
Young Writers Society

16+ Mature Content

Stories of a Garden

by uni8

Warning: This work has been rated 16+ for mature content.


She sat there, all alone, staring off into the space to the front and left of her. She had a vacant, wide-eyed expression as she wondered, hoped really, for the dream of his blue eyes, staring back into hers, forever locked together.

Her red hair, pulled back into a messy ponytail for her daily ride through the park, blew in loose, curly strands around her face as she rested her legs, leaning against her dirt covered, white bike. It circled her head, like the halo of a devil, red and shimmering, as she pondered how to find Him. She had almost forgotten what it felt like to run her fingers through the bristling white hair on the back of his neck, one of his more sensitive spots. She got back on her bike with this thought in her head, but as she rode on, the scene progressed. It was as though she was watching a YouTube video that hadn’t quite loaded but something kept pressing play. It was slow and jolting, moving with each catch of her pedals as she rode up the dirt slope, slowly, speeding up with momentum. As her pedaling became smoother, so did the video until, suddenly, she was watching it in an Imax theatre. The images surrounded her, and it began to speed up. Her memories were coming back, but her mind was still filling in the blacks, and it was making it hard to concentrate.

She was visualizing past the hair, smooth and pale as new fallen snow, to the eyes. They are the clear blue that ice should be, pale and piercing. As he stares into hers it is as though he can see directly into her soul. And he probably can, she is as open to him as a book with no cover, or even binding…

She crashes into a tree, interrupting her train or thought, to her great disappointment. She hears something, an owl maybe, and wonders, as she looks up at Orion’s Belt, when it became night at all, let alone 11:00. (She knows the time because she checked her watch as she climbed out of the tangle that slightly resembles her bike.) She follows the owl sounds deep into the forest to her right. She walks for what feels like hours, despite being only around 20 minutes, fighting through thick, evergreen branches and trying not to trip over the roots at her feet on the overgrown and unused trail. Eventually, she feels as if the trees are thinning, and she finds a clearing. An almost perfect circle of beautiful garden is spread out before her, surrounded on all sides by thick, old trees. She walks in and, seeing the flower at the center, falls. And slumbers.


What am I doing here? How did I get here? Where exactly IS here? I awoke in an amazing garden, which is all still alive, despite the frost that follows me and the snow that falls around me. I see a girl, sleeping in the middle. I feel like I know her, like I’ve seen her before. But I can’t remember. I walk towards her, slowly, cautiously. Somewhere deep inside, my brain is telling me that I should be wary, that she’s dangerous, violent. I walk along anyway. I get within five feet of her when she wakes up. Her eyes are blue too. But they are gray, as if storm clouds are permanently in her head, clouding her judgment and her memory. She says one word as she wakes up, “jack”, a whisper of a realization, and it all comes flooding back to me. This time, we both fall asleep with our heads at the flower that connects us, the one that started it all.

I awake in a room. It’s in a cottage, I know, but it is furnished like a mansion. The walls are aged mahogany wood, a deep purple brown. A coffin of this and the purple velvet curtains. I feel suffocated and too warm. Then I realize why. I’m in a bed, and there’s someone lying next to me, snuggled up in the waves of silky fluff in the blue blanket draped over us. Once again, I don’t know where I am or how I got here. Why does this keep happening to me? And who is she? I remembered before, but now it’s lost… As is the garden. I wonder how I got here?


I was awake for a bit and I saw something. It was important, this I know, but I don’t know why. One word keeps going through my head Jack along with the image of a daisy. I don’t know what this means but, for some reason, the daisy is encased in a block of ethereally blue ice. It is so bright and clear that it magnifies every detail on the flower, ever flaw or piece missing from its petals. It’s too much; my brain needs a rest.

I am sleeping now. Dreaming of the past, of a stolen moment with an ice-cold boy I ran away with once. My brain starts back at the beginning. We met in a field of little white flowers, buried under snow. He seemed so lonely and yet he laughed with such joy. I ran up to him, but before I could speak, he flew up into the sky, as if carried by the wind itself, and unknowingly took me with him as I grabbed the end of his crook. We flew over seas of grass and forests, me hanging on for dear life to the curly end of the wooden stick always at his side. Eventually he landed in a dying garden. It looked as though it may have once been wonderful and well cared for.

