n1o2u3r4 Thank you very much
Jun 10, 2013
turtlethatroars You're very welcome
Jun 11, 2013
Thank you kindly for your review!
As for advice on short stories... well I'm not that expert so as to give you advice. You're flattering me, but I don't think I've ever written short stories... only novels, poems and that type of letters you're putting your thoughts in... I suppose it's the same for novels, though: you must have a good plot, a strong climax of the story, and a conflict. Be sure you develop your characters throughout the story, and make the dialogue an asset of yours, because most of the time this is what keeps a reader focused on the story. And best of luck!
For your comment on Stress: I'm quite unsure what to label it. It's just what I believe stress feels like sometimes.
Jun 6, 2013