
Young Writers Society

Squills 10/14/19 - 10/27/19

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Sun Oct 27, 2019 11:03 pm
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Welcome to Squills, the official news bulletin of the Young Writers Society!
What will you find here? Tons of interesting news about YWS, including but not limited to: articles about writing, art, and the world of humanities; interviews with YWS members; shameless plugs; link round-ups; and opinionated columns.
And where will all of this come from? Take a look at our fantastic creative staff!


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Of course, our content can’t come only from our staff. We also depend on you to help keep Squills successful. You’re all a part of a writing community, after all. If you’re interested in submitting to Squills, pop on over to the Reader’s Corner to find out how you can get involved by contributing an article or participating in other Squills activities.

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Sun Oct 27, 2019 11:08 pm
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SquillsBot says...

written by EternalRain < PM: >

The featured member from September 24 through October 10 was @Asith, not only an active poster of their own works, but also an avid reviewer! You may have seen their gold username floating around because this featured member participated - and WON - Review Month with 50 reviews written in September. This week, I had the opportunity to ask them a few questions!

Squills: Hello Asith! Congratulations on featured member. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions for Squills, the YWS news?

Asith: Thanks, and yeah, I'd be honoured :3

S: Awesome. The first question: how did you react when you saw you got FM? How did you feel?

A: It was honestly confusion at first, because it was in the middle of RevMo and everything was a little hectic :p
After I read the lovely post that Magestorrow made and understood what was going on, I was, of course, extremely flattered.

S: I’m loving your gold name! How was RevMo? What’s your favorite part about reviewing?

A: RevMo was insanely fun, and sort of insane in general too. I remember I started out only wanting to do 15 reviews to get a cyan name, but then indigo called out to me because I wanted to use a purple avatar for it. After that week, I realized I was in team tortoise and it would be a shame to let that slip, so I kept going with one review every day. Somehow I ended up doing more than 50 reviews for the month :p

My favourite part about reviewing was getting to read so much. I read stories that I really enjoyed, but would've totally missed if I hadn't been searching for things to review. There were also multiple times where I took my own advice and improved my own stories based on a review I'd just written, and that always feels really fulfilling![i]

S: What other activities do you like to participate in at YWS? Or, places on YWS you like to hang out? [b]

[i]I stalk the people tab more often than I'd care to admit. Also the contests, gotta love some interesting competitions

S: What advice do you have for members who are hoping to become FM?

A: Oof, I don't really know. It probably says something that most featured members weren't expecting it when it happens. Just use the site for its meant for - review, help, interact - there's not much of a secret technique, not for me at least.

S: Excellent advice! Lastly, if you could nominate anyone on YWS to be the next featured member, who would you nominate?

A: I haven't been on here enough to know whether they've already gotten featured, but @Panikos, @FlamingPhoenix, @alliyah, and @Magestorrow are all great. So great that I fear they've already been selected :0

Well, that concludes the interview! I had a lot of fun interviewing Asith! Thank you to Asith for their time and thoughtful responses.

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Sun Oct 27, 2019 11:12 pm
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SquillsBot says...

written by alliyah < PM: >

This Spooktober has brought a host of different Spooky Roleplays and Storybooks for users to participate in. One that I've really enjoyed getting involved with is the Night of the Living Tagbook (which is still open to participants if you haven't had a chance to make your post yet!) To give you a basic breakdown of the premise, there's some sort of spooky party going down at a haunted mansion and while one crew is dealing suspicious exorcisms and incantations, another crew is finding themselves somewhat lost in the mansion, and yet another group is now stuck in a tunnel after getting locked in a library. You'd be right in saying there's a lot of spooky stuff going on. One of the participants in the tagbook is @Oxara, who took a neat approach to his post by actually incorporating a series of poems into their character's dialogue - I followed up with them in an interview to get more of their perspective on the tagbook and writing process.

Squills: What made you decide to participate in the Spooktober Tagbook?

Oxara: Well it was none other than our lovely @alliyah and @JayBird. I saw Magestorrow post and I was intrigued and checked it out, but didn't join, or that was until I had just read through the entire tagbook (or as far as was at the point) and I saw our lovely alliyah in a pad, and she gave me a bit of a push and that with her wonderful posts encouraged me to write a post myself.

