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Young Writers Society


by Lullaby

The birds are coming
Flocking and bending their necks
To catch the fatal glimpse
Of when the sun meets the horizon
I think we’ve been here before
Walking along the beach
Rocks jabbing the bottoms of my feet–
Such sensitive skin–
And we babble over coffee, perhaps tea,
Over this and that and everything in between
I wonder now where time went
Which bird stole the clock and fled
Where does it all go?
Down this drain and out the other
And most importantly where do we go from here?
The beach is a lonely and decrepit place
The coffee is cold and tastes oddly sour
My favorite bird has always been a little ole jay
But the crows, they’re taking over now

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Sun Jul 28, 2024 7:47 am
KateHardy wrote a review...


Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night(whichever one it is in your part of the world),

Hi! I'm Kate and I'm here to leave a quick review!!

Anyway let's get right to: Kate's Line by Line Reactions;

This is quite the heartbreaking little poem here. It ties into that title in quite an interesting manner I think, with how in some sense you can tie it to the sea and the idea babbling water perhaps, and then the babbling of the talking that goes on between the people here and of course the babbling that comes with crying when you lose someone. It works on quite a few levels there and I feel it sort of ties the whole poem together as a result.

I think that plus the way you begin and end are the two things that really start out for me. I'm reading themes of loss, and a person recollecting their treasured memories by returning to a place that's important to whoever they lost and that repetition there but with an entirely different vibe as it were really touches deeply, starkly showing what is missing and what is different now.

Overall a heart wrenching poem that is both simple and yet touches on such a deep topic at the same time. I honestly have no suggestions here, it works so well as it is.

Aaand that's it for this oneee!!!

As always remember to: Take what you think was helpful and forget the rest!

Stay Safe and Have a Nice Day!


Lullaby says...

Thank you for your review Kate!

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Sun Jul 28, 2024 7:02 am
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WeepingWisteria wrote a review...

Hello, Lullaby! I'm Wist and I'm here to review your lovely poem here.

Your use of imagery in this piece is truly captivating. The juxtaposition of the majestic birds against the backdrop of the desolate beach is incredibly evocative, allowing the reader to sense the passage of time alongside the speaker. The poem effectively conveys a clear sense of loss and the inevitability of change, as much as it's unwanted. Your skillful portrayal of emotions through vivid imagery is both impactful and thought-provoking, making this a beautifully crafted piece. With that said, let's dive into some specific lines.

To catch the fatal glimpse
Of when the sun meets the horizon

I love the use of the word "fatal" in this line. It effectively portrays time as a villain, setting the somber tone for the rest of the poem. The inevitability of time's passage and its ability to bring about the end of all things is emphasized, presenting the main idea of the poem in one word. It shows how distressed the speaker is by something as simple as sunset because it shows how unstoppable the march of time is.

My favorite bird has always been a little ole jay
But the crows, they’re taking over now

I'm assuming that the "ole" jay in question here is a blue jay since that's the most known species of jay. However, if I'm wrong, please correct me. But based on that assumption, the stark difference between a blue jay, which symbolizes honesty and loyalty, and the crow which is a scavenger attracted to the dead and dying makes a compelling end to this poem. The crows "taking over" shows that this connection has died and is now only appealing to those who desire the dead. It's a tragedy and it's unavoidable. Time ends all things.

Overall, this is a lovely poem. So many of the lines were proactive, but those two stuck out particularly hard to me. I have no issues to point out, so I hope this helps you write the next poem. Thanks for publishing; I enjoyed reading!

Happy Writing!

Lullaby says...

Thank you for your review!! <3

We wandered the halls of an infinite magic nursing home, led by a hippo nurse with a torch. Really, just an ordinary night for the Kanes.
— Rick Riordan, The Throne of Fire