Happy cake day! It's wild to think that you've been on the site for twelve years.
Lauren2010 Thank you!!
Jul 28, 2020
Lauren2010 Thanks!
Jul 28, 2020
Lauren2010 Thank!
Jul 28, 2020
BETTER YET Kyoshi's advice was good but her methods were not. It's not enough to kill one oppressor, Aang had to eradicate the source of his oppression.
We cannot focus our rage on one person or group of people. We must dismantle white supremacy from every aspect of our lives. THAT is the justice we're talking about.Iggy wrote:
Black Lives Matter.
Link to original comment
Happy Pride, YWS! Never forget that our right to be seen (particularly in the US) was won by the protesting and rioting of queer women and people of color. We celebrate and hold parades and are proud because someone fought for us, fought police for us, fought governments for us. In many parts of the world, they are still fighting.
No change comes in peace.
Congrats on completing NaPo Lauren, always a joy to read you poems!!
I was recently reminded that I promised everyone congratulatory spongebob gifs for completing NaPo...
Jul 28, 2022