
Young Writers Society

Witch - CH3 and CH4

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Sun Apr 12, 2009 1:44 pm
wiccaryan says...

The continuation of "Witch", Chapter 3: The Boy With the Long Dark Hair Chapter 4: Insanity's Curse

Chapter 3
The boy with the long dark hair

“Dreadfully sorry I’m late” I apologised, my breathing erratic from running. “Had to stop in the Cafeteria for a salad,” I explained. Emily and Jake were wrapped up with each other, as usual.
Rolling my eyes, I began to sit down, and then he turned his head.
It was the boy from English class this morning, his long dark hair skipped along with the wind as he looked toward me.
“Oh, please excuse my lack of manners” I apologized, looking down at him, “I’m Nick. Nick Hobbs” I swept into a bow jokingly, locking eyes with him intentionally.
I couldn’t help but smile as he blushed, he must have felt so shy in a new school.
Standing once again to my full height, I analyzed his aura carefully. A deep sunshine yellow glowed around him magnificently, as his heart, resonated and pumped with an echoing, pure white light. So delicate, so fragile. I found myself scared to look away, for fear it would be gone should I choose to search for it once more. He can’t be a witch…it’s impossible.
“I’m Tristan, Tristan Lancaster” his voice was soft like summers rain.
Taking off my coat, I placed it carefully at the base of the tree and sat down.
The cool winter air, lovingly stroked my skin. My stomach growled, remembering that I was hungry - I took the top off my salad, using the plastic, sad excuse for a fork to eat. I would make it my business never to forget my lunch again.
“So Tristan, how are you?” I quizzed, looking at the stranger before me. His deathly pale skin contrasted strikingly against his raven hair, as ice blue eyes which seemed to penetrate my very soul never sat still for more than a moment.
“I’m very well, thank you. I’m nervous, but coping,” he admitted, as a gentle smile danced on the corners of his blood red lips.
“Oh don’t worry about that! Folks round here are friendly” Emily interjected, finally breaking her kiss from Jake. “We’ll see you right, don’t worry about a thing” she squeaked excitedly.
“I gotta go” Jake announced, jumping off the raised platform, “Band practice.”
“Oh wait up, I’ll come watch you” Emily replied, her ballerina like body seemed to float in the air as she jumped after him, “See you soon you two” she waved, before disappearing with Jake.
What should I say? Well, I have to say something! We can’t just sit here in silence. What should I say?!
Well whatever you say, make it fast before he leaves!
My mind raced, I couldn’t for the life of me think of a conversational topic, tossing my salad into the nearby garbage bin, I turned to Tristan.
“So, where did you come from?” I asked, VERY smooth, I bet he hasn’t heard that one today.
Bravo Nick, bravo.

“I moved from New York” he responded, digging in his bag for something, “Oh shoot, I’ve forgotten my lunch. Um… could you show me where to buy food here? Jake didn’t take me into the cafeteria” he continued, his voice sounding shy and embarrassed.
Now you’ve got an excuse to stay with him, don’t blow it Nick. Don’t blow it, I thought to myself before standing and offering him my hand.
Taking my hand, he stood himself up. His touch sent chills up and down my spine, causing me to shiver profusely, luckily Tristan just assumed it was the cold winter air.
“So, you lived here all your life?” Tristan enquired, before picking up my coat for me and handing it to me.
“No, I’m originally from England. I moved here when I was nine” I replied as we walked back towards the cafeteria.
“Wow, England huh? I’ve always wanted to go there” Tristan’s voice was fast and excited as he looked at me in awe.
“Well, I’ll have to take you sometime” I casually suggested. Smooth.
“Oh I’d love to-” his voice cut off as his foot hit an icy patch on the path, flying backwards I instinctively swept forwards, my arms outstretched. Tristan’s body was lighter than anything I’d ever held, catching him just in time. I laughed at his obvious clumsiness.
“Is this a habit of yours, slipping?” I joked, helping him back to his feet.
“Not just slipping - falling, flailing, crashing…” He smiled, picking his bag up “I’m such a klutz at times. Thanks for catching me that would have made it three times today”.
“My pleasure, it was nothing really” I insisted modestly, “We’re here.”
Holding the door open for him, we entered the Cafeteria. A huge grey circular room, with round tables and blue plastic chairs it wasn’t the most pleasant place in the school. Leading Tristan to the queue I became highly aware of how many people were staring at us, often followed by a gossipy whisper or an outright conversation, people in this school had a severe lack of common manners.

