TimidToto's Filing Cabinet
Slowly returning to the comfort of reading more frequently again.
I'm much more of a reader than a writer, but I'd like to try anyway despite how bad it may be. A lot of it may be strewn all over the place. I think it’ll help me articulate my thoughts better than the rapid, in-concise jumble I'm unable to mutter.
Anywayysss, Hello!
Critiques are always welcome!!
I may ask a lot of dumb questions. I ask kindly for your patience with me.
- avid fanfic reader and coffee drinker - doodler -Anime & Manga -I read all across the genre spectrum. I'm HolaCrayola on Fable! :D -Once I get into a series I really get into it
- a mess that's tired 24/7 but I can utilize this somehow -sudent at a community college