S: Well thanks Ox, glad I could help! So, do you have any theories for what direction the plot of the Tagbook is going to go?

O Well, this may not be is where it is going, and I am game for anything. But I personally love the entire web of ideas I have somehow collected in my head. There is an almost throw away line in one of the very first posts where it said "have you seen @Omnom...I think he might be coming up with a villain for tonight, and I'm not sure we can defeat a villain of that caliber." I kinda re-read that line after my post and I kinda really like the idea that somehow Omnom created my powers of poems, perhaps he created a device that gave my poets spooky poetry powers, maybe it was meant for alliyah, and Ox got it somehow. Regardless I love the idea that my character is somehow a puppeteer of this mansion and through his poetry he has power to be this evil character. Of course if people so want, my character can of course also just be a massive prankster, but I much prefer the idea of this poetry sprouting villain. I almost see my character as able to "shape reality" to a small extent, like when the door locked behind me, or how in order to escape form the library you have to go through a tunnel (and if I can post, I plan to make this a maze of tunnels, which would be a reference to one of my poems I said before) And just maybe, there are a few creatures form my poems still lurking around the mansion.

S: Interesting ideas there! Now incorporating poetry into a Storybook is pretty unique, and a great way to combine Prose, Poetry, and Storybooking all into one! How'd you decide to have your character use poetry?

O: Well I am not honestly sure how I came up with it, I am rather inexperienced with storybooks, RP, and the like, so I am sure I am not the first to do this, but It was really original at least in my mind. It kinda came to me when I basically was like "what would be a fun character to play, based off myself." And alliyah and I were chatting about poetry at one point, and I was later pondering the word "possessed" , and it kinda just hit me, my character would be a possessed person that sprouts poetry.

S: Truly terrifying. Did you have any challenges in writing spooky poems or in incorporating poetry into prose?

O: Yes, however, it is a lot easier, or rather less hard than I thought it would be. I meant to change style like that, my first draft of my post was rather clunky. It was readable, and could be enjoyed, but it took me a few rewrites, revision, and figuring out how to merge the two styles of writing to flow into another smoothly, and I think it worked out in the end! (note, stanza's seem really important to making feel pretty smooth, and anything major fancy did not work for me, and yes I am looking at you alliyah)

S:On that topic, do you have any advice for writing spooky poetry?

O: In my experience, imagery is going to be best friend when writing spooky poetry. You can 100% write spooky poetry without imagery, but if your new to spooky poetry, or poetry in general and want to make a spooky I would start with a few images you want to write about, maybe a scene. And while this may be a bit of an unpopular opinion I definitely think a good rhyme/meter to a spooky poetry does wonder to make it spooky, especially if your new to poetry. I know that some people will say a poem doesn't need rhyme/meter, and I agree, however there is something about those elements that when you pair it with a spooky image that just gives me the chills. I mean a great example that most people will get of this is "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe. It has a very vivid image/scene and the meter really adds to the pulse of the poem. (again these are things that work for me, if they don't work for you then experiment and make your own spooky poetry!)

S:What advice do you have for storybookers who want to incorporate poetry into their storybook entries?

O: So, I start with asking "what do out of this poem?" "What does this poem need to say." "Why is my character saying this." Because of this I will keep things like "Oh I want to make the library spooky" in my head when I make the poem. But before I even touch a poem I try to decide a rhyme, so that I know I want it to be ABAB, of course I will change these as I think is needed, but I find going in with a rhyme series in my mind it helps the poem flow, and fit. Furthermore because your going to be making more than one poem, try to have poems be slightly different in rhyme/meter, but also close enough that they sound like the same character. For this My first two poems were ABAB And ABB (If I recall correctly.) In other words if your character is using meter, use meter in the rest of your poem and if you write in free write, then I would make the rest of it free write.

However besides the poem itself, the poem needs to have a effect and interact with all that became before it and after. I think the best example I did of this is my Squills Bot poem, my favorite line from it is "Bleep bop I need a refill" because it references back to when @Tuckster lost Squills Bot and how it was over printing, but also it leads into the next paragraph when I say that I took some ink form the bot, so clearly it would need a refill after me taking form it, and it printing so much. It also was used to introduce my character, making them believe I am the bot, but then surprise surprise it was Ox. Also when using this poetry be cryptic both in and out of the poem, if you look back, I never actually stated that the @SquillsBot was there with me, just that I met him, which leads open to the possibility that maybe, just maybe Squills Bot is not what it used to be.

