
Young Writers Society

The King's Quest (Started/Accepting)

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Sun May 05, 2013 5:23 pm
KeiPie says...

Leif Vex

"Enough! This is ridiculous!" Leif scanned the company. Some were stuffing their faces with turkey legs and buttered bread, others had left their seats and were standing off to the side having their own private conversation, and even other had drifted of to sleep in their chairs. "People!" appealed Leif, "Listen to me! We must be organized and ready. You all think this is some sort of game! I've been there, I've seen what the Azaks do. I've seen people murdered and towns burned. What if they are torturing our dear princess at this moment while we all get fat on costly food?" Leif had brought himself to a standing position on the middle podium. Although he was so small, every eye in the room now focused on him. "Please," he pleaded, "Please stop these foolish things and focus on what we're here to do, which is save the princess. You all know what I'll do for the company, so while you discuss, I'm going to talk to the king." With that, he jumped down from the podium and left the room with dignity.
“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”
― Mark Twain

“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”
― Ray Bradbury

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Sun May 05, 2013 5:43 pm
Skydreamer says...

Imara Landson -- Human

Imara couldn't sleep, it was quite upsetting to her that they had not met the previous night, she had thought the sooner the better. Restless she had looked outside her window most the previous night hoping that the next day would be better she then noticed a small red head figure running somewhere and then returning with a dragon, Imara immediately thought of her's. She was deciding whether or not to go to the stalls to look at Ice when she heard some noise inside a room next to her’s, it was like the sound of people fighting, no, someone was struggling. Instinct jumped in and she carefully, not making a sound walked towards her door. Once there she opened it breathlessly, and slightly, peeking through it. Before her was the scene of someone, someone she then immediately recognized, walking ever so softly out of his room and into the hallway. Her first instinct was to follow him, after all, whatever he was doing might be essential to the mission, but then she wondered if he was just doing something personal like the red haired girl with her dragon, so eventually Imara decided she would question him about it the next day.

So when it came she was up early, she opened her eyes to the grand room before her that she had not seen clearly the previous night. She didn't know the time, but she knew it was early because the had just risen and the air was still cool. She slipped out of bed, showered, changed into some clothes she found folded on a chair for her, and headed out. As she did she lightly laughed in memory of staying in the castle for training, it wasn't so enticing as it was now, they had normal rooms with nothing too elegant or royal, but then they didn't need it. They weren't there to enjoy. Suddenly the thought came to her, what was so different about now? Weren't they there to go after the princess? Weren't they there to defeat the Azaks? Everything else didn't really matter. At least not to her, she was trained to stay in the woods, to fight anyone who came her way, but to enjoy a night in the guest part of the castle was not one of her skills, or preferences for that matter. She made her way through some of the servants quarters, saying hi to a few that remembered her and to those she herself remembered.

Once she made it outside she could see that the meeting place they were suppose to have been last night and then a trumpet sounded out of nowhere. Imara knew that everyone would be coming out so all she would have to do would be to wait. She wondered why it was the official got called away by the King, and why they moved it to this morning, it was still bothering her a bit when the group started coming, she noticed some of the elves and a few others. Not noticing the one she was looking for she walked with them to the table and heard the tiny elf sprite give a sugestion. When it was finished she suddenly realized that everyone was there, and the red-haired girl she had seen from the previous night was speaking, apparently her name was Doe, interesting. But Imara was a bit worried when she said she couldn’t do hand-on-hand combat, that meant that there would be less people to fight. She has stood quietly trying to scan who was around her, she noticed that there where some allies already being made between two humans it seemed, and there was one creature slightly ignored and that was the dragon, another was a person Imara hadn't seen before. Most of the attention was on some of the humans and elf's. Looking around again she finally caught a glance of the only one she knew there, their eyes met and since they were not too far from each other, Imara quickly stood next to him.

“What do you think? Is this impossible or what?” Imara was talking as low as possible without whispering, they were pretty close during training, and she knew he heard her, this was how she usually communicated, when she did.

“Maybe not impossible, but we’d have to get moving soon. I think that there’s more to this than we know,” he replied. Both of them looked straight ahead, but there was familiarity in their voices.

“I think if we’re even going to make it there alive much less figure out whatever’s going on we’d have to do some training, I mean, I think I heard one of them say their going to be the cook!” Imara smiled a little as she said that.

“We could train as we go along,” he said. She heard some mirth in his voice from her comment, he continued, “and despite how some look like, they may have more capability than it seems,” even as he said this there wasn't real confidence in his tone.

