
Young Writers Society

Cirque Du Fous (Permission Only; Started)

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Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:54 pm
Razcoon says...

This is a storybook I co-wrote with IshaThePirate. Join if you're invited by me or Isha, or if you ask and one of us gives you permission. :3

You MUST PM me or Isha your template for approval. Once you have our approval, you can post it here. If you have any questions, suggestions, or anything out of character, put it in the DT.

A Message from Marvel Marquis:
We're unknown by all and known by none - now, that is. Oh, we were a lively group, quite famous, actually. A traveling circus full of magic and tricks and magic tricks... it's a shame, really, that the old ringleader had to die a death so mysterious. Marcello was the one who found us then, back when we still existed. That's when the old leader died - that's when I, Marvel Marquis, took over.

Welcome to Cirque du Fous, the non-existing existing traveling circus. It used to be real - back in the 15th century. It was a tragedy when Marcello found the place, and not long after their old ringleader died a rather mysterious death. Then came the fire - one that destroyed everything - including their new ringleader and Marcello. But this non-existing circus is still around, and it has been around since the fire.

We try to keep a low profile. Sometimes, though, we appear to certain people, who allow their curiosity to consume them, perhaps to the point of insanity. We have that effect on you, as you'll see while embarking on this fantastic adventure. And you will. Because we let you find us.

We hope you will enjoy the show - it's frightening and beautifully impossible, incredible beyond belief. It's heart-stoppingly brilliant. Ask the Faye sisters.

They'd vanished off the face of the earth centuries ago, along with other visitors, to be with us.

You and three friends stumble across an old abandoned circus. It's a large, amazing circus, the kind you might have wanted to join as a kid. So of course, you want to explore. What you don't know, however, is you will encounter the ghosts of those who explored before you. They'll tell you to go back -- but you'll black out before you get the chance.

When you and your friends wake up, the circus will no longer be abandoned. The moment you cross the boundaries of the circus, you'll be transported to a hellish dimension, full of fire and demons. Back in the circus, you have no choice but to explore the aspects before figuring out what to do next.

Maybe the ringleader has a weakness. Perhaps by destroying him, the circus will be without order and fall into havoc. Perhaps, by destroying Marvel Marquis, you'll be able to escape, set the ghosts free, and destroy the circus for good.

If only you knew how.

There is a limited number of each of these. Know this by the number of dashes left for each slot. Note that if you want to quit, you can't just die. If you die and you're human, you'll become a ghost. Demons will just die. Ghosts are ghosts, so they'll have to be handed off to someone else.
Spoiler! :
Ringleader -- Pshh, there's only one of these. x3
>Marvel Marquis --Razcoon (Male)

Ghosts -- FULL.
>Lenore Faye -- Razcoon (Female)
>Estee (Eehee) Faye -- IshaThePirate (Female)
>Kai Namiki -- NinjaCookieMonster (Male)
>Adrién Dupont-- Synnoev (Male)
>Aurore Latenne -- Elinor Brynn (Female)
>Estelle Duvont -- CelticaNoir (Female)

Demons/Acts (We can always add more if we need more slots.)
>Pyro -- Marcello -- IshaThePirate (Male)
>Fortune Teller -- Elysia Kalani -- ScarlettFire (Female)
>Lion Tamer -- Claimed by GrantBlayfur (Male)
>Magician -- Didier LeBeau -- Lumi (Male)
>Acrobat -- Antoinette d'Ouville -- Lauren2010 (Female)
>Hypnotist -- Axel Vileptianto -- Skins (Female)

Newcomers -- FULL.
>Claimed by Jagged (Male)
>Elijah Derso -- Camulaeus (Male)
>Ren Beckett -- Vanadis (Male)
>Hillary Stone -- BrooklynWriter (Female)
>Cora -- SisterItaly (Female)


Ghost Template:

Code: Select all

[b]Age:[/b] (What age they died at.)

[b]Time Period:[/b] (When your ghost lived, e.g. 17th century, 18th century, etc.)


[b]Appearance:[/b] (No anime or cartoons. Thank you.)



[b]Up for love?:[/b]



Demon/Acts Template:

Code: Select all

[b]Age:[/b] (How old they appear to be.)


[b]Appearance:[/b] (No anime or cartoons. Thank you.)

[b]Act:[/b] (What does your demon do in the circus?

[b]Personality:[/b] (Even demons have a personality. They're not willingly sadistic...it's just in their nature.)

[b]History:[/b] (How did they become a demon? Were they always a demon?)

[b]Up for love?:[/b] (Yes. Demons can love.)



