
Young Writers Society

16+ Mature Content

LMS VI: Something about Monsters - Life 1/?

by WeepingWisteria

Warning: This work has been rated 16+ for mature content.

So, there’s not much I have left to say about the last story’s events. Ollie avoided falling into any pitfalls and escaped by phasing through the ground with mild mold allergy symptoms and some moderate dehydration after vanishing from the real world for approximately one and a half weeks. It was a miracle Ollie had gotten so lucky, yadda yadda, you know, the whole spiel.

There shouldn’t be any outstanding questions other than, “Oh, narrator, what was that building?” And to you, humble reader, I say it was a nightmare to talk about, that’s what. Because it’s not infinite, just incomprehensibly big to the human brain. Coupled with the fact that it constantly shifts, it’s set to be a disaster. So it’s best to leave it be.

Regardless, we’re not here to talk about that. In the first story, I introduced you to my best friend, Death, an awe-inspiring, wonderful being who cares deeply for humanity and its… quirks. But, as I write this, Death is suggesting that I should take the time to introduce you to the other forces that dictate your entire life. So, I suppose I’m here to do that. Because Death is… incredibly persuasive when Death smiles like that.

So, here’s one more introduction for you. Enjoy it. Ignore it. I don’t care.

In this story, I am introducing you to Life. The main force that you humans cling to for as long as you can. He’s Death’s younger brother.

And the biggest, most unadulterated scumbag this universe has ever seen.

I would call him a sociopath if that word had any actual psychological meaning and wasn’t just a cheap money word tossed around for scraps. However, I have existed since before humans created language. In all your years of existence, none of you have made up a word suitable enough to describe just how much I hate that licentious, vacuous, and downright vile creature.

But you get to meet him. Yay! Congratulations. You get to be just as annoyed as I am. We’ll suffer together.

Now, I could write thousands of tomes about Life and go into every story and detail, but I don't have time for that. Or the patient. Or the willpower to stomach the thought of him for that long. So, you get one story to sum him up. And it’s the story of how he decided to adopt a human by the name of Mallory Pechman as a personal plaything.

I would like to emphasize that Mallory had done nothing wrong. From the moment he was born, Life has gotten all starry-eyed in his demented way, and it just went downhill. His childhood wasn’t tragic, per se. He had two parents. They were in a vicious cycle of divorce and remarrying, utterly blind to how they constantly dragged Mallory by the ear. He had no siblings. No friends. Life ensured he was always on the right side of awkwardness to be shunned by everyone seeking the flame of popularity but not quite odd enough to be accepted as an outcast.

Of course, he never knew why that was. To him, it was all his fault and a personal problem. But Life…

Well, Life was there every step of the way.

I remember precisely when Death learned about Life setting up Mallory’s life for suffering. Death was livid in a way. Death never could be at anything else. I wasn’t there, but I didn’t have to be. I still saw it in my mind’s eye, right down to Death’s frustrated furrow.

Death stormed over to Life’s quarters. Death was barely humanoid, a figure of smoke and too many eyes. Death’s hands were wispy, fingers too long. Yet, contrary to what Death’s story may have suggested, Death is perfectly capable of communicating; the only caveat was that it couldn’t be verbal.

So that’s why Death could slam Life’s door open, hazy chest heaving, and sign, “What exactly do you think you’re doing?”

Life had his sibling’s ability to pick his form, but he did it less for comfort and more for what he likes to call a sense of pizazz. But currently, there was no one to impress, so he looked mainly like a hunk of metal with random points jutting out at unwelcoming angles, sharpened to deadly points. Not that Death could die, but it was the ambiance that mattered.

Life sighed. “Oh, I just love it when you’re all vague like that. It makes me know exactly what you’re talking about.”

Death took a deep breath. “Look—“

“I have to be looking at you, or I wouldn’t be able to understand you.”

“—you cannot just decide to interfere with a mortal’s life because you find it amusing!”

Life yawned. “But you interfere with lives all the time. In fact, you kind of… end them.”

Death grew, the smoke making Death’s skin contract. “You know I don’t make mortals die. I just—“

“How many children did you kill today, Deathie?” Life smirked. “Or orphaned?”

Death’s form trembled. “Don’t change the subject! Mallory—“

“Before you come around and accuse me of ruining lives, maybe you should look within yourself. You are the hated one here. You’re the one that separates families, leaving people all sad, alone, and in pain. Yet, I, little ole’ Life, am adored.” He grinned. “That’s why I get to speak. And you get the sidelines as a silent role. No one wants to hear you, Deathie. You’re the thing that’s tearing apart the world.”

Death couldn’t keep face at that. Death shrunk into a tightly packed humanoid cloud, smaller than before. “Mallory Pechman doesn’t deserve this.” Death turned around and floated away.

Life snorted, laughing freely as his spikes receded into his metal skin. To him, it was just too good. Quality entertainment for Death to buzz with sorrow and guilt for things outside of Death’s control. He was laughing like a drunk middle-aged man at a bad comedy show. And I could hear every second, and Death didn’t have to. Death had listened enough to have it memorized.

I just… I hate him. Oh, I wish I could stick his head on a pike.

But that finally pushed Life to take things up a notch with Mallory. The watch from afar as he floated through life wasn’t working. Life wanted to get his hands dirty. He wanted to ruin Mallory’s life.

He found his first opening when Mallory was seventeen. It was his sophomore year of high school, and he was still awkward and lonely. So, Life gave him the one thing to let him do everything he wanted.

Life gave Mallory a girlfriend.

He had spotted the perfect girl while he was watching Mallory talking to her group of friends. She was everything Mallory would never get on his own. She was popular and the perfect short blue-eyed blondie that most heterosexual teen boys seemed to trip over themselves flirting with. Not that I know anything about flirting. Or romantic attraction. Or anything of that sort.

Moving on.

Life saw Amanda and immediately knew exactly what he would do to introduce Mallory to his new way of living. And all he had to do was hover over her brain and just make her be attracted to Mallory. Nothing else in her personality changed, but suddenly Mallory had a fan.

The first time Amanda flirted with Mallory, he thought he was being played. He saw no reason Amanda would suddenly want to look at him, let alone flirt. The second time, he just brushed her off. She couldn’t really mean it. The third time was a bit harder to ignore with her gorgeous smile and the way her eyes lit up like she worshiped every word he said.

And the fourth time, Life’s plan fell perfectly into place.

Amanda approached Mallory in the courtyard of their high school. She was in her usual crop top, sweater, and jeans. She smiled calmly, collectedly. Like she knew exactly who she was and what effect it had. Mallory was slowly becoming helpless to her demeanor, noticing the little things that made Amanda so much more than just the popular girl who giggled over bad grammar in text messages and borderline nonsensical emoji codes.

Life found this transition very pleasing. He hovered around Mallory almost daily, waiting for the perfect chance to direct Amanda to Mallory’s path and watch it all unfold.

Amanda smiled, leaning against the locker next to Mallory’s. “Hello, handsome.” She giggled, a cheeky grin sprouting on her face.

