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Young Writers Society


  • School in two days... I haven't even finished all my books and manga yet... It's not fair!

    TriSARAHtops I know the feeling... in the same boat, right here. :-)
    Jan 26, 2015

    Dorsia Haha. At my school, there's always a first term rush where they give us heaps of assignments just because they can. I never have enough time to write... *sobs*
    Jan 26, 2015

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  • Brofist for no reason!

    Dorsia Brofist power!
    Jan 25, 2015

  • Your wall seemed empty. Here's a little Undertaker with a cookie to make it less empty c:


    Dorsia Yay! Thank you. The Undertaker is awesome.
    Jan 21, 2015

“All stories are true," Skarpi said. "But this one really happened, if that's what you mean.”
— Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind