You can't delete a story on your own, but you can make it so that its invisible to other people!
Of course, if you want it permanently deleted, you'll have to ask a Moderator or a Junior Moderator!
Thanks for the great review, I'm soo happy you liked it. I wasn't sure what kind of response i would get from it but I'm so happy! xx
Thank you for the review! Yeah, I know it sounds cliche but it's what I feel and I think it's fine the way it is. I appreciate it though. You telling me that it's cliche and all that.
I'll try to make it less cliche but for now, I'll leave it as it is. Thanks, though!
WebzTycoon No prob! And I didn't mean to sound like a snob
Oct 13, 2011
WebzTycoon hey, and if you like it the way it is, then who am I to change it.
Oct 13, 2011
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Hey .. thanks for your review !
And noticed that you are new .. So welcome to YWS .. And feel free to ask me anything you need about this site. I will be happy to help
Oct 30, 2011