“Here we are, beef burgers, fries, pizza, ice cream” I sighed showing him the food, “A heart attack waiting to happen if you ask me”
Tristan obviously agreed with me, preferring to look at the small fruit bowl, “No oranges, oh well” he sighed.
Putting my hand behind my back, I snapped my fingers quietly conjuring an orange out of thin air, “Here you can have mine…it was in my bag” I said before handing it to him.
“Really? Are you sure? I mean, that salad wasn’t much. You must still be hungry” he stammered, obviously not used to such acts of generosity.
“Nonsense, you’ve had nothing…and you are as thin as a matchstick, you cannot go without anymore food.” He laughed at that, his laughter soft like a wind chime making me feel lighter inside.
“You sound just like my mother” he teased, starting to peel the orange and walk over to an empty table.
“Ah, the thing every guy wants to hear,” I smiled, pulling out his chair for him before sitting into my own.
“So Tristan, tell me your story” Tell me your story?! My god, I’m crashing and burning!
“Nothing much to tell really - I lived in New York, I now live here. My favourite color is yellow, my favourite movie is Thelma and Louise and I prefer Italian to Chinese food.” He shrugged, finally taking the peel off his orange.
The room started to fall silent as our classmates filed out, until in the last seconds of lunch when it was only Tristan and I in the room.

We had compared music, books, television, movies…he was under the impression that Pulp Fiction was atrocious, and I was in thorough agreement. We laughed, we conversed, we ooohed and ahhed at each others anecdotes and stories, including an amusing story of Tristan’s ability to trip through a wedding cake when he was eight…
I felt myself smiling uncontrollably all the time we talked; his voice was so refined and warm, yet nervous and shy.
Besides his voice, there was something different about him, which I couldn’t quite pinpoint. His aura continued to pulse and vibrate the fantasmic sunshine yellow and white bathing him. It screamed power, so much power in such a delicate body?
A witch? He can’t be.
I pondered, staring, trying to isolate and analyze my thought.
The hour had drifted so expeditiously that we didn’t even here the bell chime; turning his head the sun caught Tristan’s body, the angelic glow causing me to sigh without thinking.
“So, Trist” I began, quickly becoming comfortable enough with him to use an abbreviation, “Do you know your way around town? I could show you if you like”
“Oh, that would be great” his smile came naturally, at that moment his unrepentant blue eyes flashed upwards to meet mine.
My heart skipped a beat.
“So um” I stumbled over my words, my heart still daring to catch up to me, “Tomorrow after school?”
“Sure that’ll do just fine” his voice was light and airy, relaxed. I felt relived that he was comfortable around me, it was widely known in school that my friends were few and far between. Stories and myths had been circulated about me since I moved her. Only half of which were true. Never the less, people kept a comfortable distance.
“We could go for a coffee or something afterwards” he suggested, my heart stopping dead once again.
“Great idea” I replied, my thoughts spinning and beginning to already count the hours down.

Chapter 4
Insanity’s Curse

Screaming mimes! BEAT AND BURN, BEAT AND BURN! The stars fail to go to the bathroom, and the shopping trolley is full.
Beat and burn.
Witches, witches, witches!
Smell the wall, the bending stone, BEAT AND BURN!
Why won’t anyone listen?
Screaming mimes and tall midgets are the only one’s who listen.
DIRTY BOY DIRTY BOY the screaming mime sings.
Glass liquid. Glass liquid.
“Can you hear me?” a familiar voice penetrated my mind, was I truly back? Or was my mind playing tricks on me?
“How long was I away this time?” I quizzed, standing up and examining the room. I hadn’t wrecked most of it this time, but I’d taken to writing all over the walls.
“Just five days” my apprentice, Mark told me.
“The curse is weakening then” I whispered, splashing my face with cold water I began to dress myself. “Any luck finding the Lancaster’s?” I demanded.
“No, they’ve vanished” Mark stammered.
I lunged at him, pinning him smartly to the wall, I locked eyes with him, this stupid child hadn’t even made an effort, and yet he assumed he could help me take lives. I had no use for insolence, for laziness or for someone with no spine.
“I’ll find them, I swear....we have spies everywhere, Scarlet'll find them” he pleaded; already his eyes were glazed with tears. Pathetic coward.
“Are you forgetting the blood oath you made to me? You swore you’d help me get them!” I couldn’t control my anger, throwing him across the room he crashed into my desk.
“I will Dante, I promise…I got you the technology didn’t I?” he dared to answer me back, and yet I couldn’t deny the fact that he had gotten me then technology I needed.
“Yes, you did and for that I am grateful. I would have done it myself but being cursed into insanity itself kind of puts a crimp in one’s plans” I spat at him viciously; when the time was right…he would die as well. I felt no pity. No mercy. Nothing, but the deafaning urge to seek revenge.
“We must purge this world, beat and burn the magical disease out of existence, starting with the Lancaster’s.”
"Dante, we do know one thing....Tristan is still alive" the anger inside me boiled, after all this, after all i've been through...and he was still alive. It took all my strength not to throw up.
“But Dante, they’ve went into hiding...it’s going to be tricky and a-a-are you sure you want to take them on again? I mean, after the last time?”

“The last time I was mortal. I under estimated them…thing’s change”[b]
"Your astonisingly irresistable, you know that?" - Nick Hobbes
From Witch - By Ryan Pendleton

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489 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 17895
Reviews: 489
Sun Apr 12, 2009 5:41 pm
Dreamwalker says...

Hi Wiccaryan :). It's Dreamwalker again here with another review. This one will be a little different but hopefully it will help :).

