
Young Writers Society

The Scars That Never Leaves [ REVISED ]

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Thu Sep 23, 2010 2:34 am
Roal says...

This is the revised version by my teacher 8D

The Scar That Never Leaves

I was very different back then, not all quiet yet talkative like I am now. I use to be a troublemaker; well that is what other parents called me anyway. I was born and lived in Saigon, Vietnam for six years where that “certain” accident happened. Many awful things began to happen to me. Though it was just an accident, I can say it was a bad, yet good memory that I will always keep.

When I was five, I graduated from preschool to the first grade and there I thought it was going to get a little bit better. I was wrong, it was worse. Back then, the teachers did not have rules to keep them from hurting students so I would always end up going home with bruises. If I did not get bruises from the teachers, then I would get it from fights during lunch or break time. “Schools never ends without an injury!” my uncle would always say that to me. At the time and for as long as I can remember, I was a quiet and aggressive little girl. I got angry easily and willingly would start a fight with anyone. I always come home with at least one injury. It is a common thing for kids to be coming home from school. When I got home, I saw my brother waiting for me at the front door. He parked the bike next to the wall and waved at me, I walked over to him and said, “Hm?” Not much of a word, but that was how I talked back then. “Hey Thao, get on the bike, we are going to dì Loan’s house today.” I looked at him and asked, “Why?” he sighed and replied, “Because dad says so.” I just shrugged and got on the backseat of the bike. During our ride over there, I was being careless, as I usually was. I was sitting and I started swinging my legs back and forth. When we were almost there, I could see her waiting for us. Before my brother hit the brakes, I was still swinging my legs. Unfortunately, my left foot went right through the bike wheel and as the metal slammed my ankle, I screamed. When I screamed, my brother was startled and tried to regain balance by building up more speed only to tumble over. As the bike fell and as I fell down, the wheel hit the cement taking my foot along with it, I could feel my ankle twisting. There I laid in my own blood, screaming and crying as my aunt rushed to my side, pick me up, and quickly brought me to the nearest hospital. I stopped crying as soon as I got to the hospital. The doctor examined my leg and said, “Your daughter’s foot has been twisted to the left a little. There will be scars that’s going to stay there for the rest of her life.” The doctor then bandaged my foot and wrapped it around and put a cast on my leg. I walked home with my family using the crutch that the doctor gave me.

The next day was not so bad or what I thought it would be. I left my crutches at home so I had to limp to school. All the kids were surprised to see me in a state like this. The boys were very polite to me today; I guess it’s probably because they still have respect and pride. The teachers however, were very different, they do not have a single drop of pride at all. They are always the one who gives an injured person the most pain. I could not fight back either, it is against school rule and even if it was not a school rule, I still could not hit them since I was injured. I only got a black eye that day so it was not that bad. When I got home, I noticed that my sister was acting very weird. She would always glare at me and try to push me in any way she can. So now, not only did I get hit at school, I now got hit at home. I do have to admit—I was scared for the first time. Being attacked and unable to fight back, it made me feel so defenseless. When the doctor called to say that I was able to take off my cast I was so excited to take it off since it was getting on my nerves a lot. I took off the cast and bandages; I saw how much ugly my leg had gotten. There were scars that spread up to half of my knee and to my small toe. Even though the doctor warned me not to peel them off and leave it like that, my bad habit could not keep me back. I ended up peeling all of the scabs until I got to the middle. As I was taking one small little piece off, it felt like I was being stabbed by thousands of needles. The pain stung so much that I thought to myself, “You know what? I’m going to do it later.” And later, I did try again. The stinging pain was still there but it was not that bad as before. I finally peeled the entire scab off, leaving a red bleeding oval-like mark. I stood up and found myself some large bandages and wrapped my ankle with it.