Mallory’s Face warmed considerably, but he ignored it. He closed his locker with a little more force than strictly necessary. “Amanda.”

She giggled harder. “You remembered this time!”

Mallory sighed, trying his best not to find the way she laughed endearing. Or the way she always found a way to turn the most scornful things he said into something positive. She was a cheery person. And while he tried very hard to find it revolting, he kept being drawn in like some outside force was pushing him into her orbit.

Life, the outside force, just sniggered at this thought process.

Mallory faced Amanda head-on, “What do you want, Amanda?”

She sighed. “I would like you to say hi to me just once. That would be nice.”

“And why exactly would you want that?”

She rolled her eyes like he had just asked the most annoying question ever in this corner of the universe. Mallory scowled. “Amanda. I was willing to drop this. Seriously. But you just keep coming back.”

Amanda seemed genuinely hurt at that. “What do you mean?”

“You know exactly what I mean! The first time, har har, funny joke Amanda. The second time, you’re on thin ice. The fourth time…” He gave her a pointer glare. “And you need to go home and consider if you’re funny or just….” He yelled in frustration.

Amanda frowned, eyes all big and sad in a way that made Mallory feel bad before he remembered precisely what this girl was doing to him. “Mal—“

“I never said you could call me that.”

“Mal. Do you think I don’t mean everything I say?”

Mallory snorted. “Do I think….” He shook his head. “Do you think I’m stupid? I know that I’m a nobody. You’re Ms. Princess with all of your friends and followers. You don’t even spit at people like me.”

Amanda put her hand over her heart. “I know you’re hurt, so I won’t dwell on what you said.”

“Oh, shove that up your—“

“But let me be the first to say you’re not a nobody.” Amanda gently took both of his hands, smiling. “And I do think you’re cute. And funny. And everything else.”

Mallory tried to pull his hands away. “But—“

Amanda held his hands tighter. “But nothing. I mean it. Okay? Don’t fight it.”

Mallory shook his head. “Don’t say that. You don’t mean it.”

Amanda sighed. “But I do. I really, truly do.”

Mallory looked away. “But the way I’ve acted this entire time. Everything I’ve said.”

Amanda giggled. “It’s cute that you get all red and grumpy about it.”

Mallory successfully yanked his hands away, gathering his bag and matching way. “No! Not doing this!”

Amanda giggled. “Okay. Okay. See you later!”

Needless to say, they got together two days later. Life was chuckling the entire way.

Mallory called those days the best days of his life. Mind you, he was a teenager and didn’t have many days of his life to compare them to, but it was special to his mind. They had a relationship “to die for,” according to every peer who wanted something like they had in the vicinity. Life bided his time, knowing that if he struck too soon here, the blow wouldn’t land how he wanted it to. So he let the couple date happily through their junior year and deep into their senior year.

He waited until their second anniversary to strike. The day that meant so much to human relationships.

Amanda and Mallory were supposed to have a grand day. They were both eighteen. They both had more freedom than they ever had in their entire lives.

But somehow, Amanda hadn’t messaged Mallory at all the entire day. He expected some sort of good morning text message. Or at least a good morning response. But there was nothing. She didn’t even read his message. He tried not to let it hurt. Amanda was probably busy! He didn’t want to be clingy. Just because it was their anniversary didn’t mean she had to wait hand and foot for him.

So he waited.

And waited.

And waited some more.

And a little bit more.

And soon, a grand day of being together turned into half a day of Mallory worrying that somehow his girlfriend had wholly forgotten that he had ever existed. That wasn’t a thing that happened, right? There wasn’t a particular type of amnesia that prevented people from just remembering their significant others. So something had to be seriously wrong.

He hurriedly unlocked his phone, this time deciding to call her. Maybe she slept in and needed something to wake up! He could do that. He could be Amanda’s knight in shining armor.

But the phone just rang.

And rang.

And rang.

And rang some more.

Until all he got was her voicemail. He frowned. Amanda always had her phone on her, which was only off if she was in the movie theaters. And why would she be in the theater when he was here? Not with her? On their anniversary? That made none of the sense.

He huffed, putting on a jacket and stepping aside. Fine. He would have to go to her house if Amanda wasn't answering her phone. He wouldn’t do this on any other day, but Amanda completely blowing off their anniversary wasn’t like her. She wouldn’t do that. So Amanda had died in her sleep, was somehow unconscious, or had been replaced by an alien shapeshifter assuming her form. And no matter how he looked at it, he panicked.

Life, meanwhile, the snickering creature that he is, sat in the tree outside Mallory’s window. He looked like a morning dove, sitting all regal in the barely budding branches. He chittered aimlessly, trying to make what was really hysterical laughter sound like natural birdsong. He couldn’t miss the show: his ultimate opening moment.

Mallory rushed out of his house, sliding into his car. Life made sure to keep him in his line of life. While it was possible to follow him using magic or his very viable source of all information available, Life liked the thrill of the chase. So, he chased. He followed Mallory as he drove through suburbia, barely obeying the laws of physics as Mallory definitely didn’t follow the speed limits.

In four minutes, sixteen seconds, and twelve and half milliseconds, Mallory rolled up in front of Amanda’s house. Life landed on a nearby roof, hopping in birdish excitement. Mallory straightened his jacket and knocked, ensuring he didn’t look like the hurried rush that got him to Amanda’s door that afternoon.

Amanda did not answer. It was her mother, who smiled at Mallory, looking a little strained. “Mallory! Hello. I… wasn’t expecting you.”

Mallory nodded. “I’m sorry to drop in unannounced. But Amanda hadn’t been answering her phone, and I got worried. So she’s here, right?”

Amanda’s mom sighed. “Mallory—“

“I can just go talk to her. If you’re busy. I’m sorry. It’s just our anniversary.”


“So please let me inside so I can talk to her.”

“She’s not here.” Amanda’s mom crossed her arms. “She left. A while ago.”

Mallory blinked. “A while?”

Amanda’s mom nodded, a look of pity crossing her face.

“Did… did she say where she was going?”

Amanda’s mom sighed. “Go home, Mallory. Okay?”

Mallory blinked. “Yes. Yes, ma’am.”

Amanda’s mom patted his shoulder. “You’re a nice boy. I’m sorry.”

Mallory nodded. “Oh. I… I guess.” He turned around, practically stumbling back to his car.

Was Amanda cheating on him? That’s what she meant, right? That’s why she got sad and started pitying him and patting his shoulder like someone with their heart ripped out and thrown to the ground. He got into the driver’s seat, staring numbly at the road. So, that was it? She just decided to quit him. For no reason. On their anniversary. And he was supposed to whet, pretend everything was okay? Go to the same school as her tomorrow and look her in the eyes? Look at every spot where their lives had tangled together and ache until he couldn’t breathe?

How could he ever do that? How could anyone ever ask him to do that?

He sank his head onto the steering wheel, feeling his heart shatter like some fragile china he was never allowed to touch as a kid. That’s just how he would feel now. Forever. And never anything else ever again.

Life has witnessed everything, barely holding back cheers from his perch on the roof. Mallory’s pain was so delicious in a way nothing else ever could be. That was what Life lived for, that empty, vacant expression of someone who had their entire life inverted. Life could do that to people. Life could do that to people and be praised for it years later. He bathed in the pain and the dull panic of what-nows, why-gods, and how-cruels. He was downright giddy.

And poor Mallory never knew that this was just the beginning. He had no idea that Life was there, singing praises in birdsong because his pain was the sweetest delicacy the celestial had ever known.

I genuinely hate that man.

Mallory’s life continued to be in the same state of disrepair for the subsequent years, with no change from the pattern. This time, Life never let things get dire. He was saving for something big. He didn’t want Mallory to quit the game before Life got his fair share. So, Mallory tried to date in college. He never found anyone who seemed to like him for longer than a month or two. He failed out of college, his entire career plans ending in smoke. He barely managed to secure a terrible job as a fast food worker, where the grease had permeated into the air and left Mallory feeling like he had been cooked in the grill instead of the sad package of mystery meat he flipped for barely enough money to let his parents keep him in the house.

Mallory needed a change. He hated the way his life had turned out. No matter what he did or what he tried, he just always seemed to be terribly unlucky. He could never see Life, who knew better than to get caught by a mortal, but he always felt like the universe was picking on him for some reason he could never quite pinpoint. He just wanted a break, really. For any amount of time at this point. Just something that made life seem more than one tragedy after the other. He wanted to be happy. To laugh. To smile.

To feel clean.

He felt like a soulless husk of a man, so that’s precisely when Life introduced Sarah into his life.

Sarah was a businesswoman who occasionally went into the chain he worked at. She was always dressed in tailored suits and a cheery smile. It felt strange to see her in such a greasy place. Mallory always thought she was a shooting star when she came by. Not only did she look gorgeous amongst the plastic seats and neon wax paper, but she was also kind.

Mallory was desperately in need of some kind.

She would smile at whoever was working the counter. Tell them good morning. Scrunch her hair absentmindedly while rattling off her order.

Little things like that.

Mallory would say that he was in love with her. I would say he was in love with the idea of meeting someone who could ease his aches. But he didn’t know the difference. So between the breakfast burritos and soft drinks and longing glances, Sarah became his soulmate.

One day, he wrote his number on the wrapper of the chicken sandwich she had ordered. It felt like the day to do it. The birds were chirping peacefully. The sun was shining bright.

And Life was standing over his shoulder, giving him the confidence he needed. Not that he knew that. But Life was already excited, watching from his safe perch until he was needed.

Sarah approached the counter, just like any other day, smiling. “Hello! Malloy, right?”

Mallory nodded, leaning against the counter. “Sarah! What can I get for you today?”

Sarah hummed, her eyebrows twisting in concentration. “How about… a chicken sandwich, please?”

Mallory nodded, punching in the appropriate keys on the register. “Okay, Sarah. Anything to drink?”

“Not today.”

Mallory nodded. “Is that all?”

Sarah nodded. “Yep!”

Mallory smiled, his heart racing at what he was about to do. He took Sarah’s card, flying through the commands before heading back to tell the kitchen.

A few minutes later, he held a warm sandwich in one hand and a marker pen in the other. He scribbled out his number quietly, shoving the sandwich in a bag as if he was too embarrassed to look at it any longer.

“Order five-seventeen!”

Sarah bounded up to the counter, grinning. “Thank you, Mallory!”

Mallory felt like he had swallowed a hornet’s nest. “Sure. Have… a day.” He scampered to hide in the back, feeling flushed and exposed. Oh, why did he do that? Why would he ever do that?

Life snickered at his anxiety, having already tweaked Sarah’s feelings to his liking. Mallory took out his phone.

“Come on. Come on. Just one message.”

Life almost doubled over from the vagueness of his request. Life could just taste all the ways he could use one message to make Mallory suffer. Maybe it would be Sarah’s number, but a family member would answer. Now Sarah was on her deathbed and bleeding profusely. Or perhaps Life would have Sarah send over “eww” and nothing else. Or Sarah could take whatever Life gave her to make her stay away from home.

One message was all Life needed to make Mallory feel trapped and vulnerable. But that’s not what Life was trying to do. Life just wanted to guide them deeper into the web. Life needed more time to fully set up his trap.

So, Life grinned and had Sarah send her response half an hour later.

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Sat Jun 10, 2023 3:04 pm
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Spearmint wrote a review...

Hello hello Wist! :D With this review, I'm all caught up! Until you post the rest of Life, ahaha.
Anyways, I'm sure you've heard enough of my grumbling on the doc, but I would just like to reiterate my wholehearted agreement with the Narrator in that Life is a despicable being...

Because Death is… incredibly persuasive when Death smiles like that.

Awwww :3

Enjoy it. Ignore it. I don’t care.

Rant at it? Yeah, I'm gonna be doing that.

And the biggest, most unadulterated scumbag this universe has ever seen.

It's just so cool how you flip the tropes of Life being good and nourishing and Death being cold and merciless. Another reason I love your (semi) short stories <3

From the moment he was born, Life has gotten all starry-eyed in his demented way, and it just went downhill.

Hmm... did Life see something specific in Mallory, or was he just like-- "Ooh! Look, an innocent human being I can torture! What fun!"
Also, I wonder if Life meddles in multiple lives at the same time... I'm guessing yes, just because Life is a scumbag who dips his finger in multiple pies like that. >.>

I wasn’t there, but I didn’t have to be.

Ooh, so this is interesting. I was under the impression that the Narrator was aware of everything going on in the universe in order to tell their stories... Perhaps it's only Earth? Or the quarters of other beings aren't visible to them? (Honestly, makes sense.)

Life sighed. “Oh, I just love it when you’re all vague like that. It makes me know exactly what you’re talking about.”

Life is frustrating, but why is his sarcasm so good T-T

“I have to be looking at you, or I wouldn’t be able to understand you.”

He is annoyance personified. And later, evil personified. (Do Annoyance and Evil exist as beings in this world?)

You’re the thing that’s tearing apart the world.

Aww, Death, that's not true. :(

And I could hear every second, and Death didn’t have to.

Ohhh. Perhaps the Narrator hears everything, but doesn't see everything?? (Apologies if this was mentioned before; I have a kinda bad memory. xD)

Not that I know anything about flirting. Or romantic attraction. Or anything of that sort.

Ahaha, Narrator, that's quite a lot of denials. ;)

The first time Amanda flirted with Mallory, he thought he was being played.

You are, Mallory. By Life. T-T

noticing the little things that made Amanda so much more than just the popular girl who giggled over bad grammar in text messages and borderline nonsensical emoji codes.

Hmm... like what? What little things?

Amanda gently took both of his hands, smiling. “And I do think you’re cute. And funny. And everything else.”

I wonder what her friends' reactions are. >.> And any other student who's watching.

There wasn’t a particular type of amnesia that prevented people from just remembering their significant others.

When Life is involved, there is. >:(

He could be Amanda’s knight in shining armor.