There was a perfect circle cleared out of the trees for it and the branches overhead, as if by magic, had twined back together to form a roof after they separated to let us through. I could see remains of water lilies in what was for a while a mossy pond. But the water is gone and the moss hard and brown. There were rose bushes and briars all around us, once majestic with rich, beautiful colors, now dull, brown and dry. Closer to the center, tulips lay, their heads drooping, their jovial pastel colors faded to gray. In the center of all this dry death, lay a single stump, dead as anything else, its center filled with decay. Out of that stump, grew a daisy. One little white flower had survived long after the people who cared for the garden had left. Long after everything else had gone, one little daisy, forever.

The boy walked up to it, slowly, as though worried that if he made any sudden movements, it would die. When he reached it, he held out one pale white hand over it and, just as a petal began to fall, froze it. He made it so it would last forever. I finally walked up to him. I tried to speak but was so filled with awe it was a little squeak. It did, however, startle him. He turned with a look on his face as though he was caught with the bloody knife, standing over the victim. When I saw his terrified bunny look, I saw the youthful innocence in his eyes, and I burst out laughing. I fell to the ground I laughed so hard. I could barely breathe, my laugh was now a wheezing soundless cackle, I’m sure I looked ridiculous, but he didn’t seem to care. His face twisted into a devilish smile, the smile of a trickster, and he just sat down next to me. I instantly shut up.


I look at her, sleeping so peacefully, her eyes crinkling in laughter, and I remember. I know what she’s dreaming because, well, I was there. She is dreaming of the first time we met.

Suddenly, I remember it clearly. I was walking through a snow bank I had masterfully created when the wind picked me up. I figured I should follow, she usually takes me someplace good, or at least important, and so I just went with it. I felt extra heavy this time but I paid no mind to it. Perhaps if I had, none of this would have ever happened. But I also would be that same naive and calculating boy with the heart of a four-year-old child. When we finally got to where we had been heading, all I saw was a dead garden. But, as I walked deeper in, I saw one living thing. A single daisy, perched on a tree stump as dead as the rest.

I don't know why, but seeing that made me want to make it survive forever, and so I did. I froze it. That's when she decided to show her face, but something about mine cracked her up. Which is good because her laughter was hysterical and beautiful and she looked so shocked and terrified before it. She laughed until she fell over and couldn't breathe. She kept laughing even after she couldn't laugh anymore for lack of oxygen. I sat next to her and, suddenly, it stopped.

We sat there, staring into each other's souls, our eyes mimicking the twinkle in the other's. We got closer, I think the wind may have pushed us. From there it was as though our instincts kicked in. Our timelines met in a cataclysm and now we were acting without thought or reason. We both reached in, tangling ourselves in the other's body, tangling our fingers into each others hair. She twined hers through the short hairs on the back of my neck, making them stand up as I moaned, yes actually moaned, very softly, with pleasure. They tingled and a chill was sent down my spine. With a grunt I pushed in that extra inch. My mouth found hers quickly and they locked together, a perfect fit. Our kiss was filled with an immense amount of passion and tension for two people who had just met. It was as though we were meeting at the wrong time and it was all happening in the wrong order. But at that moment, her warm hands pressed against my cool chest, I have no idea when they went up my shirt. My cool hands twining the hair on her overheating neck. I didn't care about anything but this moment, this perfect stolen moment next to the forever daisy which formed our everlasting bond.


After I stopped laughing, the silence was so great I could hear our two hearts, pumping in unison, onetwo onetwo onetwo onetwo one..two one...two one.... Everything stopped around us. The world was a movie and it was stuck in slow motion. Once again, my brain was doing the whole YouTube loading thing and I really wished it would stop. It did. It went from frozen slow to super speed, everything was moving so fast around us and we got caught up in the hurricane. We were locked together, our hands messing up each others hair. Our eyes feeling up each others souls. Our mouths learning every detail of the others; every inch was perfect and cold on his body. My hands somehow made it up his shirt, I think in the hopes that it would come off. His hands remained tangled in my hair, making the already messy red curls impossibly crazy, but I didn't care. Nothing else mattered except for the aggression and anxiety packed into our one little kiss, our stolen moment, found too soon, where the world doesn't care and time doesn't exist or matter.