Newcomer Template:

Code: Select all

[b]Age:[/b] (14-19)


[b]Appearance:[/b] (No anime or cartoons. Thank you.)



[b]Up for love?:[/b]



>Usual YWS/SB rules.
>No Godmodding.
>Don't kill off a character without the user's permission.
>Let me know if you're going to kill off a character.
>If your characters want to get it on, that's fine, just don't have descriptive sex scenes. Nobody needs that.
>Swearing is allowed, but please don't be a total sailor mouth. Thanks.
>The minimum post is 550 characters, but if you can, 800+ would be preferred.
>Don't double post unless there have been no new posts for at least twenty four hours.
>You may claim up to three characters.
Last edited by Razcoon on Fri May 20, 2011 3:19 pm, edited 7 times in total.
Ideas don't stay in heads very long because they don't like solitary confinement.

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Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:28 pm
eldEr says...

*will finish later*

Name: Estee (Eehee) Faye

Age: 16

Time Period: 16th century France

Gender: Female

Spoiler! :

Personality: Eehee... well, she's interesting to say the very least. Ever since she was a child, she's been just a wee bit on the insane side. (litotes) She's a very, very detached girl, and is often caught mumbling to herself or unseen people. She hallucinates, has panic attacks (very often) and stares off into space while either murmuring incoherent words or saying nothing at all. If she's in a sociable mood, Eehee is a very, very sweet girl... in her own sense of the phrase. She could never hurt anybody, not unless they really frightened her, and smiles at just about anybody. On top of that, she's either so calm she's nearly asleep, or she's bouncing-off-the-walls-and-the-ceiling hyper. She giggles at random moments, usually for no reason, and her eyes very rarely stay still unless they have something very important to focus on. (Like a face she suddenly finds strange or a decorative item that catches her eye - speaking of which, she is very, very easily distracted by anything that glistens under light. Or glows - to her, a glowing object is treasure untold)
If Eehee's frightened, which she seems to be so often, she will cling to anybody she trusts for dear life - so long as this person is taller than she is and seems capable of protecting her. (This is usually Kai) Speaking of clinging, if Eehee trusts you, she tends to be... well, clingy. She's very rarely seen without either Kai, Lenore or both, and doesn't like wandering around without them.

History: Estee was born to a fairly wealthy French family in the 16th century. Ever since birth, she's been strange. She always had her eyes open, and she was always watching something, though nobody knew what that was for sure. Estee probably didn't know, either. She very rarely cried, and was just a typically untypical baby.
She was 'different' for a few years - her insanity and outbursts didn't come until she was around six. From there, things just kept getting worse. She had been to Catholic priests, exorcisms - her parents had even brought her to a few witches. Nothing worked - Estee just kept getting more insane. When she turned nine, Lenore came along - and her parents were shocked. The tiny infant seemed to have some sort of effect over her older sister. She acted... somewhat normal every now and then, asking to hold her or feed her. Always gentle.
It wasn't an easy life for Estee - her parents were constantly trying to 'help' her, and the neighbors were scared to death of her. Either that or they'd demand that she come down. They found something amusing about the poor girl. Lenore and Estee grew close, and Lenore gave her older sister the nickname "Eehee," which came along at first because she couldn't pronounce Estee properly. The name stuck, and Eehee responds better to her nickname - though it didn't help the taunting. She couldn't even step outside for fear of having stones thrown at her.
Then Kai came along - finally, somebody who wanted to help without trying to change her. Everything about Kai was soothing, and her parents decided to keep him around. Like Lenore, Kai brought out Eehee's more natural side - and he was a pretty normal person himself. The comb that he gave her was her most precious possession, and somehow passed through into the afterlife.
After the Marcello-appearing incident... well. She committed suicide. The rest followed.

Up for love?: Not really? Sorta... planned.



Name: Marcello Deivan


Gender: Male

Appearance: Marcello has medium-length, somewhat scraggly-looking brown hair. His bangs are grown out, though they have a tendency to fall in front of his face. His eyes are a strange dark hazel-gray-ish color, and they always have a bit of an amused-looking spark to them. (Look closer, and you'll see something different. Not that anybody has ever had the guts to stare into his eyes for long periods of time anyways) It seems like he's constantly smirking, even if there's nothing to smirk about - which is just part of his 'I'm sickly fascinated' look. He's definitely on the tall side, around 6'2'' and isn't excessively muscular, but he isn't scronny, either. He tends to wear darker colors - blacks, browns, deep purples, crimsons... you get the idea.
Spoiler! :

Act: He's the pyro - any stunt at all involving fire? He's your man.

