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  • Obscura
    Jan 31, 2017

    yo giiiiiiiiiiiiirl where u at

    writer97 College, where are you at? LOL
    Feb 10, 2017

    Obscura home with a comfy blanket :P
    Feb 10, 2017

  • Happy birthday, @writer97! I hope you have a wonderful day! ♡

    writer97 Thank you!
    Feb 10, 2017

  • writer97
    Sep 28, 2016

    Back for a little while! PM me if you want to catch up. :-)

  • Carmina Burana tomorrow! I'm so excited. XD

  • RubyRed
    Apr 26, 2016

    Ooo, a fellow anime maniac. xD

    writer97 Yup. Which ones are you into?
    Apr 26, 2016

  • captainearth
    Apr 16, 2016

    okay im done

  • captainearth
    Apr 16, 2016

    SPAM loloololol

  • captainearth
    Apr 16, 2016


  • captainearth
    Apr 16, 2016


  • captainearth
    Apr 16, 2016


  • captainearth
    Apr 16, 2016


  • captainearth
    Apr 16, 2016


  • Wow, I have not been on here in almost a month. After changing majors it's been so much more intense and it's just been crazy. Not to mention we've had numerous concerts and such so that makes it even better. I've been adding up all the classes I have left to take and I think I came up with 89 credit hours which in college terms would normally mean about five and a half years if I took 15 credit hours every semester starting next spring. Or, if I took six hours every summer starting the summer after my sophomore year then I could finish in four years. And things are going so great with me the boyfriend that we've starting discussing where we see ourselves in however many years and I would like to be married in my hopefully last year or second to last year of school. He wants to have started his Masters degree by then so it should (hopefully) work out perfect because he really only has one more year left.

    So theres the update on my life and how everything has gone the month I've been absent!

  • So now that I have changed my primary major from English Education to History Education, I now feel compelled to ace the rest of the quizzes and tests which aren't hard it's just very time consuming to study and actually do the study guide which is 50 questions long, and is very vague about what the actual question on the test will be. For example, there were three question on it that all pertained to the Constitution of 1787. One was really general, one asked about ratifying it, and the other about the biggest complaint. Which would've been fine if it hadn't took about two and a half pages for three questions that will be multiple choice on the test. Just kill me now. XD

  • Finally met an incredible guy! I like him so much and I'm so happy to be able to call him mine. :D

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.
— Alvin Toffler