All the things that are in red are things that need to be added.
All things that are striked or the commas with a little symbol over them are not necessary.

wiccaryan wrote: The continuation of "Witch", Chapter 3: The Boy With the Long Dark Hair Chapter 4: Insanity's Curse

Chapter 3
The boy with the long dark hair

“Dreadfully sorry I’m late.” I apologised, my breathing erratic from running. “Had to stop in the Cafeteria for a salad,” I explained. Emily and Jake were wrapped up with each other, as usual.
Rolling my eyes, I began to sit down[s], and[/s] when he turned his head.
It was the boy from English class this morning, his long dark hair [s]skipped[/s] skipping along with the wind as he looked toward me.
“Oh, please excuse my lack of manners.” I apologized, looking down at him, “I’m Nick. Nick Hobbs.” I swept into a bow jokingly, locking eyes with him intentionally.
I couldn’t help but smile as he blushed[s],[/s]. He must have felt so shy in a new school.
Standing once again to my full height, I analyzed his aura carefully. A deep sunshine yellow glowed around him magnificently[s],[/s] as his heart[s],[/s] resonated and pumped with an echoing, pure white light. So delicate, so fragile. I found myself scared to look away[s],[/s] for fear it would be gone should I choose to search for it once more. He can’t be a witch…it’s impossible.
“I’m Tristan, Tristan Lancaster .” [s]his[/s] His voice was soft like summer's rain.
Taking off my coat, I placed it carefully at the base of the tree and sat down.
The cool winter air[s],[/s] lovingly stroked my skin. My stomach growled, remembering that I was hungry - I took the top off my salad[s],[/s] using the plastic, sad excuse for a fork to eat. I would make it my business never to forget my lunch again.
“So Tristan, how are you?” I quizzed, looking at the stranger before me. His deathly pale skin contrasted strikingly against his raven hair, as ice blue eyes which seemed to penetrate my very soul never sat still for more than a moment.
“I’m very well, thank you. I’m nervous, but coping[s],[/s].” he admitted, as a gentle smile danced on the corners of his blood red lips.
“Oh, don’t worry about that! Folks round here are friendly.” Emily interjected, finally breaking her kiss from Jake. “We’ll see you right[s], don’t[/s] Don't worry about a thing.” [s]she[/s] She squeaked excitedly.
“I gotta go.” Jake announced, jumping off the raised platform. “Band practice.”
“Oh wait up, I’ll come watch you.” Emily replied[s], her[/s] Her ballerina like body seemed to float in the air as she jumped after him[s],[/s]. “See you soon you two.” [s]she[/s] She waved, before disappearing with Jake.
What should I say? Well, I have to say something! We can’t just sit here in silence. What should I say?!
Well whatever you say, make it fast before he leaves!
My mind raced[s],[/s] . I couldn’t for the life of me think of a conversational topic[s],[/s] . [s]tossing[/s] Tossing my salad into the nearby garbage bin, I turned to Tristan.
“So, where did you come from?” I asked[s],[/s] . VERY smooth[s],[/s] . I bet he hasn’t heard that one today.
Bravo Nick, bravo.

“I moved from New York,” he responded, digging in his bag for something[s],[/s].“Oh shoot, I’ve forgotten my lunch. Um… could you show me where to buy food here? Jake didn’t take me into the cafeteria.” [s]he[/s] Hecontinued, his voice sounding shy and embarrassed.
Now you’ve got an excuse to stay with him, don’t blow it Nick. Don’t blow it, I thought to myself before standing and offering him my hand.
Taking my hand, he stood himself up. His touch sent chills up and down my spine, causing me to shiver profusely[s],[/s] . [s]luckily[/s] Luckily, Tristan just assumed it was the cold winter air.
“So, you lived here all your life?” Tristan enquired, before picking up my coat for me and handing it to me.
“No, I’m originally from England. I moved here when I was nine.” I replied as we walked back towards the cafeteria.
“Wow, England huh? I’ve always wanted to go there.” Tristan’s voice was fast and excited as he looked at me in awe.
“Well, I’ll have to take you sometime.” I casually suggested. Smooth.
“Oh I’d love to-.” [s]his[/s] His voice cut off as his foot hit an icy patch on the path[s], flying[/s] . As he flew backwards I instinctively swept forwards, my arms outstretched. Tristan’s body was lighter than anything I’d ever held, catching him just in time. I laughed at his obvious clumsiness.
“Is this a habit of yours, slipping?” I joked, helping him back to his feet.
“Not just slipping - falling, flailing, crashing…” He smiled, picking his bag up. “I’m such a klutz at times. Thanks for catching me for that would have made it three times today[s]”.[/s] ."
“My pleasure, it was nothing really.” I insisted modestly. “We’re here.”
Holding the door open for him, we entered the Cafeteria. [s]A[/s] It was a huge grey circular room, with round tables and blue plastic chairs-. [s]it[/s] It wasn’t the most pleasant place in the school. Leading Tristan to the queue I became highly aware of how many people were staring at us, often followed by a gossipy whisper or an outright conversation[s],[/s] . [s]people[/s] People in this school had a severe lack of common manners.