With these thoughts in mind and the taste of Jack fresh in my mouth once again, I woke up, and I screamed. I woke in a bed in a room I had never seen that was far away from where I had fallen asleep. On top of that, he was lying there next to me watching me sleep and giving me quite a view of his ABsolutely sPECtacular chest and stomach. (That part I didn't mind so much). I'm done screaming and my voice is now as raw as an elementary school boy's knees. I ask, my voice grating and raspy, "what are we doing here" he kinda just looks at me, not quite back from his memories or in shock from my scream, I can't tell. I repeat, "How did we get here?" and, finally he responds.


When she woke up I was still thinking about our first kiss. She jolted me quite a bit with her scream. Eventually it registered that she was trying to talk to me, "Where are we and how did we get here" she whispers, not by choice, she sounds like she's trying to shout it as loud as she can.

"I'm as confused as you are" I reply. And then I kiss her, long and hard. I put all of my confusion and anger and annoyance into it. All of my built up love. And she responds. We sit like that for awhile. Me with no shirt, her most definitely noticing this fact and enjoying the view ALOT. I missed this, I needed this. I can tell that she did to as she pushes me down onto the bed, hard, and begins to work down, running her tongue and warm fingers along my pecs and abs, making me groan and tingle. On she gets down however, we stop. We sit up as though coming out of a trance. Once again we moved too fast, at least this time we managed to stop there. I think she probably realizes she's still sitting on my but she doesn't seem to want to move. I don't mind, it saves me the embarrassment of her seeing what our kissing caused. Of course, she can probably feel it, but I'm just gonna not think about that for right now. We definitely need to talk about this, I think, just as..

" We need to discuss this, this thing that happens whenever we get close. It's getting disruptive"

"Definitely. But could we not stop completely? I think that will just make it worse."

"Good point. Where are we anyway?"

"Hell if I know. You might want to get up soon, by the way"

"Oh. Yeah. Sure. Forgot about that. Sorry" but she didn't get up. I think she was starting to get comfortable. If she wasn't gonna move I'd just have to make her. I reached up and kissed her, pulling her down so she was directly on top of my. This time, I rolled over, holding her wrists down with my arms as I kept kissing her, our faces melding together and moving with each other. This has to stop. I think just a moment too late. She's already got me completely on top of her and I was having some trouble stopping. Just when I thought what happened the first time will happen again, however, someone knocked on the door. We quickly rapped up and detangled ourselves. I got up to find my shirt whilst she feigned sleep.

"Come in" someone shouted, I'm not sure which one of us it was, and so she did. The person at the door was an old wiccan, probably the owner of the cottage/mansion/coffin. For some reason, she didn't seem upset at all by our behavior in her guest room. I suppose she probably expected that when she brought us here though. She probably know where we are...

Obviously having the same though, she wakes up and asks, " Where are we? And what's your name, if I may?"

"Meloda"comes the response, " and we are in my garden, still, although I see that you two are the ones who have been caring for it so well while I have been away. Good thing too because a wizard gave it to me looong ago and I'd hate for it to die."

"seriously?!" I ask, incredulously, " A wizard"

" no I'm just kidding" Meloda responds, " I enchanted it myself. But it is quite precious, nonetheless..."

“So why are we here, then?” I asked,

“That doesn’t matter,” Melody responded, “and neither does She,” she hissed, gesturing to the bulge in the blankets next to me, anger clouding her voice now. “You broke my daughters heart, and for what? For this?! This mess of a girl, hiding from shame?!”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” I protest, actually confused by this turn of events. “Who is your daughter? I’ll make it right. I, I promis..”

“NO!” the blanket shouts. But, at the same time,

“Yes” Sneers melody, “Promise to fix it, no matter what?”

“Yes…” I answer, hesitantly yet assuredly, and with much upset from the blanket, ‘Why doesn’t she just come out?’ I wonder.

“Ha! I knew you’d make the right decision!” Melody shouted, victorious. “Oh Tooth, come in here Sweety!” she cooed out the door.

“Wait, Tooth?!” I shout, almost in shock, “Get me out od here! Help! HELP!” But it was too late and no one was there to hear me. Something was coming. And, for the first time in my life, I am truly terrified.


