The World Is Mine.
@Carina Sure thing! I'll try to get my post up by tomorrow or the day after. This sounds like it's going to be fun XD
Jul 5, 2014
Jul 5, 2014
@Carina XD I think Sliverlock has an interesting ring to it :P Yeah definitely! As I mentioned before, when Sav is done with Corey dispose of him as you like, ...
Jul 3, 2014
Ooooh, science fiction does make me shiver with dread, and I doubt I'll ever write a science fiction story because it can tend to make me feel claustrophobic (I might ...
Jul 2, 2014
Guys, I'm so sorry but I'm going to have to pull out of this one. I was really excited for it but it seems I've bitten off more then I ...
Jul 1, 2014
Guys I'm so sorry but I think I'm going to have to pull out of this one. I'm up to my neck in stuff I have to do, and a ...
Jul 1, 2014
Jun 29, 2014
Am recovering from exams and RD I'll get my post up as soon as possible!
Jun 29, 2014
I'll snap up Envy if that's ok XD
Jun 29, 2014
There are some genres in writing that we'd never attempt or at least attempting it would require a tonne of motivation and then some. So which genre do you find ...
Jun 28, 2014
Lets do this! I'm so in! Sent from my very expensive, gold plated Samsung tablet using Tapatalk :D
Jun 26, 2014
@Lylas, please don't wait for me. I already mentioned this in my previous post :)
Jun 24, 2014
@Aurora99 I shall hopefully get to this by early July! I'm so sorry for the delay, but I have exams :( To make up for it I'll try and review ...
Jun 24, 2014
@Carina I just read Savannah's profile, she totally the type of girl that Corey will fall for and follow around like a sheep ^.^ I think the comic relief idea ...
Jun 24, 2014
Yeah, guys start as soon as you can. My profile won't come in till Fri/Sat so just base depression on my post if you feel the need to include her ...
Jun 23, 2014