“Here we are, beef burgers, fries, pizza, ice cream.” I sighed showing him the food[s],[/s] .“A heart attack waiting to happen if you ask me.
Tristan obviously agreed with me, preferring to look at the small fruit bowl[s],[/s]. “No oranges, oh well.” [s]he[/s] He sighed.
Putting my hand behind my back, I snapped my fingers quietly conjuring an orange out of thin air[s], [/s] .“Here you can have mine…it was in my bag,” I said before handing it to him.
“Really? Are you sure? I mean, that salad wasn’t much. You must still be hungry.” [s]he[/s] He stammered, obviously not used to such acts of generosity.
“Nonsense, you’ve had nothing…and you are as thin as a matchstick[s], you[/s]. You cannot go without anymore food.” He laughed at that, his laughter soft like a wind chime making me feel lighter inside.
“You sound just like my mother.” [s]he[/s] He teased, starting to peel the orange and walk over to an empty table.
“Ah, the thing every guy wants to hear[s],[/s].” I smiled, pulling out his chair for him before sitting into my own.
“So Tristan, tell me your story. Tell me your story?! My god, I’m crashing and burning!
“Nothing much to tell really - I lived in New York, I now live here. My favourite color is yellow, my favourite movie is Thelma and Louise and I prefer Italian to Chinese food.” He shrugged, finally taking the peel off his orange.
The room started to fall silent as our classmates filed out[s],[/s] until in the last seconds of lunch when it was only Tristan and I in the room.

We had compared music, books, television, movies…he was under the impression that Pulp Fiction was atrocious, and I was in thorough agreement. We laughed, we conversed, we ooohed and ahhed at each others anecdotes and stories, including an amusing story of Tristan’s ability to trip through a wedding cake when he was eight…
I felt myself smiling uncontrollably all the time we talked; his voice was so refined and warm, yet nervous and shy.
Besides his voice, there was something different about him, which I couldn’t quite pinpoint. His aura continued to pulse and vibrate the fantasmic sunshine yellow and white bathing him. It screamed power[s], so [/s] So much power in such a delicate body?
A witch? He can’t be.
I pondered, staring, trying to isolate and analyze my thought.
The hour had drifted so expeditiously that we didn’t even here the bell chime; turning his head the sun caught Tristan’s body, the angelic glow causing me to sigh without thinking.
“So, Trist.” I began, quickly becoming comfortable enough with him to use an abbreviation. “Do you know your way around town? I could show you if you like.
“Oh, that would be great.” [s]his[/s] His smile came naturally[s], at[/s] . At that moment his unrepentant blue eyes flashed upwards to meet mine.
My heart skipped a beat.
“So um...” I stumbled over my words, my heart still daring to catch up to me. “Tomorrow after school?”
“Sure that’ll do just fine.” [s]his[/s] His voice was light and airy, relaxed. I felt [s]relived[/s] releaved that he was comfortable around me[s], it[/s] . It was widely known in school that my friends were few and far between. Stories and myths had been circulated about me since I moved [s]her[/s] [colour=red]Here[/color]. Only half of which were true. Never the less, people kept a comfortable distance.
“We could go for a coffee or something afterwards.” [s]he[/s] He suggested[s], my[/s] . My heart stopping dead once again.
“Great idea.” I replied, my thoughts spinning and beginning to already count the hours down.

Chapter 4
Insanity’s Curse

Screaming mimes! BEAT AND BURN, BEAT AND BURN! The stars fail to go to the bathroom[s],[/s] and the shopping trolley is full.
Beat and burn.
Witches, witches, witches!
Smell the wall, the bending stone, BEAT AND BURN!
Why won’t anyone listen?
Screaming mimes and tall midgets are the only one’s who listen.
DIRTY BOY, DIRTY BOY, the screaming mime sings.
Glass liquid. Glass liquid.
“Can you hear me?” [s]a[/s] A familiar voice penetrated my mind[s], was[/s] . Was I truly back? Or was my mind playing tricks on me?
“How long was I away this time?” I quizzed, standing up and examining the room. I hadn’t wrecked most of it this time, but I’d taken to writing all over the walls.
“Just five days.” [s]my[/s] My apprentice, Mark told me.
“The curse is weakening then.” I whispered, splashing my face with cold water. I began to dress myself. “Any luck finding the Lancaster’s?” I demanded.
“No, they’ve vanished.” Mark stammered.
I lunged at him, pinning him smartly to the wall[s],[/s] . I locked eyes with him[s], this[/s] . This stupid child hadn’t even made an effort, and yet he assumed he could help me take lives. I had no use for insolence, for laziness or for someone with no spine.
“I’ll find them, I swear....we have spies everywhere, Scarlet'll find them.” [s]he [/s] He pleaded; already his eyes were glazed with tears. Pathetic coward.
“Are you forgetting the blood oath you made to me? You swore you’d help me get them!” I couldn’t control my anger, throwing him across the room he crashed into my desk.
“I will Dante, I promise…I got you the technology didn’t I?” [s]he[/s] He dared to answer me back, and yet I couldn’t deny the fact that he had gotten me then technology I needed.
“Yes, you did and for that I am grateful. I would have done it myself but being cursed into insanity itself kind of puts a crimp in one’s plans.” I spat at him viciously; when the time was right…he would die as well. I felt no pity. No mercy. Nothing, but the [s]deafaning[/s] deafening urge to seek revenge.
“We must purge this world, beat and burn the magical disease out of existence, starting with the Lancaster’s.”
"Dante, we do know one thing....Tristan is still alive." [s]the[/s] The anger inside me boiled[s], after[/s] . After all this, after all [s]i've[/s] I've been through...and he was still alive. It took all my strength not to throw up.
“But Dante, they’ve went into hiding...it’s going to be tricky and a-a-are you sure you want to take them on again? I mean, after the last time?”

