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The Gateway (EDITED)- Part I

by emilia9ludenberg

Warning: This work has been rated 16+.



Gum-filled streets plagued the highway

A man's forlorn expression, how he cries

"The end is nigh; let's be high"

Chemists declared 420 is a mystical affair...


Naturally must be exorcised

Beware, for His crystallised visions

Terrify even the most pernicious eye, of a hawk's precision

Gliding on jubilance; a Biologist's spectacle!


Keen to prepare their petri slides

Putridly scented in nature, yet still useful

Surveying fragments of their dreary, regretful,

Lab-induced teary mice, devoid of sorrow...


At least thou art equipped with Oxbridge blue-eyes

Producing an elixir of opalescent cries,


and utter terrors, of tranquility

For though they occupy an equal area of harmony,

they yearn for equity.



Sacre bleu! The Do-Goaders are outraged

How can one in such an age, o' the Freemens

Use test-subjects; o, thy heathens!

Didst, thou forget to memorise thy specification?


Those symbols of Nature, decaying silently

Unto a masque, of piety.


Purge thy sins; translate thee into the legacy,

of the Opportunistics.

E'en though the Do-Goaders' testament hath succumbed, 

to the force, o'  the Narcissistic. 


And let the whitish-blue mist, stem the ultimate stream

of thy barracks, of useless dreams.



But the Scientists are not thy Saviour(s)

Only work in their self-centred favours, 

they scoff.


Divinity and charismatic experiences

Likely dealt a vicious hand of narcotic obliqueness;

taste their sweetness,

Taste the blandness of the kaleidoscope o' Ambiguity!


The Scientists decided, to dote upon the mystical, remote

aspects o' Nature herself, and her fleeting company.

The search for a much-needed antidote was necessary,

to combat rifles, of gluttony.


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32 Reviews

Points: 43
Reviews: 32

Wed May 24, 2023 12:21 am
julia002 wrote a review...

Usually, I would read something like this and not leave a review, because I did have a hard time understanding it. But, I feel like telling you what I think because I know when I write I will take anyone's opinion. I've only read this through twice, so bare with me because I don't understand a lot of it. It seemed to start out as a poem about weed, which got me hooked. And I thought "Oh is it called gateway because people call weed a gateway drug???" But then, to be honest, I got a little lost. Your imagery is so sick and I think you have a cool way of writing, but I was lost on the main message of this piece... I don't know I need help lol

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emilia9ludenberg says...

Hello :)
Thank you for your review; genuinely really appreciate it considering I have re read my poem and already feel like it could be so much better
Apologies for the lack of understanding; for some reason everything I write is more complicated than perhaps necessary- although I will say that though there are some underlying themes to it, it does not consist of just one main message. Rather it is a collection of miscellaneous thoughts, sort of intertwined in a way which enables multiple interpretations from many (not done well). Also the title is both the weed reference, and a more spiritualistic meaning too :)

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459 Reviews

Points: 10092
Reviews: 459

Tue May 23, 2023 9:19 pm
Poor Imp wrote a review...

Oy, somehow that wildly evoked Bob Dylan for me. Which is absolutely a compliment. I had a lot fun reading, especially tripping over lines or neologisms that made me wonder if you meant one thing or another -- or both. (Something Dylan is ace at doing.)


Do you mean 'gum-filled' or 'gun-filled'?

'Do-goaders' or 'do-gooders'?

'Do-goaders' is a fantastic image, by the way.

'Deer' as in the animal, and intentionally wrong, or do you mean 'dear'?

A few suggestions or thoughts:

The punctuation and capitalization seemed sometimes intentional, sometimes not. It wasn't clear as I travelled through the nearly-stream-of-consciousness that the capitals meant anything or not. If that's intentional, I like the idea; but I think ultimately it's confusing in a way that draws away from the subversive and ironic confusion. (For ex.: Why is

Their ideas as aligned as the Black Stars
...black stars capitalized?)

As to the end, it's the only bit that had less bite than the rest. I think that's because you almost completely use tangible images, but "tenacious drill" was abstract. Drill of what and whose tenacity?

Apologies for being a little scattershot in the review. Hoping I can get back to this for a line by line.



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emilia9ludenberg says...

Hiya, thanks so much for the review:)
Thank you for comparing me to Bob Dylan; from what I've heard, he's great
As to the questions about word-choice, I did intentionally put "gum" to depict what I believe to be an accurate description of the streets in the UK and other parts of the world
And also for other references
"Deer" was also intentional as I tried (unsuccessfully) to act as though confiding in any animal besides a human is more worthwhile, for many reasons (my opinion, at least) and also tried to do... Something else
Do-gooders is what I meant too. I think I went a bit overboard with the capitalization- the majority of it is symbolic ish, however I think the "black stars" part was capitalised mistakenly- although I didn't literally mean stars that were black (still an astrological reference, though). I'm not great at endings- it's always the part I struggle with the most. I did initially think it was effective (particularly since I enjoy abstract concepts) however I suppose it is too vague on a level which is difficult to explain, and perhaps one should make of that what they will? I might change it, though- it was half intentional, however. Thank you so much for writing such a detailed review, and the fact you are willing to dedicate ample amounts of time (possibly) to analyse it *line by line* is actually amazing. I highly appreciate criticisms that are not overtly harsh/degrading, and this review is one of the best I have ever seen (at least so far- haven't been on this website for long, so who knows.)

Apologies for the lengthy reply :)

As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.
— Andrew Carnegie