Personality: Marcello isn't exactly a typical demon. He has a very human side - literally. He was sadistic even as a human, and this only seems to have increased since his little... reward. He is a sociable man, though in a strange sense. His conversations consist of mind-games, sarcasm and remarks that seem to make no sense mixed with a few dozen threats. He's not normally one to strike up a conversation himself, however, and only does so if he takes a particular interest in you or what you're doing. (Or he's mind-game-starved.)
He has a long-going friendship with the ring leader, being the oldest of the demons in the circus. He's surprisingly fairly loyal, and does as his master bids. Other than Marvel, however, Marcello will not take kindly to being given orders. From anybody. You tell him to do something, chances are you'll wind up with a face-full of fire. (Not that he doesn't use that to scare people, anyways.)
But, Marcello is half-human - which means that he does have a few human characteristics. In other words, he does truly have a soft side, no matter how awful his history may have been back as a human. If you look close enough at him, you'll see that the other glint in his eyes isn't one of sadistic amusement or sick fascination, but one that seems... almost sad. He's been longing for something for a long time, but nothing that he finds fills it, and that hope that he may find it yet is dwindling drastically, which only puts him in a bad mood. An angry Marcello is one to be feared.

History: Before Marcello was every a half-demon, he was... well human, obviously. He grew up with a drunkard mother who beat his father, an older sister who brought home boys and beat her younger brother. It was already a mixed up life, and Marcello seemed to have been born heartless and cold - and oddly attracted to fire.
He ran at age ten, having killed his mother and sister and leaving his father. (He was the only one Marcello cared the slightest bit about.) He started a solo-career - a traveling performer who put on... very morbid acts. He was only twelve when he got really organized - asking for prisoners and crooks that had a death sentence on their heads anyways. He would make a spectacle of things, torture and show and... fire. Fire was always a huge part of his shows - especially when he couldn't pluck a human being or two to aid his act. Fire and killing. This was the life he lived for years.
Marcello is the oldest of the oldies, Marvel's first act. He came across the circus a long time ago, but I won't repeat that here because it's in the plot. (I'm just that lazy.)
After the circus burned to the ground, Marvel made an offer that Marcello just couldn't turn down. But first, he had to go fetch Marvel some French play-things. (Lenore and Estee) To do this, Marcello would have to befriend them as a ghost (he burned with the circus, after all), earn their trust - and then lead them into suicide or... an accidental death.
He was visible to Lenore first, and he 'befriended' the young girl. After Lenore told her crazy sister about the ghost she had been talking to, Marcello's just just got easier. Now, he was talking to Estee, calling her by her infamous nickname, being sweet and charming as any decent ghost should be. Estee told Kai, and the bi-racial boy was an added on bonus to the kills. Eventually, he convinced Eehee to commit suicide, and Lenore followed. Somehow, Kai was tugged into the mess.
Task achieved, Marcello was granted eternal life without being dead. He's now a half-demon -- with a huge cost to himself. Somehow, he's developed a massive soft-spot for Eehee and Lenore (that he hides very well), and a passionate hatred for Kai.

Up for love?: Ha. Sort of, I suppose. Be warned, he tends to mess with people.

Last edited by eldEr on Thu Apr 28, 2011 3:12 pm, edited 4 times in total.

got trans?

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Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:37 pm
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NinjaCookieMonster says...

Name: Kai Namiki (he takes his mother's name)

Age: 17...ish...

Time Period: 16th century France

Gender: Male

Appearance: Kai was one of the earliest biracial children. His hair is pale blonde, like his father's, and he has his father's build and color: tall-ish, broad shouldered, and fair skinned. However, like his mother, he has dark, almond shaped eyes, and a rather small mouth. He never liked the sixteenth century fashion; tights didn't ever sit well with him. He always wore a (very nice) deep red coat with gold buttons and stitching over his clothes in hopes that he wouldn't look as ridiculous. It's slightly faded now.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Kai is a rather quiet boy, but he's very loyal and protective. He can get defensive, just because he's used to being ridiculed. At the same time, he's very good at shutting up and zoning out. As a child of nobility, he's used to it. He's very polite and chivalrous, and especially protective of Eehee. He can sometimes snap at people; because of how he was raised, he doesn't let anything out, and sometimes the rage and grief inside of him overflows. Because of this, he always tries to keep himself in check, which often comes off as coldness.

He has a deep seated desire to want to know how people's minds work. He has a basic understanding from watching deals his mother would make with various businessmen, but he wants to know more. He has a craving for knowledge, and before his death, would spend hours in the family library, trying to figure out the world around him.

