Hello, I hope you mind me popping in with a quick review. I will quickly apologize, as I haven't watched Hocus Pocus. I plan to, but I wasn't around when it came out. However, I hope my thoughts can brighten your day nonetheless. With all that being said, let's get into it, shall we?
Overall, I found this interesting despite not knowing the source material. If I am not mistaken, Billy is the dead guy they revived, right? I bet others who know more might have more background, but I feel this could be made into an actual long-form fan fiction playing off this idea.
You already have a source conflict with the kiss and I feel there are a lot of ways this could play out. Along with the magic element there is a lot of space for both hijinks and drama alike. Plus I feel you could add some depth and possible humanity to the sister's dynamic because the movies are more focused on the evil witch side of things. However, that is if you would want to continue.
Now I would normally jump into feedback but nothing jumped out at me. I feel like I don't know enough to comment on the canon of this story so I will wrap it up instead.
This was a fun little short story I feel could be expanded on to explore characters but is fine as is. I hope you have a good day or night as well as a good holiday season. As always keep writing and remember to drink water!
Points: 22921
Reviews: 197