Wandering here and there, this one shall wander until she ends.
Rurouni <3 Thank you!
Jan 1, 2018
Nov 17, 2017
Aley wrote:BlueAfrica wrote:Iridescence wrote:June is LGBTQ+ Pride Month!Happy Pride Month! I'm super proud personally of how far I've come with accepting myself and my sexuality. There are words for stories like that, and that word is rollercoaster. (I'm not going to tell it here for certain reasons, although). I'm also so proud of you all and this community that I have become apart of. It overjoys me seeing how many people I can relate to and everyone that understands some of the things I go through. You all are so supportive and I truly appreciate it out of the bottom of my heart. I have never met such a large group of people that is so caring and supporting. Thank you. <3
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Yay...? I was tagged by @RubyRed and yay...; XDD
Alright, I personally struggle with starting something. Like, it takes a lot of effort for me to START something. Once I get that, I tend to be fine, but starting something is like pulling teeth for me. I don't know why.
I also struggle with trying to show the reader what's going on, but putting too much detail at once, trying to describe the situation too quickly. In the novel I'm attempting, it's a very complicated situation for the main character, and trying to describe it in one go is doable in person when I'm describing it to friends, but to readers? Nope. Nope. I say too much at once, or include complicated systems too quickly.
Character relations are also sometimes a little difficult, but not as much. They tend to be something I have to think about. And Plot, ugh. Don't get me started on plots.
Alright, I tend to tag people who've already done crap but I think I know one person who hasn't done this... Possibly.
@Aley I tagged you. Do this >3
@Aley >>;
Aley tagged me to do this so...;
I was originally pegasusgirl2.
I like horses, and somewhere pegasusgirl wasn't available, so I added 2 and bam. *throws hands into the air* Dropped the username a long time ago.
I prefer Rurouni though. *nods*
Mageheart Hi!
Apr 7, 2017
MeisterChan Hello!
Apr 7, 2017
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Happy cake day to you
happy cake day to you
happy cake day to rurouni
happy cake day to you
Rurouni Thank you! <33
Apr 5, 2017
Jan 1, 2022