Aww, well that's cool. I'm Christian. And sounds like your Grandpa is as well. At least he's going to a better place.
I can't figure out how to PM you... so I'm just going to write here.
(I'm not very technologically smart) Anyway, thank you for reviewing I saw a Poem. I did change go to along.
And, I was eating with my mom when I saw this and got the idea to write the poem. When I told my mom what I'd seen, she said it sounded like a poem. So the poem was about the real life poem of the old man and old lady. If that makes any sense. Probably it doesn't, but still....
Desire HeyTo help you out a bit, if you look under the person's name you'll see an blue pm sign and you just click on it to pm someone
I'm glad I could help with the word change and I understand the poem a little better - anyways, remember that your poetry doesn't always have to make sense to people... it is about portraying a message but it's also about YOU and allowing you the opportunity to write whatever you want
Aug 1, 2011
Cailey Oh, yeah now I see the blue pm sign...Yes, true but I do like when it makes sense to others, at least a bit
Aug 1, 2011
Desire Thanks for your review on my short story! I'm entering it into a competition so really appreciate what you've said about itThank you! xxx
Jul 25, 2011
shiney1 No problem
Jul 25, 2011
Desire It's a pleasureI've been sharing your poem with a friend of mine who isn't part of YWS, hpe that's ok?
Jul 17, 2011
Daisuki Yeah, it's fine! If you check out my profile, there's a few other poems on there.
Jul 17, 2011
this is my official welcome to YWS.. So welcome my friend
if you find something you like just link it to me or PM (personal message) me if you'd like me to review some of your work! Reviewing is how you make your way around, so do as much of it as you can, you also get points for it, which you can use to post works, give gifts or participate in contests!
have fun my friend! Love having you here!
Desire PleasureI love your work and I'm looking forward to reading more of it!
Jul 17, 2011
Aug 12, 2011