
Young Writers Society


BE SWEET! idek i'm just... being a cinnamon roll :D~ryan

Kara was here

Really kara? Why am I just seeing this. ~ryan

*Grim looks over* E.E, why am I here.

Because you are.

*spray paints wall with E.E and Grim were here.*

*Manic laughter fills the description*

Hello everyone!


oh, ryan, i am always here. stalking, looking, measuring... -- kara

Same Kara, same!XD

you need to put a space between your "XDs" and your other words -.- it's annoying to my ocd

*Grim looks over at E.E* Why do we still have the baby brontosaurus?

*E.E hugs the baby dino close* MOO IS FAMILY

moo is gone. e.e. is gone. i would say this is grim, but he's gone too. (kara)


lemonboi: Creator
zaminami: Admin
DeerInBacPac: Admin
LakeOfCancer: Admin
Ljungtroll: Officer
Mageheart: Officer

Meatball, meatball, spaghetti underneath; ravioli, ravioli, great barrier reef!
— Spongebob