Poetry Jam tonight!! We are doing some collab prose poetry, but feel free to join to write on your own or just chat!! https://elliemae.writerfeedpad.com/37
Quillfeather wrote:Final day of Napo poetry jam!https://quillfeather.writerfeedpad.com/28
And here again!
In here!
And in here again!
If you're looking for a jam, come join me!
The short stories and narrative jam has been moved to the 7th of April now! Sorry.
Hopefully I will see you guys there!
here! for a parlour jam :3
I will be in Here! For a poetry jam today
Join me here for a poetry jam!
Aug 9, 2024
Poetry Jam tonight!! We are doing some collab prose poetry, but feel free to join to write on your own or just chat!!