O.O.... Chocolate Lasagna..... looks so good, my eyes burn.... (ノ_・。) too bad I can't devour it.... XD
heavymetal247 sorry for the very late thank you.... thank you! XD
Mar 22, 2015
passenger Aw, no problem!
Mar 22, 2015
Bassy, where did you go?! XD I haven't seen you around in a while! How are you? :3
heavymetal247 sorry I've been very busy...
Dec 6, 2014
I'm on the wrong side of heaven, and the righteous side of hell!
-Five Finger Death Punch
Damn I love that song! X)
I love this, it was so perfect. Hopefully someone out there knows the movie, or at least the graphic novel.
Funboy: Jesus Christ!
Eric Draven: Jesus Christ? Stop me if you heard this one: Jesus Christ walks into a hotel.
[Fun Boy shoots him]
Eric Draven: Ow! He hands the innkeeper three nails, and he asks...
[Fun Boy shoots him again]
Funboy: Don't you ever f*ckin' die?
Eric Draven: Can you put me up for the night?
How are you today? I hope you're feeling okay...
Sorry I am just epically bored out of my mind in my geography class right now... And I spammed you with likes....
heavymetal247 Haha It's okay, I'm a bit on the dark side (which is normal) but I feel a bit depressed, enough of that though! I feel so bad for you geography sucks! X) How are you? Oh and thanks for asking...
Oct 8, 2014
keystrings Yeah it does! Well I hope I can get you to not feel depressed! I'm okay... I just got out of biology, and I got to set things on fire! However, my friend Brandon and I were very stupid for entrusting our crazy 'acquaintance' (he says he doesn't have friends) with the lighter! It was fun, but I got smoke up my nose
Oct 8, 2014
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Insanity is just a synonym for imagination.
I guess today was an insanity quote day for me X)
keystrings That is a very good quote. I love it. I think it applies to me. Ah... *sighs* I am crazy... Oh well! *cheers* Ah... I love changing moods!
Oct 8, 2014
heavymetal247 I'm glad you like it X)
Oct 8, 2014
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“Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle.”
Never ask me a question like that, we would have to pack for an adventure. XD
keystrings Aw... But I love adventures!
Oct 8, 2014
heavymetal247 *pats back* I'm sorry... XD
Oct 8, 2014
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“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?"
"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to."
"I don't much care where –"
"Then it doesn't matter which way you go.”
I always loved that quote, it was strange to me as a kid but I understood it. X)
"'I knew who I was in the morning, but a I've changed a few times since then."' -Lewis Carroll
Quote time! Time to rid of these unwanted emotions! "'I was never insane except upon occasions when my heart was touched."' -Edgar Allan Poe
heavymetal247 Yeah I totally agree with you, his writing has been with me forever.
Oct 8, 2014
Pass on the news: Send this spoiler to your followers, whether you are following them or not, to spread the word that today (Friday the 3rd of October) is the newly official Random Day of YWS. This isn't really official (YET) so don't get your hopes up. Copy and paste this entire message (and the spoiler) and don't forget to send it to at least three people!
Spoiler! :
(Official creator of this comment is Em101cats)
Mar 18, 2015