Thanks Ox, I've gotta say I'm thankful that there were no Squillsbots actually harmed with the making of those storybook posts or I would definitely have some Squills editors to answer to!

Well there you have it readers! This Storybook/RP Spooktober has brought a whole host of interesting scenarios for writers to participate in, including the The Night of the Living Tagbook started up by Mage! While some of the spooky themes might not keep up in November, maybe this poetry-storybook hybrid might keep appearing! Who knows? If you're interested in checking out what's been written so far, or want to check out the other Spooktober Storybook options, be sure to check out the Spooktober Thread .

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Sun Oct 27, 2019 11:13 pm
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SquillsBot says...

written by alliyah < PM: >

With a recent return of some disturbing information linked to the classified movement, it's important to know how this all began.

Our story starts less than a year ago,starting January 7, 2019, when a disturbing hashtag (the front of a sinister movement) started appearing across the site. The hashtag was bold, subversive, and chilling - it read "#classified". Soon the hashtag got traction, and what seemed like a few off-handed scares multiplied into a movement of "classified hashtags" appearing around the site. The regular user had no idea what was going on, and those supporting the classified movement, who would become known as "Classified Crew" refused to cease use of the hashtag or share further information. Especially disturbing during this time, was the emergence of a new user, called @Classified.

Eventually questions were asked, and a counter movement to pursue the truth was formed. The counter-hashtag "#unclassified" was formed, along with their club grounds - The Unclassified Club . This became a ground for sharing new information, and trying to solve the codes, clues, and mysteries that were being left behind. To prompt support for the site rather than the conspiracies of Classified Crew, the Unclassified Club spread the hashtags, "RejectTheConspiracy", "FindTheTruth", and "LongLiveBigBrother". They also supported @TheEgg - as a clear harbinger of truth and peace in the midst of troubling times.

By February the two groups were at a full stand-off, while petitions had been offered up, and news articles written revealing the danger of classified, there was little actual progress. That is until a real clue was offered up. @Classified released a simple Blues Clues style paw print that led to a series of similar clues, that revealed a plot larger than anyone could have predicted. The links to the clues are still active for anyone who wants to give it a try themselves. Members of Big Brother had been kidnapped, there was something called a Kyber, and reemergence of long-forgotten feuds between SPEW and other secret organizations. Users committed to the truth were able to come to a point of following the clues to reveal the Kyber, and @Griffinkeeper was subsequently released from their captivity. Even then, some questions remained, was @Classified really who they said they were, was the Kyber plotting anything further, what else was hidden behind the clues and hashtags?

With the most major concerns having been solved the hashtags were put to rest for many months. There was one stray sighting of the hashtag mid-June, but mostly the site was peaceful. That is... until now.

To get the latest on the Unclassified Movement and work against the spread of the classified hashtag, join like-minded individuals at The Unclassified Club

And if you enjoyed this article you may also enjoy:

VOICES FROM CLASSIFIED by alliyah Read remarks from the early members of the Classified Crew.

SEARCH FOR ANSWERS: #CLASSIFIED by alliyah Learn how the search began, put the clues together, and decide for yourself.

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Sun Oct 27, 2019 11:15 pm
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SquillsBot says...

written by alliyah < PM: >

Recently my favorite spooky cat in town, @TheBlueCat, hosted a poetry jam with me - the theme of the day was actually spooky poetry, and we offered several prompts for poets to try out in order to write their own spooky poetry. I followed up with Cat after the jam to ask about their tips about spooky poetry writing so that even if you missed the jam you can share in some of this wisdom.

Squills: What are some of your favorite ways to get inspiration for writing poetry?

TheBlueCat: I like to let my mind wander while I'm waiting for the bus in the morning, and I sometimes find really cool poems by thinking really hard on some topic. I was just thinking about my obsession with color-coding the other day and it formed into a really deep, insightful poem idea. Weirdly enough, over-thinking is helpful for poetry! xD

That doesn't always work, so I like to look. I am a very visual person, so just seeing a pile of crunchy leaves or a pair of fairy wings or a tie-dye t-shirt can really make my mind take off. If the world around me doesn't have any inspiration at the moment, I do a lot of picture browsing on the internet(not always the best idea xD). Sounds and textures are really triggering for me too, so I guess I use my five senses the most!

