Warning: incoming mush. I was randomly browsing old threads and came across this and a dusty little lightbulb in my chest suddenly lit up like a sparkler. I know our friendly goodnight banter was just for fun but back then I had a lot of trouble sleeping, so when those nights seemed to last forever that friendly banter meant a lot to me because I knew that even when it felt like the rest of the world was asleep there was somebody who knew that I was awake and it make me feel less alone in the dark < 3
beckiw Awe Teeny!! This made me feel all warm and squishy inside. I'm glad I was able to be there for you in some capacity (even if it's just a wee tease). Now go to sleep! You're too small to stay up!!
Oct 26, 2018
Tagged by @Sachiko for the #novelthemesong and I am going to be really bad at picking just one...as in I am not going to do that.
I have a few go to songs for writing Soul depending on the mood of the scene. Most are somewhat sappy because I call this my love story novel.
Kissing you Instrumental from Romeo and Juliet is a kind of general song I will listen to when writing Soul.
Run to the Church from Sixth Sense. I like to listen to this along with some others from the soundtrack for the creepier scenes.
One a vaguely sappier note is - Anacrusis by Mt. Wolf
And a couple more go to songs are - Mabataki from Ghost Hunt and First Love Piano Theme from the Goblin OST.
I tag anyone who would like to participate!
Sachiko HEART
Oct 17, 2018
Dropping out of LMS made me feel a bit cruddy (honestly you guys still going amaze me!) But thanks to @niteowl's post about Morning Pages I wrote about 2.5k last week.
Each weekday I got up at about 6am, made a cup of tea, snuggled into the armchair in my study and wrote in a notebook till I needed to go shower. It's not technically Morning Pages but more like my version. I write my novel and I write for however long I have rather than a set amount of pages. Then at the weekend, I typed it all up.
And I feel like I have unlocked my writing method! I am a horrendous self editor. It slows me down like mad. But this method allows me to both ignore my inner editor and feed it. It goes quiet when I handwrite, allowing me to get the words out and then come typing up time I let it loose.
I cannot tell you how pleased I am that this is working and working well!
Cadi I'm so happy you've found a technique that's working for you! Also, that sounds like a super cosy writing space!
Sep 10, 2018
AvantCoffee This makes me happy c:
Sep 10, 2018
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Life appears determined to kick my butt at the moment and #LMS is suffering. I am absolutely loaded with the cold at the moment and haven't written for days. Fingers crossed I start feeling better tomorrow.
P.s. Sorry to the people tagging me with their chapter posts. I will catch up! <3 It's just hard to concentrate long enough right now
Cadi *hugs and love*! I hope you feel better soon! <£
Aug 18, 2018
Last week was not a great one and so I flunked out of #LMS (rogue wise). I could've written yesterday but I had a walk and a bubble bath instead...hoping I can get back to it this week!
StellaThomas walks and bubble bath are absolutely necessary!
Aug 6, 2018
Cadi Bubble baths are a 100% essential part of the writing process tbh
Aug 6, 2018
Aug 5, 2024