"Now really, Doctor, I must insist on another course of action."
Brigadier heyo hatto
Apr 1, 2023
LMS VI - Week 27
Monty's Past Life Interlude - 1.1
Monty recalls the period immediately after his separation from Lord Oisean Bridger and also how much he, a Scotsman, holds a distaste for the Irish holiday of Saint Patrick's Day.
I am doing #NaPo this year but it won’t be posted on YWS. As is my SOP, my participation in #CampNaNo will be writing short lore stories for my #LMS project. (@BluesClues get ready to find out more about the French and Indian War than you have ever cared to know!)
BluesClues :eyes:
Mar 18, 2023
LMS VI - Week 25
7.2 - Monty's Perspective
Monty (un)politely reminds everyone that while he was technically an army lawyer, he was also very much in the army, and is still quite adept at hand to hand combat.
LMS VI - Week 24
7.1 - Monty's Perspective
Monty gets a rude reminder as to why he left Norfolk to become a country lawyer.
LMS VI - Week 23
6.3 - Haller's Perspective
Haller finds themself becoming more and more human as it becomes harder and harder not to judge humans for being humans.
LMS VI - Week 22
6.2 - Haller's Perspective
Haller manages to sell a scarf, evolve further into their image of a human being, and yearn for a strong cup of tea. All while listening to gossip of the town bachelor.
LMS VI - Week 21
6.1 - Haller's Perspective
Haller, still reeling from Monty's sudden exit, has to remember how to be a mild mannered antique dealer when a client arrives for a valuation.
LMS VI - Week 20
5.3 - Monty's Perspective
Monty is offered an invitation to temporarily return to his old life and decides to RSVP with Haller as his plus one...without asking antique dealer's feelings about public occasions.
LMS VI - Week 19
5.2 - Monty's Perspective
Monty walks away, literally, from a conversation about crossdressing when Haller tightens the knot in his stomach in addition to the corset around his waist.
LMS VI - Week 18
5.1 - Monty's Perspective
Monty attempts to figure out why he's so madly in love with Haller as Haller changes him into a fresh suit of clothes.
LMS VI - Week 17
In which Haller envisions an idea. An awful idea. The reaper got a wonder, awful idea...
LMS VI - Week 16
In which Monty doesn't want to get dressed, but also doesn't want to give Hal's robe back to them.
Jul 20, 2024
I’m really only making this post because I’m still mad about having to take being a JM off my resume. It was my fault I got fired but still…
This site once meant a lot to me and I loved devoting my life to it, but taking things too seriously and getting offended at the times changing is how I ended up on the wrong end of the stick.
So I hope I made a difference here before it all went sideways. I know I’m making a difference in my actual career.