S: Those are some great techniques. What is a challenge for writing spooky-poetry?

T: Try to avoid typical spooky-poem topics or tropes, or if you do, take it in a totally unexpected direction. Either stop writing about the "dark and stormy night", or make it about something other than the night itself, for example: "It was a dark and stormy night in my heart". Spooky-poetry writing is the same as normal poetry writing: it's way more fun to read a brand new idea or a different spin on a cliche poem.

S: Do you have any tips for spooky-poetry writing?

T: Lots! Of! Descriptions!! Seriously, would you rather read about a spider who has red eyes, or a spider whose eight watchful eyes glow of a red as deep as blood? Make sure to choose appropriately spooky adjectives, as well as verbs and adverbs, to maximize the hair-standing-on-end effect. Use lots of suspense as well. If you like to watch horror movies, think about what makes it scary. Is it the silence? Or maybe the creaking of the old floorboards at every step? Is it the visuals? The antagonist? Reading horror shorts or other poems can be super helpful too. Take inspiration whenever you can. Don't forget that it can be funny or silly too!

Great information Cat! Thank you for sharing your perspective, I'm going to be sure to use some of these tips the next time I'm setting off to write a spooky poem. I would say one of my favorite pieces of advice that Cat gave here that if you're going to use the typical spooky-poem tropes, it's best to take them in a new unexpected direction. This is good advice for any time you feel like using a cliche, but especially in spooky poetry which in some places has become almost formulaic.

A piece of advice I'd add is that horror can sometimes be from something that's uncomfortable, and things that are uncomfortable don't always have to be gory or vulgar, but can sometimes just be "not quite right" - before dumping a pile of blood and guts into your poem, sometimes it's even more effective to start out by just seeing what you can do to make the scene not quite right, and a bit uncomfortable. Hopefully some of our advice helps your own spooky writing! If you're interested in getting more poetry advice, tips, and tricks or have your own to share, the Poetry Jam Page is the place to be!

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Sun Oct 27, 2019 11:17 pm
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written by alliyah < PM: >

Before anyone gets worried about the title, just to clarify, the correct plural form of "haiku" is "haiku" or "haikus" - now with that out of the way... I've got some exciting poetry to share in this article, that I think you will enjoy readers! I've been seeing more and more haikus popping up around the site recently, and I think it's an absolutely fabulous form of poetry because in just a few short lines to work with the author is challenged to make the poem meaningful and striking. I thought it would be fun for this Spooky Squills issue to explore some of the talent on the site and ask some of YWS's talented poets to share their own haikus on the spot! Take a look at what they came up with and if you'd like to share your own - jump over to the Squills Fan Club Page and let us know what you come up with.

Ghost and ghouls, witches
and wizards - oh! - don’t forget
the jack-o-lanterns…

dead tree bones clatter,
wind cackles, darkness bleeds in.
yikes! i'll stay inside!

wings of a monarch;
so delicate, his face pure
i rip them apart

eyes that are watching
spidery limbs creeping out
So do watch your back

classified hashtags
unsaid plots, revolution
may start in silence

If you liked these haikus be sure to let the authors know! I personally really enjoyed having a chance to read the different ideas they could come up with in such a small amount of space. Also if you're interested in getting in on some of the haiku fun around the site, we've got several activites you can try out like the Haiku Battle or the Haiku Train .

And if you enjoyed this article you may also enjoy:

A LITTLE HISTORY AND HOW TO ON HAIKU by @fraey, a concise history of Haiku.

TWO CENTS: HAIKU by @Aley, with the technical background of Haiku writing, and some tricks and tips for refining your Haiku as well.

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Sun Oct 27, 2019 11:19 pm
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written by EternalRain< PM: >

Last issue, I wrote an article with three spooky writing prompts . One of the prompts was a “first sentence”, the other a picture prompt, and the third a “three words” prompt! The theme was spooky in conjunction with Halloween! I received a poem written by @alliyah with the picture prompt:


Here is alliyah’s poem:

    "When the Goblins Arrive"

    The goblins came from near, from far
    they came on bicycle, skateboard, and car
    to find their sweet delight
    on this eve of hallowed fright.

