with high quality feedback
Aw Sad Monkey! Stop being sad! I write reviews but you're still sad
Help Sad Monkey out YWSers!
picklemagic Why
May 13, 2014
Noelle That can be changed easily
May 13, 2014
Apr 22, 2022