It had been a week and I could not stand being near my sister anymore, she had been a little bit too much to handle, so I decided to go visit my uncle’s house. When I got there, my uncle stood there waiting for me, “Hey Thao, you haven’t visit me in a while, how are you?” I groaned and answered, “Not so good,” I pointed down at my bandaged leg. He gazed at it and said, “What kind of incident have you been in? Broke your leg or something?” I nodded and told him what happened. He said, “Ah, now explain to me why you decided to peel it off even though the doctor says not to and why did you come to visit me.” I told him, “I couldn’t stand my sister anymore and it was a habit, it looks so ugly I couldn’t stop.” My uncle was the only person I actually talk to, he was more of a brother than an uncle to me. “Say Thao, do you want to know the secret to not have the teacher hit you and somewhat make your life better?” he questioned me all of the sudden. I scoffed at him, “Why would I need that? As long as one person forgets their homework, everybody gets hit.” He chuckled a little and replied, “Well that is unavoidable but you can avoid getting hit daily by your teacher AND your sister.” The time he said sister, he already caught my attention. “You must not fight again, ever.” He said and look at me, seeing if I was still listening, “Try to be friendly and at least talk to people, or else they’ll just think you’re weird. For your sister, just keep quiet and do what she says. Older sisters do like to order the younger siblings around.” I thought about it for a second and looked at him, making a very bad smile. It was the first time I ever smiled at someone, it was very hard. He just laughed at me and handed me some coffee. I followed his advice and somehow it worked, it made my day a whole lot better. This was also the time where he introduced me to the world of the Internet. It seemed like my uncle always knows how to make things better.

After that, I finally stopped fighting, learned how to control my anger and became a better person, well kind of. During those times, I developed a fear of my sister, making it hard to interact with her in anyway. She had been mean and reticent to me ever since my accident and been mean ever since. Even though I try my best to talk to others, I never really had a chance to talk to strangers by myself. I become very shy when I am alone. However, when I look at this in the present time, I can only laugh at this like it is only just a joke and that the past is the past, but this memory is the only one I can actually remember in full detail. Even if I laugh now, back then I was crying. This is something that changed me a lot from who I am now and who I am back then.
Last edited by Roal on Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:57 am, edited 6 times in total.
14 years have passed
And yet I'm unabled
To find a friend
For my existence is lower
Than a piece of grass.

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Sun Sep 26, 2010 1:20 am
wonderland says...

I hope i'm not too late, but the only thing I'd suggest doing wuld be setting a new paragraph with speech. Thats it
Good work, and good like. I'm so sorry that happened to you
'We will never believe again, kick drum beating in my chest again, oh, we will never believe in anything again, preach electric to a microphone stand.'

*Formerly wickedwonder*

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Sun Sep 26, 2010 2:49 am
Roal says...

wickedwonder wrote:I hope i'm not too late, but the only thing I'd suggest doing wuld be setting a new paragraph with speech. Thats it
Good work, and good like. I'm so sorry that happened to you

xD Lol the only reason why the speeches was like that is because it didn't look appealing to me when it was in double space on the essay. But I guess I probably got points taken away because of that :L
14 years have passed
And yet I'm unabled
To find a friend
For my existence is lower
Than a piece of grass.

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456 Reviews

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Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:13 pm
Rascalover says...

Thanks for requesting a review, sorry I am so late, but I was getting caught up with school work. On to your review:

I was very different back then, not all quiet yet talkative like I am now.

Your first line should hook the reader in; to me, this line is just confusing. At the end you say now your different. Are you quiet noe? Or talkative? If you are quiet now then you should put commas in, one after quiet and one after talkative.

I use to be… a troublemaker; well that is what the parents call me anyway.

if this was in the past tense then it should be called. I personally don't think the ... is needed after be, but if you like it there keep it.

I was born and live in Saigon, Vietnam for six years where that “certain” accident happened.

If this whole essay is suppose to be in past tense, which I'm kind of getting the feeling that it is, then it should be lived.

Many awful things began to happen to me.

This sentence doesn't seem to make any sense in this paragraph, maybe you should take it out.

Though it was just an accident, I can say it was a bad yet good memory that I will always keep.

I like how you are keeping whatever it is a mystery :) good job!

When I was five, I graduated from preschool to the first grade and there I thought it was going to get at least a little bit better.

this is a run-on sentence. You are putting to complete sentences together with the word and. The word and is a conjunction so just put a comma after grade.

I was wrong, it was worst.

I know they look really short, but both of these sentences are complete so instead of a comma put in a semi-colon (;)

I cannot describe how the teachers treated me rather than getting bruises from them and possibly a bite mark on my ear.

This sentence is a contradiction. You say you can't describe how they treated you, but then you go and explain that they gave you bruises and bite marks.

If I did not get bruises from the teachers, then I would get it from the boys, also known as fights.

"then I would get it from the boys" It should be them not it because it seems as though you got more than one.

“The school never ends without an injury!” my uncle would always say that to me.

This should be it's own paragraph.

I got angry easily and am willingly start a fight with anyone.

to put this sentence into past tense it should be and was willing to start a fight with anyone.

Rather than that, I always come home with at least an injury, it is a common thing for kids to be coming home from school, but today was special.

It should be: I always came home... it was a common...
Did it happen the day you were writing this? If not I think this should say that day was special.