As much as I dislike the knight in shining armor trope, I'll let it slide, because I know what's coming. :')

or had been replaced by an alien shapeshifter assuming her form.

XDD Oh, Mallory, that might be less painful than what actually happened. :[

Life made sure to keep him in his line of life.

line of sight?

And never anything else ever again.

No, Mallory. You'll get hurt even worse in the future. T-T

Sarah approached the counter, just like any other day, smiling. “Hello! Malloy, right?”

I’m assuming you wanted Sarah to get Mallory’s name right here… xD Typo?

”Sure. Have… a day.”
Lol! The epitome of awkwardness.

Ahh this is painful because I know exactly how much things are going to go wrong later. :’( I’m on mobile right now so it’s hard for me to type too much, but I’d just like to point out the contrast between Mallory and Ollie. Mallory feels like he doesn’t have much agency in his life, while Ollie, although in a situation where others might have felt hopeless, managed to keep their spirits up and fight back. I’m interested to see Mallory’s character development, if any! (Who knows. This could just be a tragedy that ends in his miserable life and death or something. ;-;) Anyways, thanks for the great story so far, and keep writing! Have a wonderful day/night ^-^

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Tue Jun 06, 2023 9:20 pm
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Rose wrote a review...

Greetings @WeepingWisteria,

How is your mental machinery running? Hopefully smooth like a well-oiled machine.
As I write this, I can only imagine you lying comfortably on a bed that looks like it just came back from battle with pillows on the floor and the blanket half tucked in. But maybe you are just simply staring out a window while drinking a warm coffee.
But wherever you are and whatever you are doing, when you decide to visit this platform again, a review will be waiting for you.

First off, I usually like to read endless pieces of fascinating work and then review them, that is why I chose to read your story.
In the beginning, I thought this story would be a fantasy tale filled with giant monsters, witches with powerful magic, dangerous woods, false prophecies and some dark twists.
However, the story wasn't even about all that. I ended up reading something completely different. And would you like to know what I thought of your story?
It is absolutely incredible, a marvellous piece of art. I have truly enjoyed reading your work and you have no idea how much I am enjoying writing this review now.

I do not have the slightest idea as to why, but there is something about your story that makes it very intriguing to read. Maybe it is the fact that there is some harsh reality buried deep in the story, or maybe it is because you have perfectly combined fantasy and reality. Or maybe it is just the story's secret special sauce.

You have portrayed perfectly the point of view from which every human being sees life and death. Life is always seen as the hero and death as the villain. I cannot do anything but be in full agreement with you.
But in this tale you describe the anger, the sadness and the depression that life can bring to someone.

Even though it is entirely up to people what their lives can be, what their achievements can be and what they are capable of, I do happen to find some truth in your story.

I was immediately interested in your story when I read this part:

Regardless, we’re not here to talk about that. In the first story, I introduced you to my best friend, Death, an awe-inspiring, wonderful being who cares deeply for humanity and its… quirks. But, as I write this, Death is suggesting that I should take the time to introduce you to the other forces that dictate your entire life. So, I suppose I’m here to do that. Because Death is… incredibly persuasive when Death smiles like that.

There is not much description at this part, well, there is, not about Death's appearance but mostly about his personality. You didn't describe a tedious long text about him, but rather a simple and fascinating part. I have to say that I am quite impressed, because only with this I could already imagine Death's vicious smile and his weird personality.

Life sighed. “Oh, I just love it when you’re all vague like that. It makes me know exactly what you’re talking about.”

Death took a deep breath. “Look—“

“I have to be looking at you, or I wouldn’t be able to understand you.”

“—you cannot just decide to interfere with a mortal’s life because you find it amusing!”

Life yawned. “But you interfere with lives all the time. In fact, you kind of… end them.”

Death grew, the smoke making Death’s skin contract. “You know I don’t make mortals die. I just—“

“How many children did you kill today, Deathie?” Life smirked. “Or orphaned?”

Death’s form trembled. “Don’t change the subject! Mallory—“

This scene immediately sets the tone of the story to one of mystery and intrigue, but also a bit of humor. Life his lazy and devious personality is so well portrayed in these dialogues. The fact that Death cares about people and doesn't want them to have a horrible life is quite touching. But then Life comes and insults him in a way that Death cannot do anything about. It is sad, yes, but people die, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Life almost doubled over from the vagueness of his request. Life could just taste all the ways he could use one message to make Mallory suffer. Maybe it would be Sarah’s number, but a family member would answer. Now Sarah was on her deathbed and bleeding profusely. Or perhaps Life would have Sarah send over “eww” and nothing else. Or Sarah could take whatever Life gave her to make her stay away from home.

One message was all Life needed to make Mallory feel trapped and vulnerable. But that’s not what Life was trying to do. Life just wanted to guide them deeper into the web. Life needed more time to fully set up his trap.

So, Life grinned and had Sarah send her response half an hour later.

Oh, the cruelty, the villainy. How perfectly you have captured the wickedness of life. The suffering of Mallory seems like an endless road littered with sharp stones and pebbles, venomous creatures, unprotected electrical wires and poisonous plants.
But I suspect that for Mallory, this road is like mental torture. Life sucks all the meaning of Mallory his existence out of everything he does, gradually turning him into a nobody.

As a person with an unpredictable, mysterious mind, I found a kind of twisted delight in this remarkable story of yours, and I enjoyed reading every word of every single sentence.
The only thing I have left to say is, keep doing what you are doing, because you are doing it great. You have brought a wonderful and somehow meaningful story to life.
I certainly look forward to another part of your amazing story.

All the best!



Red Riddle Rose

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Mon Jun 05, 2023 6:21 am
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KateHardy wrote a review...

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night(whichever one it is in your part of the world),

Hi! I'm here to leave a quick review!! I am once again back because of course I have not learnt my lesson and understood that pain will follow. In my defense you have given us a couple of happy endings, or well at least on that was definitively happy and a couple of potentially happy ones.

First Impression: This is a powerful start here. It wrenches your heart out pretty quickly except this time it comes with the promise of far worse to come. I think you've built this up really quite nicely and you've immediately sold us on just how horrifying of a person Life is. I also love that we get to see more of Death and our narrator's relationship (or suspicious lack there of) with Death. It adds a bit of an extra dimension to this collection that I've found really makes me enjoy these stories just that little bit more.

Anyway let's get right to it,

So, there’s not much I have left to say about the last story’s events. Ollie avoided falling into any pitfalls and escaped by phasing through the ground with mild mold allergy symptoms and some moderate dehydration after vanishing from the real world for approximately one and a half weeks. It was a miracle Ollie had gotten so lucky, yadda yadda, you know, the whole spiel.

There shouldn’t be any outstanding questions other than, “Oh, narrator, what was that building?” And to you, humble reader, I say it was a nightmare to talk about, that’s what. Because it’s not infinite, just incomprehensibly big to the human brain. Coupled with the fact that it constantly shifts, it’s set to be a disaster. So it’s best to leave it be.