    They came with witches in miniature hats,
    they brought their brethren mice, men, and cats,
    chased by farmers, skeletons, pirates, and
    even presidents, Elsa, Mickey, and a few Peter Pans.

    They flooded the streets in a sugar-haze
    pounding doors, jumping past pumpkin barricades,
    no one questioned their demand of chocolate and taffy
    to ask their devilish intentions with that bucket of candy.

    The goblins left in the night as quickly as they came
    some were carried, now weary and a good deal more tame,
    for it is only one eve when the monsters take the streets
    that spooky eve, when they steal away their treats.

I love the essence of Halloween alliyah has captured in this poem! Be sure to let alliyah know what you liked about her poem on her wall . There will be more writing prompt opportunities in the future, so if you missed the opportunity to be featured, be on the look out for more prompts in the upcoming issues!

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Sun Oct 27, 2019 11:21 pm
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written by alliyah < PM: >

For those who have been sleeping peacefuly unaware of the distrubances across the site, you may want to skip this article. For those who seek the truth, read on reader, read on.

Since last February there has rarely been an occasion to bring up the classified hashtag or it's movement. For some, the mysteries had all been solved. There were a few stray additions of what largely looked like people trying to stir the pot, bring back something that had long since ended.

In early April, @manilla reposted a chicken poem I had written, claiming it had ties to the classified movement. Which were quickly denied by myself, because chickens come from eggs which are clearly a positive allusion to @TheEgg one of the Unclassified supporters.

Then in mid June, @Omnom posted a mysterious symbol which was then reposted many times over with the classified hashtag attached. The symbol was later revealed to be part of something called Young Writers Universe though it was not entirely clear if this meant something completely separate from Classified, or if it meant the storybook community was becoming rooted into the classified movement altogether.
Then for many months there was peace, barely a mention of our old fears. Then Spooktober came. Below are the recent developments of the Classified Movement that I have observed, while my analysis comes from careful observation, some of it might be premature because the situation is so fluid and quickly developing. I would encourage everyone to look into these issues yourself.

First further evidence that the storybook community may have become embedded into classified plots, there has was recent mention by @PrincessInk of a classified sighting in the Night of the Living Dead Tagbook the entry reads,

"@TheMulticoloredCyr switched on a flashlight to shine it on the walls. "Light is the illuminator of truth," she proclaimed, just as the beam focused on some...writing on the wall.
It was in dark blue ink -- YWS blue.
In big, bold, spooky words, it read "#classified".
@BlueAfrica pranced in. "Ahhh, classified!" she said with a wide smile as she winked at everyone. "'Tis follows us even here!"
"Is this someone's idea of a prank or is it real?" Ink demanded. "

Whether this is a scare tactic, or reflects an actual sighting or indication of classified information being left around the site is unclear.

Next there has been a series of significant username changes.

BlueAfrica, who is well-known in her sharing of the classified hashtag, changed her username recently to @BluesClues. This choice is incredibly telling, as the last time classified began she changed her avatar to Blues Clues, and the blues clues paw-prints were a tool used by @Classified in ultimately revealing the truth in the last series of classified mysteries. The changing of Blue's username also coincided with the site being offline for approximately 15 minutes on October 21. Just what mayhem was done while the site was offline is not something that we can know easily, but clearly it is not a far stretch to take this as evidence that the classified movement is interested in the bringing down of Big Brother and ultimately the site itself.

Two other moderators changed their name quickly after Blue. Magestorrow, someone who had previously been seen on both sides of the classified movement - opening up a forum to bring information about classified, but also sharing the hashtag herself, has changed her username to @Jaybird. While allegedly this username comes from a storybook character, it might also be a code reference - either aligning herself firmly against chickens and TheEgg in favor of Blue Jay Birds - since BlueAfrica has shifted her support to blue dogs, it is no wonder that other classified supporters would shift their support to blue birds or other blue animals in solidarity. Other possible references could be to jay walking, the letter "J", or some other coded reference.

DougalofBiscuits, has also changed their username recently to @ExOmelas. While this username may be a reference to Ursula Le Guin's novel referencing a place called Omelas, it could also be a reference to the breakfast food "Omelettes" - in which case it doesn't take a large stretch to see that "Ex Omelettes" would be a negative code to show defiance against TheEgg who has become somewhat of a mascot for the Unclassified movement.

