Bippity boppity if you walk on my property say hi
Avian truth: what instrument do you want to learn how to play?
dare: go to chem's wfp (there are people here) . Tell the people there that you have a BIG problem that needs to be solved! (you have to make it believable). Then, ask them how to get an elephant through a door without waking up anyone in the house.
Feb 10, 2025
khushi17bansal truth : what's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done on yws?
dare : go post pictures of blue squares on 5 people's walls without any explanation
Feb 10, 2025
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Quillfeather I call this growing up (and in the now I'm a tired exhausted stressed adult way not in a positive way)
Because I felt the same last time it snowed
Feb 7, 2025
JazzicusMaximus darn, this is growing up? This sucks and I haven't even had taxes yet.
Been shoveling snow every day for the past week.
Feb 7, 2025
I'm thinking of potentially creating a storybook...
So here's my question for you roleplayers: should I use greek, norse or egyptian mythology as inspiration?
Elektra I would answer this but I’m pretty sure you already know what I’m gonna say xDgreek
Feb 7, 2025
Feb 7, 2025
Perfect Grade gundams are huge (over a foot tall). The smaller one is what you'll normally see in a store.
LadyMysterio I WANT THAT
Feb 5, 2025
JazzicusMaximus Expensive, but so worth it
Feb 5, 2025
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The snow is pretty
It's also heavy
Just a shovel-full feels like 100 pounds (not very balanced since all the weight is on one end, and it's slushy)
going to be in here, writing music!fatherfig wrote:just a poet poeting poetrilyAvian wrote:just a poet poeting poetry
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As a bass player, I am the time keeper of the band along with the drummer. But when I'm really enjoying myself, I lose track of time as it flies by.
If you're going to go ice skating and you aren't someone who normally does it, learn from my mistake: Wear long socks. If you don't have those, wear long pants that are more form fitting at the ankles. The ice skates will chafe your ankles, rubbing the outside side raw and bruise the other side. (other than this, it's fun!)
Quillfeather I've only gone twice but I concur it's the most painful thing ever I was actually bruised for like weeks after I went and it was so much pain while skating
Another important thing for this tho is also tieing the laces tight enough and having the right size
Feb 1, 2025
RavenAkuma Yes! I mean I've never gone ice skating, but I had this same problem riding horses. If you don't have long pants or socks (preferably both tbh), the leather from the saddle will just irritate and grind down your skin. It is awful ToT
Feb 1, 2025
back hereJazzicusMaximus wrote:Dossereana wrote:I'll be in and out of here!theromanticchemist wrote:come hang out w meee
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Dossereana wrote:I'll be in and out of here!theromanticchemist wrote:come hang out w meee
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21 hours ago