Okayyy we're starting with our Narrator totally refusing to do their job and explain the backrooms to us but having had to explain difficult concepts to mortals I totally understand so I don't blame you.

Regardless, we’re not here to talk about that. In the first story, I introduced you to my best friend, Death, an awe-inspiring, wonderful being who cares deeply for humanity and its… quirks. But, as I write this, Death is suggesting that I should take the time to introduce you to the other forces that dictate your entire life. So, I suppose I’m here to do that. Because Death is… incredibly persuasive when Death smiles like that.

So, here’s one more introduction for you. Enjoy it. Ignore it. I don’t care.

It seems Death is definitely quite the best friend there. As a big of Death, I suppose I have to agree with you on how wonderful they are but I have a sneaky suspicion that you might need to tone down your admiration for professional reasons while making a compilation of stories. Not accusing you of being in love or anything.

In this story, I am introducing you to Life. The main force that you humans cling to for as long as you can. He’s Death’s younger brother.

And the biggest, most unadulterated scumbag this universe has ever seen.

I would call him a sociopath if that word had any actual psychological meaning and wasn’t just a cheap money word tossed around for scraps. However, I have existed since before humans created language. In all your years of existence, none of you have made up a word suitable enough to describe just how much I hate that licentious, vacuous, and downright vile creature.

Well it seems like you're a big fan of Life. As most people are. We love to see it. I love the way you that you've made it very clear how our narrator feels about the subject of this story and as much as we'd like to assume this is impartial and we've seen evidence of our narrator being impartial, we get a good sign that Life is going to be painted in an especially damning light here because we clearly see that the Narrator is definitely in love with Life.

But you get to meet him. Yay! Congratulations. You get to be just as annoyed as I am. We’ll suffer together.

We will in fact suffer together Mx. Narrator. Thank you for the warning there. You're work is appreciated.

Now, I could write thousands of tomes about Life and go into every story and detail, but I don't have time for that. Or the patient. Or the willpower to stomach the thought of him for that long. So, you get one story to sum him up. And it’s the story of how he decided to adopt a human by the name of Mallory Pechman as a personal plaything.

I would like to emphasize that Mallory had done nothing wrong. From the moment he was born, Life has gotten all starry-eyed in his demented way, and it just went downhill. His childhood wasn’t tragic, per se. He had two parents. They were in a vicious cycle of divorce and remarrying, utterly blind to how they constantly dragged Mallory by the ear. He had no siblings. No friends. Life ensured he was always on the right side of awkwardness to be shunned by everyone seeking the flame of popularity but not quite odd enough to be accepted as an outcast.

Of course, he never knew why that was. To him, it was all his fault and a personal problem. But Life…

Well, Life was there every step of the way.

Oooooh this is a nice little setup here. We get a good general read of what exactly to expect from this one along with a nice little establishing of Life's motives here while also getting an overview into Mallory's early life which is a nice and very sneaky way for us to be introduced to Mallory without too much fanfare so you can dive right into the story. Very well done there.

I remember precisely when Death learned about Life setting up Mallory’s life for suffering. Death was livid in a way. Death never could be at anything else. I wasn’t there, but I didn’t have to be. I still saw it in my mind’s eye, right down to Death’s frustrated furrow.

Death stormed over to Life’s quarters. Death was barely humanoid, a figure of smoke and too many eyes. Death’s hands were wispy, fingers too long. Yet, contrary to what Death’s story may have suggested, Death is perfectly capable of communicating; the only caveat was that it couldn’t be verbal.

So that’s why Death could slam Life’s door open, hazy chest heaving, and sign, “What exactly do you think you’re doing?”

Ooooh this is fun. Perhaps our first look into the more celestial beings in this series of stories actually interacting. I think its a good time for you to have mentioned this and showcased that this world is in fact interconnected. That fact that Life and Death don't seem to get along and our narrator is totally not infatuated with one of them definitely tells us even more about what kind of perspective to expect in this story so very well done again.

Life had his sibling’s ability to pick his form, but he did it less for comfort and more for what he likes to call a sense of pizazz. But currently, there was no one to impress, so he looked mainly like a hunk of metal with random points jutting out at unwelcoming angles, sharpened to deadly points. Not that Death could die, but it was the ambiance that mattered.

Life sighed. “Oh, I just love it when you’re all vague like that. It makes me know exactly what you’re talking about.”

Death took a deep breath. “Look—“

“I have to be looking at you, or I wouldn’t be able to understand you.”

“—you cannot just decide to interfere with a mortal’s life because you find it amusing!”

Life yawned. “But you interfere with lives all the time. In fact, you kind of… end them.”

I am loving the vibes here. We're getting the first little sign of exactly what kind of person Life is an it only takes about half a sentence before you get a very clear notion that Life is an absolute douchebag that you immediately want to punch in the face which is a good sign that you're doing your job very well. We love to see it.

Death grew, the smoke making Death’s skin contract. “You know I don’t make mortals die. I just—“

“How many children did you kill today, Deathie?” Life smirked. “Or orphaned?”

Death’s form trembled. “Don’t change the subject! Mallory—“

“Before you come around and accuse me of ruining lives, maybe you should look within yourself. You are the hated one here. You’re the one that separates families, leaving people all sad, alone, and in pain. Yet, I, little ole’ Life, am adored.” He grinned. “That’s why I get to speak. And you get the sidelines as a silent role. No one wants to hear you, Deathie. You’re the thing that’s tearing apart the world.”

Oh wow, LIfe just absolutely tearing into Death with no inciting incident on Death's part also showcases exactly how Life seems to just enjoy causing pain with no reason that such pain should have to be caused in a moment like this one..

Death couldn’t keep face at that. Death shrunk into a tightly packed humanoid cloud, smaller than before. “Mallory Pechman doesn’t deserve this.” Death turned around and floated away.

Life snorted, laughing freely as his spikes receded into his metal skin. To him, it was just too good. Quality entertainment for Death to buzz with sorrow and guilt for things outside of Death’s control. He was laughing like a drunk middle-aged man at a bad comedy show. And I could hear every second, and Death didn’t have to. Death had listened enough to have it memorized.

I just… I hate him. Oh, I wish I could stick his head on a pike.

Oh that laugh. That laugh is perfection in how absolutely disgusting and painful it is to watch but in that sense it is also beautiful because it tells us pretty much everything that we need to know about Life going forward in this story. If we ever thought Life was simply exaggerated by our narrator or that Life could have a redemption that laugh right there proves that such things will not exist beyond a shadow of doubt and I love that you've gone and established that before we've got into the story of Mallory.

But that finally pushed Life to take things up a notch with Mallory. The watch from afar as he floated through life wasn’t working. Life wanted to get his hands dirty. He wanted to ruin Mallory’s life.

He found his first opening when Mallory was seventeen. It was his sophomore year of high school, and he was still awkward and lonely. So, Life gave him the one thing to let him do everything he wanted.

Life gave Mallory a girlfriend.