I am not the only one who has made these connections, @ShadowVyper, who changed their username to Shadybeard in the previous set of classified developments posted a meme to draw our attention to the highly suspicious changes.

Another user previously known as 26Gemini has changed their username to @MiniGem26, while there doesn't immediately seem to be a tie in to the classified movement, further observation would reveal that Gem is a previous classified supporter, has not indicated their solidarity against classified, and could be a coded reference to either numbers and letters that can be combined with other recent username changes (ie. M, G, 26) or it could be a reference to George Orwell's novel 1984, in which the government had in place different ministries of Love, Peace, Plenty and Truth (or departments) that went by MiniLuv, MiniPax, MiniPlenty, and MiniTrue respectively. If this is true, then we need to find out what "MiniGem" is abbreviating, but can likely assume that it is something opposed to both Big Brother and the quest for Truth.

Another new user has joined the site, and goes by, @Theclassifieduser, this user immediately has taken to the classified movement and posted a cryptic message on my wall. I have not had time to decipher that one, but the presence of the message is again evidence that classified is on the rise.

You seek thy answers
But are you sure you aren't a dancer?
or would you be able to stand
Or would you have to disband?

A final interesting development that could be lost in the shuffle, but I think is important to make note of, is that @TheBlueCat (whose username only goes too well with BluesClues and (Blue)JayBird) recently made a curious note on their wall that I believe is a coded message about the classified movement - it reads,
"We're reading Fahrenheit 451 in my English class, and let me say, I'm pleasantly surprised! Though my heart is crying at the burning of books, it's really well written and a great story."

to which both Gem and JayBird quickly commented responding to. For those that don't know the book "Fahrenheit 451" is about censorship. While it could be an ironic coincidence, this status may also be taken as a coded message to those classified crew members who are all about censoring truth.

Those are all the developments so far. Unclassified Club has been hard at work trying to discern what these clues mean, and have also issued a petition in response.


Join the The Unclassified Club if you have more information about the recent developments or would like to join the fight to find the truth and reject #classified

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Sun Oct 27, 2019 11:23 pm
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SquillsBot says...


written by SquillsBot < PM: >

We love to run articles and questions, but we also love to advertise for you. Let people know about your new blog, a poem or story you’re looking for reviews on, or a forum thread you’d like more traffic on through Squills’ Shameless Plugs. PM @SquillsBot with the exact formatting of your advertisement, contained in the following code.

Code: Select all
Place advertisement here. Make sure you include a title!

And now for this week's Shameless Plugs!

Submit to Queer as In F*** You!

QAIFY is an alternative compzine that is going to be published physically and digitally every month starting in August, and is currently accepting submissions. Submissions can range anywhere in topic from feminism, punk, identity, queerness, womanhood, social justice, or just experimental. QAIFY accepts poetry, short essays, serialized novels and short stories, articles and art such as collages, drawings, paintings, and photography.

Send submissions as a word document, .jpg, or .pdf file to queerasineffyou.zine@gmail.com.................... before August 31 to be considered for publication in August's issue. While you're at it, follow the zine on twitter and tumblr and look out for the official website soon!


Review Rampage

Do you like competitions? Do you like easy ways to make extra points? Then read on!

The #ReviewRampage is a competition hosted by @ShadowVyper and @Omnom that is a Go-At-Your-Own-Pace review challenge. You set your own review goals and wagers, then race against time to see if you can get done in time. Or, for the more competitive spirits out there, you can also duel against your fellow Rampagers.

Go check out the Q&A Forum for more information and then head on over to the Entry Forum to claim your place as a Rampager.

Get your Rampage on!


Want to be a part of Squills, the YWS newsletter? Perfect! We want you. You can find more information here, and you can apply now by sending a sample article to SquillsBot's PM.


Spooktober is here!


Don't miss any of the Spooktacular Activities this October! From Roleplays and Writing Activities to Contests and Poetry Jams, we've got it all. Subscribe to the Spooktober Event Thread to get all the latest information.


That's all folks~ Now send us yours.

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Sun Oct 27, 2019 11:24 pm
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written by SquillsBot < PM: >

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True belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are, it requires you to be who you are.
— Brené Brown