Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night(whichever one it is in your part of the world),
Hi! I'm Kate and I'm here to leave a quick review!!
Anyway let's get right to: Kate's Line by Line Reactions;
This is quite the heartbreaking little poem here. It ties into that title in quite an interesting manner I think, with how in some sense you can tie it to the sea and the idea babbling water perhaps, and then the babbling of the talking that goes on between the people here and of course the babbling that comes with crying when you lose someone. It works on quite a few levels there and I feel it sort of ties the whole poem together as a result.
I think that plus the way you begin and end are the two things that really start out for me. I'm reading themes of loss, and a person recollecting their treasured memories by returning to a place that's important to whoever they lost and that repetition there but with an entirely different vibe as it were really touches deeply, starkly showing what is missing and what is different now.
Overall a heart wrenching poem that is both simple and yet touches on such a deep topic at the same time. I honestly have no suggestions here, it works so well as it is.
Aaand that's it for this oneee!!!
As always remember to: Take what you think was helpful and forget the rest!
Points: 310223
Reviews: 4377