Imagine the shock I felt when, directly after waking from a kiss, the same lips fall unto mine, only this kiss is way more intense because it isn’t a faded memory anymore, its happening, right now. This kiss is so filled with anger I can’t pull away. I can’t stop. When we eventually separate, gasping for air, my head is rushing; a snowstorm is blowing around inside it. I can’t stop. Something feral deep inside me pushes him down onto the fuzzy blanket ocean beneath us, noticing it start to freeze, but not really caring being too preoccupied. The cold skin stretched across his chest only gets colder as we progress. The places my lips touch and tongue caress steam with heat because of the contrast. We are so separate, like a star exploding, engulfed by ice. Lets just say that it was getting to be a bit too much like a sauna on that bed. I finally found the control to stop myself, at which point a woman walked in on us. I guess some things probably happened in between those two, like talking and knocking, but I didn’t really notice until suddenly I was hiding and a Wiccan named Melody is shouting at Jack. The first things I really hear are, ‘You broke my daughter’s heart’ and Jack saying, ‘I’ll make it right, I promise’ at which point I shout “NO” to absolutely no affect. She calls in someone named Tooth, her daughter I guess. I hear a whooshing VwOrp vWoRp and, for some unknown reason, a blue police phone box appears outside the door.

“Could it be?” I ask, just as Jack screams,

“Help me!” I don’t know why, but the sight of the TARDIS frightens him. A lot. What could he have done to incur the Doctor’s wrath? And what is the Doctor even doing here? And what does it all have to do with Tooth? Could he be?... No, he can’t be Tooth’s dad, she can’t be part Time Lord, can she? If she is, bad things are coming for us. I finally find my voice and whisper to Jack,

“Run while they’re distracted” and we jump out of the window into the garden, already caught by the wind by the time the Doctor steps out. A look of pure anger gracing his face, a look usually reserved for the Daleks alone. What did Jack Frost do?


So… I guess she really was part Time Lord. You know, that kinda makes sense, she did have the ability to travel without time constraints. But so did the rest of them. Maybe she helped them with it. I really should have believed her when she told me. ‘And I definitely shouldn’t have laughed’ I think, slipping my tongue through the gap where my top left canine used to rest, shining and white. When I last saw Tooth, she pulled it out, and then ran, I haven’t even heard her name since then, but, suddenly, this! I’ve also completely isolated myself from any possibility of her finding me.

“So…” began the girl who haunts my dreams, whose name I still can’t quite remember, “what was that all about?”

“I don’t completely know, but I think that the Doctor and Melody pond had a child.”

“Well they are married.”

“Yeah… But that ¾ Time Lord child became the Tooth Fairy, Tooth for short.”

“Ok… But what does that have to do with you? Or us, I suppose?”

“Well… Tooth and I, we had..”

“Oh. OK. So it is your fault. What did you even do?”

“Tooth loved me, I was young and stupid. Do I really need to spell it out?”

“Well yes, I think you do. What exactly happened between you two?”


“We met in a meadow, the same one you first saw me in, I think. She was crying, lonely and abandoned, every child loved her, every adult called her a fable. She was too embarrassed to find her mother, Melody, and she didn’t know how to find her father, the Doctor. I saw her need for attention and to me it just looked like and easy night. For her, I suppose, it was much more than a one-night-stand. She gave me everything, apparently, and I just took it. I know it made me a total jackass but could you forgive me? I changed when I met you. I never would have done it if I knew I’d meet you, I swear!”

“We’ll talk about your idiocy later, just finish the story.”

“It started like any other night. We kissed. It wasn’t nearly as good as ours..


.. but it was enough for the hormone ridden teen I was and still am. It progressed pretty quickly. When she got down to my..

“Okay maybe a little too much spelling. Just, get to the part where you broke her heart.”

“Okay, but I have to tell some of this first.”

..I didn’t know it at the time that, while we were together that night, I, well, how can I say this delicately?... I inseminated her. I ran after that. I didn’t really want to see her again out of embarrassment for leaving. When she finally found me, freezing a lone willow, she told me. The only thing she had planned on saying was that she was pregnant. I, of course, had to keep asking. I asked her if she was telling the truth. She glared at me. Somewhere inside me I knew it was true, I just didn’t want to accept it. We screamed for a while, not really about anything in specific, just to get out some of our anger. Eventually, we were out of anger, and so we talked. We talked about everything we hadn’t before, so pretty much everything. When we got to her family, however, she didn’t want to elaborate. I kept pressing anyway, and, eventually, she broke. She started with her mom, Melody, the Wiccan old as time and scattered throughout it with her dad. Her dad, according to her, is the Doctor, last of the Time Lords. Even she doesn’t know his name.