He park the bike next to the wall and wave at me, I walk over to him and said, “Hm?” not much of a word but that was how I talk back then.

This should be its own paragraph because it is dialogue, and for this to be in past tense you had to add ed to all your verbs: parked, waved, walked.
Plus, just because Hm isn't much of a word doesn't mean you have to tell the reader that.

“Hey Thao, get on the bike, we are going to dì Loan’s house today.”

This should be it's own paragraph because it is dialogue, and di loan doesn't need to be in bold. If you put the definition in the bottom as a footnote you can just put a little atrik by it (*)

I look at him and ask “Why?”

Needs to be it's own paragraph because it is dialogue. Also to be in the past tense the verb look needs to be looked.

He sighs and reply, “Because dad says so.”

Needs to be it's own paragraph because it is dialogue. Also the verb reply needs to be replied to be in the past tense.

I just shrugged and got on the backseat of the back.

It should say: I just shrugged and got on the backseat.

During out ride over there, I was being careless as I usually do this time I was sitting so I started swinging my legs back and forth.

It should be: During our ride over... as I usually did during these times; I was sitting, so I started swinging my legs. this was a run-on sentence that's why I added in the semi-colon and comma.

Before my brother hit the brakes, I was still swinging my legs.

This sentence is a little out of whack; if you re-word it it will be easier for the reader to read. Like this: While I was swinging my legs my brother hit the brakes.

Unfortunately my left foot went right through the bike wheel and as the metal slam my ankle, I scream.

Your verbs slam and scream both need ed at the end to make them past tense.

When I scream, my brother was startled and tried to regain balance by building up more speed only to tumble over.

Once again your verbs need to be in the past tense.

As the bike fell and as I fell down, the wheel hit the cement ground taking my foot along with it, I could feel my ankle twisting.

to less complicate the sentence it would read like this: As the bike and I fell to the ground, the wheel hit the cement taking my foot along with it.

There I laid in my own blood, screaming and crying as my aunt rushes to my side, pick me up and quickly brought me to the nearest hospital.

Add ed to the end of your verb so it's in past tense.

I stop crying as soon as I got to the hospital, the doctor examine my leg, coming up with an answer saying

Add ed to the end of your verb so it's in past tense. And it should say coming up with an answer, he said,"...

I stop crying as soon as I got to the hospital, the doctor examine my leg, coming up with an answer saying, “Your daughter’s foot have been twisted to the left a little be and there will be scars that’s going to say there for the rest of her life.”

This should be it's own paragraph because it is dialogue. I doubt you would stop crying as soon as you got to the hospital because if you were in that much pain it wouldn't automatically stop as soon as you got there, and you would feel pain as soon as the doctor would touch it to examine it, but if that is what really happened... I guess it happened.

The doctor then bandages my foot and wraps it around and put a cast on my leg.

Your verbs should be in past tense: bandaged, wraped

I walk home with my family using the crutch that the doctor gave me.

Same here, walked.

The next day wasn’t so bad or what I thought it would be, I left my crutches at home so I had to limp my way to school.

The first part of this sentence is a little confusing. It would be easier to read if it looked like this: The next day wasn't as bad as I thought it would be,
Why would you leave your crutches at home? It would have been a whole lot easier to walk with them.

All the kid were surprise to see me like this, I was actually proud of the boys today.

All the kids surpised. Why are you proud of the boys? Shouldn't you be pride of yourself for going through what you did?

Even though we were natural enemies, they still have their prides.

they still had their pride

The teachers however, does not have a single drop a pride at all.

did not have a single drop of pride...

They will be the one to hit a seriously injure people the most.


I cannot fight back either, it is against school rule and even if it was not a school rule, I still could not hit them since I am injured.

I could not fight back either, it was against school rule and even if it was not a school rule, I still coul not hit them because I was injured. (It should be like this to be in past tense)

I only got a black eye today so it was not all that bad today.

I only got a black eye that day, so it was not all that bad today.

When I got home, I notice that my sister was acting very weird.

Your verbs need to be put in past tense by added ed.

She would always glare at me and try to push me in any way she can.

in any way she could. (past tense)

So now not only I get hit at school, I now get hit at home.

So not only did I get hit at school, but I also was getting hit at home. (past tense)

Being attacked yet I cannot fight back, I feel so defenseless.

Being attacked when I couldn't fight back made me feel defenseless. (less confusing and in past tense)

When the doctor call that I was able to take off my cast; I was so excited to take it off since it was getting on my nerve a lot.

