bigdreamsforagirl No problem,your writing is really good,i love all your poems.
Jul 24, 2011
SubjectBlue Again, thanks for the like.
I'm glad you like my poems.
Jul 24, 2011
I don't know when chapter 2 will be up. I haven't started it yet but maybe tomorrow. Its all in my head I just need to put it on paper. I've been busy lately but maybe I can get to it tomorrow and post by the nd of the week. Wish me luck and thanks for asking about chapter 2.
Thanks for the review. I meant a lot especially since I didn't know if anyone would like this story.
bigdreamsforagirl Sure anytimeI'm sure a lot of people liked it. It was really good and had a lot of potential!
Jun 4, 2011
AllieMeadows Thanks for liking it. Its just something that came to me. If you have anything you want me to review for you I would be happy to. Thanks again.
Jun 4, 2011
bigdreamsforagirl Sure,anytime
Jun 4, 2011
Thank you so much for the review, it really made me happy.
Cute avvie and welcome to the site!
bigdreamsforagirl Anytime,I'm glad it did. Thankss
Jun 4, 2011
Thanks Dreams!
Yes, I edited them. I used xD LOLbigdreamsforagirl wrote: did you edit them? and if you did what program did you use?
Ohwait! You're new here! Welcome to YWS! I hope you like it here. And if you have any questions feel free to ask me.
Dec 3, 2011