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Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:32 pm
Andrea2676Marie wrote a review...

OOOOO I really enjoyed this. Your characters are developing nicely, and I think it's a great start. I hope you continue to write or expand on this, I would love to read more. Also, I think that there is room for expansion. I think you can add more detail and description throughout this piece. That is what makes your characters continue to develop and also it makes it easier for your readers to picture what is going on. Keep up the good work! I look forward to reading more,.
And as always, good luck to you and your writing.

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Sun Apr 28, 2013 12:03 am
Aley wrote a review...

Alright, first impressions:
- I don't like the bold, it is supposed to be used to accent certain things, but instead because it is bold through the entire thing, it doesn't even look bold. I'd suggest just leaving it in a normal font.
- The first paragraph has a super long sentence with a lot of commas which break it up, but seem unnecessary. Brush up on when commas are supposed to go in sentences, and when the pause is just going to naturally be there. Also consider using semi-colons, dashes, and colons. Break the sentence up into multiple sentences perhaps.

"The images surrounded her, and it began to speed up. Her memories were coming back, but her mind was still filling in the blacks, and it was making it hard to concentrate."
Alright, for this, we have a couple things going on that could use some tweaking. First, people typically see in surrounding images to begin with, peripheral vision and all. Does this girl wear glasses that just keep things fogged elsewhere? What is making this seem like she doesn't have any peripheral vision? Is she slightly blind? Is she so focused that she is tuning out her peripheral vision? Something is going on and I'm not sure what it is. It seems to me that this analogy is backwards. Life was going super fast, too fast for her to recognize, identify everything, and now it's slowing down into just what's on the screen, just what she's focusing on.
Next, we have a suggestion of amnesia? To me, that card is played way too frequently. Nearly every RP game I pick up any more starts with amnesia. It gets old pretty fast especially when it isn't that common. Also fugue is a male disorder where the patient forgets their complete history while on the move, like they run away, forget everything, and start again. It's really creepy, but authors don't use it. That's just something to consider. It seems more like amnesia because she knows who he is, but we don't.
Speaking of He, it is a very strange way to introduce a person, and you're inconsistent with capitalizing Him, pick either caps or lower case. For me, I'd stick with lower case, but I like being grammatically correct and in our society, Him is 'god' when it's capitalized.
Also blacks instead of blanks. Avoid cliche lines if you can, "mind filled with blanks" is one of them right with "filling in the blanks." Switching it to blacks doesn't help, just makes me think there's a typo.
Speaking of typos, past= before the present history, passed= going beyond.

"smooth and pale as new fallen snow, to the eyes. They are the clear blue that ice should be, pale and piercing. As he stares into hers it is as though he can see directly into her soul. And he probably can, she is as open to him as a book with no cover, or even binding…"

Alright, so smooth and pale as new fallen snow doesn't have a noun to say that it's skin, which makes me question what is, although I'm going to assume it is skin, and putting "to the eyes" on the end of it makes it seem like he is just a smooth white blob until his eyes, which must be something else. Clear blue that the ice should be is kind of weird to me. I see a lot of ice. Ice is clear when wet, but clear is not blue. Clear is clear. Also how are his eyes clear or blue? Eyes are typically very opaque white, then the iris is a color and the pupil is clear going into the black of the liquid filled cavity within the eye. I like pale, but you use that a lot and typically I see rich in pigment as 'clear' if we're talking about something opaque, so perhaps a new adjective would help since we already described his skin as pale. Perhaps pastel blue? Also how are his eyes piercing, is it their color, the way the eyes are shaped themselves with the lids, or his cheek bones, eyebrows? What makes them piercing? Perhaps how he uses them instead of them alone?
While saying she's open to him is nice, and an easy description of their relationship to cling to, I'd like you to push it, try to draw in something more than just that. Also a book without a binding or a cover would get totally ruined really fast. The pages would fly everywhere, they would get out of order, there would be dust, dirt, finger smudges, a lot of that, so does that mean he's ripped off the binding and the cover to leave her this vulnerable thing without any way to protect herself from anyone?
Also this is the point where you change tense from past tense, to present tense. That's jarring and confusing.