Oooh interesting strategy there by Life. Not something most people would chose as a form of torture but the potential for creating pain is certainly present and it seems Life is quite the expert t torture if Life is going about their work with places falling into place that far in advance.

He had spotted the perfect girl while he was watching Mallory talking to her group of friends. She was everything Mallory would never get on his own. She was popular and the perfect short blue-eyed blondie that most heterosexual teen boys seemed to trip over themselves flirting with. Not that I know anything about flirting. Or romantic attraction. Or anything of that sort.

Oh, okay. I think we know why Death remains your best friend then. That's one mystery which given the track record of us readers in this particular set of stories, I will absolutely take that with both hands.

Life saw Amanda and immediately knew exactly what he would do to introduce Mallory to his new way of living. And all he had to do was hover over her brain and just make her be attracted to Mallory. Nothing else in her personality changed, but suddenly Mallory had a fan.

The first time Amanda flirted with Mallory, he thought he was being played. He saw no reason Amanda would suddenly want to look at him, let alone flirt. The second time, he just brushed her off. She couldn’t really mean it. The third time was a bit harder to ignore with her gorgeous smile and the way her eyes lit up like she worshiped every word he said.

And the fourth time, Life’s plan fell perfectly into place.

Well if we had any doubts about Life's horrible tendencies, manipulating this innocent person into being infatuated with someone is a great way to completely prove those and I'm sure that whatever relationship ends up being born out of this horrible curse is going to turn out as disastrous as high school relationships can get.

Amanda approached Mallory in the courtyard of their high school. She was in her usual crop top, sweater, and jeans. She smiled calmly, collectedly. Like she knew exactly who she was and what effect it had. Mallory was slowly becoming helpless to her demeanor, noticing the little things that made Amanda so much more than just the popular girl who giggled over bad grammar in text messages and borderline nonsensical emoji codes.

Life found this transition very pleasing. He hovered around Mallory almost daily, waiting for the perfect chance to direct Amanda to Mallory’s path and watch it all unfold.

Amanda smiled, leaning against the locker next to Mallory’s. “Hello, handsome.” She giggled, a cheeky grin sprouting on her face.

Mallory’s Face warmed considerably, but he ignored it. He closed his locker with a little more force than strictly necessary. “Amanda.”

Well this is going well. As far as flirting scenes go, this one's pretty nice although the massive dark cloud of Life's machinations definitely hangs over pretty heavily on this one and as someone who really enjoys reading about silly romances and flirting this is a tiny bit painful to watch.

She giggled harder. “You remembered this time!”

Mallory sighed, trying his best not to find the way she laughed endearing. Or the way she always found a way to turn the most scornful things he said into something positive. She was a cheery person. And while he tried very hard to find it revolting, he kept being drawn in like some outside force was pushing him into her orbit.

Life, the outside force, just sniggered at this thought process.

Okay, Okay, okay. Not only are you going to taint a perfectly cute little meet cute that we've got going on here but you're also going to show us Life snickering and being happy at a plan well done. Well...we're reaching some new levels of pain with this one and here I thought mermaids had so far been the height of what we saw in terms of pain.

Mallory faced Amanda head-on, “What do you want, Amanda?”

She sighed. “I would like you to say hi to me just once. That would be nice.”

“And why exactly would you want that?”

She rolled her eyes like he had just asked the most annoying question ever in this corner of the universe. Mallory scowled. “Amanda. I was willing to drop this. Seriously. But you just keep coming back.”

Amanda seemed genuinely hurt at that. “What do you mean?”

Okay, okay. It seems Mallory has one last moment of clarity for us to work with here in terms of trying not to fall into Life's very well laid and admittedly rather well planned out trap but I have no doubt that Mallory is going to get completely swept up in this one way or the other. Life seems a tiny bit too all powerful for Mallory to really have a chance of escape except through Death. Yes I said that with a capital D. *winky face*

“You know exactly what I mean! The first time, har har, funny joke Amanda. The second time, you’re on thin ice. The fourth time…” He gave her a pointer glare. “And you need to go home and consider if you’re funny or just….” He yelled in frustration.

Amanda frowned, eyes all big and sad in a way that made Mallory feel bad before he remembered precisely what this girl was doing to him. “Mal—“

“I never said you could call me that.”

“Mal. Do you think I don’t mean everything I say?”

Mallory snorted. “Do I think….” He shook his head. “Do you think I’m stupid? I know that I’m a nobody. You’re Ms. Princess with all of your friends and followers. You don’t even spit at people like me.”

Well it looks like Mallory is about to accidentally break Amanda's heart a bit there. First of all, I am loving the way that you indirectly show us how Mallory has been treated upto this point and how low of an opinion he needs to have of himself to be so doubtful of something like this and I really love the way you can almost see the gears in Mallory's head trying to turn while Amanda at the same time has the tiniest artificial note to her words that make you remember constantly that this is just Life's doing. You've managed to take the simplest flirting scene you could find in so many places and turn it into something much more powerful and that's really amazing to see. Second of all, I am going to safely assume that Amanda is going to be hurt and Mallory is going to end up being even a little guilty as they get together and that's just going to make this relationships eventual path to disaster even worse.

Amanda put her hand over her heart. “I know you’re hurt, so I won’t dwell on what you said.”

“Oh, shove that up your—“

“But let me be the first to say you’re not a nobody.” Amanda gently took both of his hands, smiling. “And I do think you’re cute. And funny. And everything else.”

Mallory tried to pull his hands away. “But—“

Amanda held his hands tighter. “But nothing. I mean it. Okay? Don’t fight it.”

Mallory shook his head. “Don’t say that. You don’t mean it.”

Amanda sighed. “But I do. I really, truly do.”

Oh this is incredibly painful to see as we've got Amanda just being an absolute champion of a person trying to make Mallory feel better and have a potentially good relationship here but that taint that Life brings is just far too powerful to ignore and the more good we see happen in this scene the more the knife you've stabbed us with here gets twisted more and more.

Mallory looked away. “But the way I’ve acted this entire time. Everything I’ve said.”

Amanda giggled. “It’s cute that you get all red and grumpy about it.”

Mallory successfully yanked his hands away, gathering his bag and matching way. “No! Not doing this!”

Amanda giggled. “Okay. Okay. See you later!”

Needless to say, they got together two days later. Life was chuckling the entire way.

I had to scream out loud at that one. You give us the cutest little get together scene where these two are just being the cutest people ever and in the healthiest way you will ever see in a high school love story and you just have to end it with Life chuckling along all the time. I have no words. I have no words. I am going to go fetch my box of tissues. Don't question me. I'm making onion salad for lunch and I need these tissues.

Mallory called those days the best days of his life. Mind you, he was a teenager and didn’t have many days of his life to compare them to, but it was special to his mind. They had a relationship “to die for,” according to every peer who wanted something like they had in the vicinity. Life bided his time, knowing that if he struck too soon here, the blow wouldn’t land how he wanted it to. So he let the couple date happily through their junior year and deep into their senior year.

Oh I'm sure a relationship to "die for" is not a clue at all about what's going to happen to our poor defenseless Mallory or even honestly poor Amanda who had no need to be dragged into this hellhole but Life did it anyway because of course he considers all of these mortal beings pawns on a chessboard.

He waited until their second anniversary to strike. The day that meant so much to human relationships.

Amanda and Mallory were supposed to have a grand day. They were both eighteen. They both had more freedom than they ever had in their entire lives.

But somehow, Amanda hadn’t messaged Mallory at all the entire day. He expected some sort of good morning text message. Or at least a good morning response. But there was nothing. She didn’t even read his message. He tried not to let it hurt. Amanda was probably busy! He didn’t want to be clingy. Just because it was their anniversary didn’t mean she had to wait hand and foot for him.

Oh well and thus begins the pain. That was slightly quicker than I expected it to be. You've truly outdone yourself my dear Wist. It seems we're just skipping the fun now to get towards the pain. I'm sure that won't be a sign of things to come in what you've hinted is going to be your longest torture session sorry I meant story yet.

So he waited.

And waited.

And waited some more.

And a little bit more.

And soon, a grand day of being together turned into half a day of Mallory worrying that somehow his girlfriend had wholly forgotten that he had ever existed. That wasn’t a thing that happened, right? There wasn’t a particular type of amnesia that prevented people from just remembering their significant others. So something had to be seriously wrong.

Well this is a lovely way to build up this tension here. I am loving the way that you keep us in the dark just as much as Mallory is. While we had the whole Life thing hand over us and we always knew something bad would happen here, we never quite know exactly what to expect and now to see Life's grand plan come to fruition its the perfect mix of us knowing something horrifying is coming but not knowing exactly what it is so we are just as tense and worried as Mallory is in this situation. Very nicely done I think.

He hurriedly unlocked his phone, this time deciding to call her. Maybe she slept in and needed something to wake up! He could do that. He could be Amanda’s knight in shining armor.

But the phone just rang.

And rang.

And rang.

And rang some more.

Until all he got was her voicemail. He frowned. Amanda always had her phone on her, which was only off if she was in the movie theaters. And why would she be in the theater when he was here? Not with her? On their anniversary? That made none of the sense.

I approve of the sentence about making no sense making the least sense of them of all. It just feels so organically like the kind of thought someone in Mallory's state of mind would think and I love that. I also love how you take the time to show us the progress Mallory made here in terms of being more confident about himself and what worth he has. I'm sure Life's plan will bring it all tearing down but this progress is wonderful to see right as we're witnessing things slowly starting to unravel to some extent.

He huffed, putting on a jacket and stepping aside. Fine. He would have to go to her house if Amanda wasn't answering her phone. He wouldn’t do this on any other day, but Amanda completely blowing off their anniversary wasn’t like her. She wouldn’t do that. So Amanda had died in her sleep, was somehow unconscious, or had been replaced by an alien shapeshifter assuming her form. And no matter how he looked at it, he panicked.

Life, meanwhile, the snickering creature that he is, sat in the tree outside Mallory’s window. He looked like a morning dove, sitting all regal in the barely budding branches. He chittered aimlessly, trying to make what was really hysterical laughter sound like natural birdsong. He couldn’t miss the show: his ultimate opening moment.

Oh this is torture. Pure torture. That is all I am going to say. Life sitting there all smug and satisfied like he'd just watched a well written movie as is very proud is the icing on the cake to make this whole scene just incredibly more painful than anything we've actually managed to encounter in this series before. You're doing an incredible job of really nailing all of this home here.

Mallory rushed out of his house, sliding into his car. Life made sure to keep him in his line of life. While it was possible to follow him using magic or his very viable source of all information available, Life liked the thrill of the chase. So, he chased. He followed Mallory as he drove through suburbia, barely obeying the laws of physics as Mallory definitely didn’t follow the speed limits.

In four minutes, sixteen seconds, and twelve and half milliseconds, Mallory rolled up in front of Amanda’s house. Life landed on a nearby roof, hopping in birdish excitement. Mallory straightened his jacket and knocked, ensuring he didn’t look like the hurried rush that got him to Amanda’s door that afternoon.

Amanda did not answer. It was her mother, who smiled at Mallory, looking a little strained. “Mallory! Hello. I… wasn’t expecting you.”

Well this is going swimmingly, at the very least it looks like Mallory isn't just going to die randomly in a car crash caused by this. I suppose that would after all be a little too easy because I'm sure Life has plans to torture Mallory for far longer than the nineteen to twenty odd years that he's been alive for at this particular point in time.

Mallory nodded. “I’m sorry to drop in unannounced. But Amanda hadn’t been answering her phone, and I got worried. So she’s here, right?”

Amanda’s mom sighed. “Mallory—“

“I can just go talk to her. If you’re busy. I’m sorry. It’s just our anniversary.”


“So please let me inside so I can talk to her.”

“She’s not here.” Amanda’s mom crossed her arms. “She left. A while ago.”

Mallory blinked. “A while?”

Amanda’s mom nodded, a look of pity crossing her face.

“Did… did she say where she was going?”

Well here comes the pain. I'll admit this was not quite what I was expecting but perhaps in this version the one saving grace is that Life maybe just reversed the horrible manipulation he did and Amanda at least gets to pursue the person she would actually have wanted. Poor Mallory though is absolutely getting the very short end of the stick here.

Amanda’s mom sighed. “Go home, Mallory. Okay?”

Mallory blinked. “Yes. Yes, ma’am.”

Amanda’s mom patted his shoulder. “You’re a nice boy. I’m sorry.”

Mallory nodded. “Oh. I… I guess.” He turned around, practically stumbling back to his car.

Was Amanda cheating on him? That’s what she meant, right? That’s why she got sad and started pitying him and patting his shoulder like someone with their heart ripped out and thrown to the ground. He got into the driver’s seat, staring numbly at the road. So, that was it? She just decided to quit him. For no reason. On their anniversary. And he was supposed to whet, pretend everything was okay? Go to the same school as her tomorrow and look her in the eyes? Look at every spot where their lives had tangled together and ache until he couldn’t breathe?

How could he ever do that? How could anyone ever ask him to do that?

Well here we go. I don't think I even need to tell you how much power you manage to pump into a scene like this where Mallory is in fact experiencing the results of Life's plan coming together and all of that pain just compounding into one horrible moment. But at the risk of repeating myself a little too much you definitely make our hearts shatter alongside Mallory's in this moment and manage to do it very powerfully as you always do.

He sank his head onto the steering wheel, feeling his heart shatter like some fragile china he was never allowed to touch as a kid. That’s just how he would feel now. Forever. And never anything else ever again.

Life has witnessed everything, barely holding back cheers from his perch on the roof. Mallory’s pain was so delicious in a way nothing else ever could be. That was what Life lived for, that empty, vacant expression of someone who had their entire life inverted. Life could do that to people. Life could do that to people and be praised for it years later. He bathed in the pain and the dull panic of what-nows, why-gods, and how-cruels. He was downright giddy.

And poor Mallory never knew that this was just the beginning. He had no idea that Life was there, singing praises in birdsong because his pain was the sweetest delicacy the celestial had ever known.