“How do you know, does that have anything to do with you leaving your room last night?” He turned to face her, surprised she had seen him. He hadn't changed too much, she took the moment to notice, still had the normal but good features he had a while back. Still looked reserved but approachable, hidden but unlockable. And he still thought things through carefully, she was glad he decided to come, and again wasn't the least surprised. The scene before her quickly changed to people doing whatever it seemed they wanted and then the little sprite-guy spoke up and strongly reprimanded people for seemingly not taking things seriously enough, it was true. Leaving her question unanswered she decided to try to speak up, loudly she said, “What we need guys, is a plan, a good and steady plan that includes all our strengths and weaknesses and gets us where we need to go,”
I believe in that, which is not seen.
I call it truth, faith, hope, life.

~~~~Sometimes life beckons us to be different~~~~

I used to be known as thewritersdream, but now my dreams have taken flight

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Sun May 05, 2013 11:42 pm
Griffinkeeper says...

Marlon Grey ~ Human

I thought it would come down to this.

"I can take all of us into Azak territory and locate the princess. I've spent years there, I know their strengths and weaknesses. I'll lead the group, unless one of you thinks they are better," I said. I felt the eyes of the group upon me, but I knew that I was the right choice. Slowly, the others conceded this by nodding their ascent.

I smiled and directed my attention towards Doe. She hadn't described herself as a good fighter, but another use for her came into my mind.

"Doe, I want you to take on the role of quartermaster. You'll be in charge of keeping track of our supplies and making sure that our encampments are properly sited and built," I said. She looked surprised, but nodded.

"I want everyone to return to their chambers and pack. Report back here within one hour and see Doe. Doe, I want you to make an inventory of the equipment we have. If anything is missing, go out and purchase it," I said, before tossing her a money bag I had stolen from The Official's chamber the night before.

The group filed out just as The Official came in.

"Sorry I am late, did you pick a leader?"

"That would be me," I said.

"You?" The Official blurted.

"Yes. Did you want to see me?" I said sharply.

"Yes," The Official said, before handing me a money bag. "This is some money for the expedition. Two hundred gold coins."

I gave a crocodile smile to The Official. That crook had been given five hundred gold coins to deliver to us. It was a good thing I had stolen it when I had. It just went to show that you couldn't trust anyone. The Official leaned in and whispered.

"Be very careful, Azak spies broke into my room yesterday and stole your mission documents and a coin purse. They may know you are coming."

"Indeed? I assure you that we shall take every pre-caution." The Official looked embarrassed and left in a hurry. Imara was nearby.

"Shall we return together?" she asked.

"Why not?" I asked. I offered my arm and she took it.

"I overheard The Official talking to you. How unfortunate that all the mission documents were stolen last night and the money of course. It was very lucky that you had a full coin purse available to give to Doe." I smiled, Imara was clever enough to know what happened, or to suspect it.

"I've gotten in the habit of carrying extra money; court officials tend to underestimate costs."

"Why did you make Doe the quartermaster?"

"She is intelligent, imaginative, and doesn't believe in lying. All good qualities in a quartermaster," Marlon said as they arrived at his door.

"You sound like you read that out of one of those profiles that are sometimes found in mission documents," Imara said.

"I'll see you in an hour," Marlon said, before shutting the door.
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Mon May 06, 2013 3:57 pm
KeiPie says...

Leif Vex

He pattered into the elegantly decorated chamber belonging to the king. Leif was actually surprised he had been granted an audience, being so small and insignificant. Being only sixteen, which was very, very, young for elves, he felt very out of place among the well-trained warriors. The king must have chosen me for some reason, he thought. The king didn't make mistakes.
"Leif! Welcome," said the king from behind his desk. He looked very weary and lacked his royal crown and clothing. "It is very good to see you."
"Your highness," Leif bowed.
"I wouldn't have let just anyone come in at this time," the king gestured to his clothing, "I'm not exactly dressed as a king."
"I'm honored," replied Leif, wondering at the king's favoritism. "I come to speak to you about the Company. As I was coming I heard that a man named Marlon has been elected leader. As you have commanded me, I shall be scout; I'm not really sure of the roles of the others." The king nodded and Leif continued. "I come to beg you to let us leave right away. I wonder at your delay yet I can tell you're worried about your daughter."
