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Young Writers Society


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About caliginous

Hello fellow internet dweller! I am caliginous - well, kind of . . . not really, I guess, it's just my second favorite word (my first being tmesis, but that wouldn't make a very good username, now would it?). As you may have figured out, creative usernames are not exactly my strength. Ehem - onto me now.

I am a socially awkward and quiet band geek/nerd/bookworm. I'm clumsy but organized, and you will often find me procrastinating on the internet. I also have a twin brother. I get a lot of questions about what it's like to be a twin, so let me clear a few things up:

• Yes, I do think it is strange/awesome that I am a twin and my Zodiac sign is Gemini.

• Yes, I am older (by less than a minute) and remind him of it every day.

• Yes, of course he and I can communicate telepathically.

• Yes, when someone punches him, I can feel the pain as well. So keep punching him.

• No, we do not look alike. Not in the slightest.

Well then. That's enough me for a while. So long, person that happened to stumble upon my profile! I bid thee adieu! *bows*


Reading, writing, sketching, painting, skiing, trumpeting, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera...

Why do we only rest in peace? Why don't we live in peace too?
— Alison Billet