History: His father, Pierri Fressa, was a highly esteemed businessman in France. When he visited Japan to open market, he fell in love with Amaya Namiki, a mysterious, quiet noblewoman. (That's where Kai gets his personality.) They got married and immigrated back to France, where Pierri faced much hate for marrying a Japanese woman. Eventually, the pressure got to him, and Pierri hung himself when Kai was five.

Amaya took over the business and proved to all of France that she was just as good a businesswoman as her husband was. Kai soon met Eehee, and found himself intrigued. The way she saw the world wasn't madness to him; it was just different, and if he tried hard enough, he could almost understand it. Because she was strange, because she didn't fit in with the rest of the world, he felt a connection to her that he hadn't felt to anyone else. He needed to stay with her; he needed to have someone to share his pain with, or at least someone who could ease it.

Kai could sooth her fairly easily. It was almost like when his mother had to calm him down after the tantrums he had after his father died. All he had to do was show her the simple things that were always constant- breathing, walking, and sometimes just combing her hair. He needed her and she needed him, and that's why he's always by her side, even in death.

Up for love?: *cough*sortofkindofplannedout*cough*

Other: He uses this comb to calm Eehee down sometimes:

Spoiler! :
Last edited by NinjaCookieMonster on Mon May 16, 2011 9:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:02 pm
Razcoon says...

>>Finishing later!<<

Name: Marvel Marquis

Age: 36

Gender: Male

Spoiler! :

Act: Ringleader

Personality: For the master of the demons, he's surprisingly gentle. No, he will not go shopping with you on the weekends, but he's not as sadistic as you would think. He's cunning and sly, but he's the type to sincerely apologize for killing you. He's as nonchalant and mysterious and somebody could get. He loathes all humanity, though, and even his own demons. He loathes the world he was brought into and his role in the Cirque. No matter how he loathes it, he follows the patterns without hesitation. He's the ringleader; the puppet master. It's what he has to do.

History: He knows nothing of his past, other than his business with the Cirque, and that he's a demon master.

Up for love?: Sure, why not. But see "other" first. x3

Other: He's gay.

Name: Lenore Faye

Age: 7

Time Period: 16th century France

Gender: Female

Spoiler! :

Personality: Lenore acts like any ordinary little girl. She's playful, sweet, and sometimes silly. However, growing up with a half crazy sister (and dying, for that matter) has permanently left a scar on the otherwise innocent child. She can be frighteningly serious at times, and as detached as her sister. She's always called her sister "Eehee", refusing to be so complex as to call her by her real name, Estee. Lenore looks up to Eehee, and admires the eerie (especially to non-ghosts) air about her, wondering if it surrounds her as well. She is constantly around Eehee, feeling to need to protect her sister, elated that she enjoys her company. Sometimes though, she'll wander off on her own. Also, unlike her sister, she is able to hurt somebody.


Up for love?: Dude. She's seven.

Other: She carries around this ripped up teddy bear.
Spoiler! :
Last edited by Razcoon on Sat Apr 23, 2011 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ideas don't stay in heads very long because they don't like solitary confinement.

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Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:49 pm
ScarlettFire says...

I'll add the history later.

Name: Elysia Kalani, Divina of Cirque du Fous.

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Appearance: Elysia has long, black hair, very dark brown eyes and light brown skin. She is about 5'9 in height and very slim and athletic, portraying herself as the quiet yet playful and a touch arrogant fortune teller. Her features are a little sharp and angular, and she looks much younger than she actually is. Elysia is never seen without her deck of Tarot cards and always wears a large, colourful gypsy skirt and a loose, peasant top very similar to the one she wears below. On her arms, she wears a few dozen gold and silver bangles, around her neck she wears an old necklace made of colourful beads and in her ears, a pair of long, gold-ish coloured earrings made of pearls coated in gold leaf. Lastly, she wears a headscarf, like the one you see below, flower included.
Spoiler! :

Act: Fortune Teller.

Personality: Despite her somewhat playful and arrogant first impression, Elysia is actually kind, loving, caring, smart, determined, loyal and fierce, though very easily distracted. She hates to see those she cares about hurt. She can get really defensive if someone she likes is harmed, and if you start asking questions about her past, she’ll often shut down and just not talk if you bring up anything to do with that. And if she doesn’t shut down, she gets mad—really mad. And a mad Elysia is a rare sight, and this is not a good thing, either.

She’s talented in fortune telling, but her downfalls are her short temper and those who try to pry into her past. She’s definitely quiet and thoughtful more often than not and thinks a lot before speaking or doing something, especially when she's reading someone's fortune. Elysia likes to plan things out, if she can, and dislikes when her plans are thoroughly screwed up by stupid mistakes. And she has made a few mistakes in the past, and dislikes when this is pointed out.

Elysia also hates being called helpless or a coward—it’s another downfall of hers. She may have a blank, cold and uncaring edge to her expression, like she’s lost all emotion or just doesn't give a damn about the rest of the world. This is because she's feeling sad and/or remember something that's not exactly a very good thing to remember or her family, of which both is a very sad topic for her. She's also a bit of a thief and things tend to go missing when she's around. Not that she does it often, but still, she can't help it if she was born with sticky fingers...

History: Elysia doesn't remember much of her human life, only her demon life. What she does know, is that she's from several centuries ago--too many to count, as far as she's concerned. Back then she used to tell fortunes, but back then she was a sham. A fake. And she was caught red handed. But then she met a tall, dark stranger who offered her a bargain. He would give her the power to make her fortune telling real, but only if she repaid him with her predictions--predictions of where to go next.

Up for love?: Yes.

Other: This is her home, her gypsy wagon. It hasn't been moved in years;
Spoiler! :

And inside;
Spoiler! :
Last edited by ScarlettFire on Wed May 18, 2011 8:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Fri Apr 22, 2011 5:28 pm
Lauren2010 says...

*Finished, I changed her personality around a bit since first posting*

Name: Antoinette d'Ouville

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Appearance: Antoinette has long golden-brown hair that she ties up in intricate designs for her performances. She is thin and has a pleasant beauty about her. Her most noticeable feature is her stunning blue eyes. She wears beautiful costumes when she performs, but when she's not performing she dresses plainly with little make-up or jewelry. She always wears a mask when she performs (so she has an extensive collection of gorgeous masks), but has never told anyone why she wears them.
Spoiler! :

Act: Acrobat. Need someone for a complicated or dangerous stunt? She's your girl.

Personality: Antoinette has a bit of a double personality. When she is performing, she is one of the most amazing and beautiful acrobats anyone has ever seen. She is full of life and excitement, and it's one of the times she feels most like herself. For her, there is nothing better than falling through the air during one of her stunts.

When she is around large groups of people she keeps this persona. She is talkative and entertaining, and likes to play little tricks and tease the other performers (particularly Marcello). It's said that she has one of the most infectious laughs around. She can be a tad sadistic with her tricks and teases, but she swears she means well by it (though, that may be a lie).

When she is alone, though, she is different. She tends to like to go off by herself, wandering the circus grounds with this terribly sad look in her eyes. She spends a lot of time where the animals are kept, particularly with animals involved in her acts (horses, elephants, etc). She talks to them, and on a much more personal level than she does with other performers.

Not many people know much about Antoinette, or her unhappiness, but many can see that she does not like being around the circus when she's not performing. Some suspect that the true reason she doesn't try to leave isn't because she loves performing but because she owes something to Marvel Marquis. The only person she has formed a particularly close bond with is Elysia Kalani who she visits often. But Antoinette has many secrets, and no one, not even Elysia, knows what haunts her past.

History: Antoinette lived as an orphan several centuries ago. No one wanted her, so she lived in the orphanage for her entire life. When she was twenty she fell in love with an older man who served as the benefactor for the orphanage where she lived (and worked for her keep). He promised to take her away and give her a better, fulfilling life. He told her to meet him one night in the forest outside of the city they lived in.

She met him, but he did not give her the life she had expected. Instead of whisking her away, he stole her soul. He turned her into a demon and took her with him away from her world. She ended up at the circus and has been there ever since. Its been rumored that the original ringleader was that older man. Antoinette was there for his death, but she suffered some memory loss and has no recollection of the actual event.

Up for love?: Yes

Last edited by Lauren2010 on Sat Apr 23, 2011 5:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:33 pm
Elinor says...

Spot saved for a female ghost - profile will be up later.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:38 pm
Lumi says...

Name: Didier (DEE-Dee-Eh) LeBeau

Age: --

Gender: Male

Spoiler! :

Act: Magician--Card Trickster, Escape Artist, Thief, Illusionist...

Personality: As his appearance lends, Didier is quite sadistic: he is manipulative, reserved, and domineering. He is cynical and analytical, as his art of illusion demands of him. Quietly demented, Didier tends to twist the morality/ideals of those close to him (read: contagious evil). As a performer, he loves focusing on sheer mystification; this can translate either to a love of astonishment or a love of confusion. He feels often that he needs to compensate for his loss of love and life in the same stroke, and often yearns to be on top, to be the strongest or most respected. This, however, is a hidden trait: something kept in his deepest confines. He often envies his "friend" Marcello, and, since joining the Cirque, has analyzed each of his moves to perceive a downfall. Quietly, he does this to each of his demonic comrades, but all in stride.

All of this contrasts, however, to his frontal persona. Socially, he has a perpetual calm, smooth exterior similar to that of a smooth criminal. He has the natural silken persona of a con artist, and knows exactly how to use it.

History: Didier sold his soul to the devil for a woman. He was a lowly street Thief in France a few centuries ago and fell in love with a higher-up madame by the name of Madeleine Descartes. Didier tried night and day to fetch her affections, but to no avail. After years of fruitless endeavor, he found his promise in the Parisian Catacombs where a gypsy prophetess offered him a barter: his soul for true love. Didier, swept up by the bargain, agreed, and returned to the Parisian streets. He found his love awaiting him with baited breath, and the two fled to the countryside together.

However, the moment Madeleine's feet left the stones of Paris, she unraveled from her being, a pile of ash. Enraged, Didier returned to the Catacombs to curse the gypsy, only to be ridiculed by the lingering poor for believing that such a prophetess existed.

Didier, dejected and alone, attempted to take his own life by drowning himself in the canals. He seemed to have succeeded, but awakened much later, adrift on a burning shore. He wandered for ages on that forsaken coast, granted ease only as his life slipped from his fingertips.

In the next realm, Didier was intercepted by the old gypsy who reminded him of his bargain. Coldly, unfeelingly, Didier followed the gypsy into the dark where his body was consumed with fire, his blood infused with his own innate magic. Awakened, Didier's eyes were black as obsidian. In this new, dark place, he awaited the gypsy woman as calliope music poured around him. From the darkness the gypsy emerged--not a woman, but Marvel Marquis.

Up for love?: Poor fool didn't learn from his mistakes before. He won't fall in love, of course, but he's still so easily whipped into romance...

Other: He has a terror-presence, even when familiarized.
Last edited by Lumi on Sun Apr 24, 2011 12:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
I am a forest fire and an ocean, and I will burn you just as much
as I will drown everything you have inside.
-Shinji Moon

I am the property of Rydia, please return me to her ship.

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Fri Apr 22, 2011 11:58 pm
Jagged says...

Name: Hayden Wyght

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Spoiler! :

Personality: While Hayden likes to act tough, he's really not at all. The first sign of serious opposition/danger will have him back off in all haste, and any prolonged contact with a strong personality ends with him in a subordinate position. He doesn't have much in the way of conscience, will save his own hide above anyone else's, and shies from emotional relationships. Won't blink at betraying/deserting "friends", but will take it very personally if they do it to him. He gets talkative when nervous, which happens more often than it should, but he's gotten good at keeping it down to inconsequential rambling instead of things that would allow for others to know more about him than they need to.

History: Oldest kid in a series of three, out of two overworked and overstressed parents, Hayden is just another teenage boy with too much time on his hands and not enough attention at home, wasting his time hanging around disreputable parts of town and running in bad company. Hating the atmosphere when he's with his family, he sometimes stays out for days at a time, crashing at some classmates' houses or running on nicotine, cheap alcohol, and stubborness. Exploring decrepit buildings and random old lots have become a hobby, and when he found this weird circus, well, he got curious.

Up for love?: Sure

Other: N/A
Last edited by Jagged on Sun May 22, 2011 8:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lumi: they stand no chance against the JAG SAFETY BLANKET

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Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:12 am
SisterItaly says...

Name: Coralinna (Cora) Macdoline

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Spoiler! :

Personality: At a first glance, Cora is a runaway punk who is destined to get someone in trouble. This may be true, but she is always able to get herself out of any situation she gets herself stuck in. She's very friendly, and definitely leader material. She's just very distant. It's almost impossible for her to admit when she needs help, she's too proud.

She has what some like to call, the alpha wolf complex. She will lead if she is allowed to lead or she deems herself more worthy to lead then everyone else. If beaten, she will back down and bow down to whoever is stronger then her.

History: She used to fight a lot with her parents and eventually ran away. She never had any siblings, so she had no need to stay for anyone's sake. She raised herself on the streets and knew what to do and what not to do. Her Alpha wolf complex can make her look like a typical teenage rebel, but she knows what she's doing. Most of the time.

Up for love?: Yes

"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Sat Apr 23, 2011 9:04 pm
Synnoev says...

Name: Adrién Dupont

Age: 24

Time Period: Mid-18th Century France

Gender: Male

Spoiler! :

Personality: In death, Adrien is pretty laid-back and sensible. He gets bored easily, and takes a great interest in the human world that he is no longer part of, examining things that stray to the circus with prolonged interest. Unlike the other ghosts, he is often more unwilling to let passers-by leave, trying to find out more about the current world at whatever cost. He seems to leave little thought for the consequences of his actions as a ghost.
Beneath his happy and inquisitive exterior, he does hold bitterness and resentment towards both the living and the demon circus that led him to his death, though whether he realises this himself is unlikely. At rare times when left alone he will become lost in brooding thoughts of his desire to leave this place.

History: When he was alive, Adrien was a fairly wealthy gentlemen living in pre-revolution France, with much of his wealth inherited. At the age of 18 he was married to a similarly wealthy French gentlewoman, and a child was born to them a year later, a girl who they named Aurélie.
He was raised to hold no regard for ridiculous superstitions, and so years later, when he stumbled across the circus, he paid no attention to the warnings of the ghosts, dismissing them as hallucinations. Even when he awoke as a ghost he made numerous attempts to escape and to be reunited with his family. It was only after he realised the impossibility of this that he came to terms with his death, though he still holds a certain amount of scepticism when it comes to the magicians and fortune tellers of the circus.
Though his memories of his time alive are fading, he still holds on to them and will dwell on his memories when in one of his long brooding sessions.

Up for love?: Yes :smt003

Other: n/a

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Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:57 pm
Camulaeus says...

Name: Elijah Derso

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: Image

Personality:Elijah was more of the shy kid, lingering on the fringes of conversation, always a wisp of a presence showing only the side of his face and saying only barely legible murmurs. He doesn't tend to avoid people, just not interact with them as much. He generally just is there, and leaves it up to the other person to view it as awkward or comfortable. He detests selfishness and false charity, and strives to be free of manipulation. He fights it with a defiant silence, sort of testing people; do they subscribe him to a label or do they try to get to know him first?

History:Elijah was born to a welfare-dependant family of struggling actors, and until the age of thirteen grew accustomed to a life of dramatic poverty . His low status prevented him from making much friends as the middle vlas children wouldn't talk to him, and the other children thought he....preferred men to women, due to his ancestral background.

This in fact proved true, and this early cruelty gave him a wisdom beyond his years. Yet an unseen blessing hidden within the curse of his secret, his pain gave birth to a talent at poetry, as he used literature to convey his hurt. His parents taught him how to lie, and to act, and all these talents allowed him to become a sort of modern Shakespeare.

When he was fifteen, his father passed away from OCDing, and Elijah's mother had dissolved into a crazed senility. Forced too drastic action, Elijah worked as a waiter at five different restaurants and spent his week ends begging and entertaining in the streets by mimicking well known social figures comically. For two years, this was enough, until distraught he came home to find his apartment in ruins and his mother brutally murdered. He was accused of it, and not being able to hire a lawyer, he was sentenced to death. He managed to escape however by faking his identity to the court guards before his sentence was officially delivered.

Starving, he wandered alone for a while, until he found the remains of Cirque Du Fous.

Up for love?: Yes, Homosexual

Other:His only possession is his tattered poetry journal.
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

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Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:27 pm
BrooklynWriter says...

Name: Hillary Stone

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: Hillary stands tall at 5' 10''. She has a healthy weight, and is lean but isn't extremely curvy. She has unremarkable brown hair she usually keeps it up in a messy ponytail. Her eyes are green with a particular sparkle that everyone sees except her. She usually walks with a cautious gait.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Hillary is usually pretty quiet. She often seems detached but really she's on full alert. She always has her guard up and she's always listening, sometimes to things others can't hear. She's more comfortable above ground than she is on it. On the ground, she's as clumsy as a bull in a china shop, up in the air (like in a tree, or on a rooftop) she's as graceful as a swan. Due to her unremarkable appearance, she isn't usually noticed.

History: Hillary was born into a fairly mundane family. Her mother was an acountant and her father was a lawyer. She grew up in a practical home and usually didn't have friends or toys to play with. When she was seven, Hillary began talking to Tanner, and his sister Ally. They soon became best friends. They all went everywhere and did everything together. One day, when she was eleven, Hillary tried to introduce Tanner and Ally to her parents. There was just one problem. Tanner and Ally didn't exist. Her parents assumed that her imaginary friends were just a phase, so they played along and talked to their daughters 'friends'. But when Hillary's twelfth birthday came and went and Hillary was still talking to the imaginary Tanner and Ally, they sent her for a phsyciatric evaluation. Insisting that Tanner and Ally existed ensured her failure. Not knowing what to do with her, Hillary's parents sent her to St. Augustine's, a.k.a. the nearest looney bin. A few months after her fifteenth birthday, Hillary finally escaped St. Augustine's. While wandering, she stumbled along this nonexistant circus.

Up for love?: If any guy is up to overlooking Tanner and Ally.

Other: She really is talking to nothing, it isn't some ghosts or something. She is 'crazy'.

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Fri Apr 29, 2011 3:37 am
Vanadis says...

Name: Ren Beckett

Age: 19

Gender: Male with female tendencies

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He tends to wear exceedingly frilly party dresses and mismatched knee socks. He doesn't ever wear shoes, because he never learned how to tie them, and has no desire to any time soon--it makes skidding on wood floors that much easier. He always keeps a potted houseplant somewhere on his person.

Personality: Ren feels pretty, oh so pretty, at all times. That is rule one. And if he ever doesn't feel pretty, he just refers back to rule number one.

Ren is normally subservient to anyone who looks like they could take him (which is most of humanity.) He enjoys making tea and biscuits for them, cleaning their houses/rooms/clothes/anything, giving them pedicures, and all around sucking up and/or groveling. This is because he can't fight. In a fight, he tends to make up a song and dance aimed at making whoever is challenging him back down; if that doesn't happen, he makes like a banana and splits.

Phobias of Ren's include (but are not limited to) matching socks, men's clothing, mice, garbage trucks, goat cheese, copy machines, parrots, refrigerator magnets, the ghosts that live in the plumbing, toddlers, mercury thermometers, corn flakes, fake magicians, telephone solicitors, telephones, telegraphs, televisions, Teletubbies, telescopes, weather-men, golf pants, orange juice carafes, the face masks people wear in hospitals, fast food workers, romance, and being eaten by a naked person wearing a top hat while wielding a flaming torch in one hand and a burrito in the other (he calls this a 'talakker' and has recurring nightmares about them.)

Honestly, he's quite intelligent, but he rarely shows any proof of this.

History: Ren was raised in a rather smothering family, being the only *human* child. His mother always referred to the parrot and the dogs as her other children.

His excessive phobias, resulting in him crumpling to the floor and crying, or running, or screeching unintelligibly rent his mother's heart, so she made sure that the house was devoid of anything Ren feared. However, she never could get rid of that parrot; it just kept coming back.

Ren's constant state of panic drove his parents to finally send him to a hospital. At the first sight of a doctor wearing a mask, he ran as fast as he could, not knowing exactly where he was going. He ran headlong into a gurney and broke his nose.

The second time his parents tried to get help for their son, Ren climbed out his window in the middle of the night, carrying only a backpack full of clothes, a toothbrush, and a potted plant--his favorite daisy. From there, he ran. Never again would he end up in another doctor-mask place.

This is perhaps how he came across the circus.

Up for love?: See phobias. He is afraid of romance. However, he would probably, possibly, most likely be gay, if he were to ever have one.
We've got deep-fried water bears and horse wigs!

If you're slapped in Guam, you're slapped in real life. --chibibo

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Last time I checked, love had no gender.

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Fri Apr 29, 2011 8:41 pm
CelticaNoir says...

Name: Estelle Duvont

Age: 19

Time Period: 19th century, Victorian era.

Gender: Female

Appearance: With the exception of her dress, which is ratty and torn in several places:

Spoiler! :
new_victorian_age_by_sventine-d3e1qa0.jpg (114.96 KiB) Viewed 342 times

Personality: Estelle is ill-tempered and overbearing. The oldest sibling in her own family, she has a certain air of authority that infects any place she stands in. Estelle hates being ignored more than anything else in the world. She has a bent for experimenting with human minds, and loves driving people insane just simply to prove her own theories.

History: As the eldest child of a prominent physician in Paris, Estelle was just as privileged as she was burdened upon. When her mother had give birth to her youngest brother, she died, leaving Estelle mistress of a derelict mansion and an absent-minded father. While Estelle had learned to be independent at an early age, she also found herself increasingly interested in the subject of her father's numerous experiments, having been exposed to them since childhood. In the end, Estelle took over the experiments and drove her father to insanity, causing him to commit suicide. However, her siblings, having grown up (obviously), they took over the mansion as soon as they realized what was what and drove her from the place. It was during the course of her wanderings that she came upon a circus...Cirque Du Fous.

Up for love?: If she doesn't drive you insane first, yup.

Other: Nothing at the moment.
Last edited by CelticaNoir on Thu May 19, 2011 11:18 pm, edited 4 times in total.
I am the workingman, the inventor, the maker of the world's food and clothes.
I am the audience that witnesses history.
- Carl Sandburg, I am the People, the Mob

When you cut pieces out of the truth to avoid looking like a fool, you end up looking like a moron instead.
— Robin Hobb