Oh dear. Well if Mallory's pure heartbreak and anguish made our hearts shatter and made us feel that true pain, you've just elevated everything to yet another level by showing us just how much Life is enjoying this moment and the promise that life is barely getting started and that this whole very elaborate horror was simply a warm up act just nails it home just that much more powerfully. I am almost afraid to read the rest of this story.

I genuinely hate that man.

You and me both narrator. You and me both. I am one hundred, no scratch that one thousand percent on team hate Life with a passion.

Mallory’s life continued to be in the same state of disrepair for the subsequent years, with no change from the pattern. This time, Life never let things get dire. He was saving for something big. He didn’t want Mallory to quit the game before Life got his fair share. So, Mallory tried to date in college. He never found anyone who seemed to like him for longer than a month or two. He failed out of college, his entire career plans ending in smoke. He barely managed to secure a terrible job as a fast food worker, where the grease had permeated into the air and left Mallory feeling like he had been cooked in the grill instead of the sad package of mystery meat he flipped for barely enough money to let his parents keep him in the house.

Mallory needed a change. He hated the way his life had turned out. No matter what he did or what he tried, he just always seemed to be terribly unlucky. He could never see Life, who knew better than to get caught by a mortal, but he always felt like the universe was picking on him for some reason he could never quite pinpoint. He just wanted a break, really. For any amount of time at this point. Just something that made life seem more than one tragedy after the other. He wanted to be happy. To laugh. To smile.

Well it looks like poor Mallory is just going downhill which given the kind of state he was in before Amanda found him and the kind of thing that Amanda ended up well let's not lie here, it was Life, the kind of thing that Life did to him this is about what you'd expect. In fact Mallory seems to be doing a tiny bit better than he could have been given the sheer power of that devastation.

To feel clean.

He felt like a soulless husk of a man, so that’s precisely when Life introduced Sarah into his life.

Sarah was a businesswoman who occasionally went into the chain he worked at. She was always dressed in tailored suits and a cheery smile. It felt strange to see her in such a greasy place. Mallory always thought she was a shooting star when she came by. Not only did she look gorgeous amongst the plastic seats and neon wax paper, but she was also kind.

Mallory was desperately in need of some kind.

Well it looks like Life has found our second victim here although somehow this seems even worse because I have the feeling that Sarah here is genuinely someone who would fall for Mallory and all life has done is made them meet up when otherwise they might not have and I have the sneaking suspicion that Life is about to do the truly horrible thing of actually letting Mallory meet someone that he could have a good relationship, a true relationship with only to destroy it. I am truly afraid of what's to come.

She would smile at whoever was working the counter. Tell them good morning. Scrunch her hair absentmindedly while rattling off her order.

Little things like that.

Mallory would say that he was in love with her. I would say he was in love with the idea of meeting someone who could ease his aches. But he didn’t know the difference. So between the breakfast burritos and soft drinks and longing glances, Sarah became his soulmate.

One day, he wrote his number on the wrapper of the chicken sandwich she had ordered. It felt like the day to do it. The birds were chirping peacefully. The sun was shining bright.

And Life was standing over his shoulder, giving him the confidence he needed. Not that he knew that. But Life was already excited, watching from his safe perch until he was needed.

Well yeah that about sums up exactly what I thought was going to happen. Sarah just being an absolutely delightful human being, the kind of person that can bring light to a world like the one that Life created for Mallory and Life just ensures that something can happen with a barely noticeable manipulation only this time instead of something pure and a happy ending I'm sure we're just gearing up for yet another level up the ladder of pain.

Sarah approached the counter, just like any other day, smiling. “Hello! Malloy, right?”

Mallory nodded, leaning against the counter. “Sarah! What can I get for you today?”

Sarah hummed, her eyebrows twisting in concentration. “How about… a chicken sandwich, please?”

Mallory nodded, punching in the appropriate keys on the register. “Okay, Sarah. Anything to drink?”

“Not today.”

Mallory nodded. “Is that all?”

Sarah nodded. “Yep!”

Well it looks like we've got ourselves yet another perfectly amazing little meet cute to work with here and I honestly don't even know what to feel at this point. On one hand this relationship not being so tarnished by life makes me want to simply enjoy the pleasant and happy meeting for as long as its allowed to last by Life but on the other hand its an inescapable dark shadow than hangs over this meeting as well. I'm sure Life is cackling away from his perch.

Mallory smiled, his heart racing at what he was about to do. He took Sarah’s card, flying through the commands before heading back to tell the kitchen.

A few minutes later, he held a warm sandwich in one hand and a marker pen in the other. He scribbled out his number quietly, shoving the sandwich in a bag as if he was too embarrassed to look at it any longer.

“Order five-seventeen!”

Sarah bounded up to the counter, grinning. “Thank you, Mallory!”

Mallory felt like he had swallowed a hornet’s nest. “Sure. Have… a day.” He scampered to hide in the back, feeling flushed and exposed. Oh, why did he do that? Why would he ever do that?

Life snickered at his anxiety, having already tweaked Sarah’s feelings to his liking. Mallory took out his phone.

Ooooh this is an interesting point for us to be barreling into. Perhaps we assumed that Life was going to be not tainting this too early. It seems there will be some after all and so poor Sarah is going to suffer yet more as well. Hopefully at least while Mallory I'm sure will be reduced to nothing, poor Sarah gets to escape much like Amanda did.

“Come on. Come on. Just one message.”

Life almost doubled over from the vagueness of his request. Life could just taste all the ways he could use one message to make Mallory suffer. Maybe it would be Sarah’s number, but a family member would answer. Now Sarah was on her deathbed and bleeding profusely. Or perhaps Life would have Sarah send over “eww” and nothing else. Or Sarah could take whatever Life gave her to make her stay away from home.

One message was all Life needed to make Mallory feel trapped and vulnerable. But that’s not what Life was trying to do. Life just wanted to guide them deeper into the web. Life needed more time to fully set up his trap.

So, Life grinned and had Sarah send her response half an hour later.

Well isn't that a lovely note to end on. A simple romcom cliffhanger turned into the same amount of sheer horrifying anticipation that can come with a cliffhanger involving a bloody knife in a terrifying horror film. Once again all I can do is just almost watch in awe as you transform this otherwise really happy trope into the stuff of our nightmares with so much ease.

Aaaaand that's it for this one.

Overall: Overall I think you've done a wonderful job really bringing together quite the horror story for Mallory's life without it ever really having to even step towards the idea of actual violence. The power of mental torture has never been more apparent than now. I think this time you also have an interesting difference in how Life and what Life is gets explored incredibly quickly and we're just witnessing a horror unfold as opposed to us slowly learning more and more like in the other stories. At any rate, I'm really looking forward to the next part just to see if poor Mallory will ever catch a break although I'm almost certain things are only ever really going to get worse from here.

As always remember to take what you think was helpful and forget the rest.

Stay Safe

As ideas are always better than their execution, so too must dough taste better than cookies.
— Horisun