
Young Writers Society

Pagan, Wiccan, Druid, Kemetic Sacred Circle

[quote]Pagans or the ancient Celts traveled windy moors to worship the horned god, Cernunnos. Ancient Egyptians crossed deserts to invoke the protection of Isis. Druids journeyed to a forest clearing to perform rituals under the moon. But over time, such deities faded into myth; the rituals went underground[/quote]. -National Geographic; By Christine Macintyre
Published MARCH 22, 2023 https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/article/where-to-go-to-explore-pagan-culture
[quote]The Germanic peoples believed in a multitude of gods, and in other supernatural beings such as dwarfs, elves, and dragons. Roman-era sources, using Roman names, mention several important male gods, as well as several goddesses. It was practiced in Central an Northern Europe pre-dating Christianity. Norse paganism is better known at the outreaches of Scandinavia. Gods of importance were Odin, Thor and Tyr. They reside in Norway, Denmark and Sweden.

Kemetic or Kemetic pagan is one who follows Kemetism. Kemet is the name of Ancient Egypt. Kemet (or KMT) is the native name of ancient Egypt, and Kemetic spirituality or Kemetism is a neo-pagan religious movement that seeks to restore ancient Kemetic/Egyptian religious practices. Kemetic spirituality attracts those of African descent, as it provides a cultural and religious connection to the spirituality of lost societies of African ancestry, but it is practiced by many races around the world, and the approach of adherents is varied. Kemetic spirituality is sometimes called Neterism or Egyptian Neo-paganism.

The worship of Egyptian deities such as Thoth, Ma’at, and Ra, the sun god, is an ingredient of Kemetic spirituality, and private altars are common in the homes of Kemetics. Food offerings and prayers are made daily at these shrines. Kemetism sometimes incorporates elements from Wicca, New Age thinking, and yoga.[/quote] [an abridged synopsis. The full article can be read here. https://www.gotquestions.org/Kemetic-spirituality.html]

[quote] ‘Druidry has no book of law, the only lessons being those learnt from nature. There are no gurus and hierarchy is kept to a working minimum. Central to Druidic belief is a love of nature combined with the pragmatic view that spiritual insight should be expressed in daily life. Druidry stresses the importance of working as a part of a group and working as an individual to develop the spiri tual life. Druidry is especially concerned with the ecological crisis faced by the modern world, and works in many ways for the healing of the Earth.’[/quote] - https://www.paganfed.org/druidry/


Fishr: Creator

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— Albus Dumbledore