“The last time I was mortal. I under estimated them…thing’s change”

Okay so that is the critique outlining all the punctuation and grammer mistakes. Now since I have that all worked out, its time for the other parts of my review.


Okay so again you have some punctuation issues throughout this bit, but the grammer is once again phenominal. Your words are very flowing and beautiful.

Some sentences though can get a little redundant so I would be careful if I was you.


There wasnt much on the setting in these chapters, and I sort of wish there was a little more then what was giving. The small description of the cafeteria was nice but short. Give us more to think on. You cant be to vague in writing.


I see a plot coming in. Chapter 4 was definitly very vague but it a good way. It left me going 'Oh what the hell' and I really wanted to hear more. The chanting and all that was very concerning and it catches the readers attention when they cant figure out what is going on right away. It can be terribly vexing to some like myself who tend to get quite angry when they arent in the know. Very good and it makes me what more of this story so I give you thumbs up on entering into a bit of a plot.

One thing though you should worry about it making your other characters plotline a little cliched, like the going out for coffee, everything being perfect and such. Their thoughts are quite entertaining by far but their dialogue can be a little static. Really work it out.


Ah, switching the POV I see. You should really specify that at the beginning of the chapter, but throughout this bit I was surprised and excited. It gave more depth into the character that is Nick and showed Tristan for being male which was something I was looking for almost definitly. We didnt hear too much about Jake and Emily but they are subplot characters so I dont see much a need in them being there yet.

What excited me about this though was Mark and Dante. They seem... quite interesting and I cant wait to see what part they play in this story. It's all sounding quite divine :D.


Once again, I love it. I think I liked the first two chapters a little bit more, but this was truly a fun piece and it really went into depth of your characters. I'm excited to learn more about them in the upcoming chapters.

All I have to say is, work on your punctuation, keep up the awesome vocabulary, and just kee writing :D. PM me when the next two chapters are up!

From Dreams to Reality
Suppose for a moment that the heart has two heads, that the heart has been chained and dunked in a glass booth filled with river water. The heart is monologuing about hesitation and fulfillment while behind the red brocade the heart is drowning. - R.S

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Reviews: 233
Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:15 am
Pippiedooda says...

Hi again :D Thanks for the PM! Just to let you know I am really enjoying this so far- I want to find out what happens next! I love how you are showing the chemistry between Nick and Tristan :) Once again Dreamwalker has been very thorough with the punctuation so I will skip that part :D

Emily and Jake were wrapped up with each other, as usual.

Are you referring to how they are paying all their attention to one another or to having their arms wrapped around each other? If both then maybe you could say something like both figuratively and literally :)

I apologized, looking down at him

You have used ‘apologized’ quite recently, I’d either add something like ‘once again’ before it or change it to describe how is speaking.

I couldn’t help but smile as he blushed, he must have felt so shy in a new school.

I think ‘he must feel so shy in a new school’ might be better as he still would be feeling shy.

Taking off my coat, I placed it carefully at the base of the tree and sat down.

As I probably mentioned in my previous review, I’m not that fond of words like ‘placed’ as they don’t describe the movement at all, and even with carefully I think you could change it to something else like ‘laid’ or ‘arranged’ :)

His deathly pale skin contrasted strikingly against his raven hair, as ice blue eyes which seemed to penetrate my very soul never sat still for more than a moment.

I think the second part to this sentence could be arranged a bit better to flow easier. Maybe something like ‘his ice blue eyes seemed to penetrate my soul and never stayed still for more than a moment.’ I don’t think ‘sat still’ was the right thing to say as your eyes don’t really sit and it sounded a bit odd to me :P

he admitted, as a gentle smile danced on the corners of his blood red lips.

I’m not that keen on the comparison here of ‘blood red lips’, like I said before, I think it kind of works in creepiness but seems a bit out of place in a story where you are just describing someone without trying to make them seem scary. ‘Deep’ or ‘full’ might be good replacements here.

“See you soon you two” she waved, before disappearing with Jake.

As they are not actually disappearing I’d maybe instead describe something about them walking off back to the school.

he continued, his voice sounding shy and embarrassed.

I don’t think you need ‘his voice’ here, the sentence might sound better without it.

I thought to myself before standing and offering him my hand.
Taking my hand, he stood himself up.

‘stood himself up’ sounded kind of odd here to me, maybe ‘clambered to his feet’ or something like that. I think you could say something other than ‘Taking my hand’ so you are not repeating ‘hand’ like, ‘taking it’ as it is already clear what you are referring to.

luckily Tristan just assumed it was the cold winter air.

He wouldn’t know this for sure so maybe adding something like ‘seemed’ after ‘Tristan’ would be good to show this is what he is thinking.

his voice cut off as his foot hit an icy patch on the path, flying backwards I instinctively swept forwards, my arms outstretched. Tristan’s body was lighter than anything I’d ever held, catching him just in time.

I think it would be better to show him catching him and then describe how the body felt in his arms, just so it is in order otherwise it feels like you are jumping forwards :)

I sighed showing him the food,

I think you could say something better than ‘showing him the food’- maybe something about gesturing towards the food with a dramatic sweep of his arm or something like that.

Putting my hand behind my back, I snapped my fingers quietly conjuring an orange out of thin air,

‘Putting’ didn’t sound to me like the best word to use here, maybe something like ‘reaching’?

He laughed at that, his laughter soft like a wind chime making me feel lighter inside.

Instead of repeating ‘laughter’ maybe ‘the sound’ or something like that.

I smiled, pulling out his chair for him before sitting into my own.

‘into my own’ I think might sound better as ‘down on my own’ as ‘into’ didn’t sound right to me.

He shrugged, finally taking the peel off his orange.

As he has been attempting to take it off for a while maybe, ‘finally managing to remove the peel from his orange’ or something like that as otherwise it sounds like he has only just tried to ;)

The room started to fall silent as our classmates filed out, until in the last seconds of lunch when it was only Tristan and I in the room.

Maybe something about how everyone had finished their lunch to explain why everyone is leaving would make more sense here. I don’t really understand why they are filing out either, I would think it would be more of a disorganised leaving in groups. I think the second part might sound better phrased a bit differently, maybe ‘until in the last couple of minutes of lunch there was only Tristan and I in the room.’ seconds aren’t very long and then you say the hour had passed- did he bunk his next lesson? I was a bit confused here, as he seemed so reluctant not to break the rules before a bit more explanation on what is happening at this stage might be more helpful.

Besides his voice, there was something different about him, which I couldn’t quite pinpoint.

I think this might sound better without ‘besides his voice’ at the beginning, just a suggestion though :)

His aura continued to pulse and vibrate the fantasmic sunshine yellow and white bathing him.

I think you need either a comma after ‘vibrate’ or add ‘with’ after ‘vibrate’.

It screamed power, so much power in such a delicate body?

I’d maybe add ‘how could’ before ‘so much’ and ‘exist’ after ‘power’ to run a bit smoother.

The hour had drifted so expeditiously that we didn’t even here the bell chime

I’d maybe add ‘by’ after ‘drifted’ and like I said before, I think there needs to be some more explanation surrounding times.

he suggested, my heart stopping dead once again.

I’d maybe change ‘my heart stopping dead once again’ to something like ‘and my heart stopped dead once again’ to show that it does this after the suggestion ;)

I replied, my thoughts spinning and beginning to already count the hours down.

I would usually write ‘count the hours down’ as ‘count down the hours’- I think it can work either way but to me the second sounds better :P As his thoughts are spinning and it’s his mind that would be counting down, maybe changing ‘and beginning’ to ‘as I began’ would make more sense.

I quizzed, standing up and examining the room.

I think it might be good here to say how he examined the room- like scanning it with a piercing gaze or if he starts to wander around and inspect things.

yet I couldn’t deny the fact that he had gotten me then technology I needed.

I think ‘then’ should be ‘the’ here.

“But Dante, they’ve went into hiding...

I think ‘went’ should either be ‘gone’ or ‘they’ve’ should be ‘they’.

Overall: I really enjoyed this part as I said before, I think you have a unique story that is written well and with an interesting storyline! I do think you need to work on punctuation and repeating similar words close to one another, but other than that I think you have written this piece very well ;)

I liked the introduction of Nick as a witch also, I hadn’t seen it coming and thought it was a nice twist to have. I was wondering though why Nick could see Tristan’s aura but Tristan couldn’t see his? Is that a specific power of Nicks? I’d maybe explain that later on. I think the romance developing between them is sweet, I’d like to see some more complications coming in later (not that I’m evil or anything I just think it might stop the story from becoming to ‘nice’ between the two of them)- for instance maybe Nick could touch on something Tristan doesn’t want to talk about, something to do with his family history relating to him being a witch or something like that. I think you could really play on the idea that he wants to keep his past a secret and it getting in the way of his relationships with people, just an idea though :D

The introduction of the new character in chapter 4 was great, very creepy! I was kind of confused at first but I think that’s how it was supposed to be, the only thing I would change there is that at first I was confused as to whose point of view it was, maybe by the person who speaks first calling his name or something like that it would make it clearer that the perspectives had changed.

I look forward to reading more! Coul you PM me again when the next part is up? All my comments are just suggestions, hope I’ve helped! :D *star*
"Your mother is a hamster and your father smells of elderberries"
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Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:08 pm
Threnody says...

