Hey dogsrule5, Katja here to review your poem. As with all of my reviews please feel free to disregard any comments or suggestions I make if you find them unhelpful. With that being said, let's get into the review!
Overall Thoughts
Your poem is an expression of love for someone who is already with another. I like that your poem addresses the person directly and is short and bittersweet, leaving them with the proclamation that even though you believe you could never be more than friends, you still want, need, and love this person.
Instead of the one-word lines, I recommend keeping them with their corresponding lines. For example, using your poem:
You can always make me smile.
You can always make me laugh till' I'm in tears.
You wear cologne that smells like heaven to me.
You give the best hugs I've ever felt.
The pauses by separating them break the rhythm but also this helps keep the poem neater and more readable *in my opinion*. Not an error, simply my opinion~
That's all I have for suggestions!
I'm glad you were able to express yourself through poetry! It's a great outlet for emotion.
Overall I really enjoyed reading this and I like the repetition which emphasizes your need to express the way you feel to them. Well done on this poem. I hope my review was helpful.
Keep Writing,
Points: 0
Reviews: 156