When the doctor called and said i could take off my cast I was so excited because it was getting on my nerves. (less confusing and in the past tense)

I took off the cast and bandages; I saw how much ugly my leg has gotten.

I saw how uglier my leg had gotten (past tense). Also, normally the doctor would take your cast off, not you personally.

Even though the doctor warns me not to peel them off and leave it like that, my habits of peeling off anything on my skin cannot keep me back.

I think you mean scabs, not scars because you cannot peel off scar tissue it is your skin, but you can peel off scabs. Also this needs to be put in past tense (words in bold)

The pain stings so much that I thought to myself, “You know what? I’m going to do it later.”

New paragraph cause it is dialogue. Also: The pain stung

And later I did try again.

Never start a sentence with a conjunction like and because it makes your sentence into a fragment. In this case you don't need and at all.

The stinging pain was still there but it was not that bad from before.

There should be a comma after there to make the two sentences be joined with the conjunction but.

I finally peel the entire scrape off, leaving a red bleeding oval-like mark. I stood up and found myself some large bandages and wrap my legs with it.

Peeled and wrapped Also, it's a scab not a scrape.

It has been a week and I couldn’t stand being near my sister anymore so I decided to go visit my uncle’s house.

It had been a week,

“Hey Thao, you haven’t visit be in a while, how are you?”

Should be it's own paragraph because it is dialogue

I groan and answer, “Not so good,” I point down at my bandaged leg.

Should be it's own paragraph because it is dialogue. Also: I groaned and answered... pointed

He gaze at it and said, “What kind of incident have you been in? Broke your leg or something?”

Should be it's own paragraph because it is dialogue. Also it should say he gazed

I nod and told him what happened.

Should say I nodded (past tense)

“Ah, now explain to me why you decided to peel it off even though the doctor says not to and why did you come to visit me.”

Needs to be it;s own paragraph: it is dialogue

I told him, “I couldn’t stand my sister anymore and it was a habit, it looks so ugly I couldn’t stop.” My uncle was the only person I actually talk to, he was more of a brother than an uncle to me.

Needs to be it's own paragraph: It is dialogue. Talked

“Say Thao, do you want to know the secret to not have the teacher hit you and somewhat make your life better?” He question me all of the sudden.

questioned, also: it should be it;s own paragraph because it is dialogue.

I scoff at him, “Why would I need that? As long as one person forgets their homework, everybody gets hit.”

New paragraph. Also, scoffed

He chuckled a little and replies, “Well that is unavoidable but you can avoid getting hit daily by your teacher AND your sister.”

It's own paragraph. Also, replied.

The time he said sister, he already caught my attention.

He caught my attention when he said sister. (this is less confusing.)

“You must not fight again, ever. Try to be friendly and at least talk to people, or else they’ll just think you’re weird. For your sister, just keep quiet and do what she says. Older sisters do like to order the younger siblings around.” I thought about it for a second and look at him, making a very bad smile.

Should be it's own paragraph. Looked

It was the first time I ever smile at someone, it was very hard.


He just laughs at me and handed me some coffee.


I followed his advice and somehow it work, it made my day a whole lot better.

I followed his advice and some how it worked; it made my day a whole lot better.

This was also the time where he introduces me to the world of internet. It seems like my uncle always knows how to make things better.

Introduced and seemed (past tense)

After that, I finally stop fighting, learn how to control my anger and became a better person… well kind of.

stopped. learned. You don't need the ... well kind of.

I also develop a fear for my sister, which is a very bad thing.

developed. was

Even though I try my best to talk to others, I never really had a chance to talk to strangers by myself.


However, when I look at this in the present time, I can only laugh at this like it is only just a joke and that the past is the past, but this memory is the only one I can actually remember in full details.

This is a run-on sentence to fix it, it should looke like this: However, when I look at this in the present time I can only laugh at this like it is only just a joke, and that the past is the past; this memory is the only one I can actually remember in full detail.

Even if I laugh now, back then I was crying.

I really like this sentence :) good job.

Overall: You need to watch out for your verb tenses, and starting new paragraphs when people are talking.
This was enjoyable adn I hope you get a good grade.

Have an awesome day,
There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and open a vein~ Red Smith

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33 Reviews

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Reviews: 33
Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:59 am
Roal says...

Revised :]
14 years have passed
And yet I'm unabled
To find a friend
For my existence is lower
Than a piece of grass.

Turn your demons into art, your shadow into a friend, your fear into fuel, your failures into teachers, your weaknesses into reasons to keep fighting. Don’t waste your pain. Recycle your heart.
— Andréa Balt