Again, I checked over the others grammar checks and they've covered all you need to fix. Here's just some basic thoughts I've had~

Inconsistent. The plot seems a bit choppy. Especially in chapter 3. It skips around with Nick and Tristan and the way the story line is set up, conversation doesn't seem to flow between them. You need to add more transitions and add more things that tell the reader what the characters are feeling, and enough details which allow the reader to empathize with the characters. Instead of only adding things like "real smooth" (which I like by the way, but they are quite repetitive and there are too many of them which disrupt the flow of the story.) you should add things that explain what the characters feel.


Instead of:
"Your favourite colour is blue?" I said.

"Your favourite colour is blue?" I screamed in dismay.

As you see, adding the simple extra words really let you see into the story.

I think I've touched everything that you need to look at. These chapters are really good and clear, at the beginning of chapters however, I suggest adding the character's, who's currently being lime-lighted, name so that you don't get horribly confused until it mentions the character's name in the middle of the chapter. Just a tip.

Anyhow, good, this just needs a bit cleaning up but already, I can see it has potential.

Peace, Love and Sugar Packets~
Forever Threnody
“One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes”
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Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:15 am
RubinLikes2Write says...

heya! Its me! Well i can tell DreamWalker and Pippiedooda went over most of the grammar... wow they're really good at that! Okay Well at the very first part I got a little, well, allot, confused. Haha you see i didn't know Tristan was a dude! Haha i thought he was a chick. S all of the 'he's' seriously made me do a double take. If you an do that in reading. But I thought it very sweet and up to date how there's a gay romance going on. Haha it would be funny if they had to fight. Anyways i liked this! Keep going!
I wish my lawn was emo so it would cut its self.

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Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:45 am
asxz says...

Okay... first of all, you have serious issues with grammar. I'm sure that someone else has already pointed that out though. Just things like missing commas and full stops - capitals gone wrong!

Second, I think that you should keep it in the view of Tristan. Personally, 1st person should stay in one person, or else it gets too confusing. The whole of the first 2 paragraphs I was just like: What? Does this make any sense?

Again, keep to the one person... in the 4th chapter, It was very short and too the point. I now know what's happening. I DON'T WANT TO KNOW! I want to find out! Do you see the difference? Show and not tell, that kind of stuff. What you had in the first chapter/second chapter was good - he talked to his family just like a normal witch would! I kind of enjoyed that!
But what you have here is annoying. You let us into the minds of his enemies - it would be much more amusing (not to mention that you could stretch it out into a couple of chapters) if you kept to Tristan, and said something like:

I could have sworn that there wasn't anything in his hands a moment ago, and I hadn't seen him go into his back pack. Although, I was hungry, and malnourishment can lead to hallucinations. I took the orange thankfully, shaking the matter off in a matter of moments.

See... now the reader thinks... was there something behind his back?

Also... if you do it this way, then keep to the VERY subtle hints, like, one a chapter! You don't want your book to be 75 pages!

I didn't like the 4th chapter at all... sorry to say. The dialogue was too tellish, and left me with no questions. Some questions are good... remember that!

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Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:04 pm
wiccaryan says...

I know i'm not supposed to argue with crticismn, but i would like to defend myself and my work.

The reason we go into Nick's head is because it is pivital to be able to do that in the end of the book.

In the mind of Dante, depsite of what you said, does not explain everything. There is still alot of story to be told, and that is the only chapter that is going to be from his point of view.
"Your astonisingly irresistable, you know that?" - Nick Hobbes
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Sat Apr 18, 2009 4:34 am
fluteluvr77 says...

Here at last, Ryan! As you may have seen, I closed my thread, 'cause I had a little too much going on. So, sorry for the extreme slowness of this review, but thanks for using my thread.

:arrow: Grammar - You seem to have a lot of critiques on this, dear. However, as far as I'm concerned, I don't concentrate on grammar unless you specifically request it. In my opinion, concepts are more important. So, yes, there were a few typos. But, nothing major that interrupted my reading of your piece. So, PM me if you want a detailed nitpick-y part to this review. The one thing that I would appreciate is if you said who's POV this is from. It gets a little confusing.

:arrow: Flow/Pace - I enjoy your style of writing very much. It flows quite smoothly from one point/setting to the next, and your transitions are excellent. However, the pace is a bit too fast for me. I would expand on everything a little bit more. In one day, Trist managed to become good friends with Nick, Emily, and Jake? And he's shy? It feels like I'm getting information and plot dumped on me. How does he meet Jake? Do they talk at all? What things does he have in common with Nick? Why do they become friends so quickly? Telling us this will build interest a lot more in Ch. 3. Then, when we come to Ch. 4, we'll be intrigued and impatient; that's when you can torture us by giving us the little piece on Dante. Thus, you will hold our interest; but, at the same time, you can describe a little more. However, I think Ch. 4 was perfect, as far as pace goes. The only parts I would change are the conversations between Trist and Nick in Ch. 3. Ya? :wink:

:arrow: Descriptions - I would add a lot more descriptions here. Where exactly are they sitting? What does the tree look like? Is Tristan comfortable? What about Nick, Emily, and Jake? You seemed to have described your MC extremely well. The description of Nick in the last chapter was good as well. I would add a little more description about Emily in this chapter. Is she tall or short? Does she have light or dark skin? You gave us a little bit about her in the last two chapters, however I would like more. Create a picture in my head about the students sitting in the tree in the winter. Haha, this is really hard for me too...:P. Aaanywayz, I would do the same thing with Jake. All we really know about him is that he's tall...That's not too much to work with. And, if you want to go overboard with the descriptions, say what the surroundings looked like. Where they surrounded by grass? Was the sky obscured by the monstrosity of the building they called school? This would also help show the MC's thoughts on school and nature, which always makes him easier to relate to.

:arrow: Characters - Mmm, well, I'm iffy on this topic. On one hand, I adored your MC. I can totally relate to him and see what he's thinking. Emily was a quite interesting character as well, and I enjoyed reading about her. Nick...eh, not so much. This is quite odd since you wrote the entire third chapter from his POV...XD. Alright, so this was my problem with him. I think everything is too vague. What does he talk about? What is he thinking when he sees Emily? What does he think about Jake? Is he perpetually peppy? Or is he usually moody and quiet? What does he see relationships as? Does he have a low opinion of love, or a high opinion? What does he think about witches in general? Is he scared of them/himself? Does he detest himself? Or does he love his life? Why does he have few friends? Is he antisocial? How does he act in school in general? Y'know what I mean? Adding this would just make him that much easier to relate to!

:arrow: Overall - Usually I would have a section on mood. But, honestly, I don't think this piece needs that section. ^_^ I think that the mood was perfectly fine. I have to say, so far, the fourth chapter is my favorite. I dunno what people meant when they said the preferred the first and second....The fourth is just so intriguing, I love it! Anywayz, this is an interesting plotline and I would like to continue with this. If, by any chance, you need me to review another part, or even the first part, just post on my thread? Questions? PM me. Great job on this! :D

Love is the answer to life yet the slowest form of suicide.
Love is a paradox.
And that's why we love it.

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Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:38 pm
Insomnia says...

Hey, Wic. I see that you've had quite a few in-depth reviews already, so I'm going to focus on characterisation and dialogue.

In the beginning, your narrator almost comes across as a parody of himself. He seems a bit too over the top to be real. The fact that he starts with an adverb doesn't endear him to me, either. In this bit, the problem is that the dialogue doesn't sound realistic. It's obvious that you're using it to serve a purpose, that is, to advance the plot and give everyone more depth, but it comes across as a little mechanical. They seem to have the same way of speaking, as well. The bit where they both introduce themselves in the exact same way makes them seem a bit too similar. Remember to let their individuality show in their dialogue.

Another problem here is the dialogue tags. If you try to make your characters' dialogue different, you won't need such tell-y dialogue tags. They can become a bit annoying after a while. Just to show you, your first five were, "apologised," "explained," "apologised," "quizzed" and "admitted." You're actually part way there already, because a couple of them are unneeded now. The important thing now is just defining your characters more, and the dialogue will come easier. Just remember that there can be dialogue that doesn't serve a purpose. Friends talk, really. It helps the characters grow.

There you go. The bit just before and after he falls is a perfect example of how it should be. It's still telling, but it seems like natural dialogue, things real people would see, unlike the stuff in the very beginning.

“Ah, the thing every guy wants to hear,” I smiled, pulling out his chair for him before sitting into my own.

Another really good line. I like the banter, although some of the thought seem to be made redundant by the actions and dialogue preceding them. Some of my earlier criticisms about dialogue aren't so relevant now, but you need to keep this quality up throughout the whole thing. Sometimes it slips back a little.

We had compared music, books, television, movies…he was under the impression that Pulp Fiction was atrocious, and I was in thorough agreement.

This is another interesting opportunity for characterisation. Explain *why* the two of them think that. Maybe they dislike it for different reasons? Take any chance you can to make your characters deeper.

Another thing you might need to think about is how much you're going to characterise the others. We don't get much of an impression of them yet, although it's only the first four chapters, so there's a long time yet. Still, make sure they get some more lines, or they may across as shallow characters.

Besides his voice, there was something different about him, which I couldn’t quite pinpoint. His aura continued to pulse and vibrate the fantasmic sunshine yellow and white bathing him. It screamed power, so much power in such a delicate body?

A witch? He can’t be.

You had something almost identical to this towards the start of the chapter. I'd suggest cutting one of them out, probably the earlier one. The repetition is a bit jarring as it is.

“Oh, that would be great”

That's a little bit stilted. Try abbreviations to make him sound more realistic, like, "that'd" instead of that.

“Yes, you did and for that I am grateful."

This is stilted as well. Try, "and I'm grateful for that."

I didn't mind the fourth chapter. It left just enough questions about the backstory to keep me interested. The third chapter set the foundations for some really good characters, but remember to flesh everyone else out too. I see that you've posted the next bit already. I'll get onto it soon. As usual, any questions, just PM me and I'll be happy to help. Nice job.


If you have a Kuzco in your life and they don't turn into a llama, bail.
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