hello my old friend holographicCoccinellidae. as you have been so supportive in the creation of krampus the ancient i was hoping you would be willing to review the newest chapter of the book. thx you and i hope you got my joke with your name.
I've made a competition club
Here I'll hold competitions of all shapes and sizes. Whether it's writing competitions or reviewing challenges. If you have competition you wish to share feel free to ask.
Want to join?
Jun 13, 2023
I haven't been on here in years, yet I found myself thinking about this site earlier and decided I was going to check in
I was only active for about a year in 2015/2016, which was 7 years ago (yeesh), so I doubt there's anyone left around here that is still active or would even remember me if they were. Maybe I'm feeling a bit sentimental today, I dunno
Odd, the site hasn't changed that much XD
Anyway! I hope whoever's reading this has a nice day. And good luck with your writing! ^^