I've ridden into a tree on a bike before. You do not think about your disappointment at the dismissal of a train of thought. You think: What in the world did I just hit? DID I SERIOUSLY HIT A TREE? and then start attempting to stop hurting from where your nether-parts hit the bars of your bike, and waddle back to somewhere to sit down, especially if she was going up a hill, quickly. It's even worse if you've got momentum.

Why is she riding on a bike at night in a park? Why wasn't that where we started? Why didn't I know it was late? How was she seeing in the dark this long? Is the moon out? Is she out of the city so she can see Orion's Belt? How come she just happens to be able to identify it that quick while in so much pain? Why didn't you mention the pain? There would be pain I assure you. She hit a tree.

Holy! How is this girl still walking? She hit the tree hard enough to smash her bike? How did she still have half a mind to hear and identify an owl? Why didn't the owl scatter when the crash and sound of bending metal break the night air?

So I read to J. I think you have some things to fix, like how does this girl feel after she hits the tree, and why is she riding in a park without good enough lighting to block out Orion? So spend a little more time in the setting section of this to begin with so we get a feel for what was going on. Also, I don't think the bike would be smashed, they're pretty resilient when they hit trees. A wheel might be busted if she was going fast enough, but she would not be getting up and moving for a good half an hour if she did smack into a tree fast enough to do that. Also, she would not be walking, or running, or anything of that nature. If you want to jar her out of her thoughts, you might consider just having her bounce over a branch, or a root or something and send her tumbling down instead of breaking the bike, causing her severe bruising and injury, and crippling her for the next half an hour.

Overall, it was a bit confusing to read and it felt like I was staring at the back of someone's head the entire time instead of looking out their eyes. There is a lot about her, and what she's thinking about instead of where she is, what she's doing, and why she's doing it. I'd trim that back if possible and try to focus more on creating a world that's solid. I know it is our world, but I am confused about why we're switching tenses, why she's so frantic, where the circle came from, or several other things. Perhaps if I was patient, and gave it chapters 1-3 I'd know, but at this moment, I'm not. Also I have no idea what actual fiction this is a fanfiction to. If I could identify that off the top, I might be more curious, but I've also noticed that with fanfictions, it's best to introduce everyone fresh, and make them recognizable. I might not know the fiction, but I also don't have a good sense of what the girl looks like, or who this him is.

Good luck on review day! I hope this gets several.

uni8 says...

Thanks for the great review! You gave me a lot of really good things to work on. I think it's probably so confusing because it's so unfinished. My initial intention with it was to not reveal who she is until the very end. If it helps to clear it up a little, He is Jack Frost. Also, the whole world rushing by thing is her being stuck in her memories. Thank you again I will try to work on those things you mentioned with all the details.

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Tue Apr 02, 2013 6:41 am
AUnicornNamedJay wrote a review...

HELLO my name is JAY! :D
*Smiles weirdly at computer screen*
*Realizes no one can see him smiling*
Okay so, let's begin shall we.
First I would like to say, this was amazing. I literally thought his story was just amazing after I read the fist few sentences, mainly because of the amount of detail and description you gave these characters was just spot on. I mean there are some places in this story where there are some run-on's and explained greatly, but I was able to overlook that because of the amazing use of detail you provided.

There are some spelling errors and... yeah. Smile.

Well, yeah I loved it, liked the part where the person is all like "No, you broke my daughter's heart!" and well yeah. :D

"There were rose bushes and briars all around us, once majestic with rich, beautiful colors, now dull, brown and dry. Closer to the center, tulips lay, their heads drooping, their jovial pastel colors faded to gray. In the center of all this dry death, lay a single stump, dead as anything else, its center filled with decay. Out of that stump, grew a daisy. One little white flower had survived long after the people who cared for the garden had left. Long after everything else had gone, one little daisy, forever."

I especially Loved this part, mainly because it provided so much imagery that gave a clear and fantastic visualization of this here garden. Also you spelled "briars" wrong it's spelled "briers".

Kk, well I'm done so... yeah. Great job I enjoyed it.
Don't forget to smile, it keeps the demons away. :D


uni8 says...

Thanks! I'm really glad you liked my garden discription. Did you get that I was saying Daisy because it is the flower o eternally unwavering friendship? I never knew briers was spelled with an e. Thank you!

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"And what is the use of a book," thought Alice, "without pictures or conversations?"
— Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland