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  • LadyMysterio
    32 minutes ago

    gonna be writting emails and exhausting google search
    NovemberCrow wrote:I'm feeling writery today...

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  • To my Canadian buddies: Remember to boycott USA goods!

  • NovemberCrow
    46 minutes ago

    I'm feeling writery today...

  • Youbeaucupid
    50 minutes ago

    Then they ask, "Oh! What do you write?" I fear this question so bad.
    milkweed wrote:telling someone “yeah i like writing” gotta be the top 1 worst moment of my life

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  • telling someone “yeah i like writing” gotta be the top 1 worst moment of my life

    milkweed so embarrassing and for what
    54 minutes ago

  • RavenAkuma wrote:Dude I went to start writing Delirium, now I have a tab with an ongoing review open, a tab with an RP open, a tab with a drawing project open, a tab with a to-do list (HAH like I ever wind up following them), a tab with a random project idea open, and now a tab with the People Tab open.

    How did I get here? >.>

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    yws writer core lol

  • SilverNight wrote:Tired of talking to AI models when you're trying to call a real person for assistance? Use Shakespeare! Story below:

    Spoiler! :
    Apparently, someone has been trying to use my credit card (sigh). I woke up at 6am to a fraud alert message from my bank asking me if I'd spent 25 dollars an hour before at a local wholesale chain I've never even heard of-- which, when's the last time anyone's spent 25 dollars flat with no tax? There was no charge on my bank's app and I've heard of this being a scam before where the texter tries to get you to reply with personal information and bank account details, so I called the official number on my card instead of the one texted to me, just to be safe.

    I got answered by an AI agent who had me answer a few questions before basically telling me, surprise surprise! That was, in fact, fraud! We're canceling your card right now! Now tell us immediately what design you want for the new one without hearing a description of the options and please confirm that you'd like it sent to this address you don't even live at anymore! Naturally, I was a little alarmed at not being able to have the chance to ask questions before confirming everything. I didn't want to talk to a robot, I wanted to have a helpful human on the line who understood nuance.

    I tried asking if I could talk to a person, which only got me a "sorry, I couldn't understand that" and the question repeated. However, I reasoned that if I just kept saying things it didn't understand, it would have to transfer me to a real agent eventually. I blurted out the opening lines to Romeo and Juliet as fast as I could and made it all the way to "do with their death bury their parents' strife" before getting the hold music, and eventually, a person on the call.

    Overall, pretty annoying experience since I won't have a credit card for a few days, but I solved it Silver-style at least. If you don't know any Shakespeare, I bet any long but easily memorable text will work-- if this happens to me again, the Spongebob Squarepants song is up next.

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  • Looking over my W.I.P (work in progress) for the current story and shocked to realize I have 11 pages so far😮
    If the story becomes even longer than a short story, I might have to split them into chapters as a novella. So if they story gets done, I'll take one chapter of the completed story and publish it each month. But I'm not sure yet as that can change. I just don't want to publish the entire story as singular, both for my sanity and the audience's sanity.

  • Tired of talking to AI models when you're trying to call a real person for assistance? Use Shakespeare! Story below:

    Spoiler! :
    Apparently, someone has been trying to use my credit card (sigh). I woke up at 6am to a fraud alert message from my bank asking me if I'd spent 25 dollars an hour before at a local wholesale chain I've never even heard of-- which, when's the last time anyone's spent 25 dollars flat with no tax? There was no charge on my bank's app and I've heard of this being a scam before where the texter tries to get you to reply with personal information and bank account details, so I called the official number on my card instead of the one texted to me, just to be safe.

    I got answered by an AI agent who had me answer a few questions before basically telling me, surprise surprise! That was, in fact, fraud! We're canceling your card right now! Now tell us immediately what design you want for the new one without hearing a description of the options and please confirm that you'd like it sent to this address you don't even live at anymore! Naturally, I was a little alarmed at not being able to have the chance to ask questions before confirming everything. I didn't want to talk to a robot, I wanted to have a helpful human on the line who understood nuance.

    I tried asking if I could talk to a person, which only got me a "sorry, I couldn't understand that" and the question repeated. However, I reasoned that if I just kept saying things it didn't understand, it would have to transfer me to a real agent eventually. I blurted out the opening lines to Romeo and Juliet as fast as I could and made it all the way to "do with their death bury their parents' strife" before getting the hold music, and eventually, a person on the call.

    Overall, pretty annoying experience since I won't have a credit card for a few days, but I solved it Silver-style at least. If you don't know any Shakespeare, I bet any long but easily memorable text will work-- if this happens to me again, the Spongebob Squarepants song is up next.

    milkweed this could be the method
    1 hour ago

  • I have the random urge to get tattoos, run a hundred miles, climb the tallest peak, don a cloak and armor, learn to swordfight, ride a horse, yell we ride at dawn, and disappear into the wilderness

    NovemberCrow Alright but Ranger as swordfighter riding a horse disappearing into wilderness has a lot of potential...XD
    55 minutes ago

  • I haven’t babysat an infant in a while and my uncle is asking me to babysit all this kids while him and my aunt work. I’m trying to tell him know but he’s still asking and I’m like. I’m sorry I haven’t babysat someone that young in a while. The tots sure but an infant I just don’t feel comfortable dude

  • I have a specific coffee mug I always use to drink my coffee, but other people always insist on using it. Now I have to use a different mug because I can't find mine. 〒▽〒

    avimoon aww, cupe *hugs*
    56 minutes ago

  • Mandie from the Mandie books and Tin Tin have so many similarities, i just realized.
    its so funny

  • LuminescentAnt wrote:I just had a brilliant idea for a dystopia. (So AldousHuxleyLoisLowrySuzanneCollinscore)

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    Okay so here is the concept and I need your help because I don’t know if this has been done before. Please let me know if it has! Also the names for the classes are temporary, so they may not make sense and I’ll probably change them.

    Spoiler! :
    In a new world, humanity has been split up into two classes: pathfinders and hillclimbers. The pathfinders, after being assessed through years of schooling, are the intelligent portion of the population. Hillclimbers, meanwhile, are assessed to be the least intelligent. However, hillclimbers are raised to positions of power and prestige and are worshipped by society and believed to make important decisions, with the idea implanted that they are the true leaders and pioneers of society. They believe the pathfinders are less intelligent than them and doing less important work. But behind the scenes, the pathfinders, the real intelligent people, are making real decisions unbeknownst by the hillclimbers, who have no real impact on society but as tool for the pathfinders to ridicule and see as someone lower than them. Thus we create a society of uplifting each individual to feel happy, to be in a position of importance. Isn’t that what humanity’s always wanted? To have a purpose and use it to better lives, and do such in an individual way that we believe is better than others?

    This brilliant idea by an even more brilliant and awesome writer examines how humans put others in positions of lower status and humiliation in order to bring ourselves up and feel better about ourselves.

    Elektra this sounds awesome!
    2 hours ago

    LuminescentAnt Thank you!
    1 hour ago

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  • Dude I went to start writing Delirium, now I have a tab with an ongoing review open, a tab with an RP open, a tab with a drawing project open, a tab with a to-do list (HAH like I ever wind up following them), a tab with a random project idea open, and now a tab with the People Tab open.

    How did I get here? >.>

    Elektra YWS in a nutshell LOL it's canon to have MINIMUM three tabs open xD
    2 hours ago

    RavenAkuma For real XDD
    2 hours ago

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  • !!!!
    Elektra wrote:Click on the graphic to view the RP Weekend event schedule! Social Week is just around the corner! :3


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  • A new Delirium chapter has dropped!! Chapter 5, Dominance, is now in the Green Room--and I also forgot to announce Chapter 4 as I'm still getting into the habit, my bad ':D So if you haven't seen it, Chapter 4, Surveillance, is also available!

    Delirium - Chapter 4
    Delirium - Chapter 5

    Tagging readers and reviewers (if you'd like to be added to the tag list, or for me to stop tagging in the future, just let me know ^^)

    Snoink Omg, I was about to bug you about this. ^^ Yayyyyy.
    3 hours ago

    RavenAkuma @Snoink Hope you enjoy!! :D
    2 hours ago

  • Good morning YWS! Hope you're all having an amazing weekend so far! (≧∇≦)/

    RavenAkuma You too, Cupid!! :D
    3 hours ago

  • Elektra wrote:Click on the graphic to view the RP Weekend event schedule! Social Week is just around the corner! :3


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  • alright, but I'm starting to be really excited for social week

    RavenAkuma Yesss, it looking so fun already!! :D
    3 hours ago

  • I just realised how much coffee-addicted is Deinne of Clockwheel Cities. Like, it started just as my little inside joke which I kept running, but now I'm doing translations and I realised that there's so much mentioning of Deinne wanting to finally have a cup of coffee. Anyways, I'm proud to announce that 1) I found the Decent Cup of Coffee Origin and 2) There's a little snippet from second chapter!
    Spoiler! :

    If Deinne ran, there would still be a chance that she would make it to the meeting with Master Andersen, which meant that was still a chance to seize the future. Or at least have a decent cup of coffee. Deinne wasn’t really sure which of those was truly her priority, but it definitely wasn’t standing in one stupid alley.

    Like girl, you are talking about life-changing stuff and then you aren't sure if it's more important than coffee.

  • Spoiler! :
    christian music makin me cry

  • When I've got anxiety, listening to audios of horses walking really calms me down :)

  • It’s weird to return home when you didn’t feel homesickness.

    twiggy <3 i know what you mean
    2 hours ago

don't try me bro
— Seirre