"A human," the king mumbled. "They had to pick a human, the most corrupt of all species." Then he looked up a Leif. "I grant your request. I wish you the best of luck. The Official should have money for supplies and I have picked my best steeds to carry your company, well, at least the ones that don't own dragons. Fare ye well, little Leif. I shall see you on your return."
Leif bowed and turned to leave. "Wait," said the king. "One more thing." Leif turned to face him. The king handed him an envelope. "For my daughter," he said. "Do not open it under any circumstance. I'm trusting you, do not break my trust. Also," he added, "Keep an eye on that Marlon. He seems dangerous, but it might just be my twisted perception. Do not let him deceive you." With that the king turned back to his work. Leif stuck the envelope under his shirt and left through the golden doors. Hmm, he wondered, why me? Of all people, why me?
Last edited by KeiPie on Tue May 07, 2013 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”
― Mark Twain

“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”
― Ray Bradbury

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Mon May 06, 2013 4:10 pm
Hopkin says...

Delete, ;(
Last edited by Hopkin on Thu May 09, 2013 5:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Mon May 06, 2013 9:01 pm
Craz says...


Doe fingered the coin purse in her hand, listening to the clink of gold and feeling the pressure of weight nestle in her palm. She was at a temporary loss as everyone else filed out, a feeling relating to awe and shock finding home in her chest and as she stared blankly at the purse like she didn't know what it was. The amount of money shocked her; being titled quartermaster stunned her. She didn't expect much from the meeting, besides finding out the inevitable of having a simpleton's job from being practically worthless on the battlefield. But when the human and leader had turned to her and asked her to be quartermaster, she had quickly said yes to the job.

Suddenly gripping the purse tightly in her hand, she sprinted to her rooms. She will not let the group down by slacking, and she refused to let the human regret ever asking her. She wasn't a very plush girl, and so she only carried a simple beaten up knapsack that carried all of her belongings, minus her bow and quiver which she kept up with by keeping them strapped to her back. She was back to the meeting place much earlier than set, and waited for the others.

It didn't take long for her to get bored. She flipped open her knapsack and pulled out a skinned stick of wood and her knife, and pulled out three of her feathers that she kept in the side pocket. She handmade all of her arrows, and scavenged the material on the outskirts of towns. She had learned that the more northern villages fancied decorating themselves with the most lovely feathers, which ranged from a pungent purple to a dizzying yellow that she assumed was achieved by dye. Almost all of the feathers that she used was from those villages, and it was for that reason that her arrows were oddly striking when she fired them at night.

She got into the rhythm of fletching the arrows, the purse kept carefully in between her legs. She didn't notice when the first fellow traveler arrived, nor the second. Finally someone stood in front of her and tapped her lightly on the shoulder. When she looked up the person said, "Shouldn't you be making inventory?"

Spoiler! :
This can be anyone.
"we'll fasten it with some safety pins and tape and a dream, and you're good to go, honey."

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Tue May 07, 2013 4:06 pm
KeiPie says...

Glumber Flod ~ Dwarf

"Shouldn't you be making inventory?" he asked quietly. From being pack-mule for so many journeys, Glumber knew his goods. Being so strong and stocky, Glumber usually was in charge of carrying supply sacks, especially when they didn't have horses. Doe nodded slightly but didn't move. "Um, I can do that, I guess," said Glumber. He looked over what Doe had bought. "Can one of you people help me writing?" thundered Glumber. "My writing is too big, and plus, you are all just sitting there like fleas on a dog."
"I'll help you," came a little voice from behind him. He turned to see a tiny fairy sprite. "I'm Ayleth," she said taking up a piece of parchment and a quill. "What should I write?"
"Good, pleased to meet you Ayleth," then he glanced at her again, "You're the little fireball from the feast right?" She giggled. "Alright then, write this: dried bread-three sacks, potatoes-two sacks..." As Glumber dictated, Ayleth wrote. Doe had bought only a few necessary staples, probably expecting there to be fresh meat fairly often. She hadn't bought any weapons, considering everyone had their own. Humph, thought Glumber to himself, If I had bought the supplies I might have gotten things slightly more useful. Just then he picked up a little bottle with 'Iodine' written on it. "Smart little thing," mumbled Glumber. "At least we won't die of contaminated water."
Just then a little elf sprite came running in; the same one who had made the speech in the meeting. He was huffing and puffing as if he had run for hours.
"We--can--go," he stammered through breaths. "We--can--leave--now. King--said--go."
Glumber brought a heavy palm down on the little guys' back. "Speak up child. What'd the king say?"
"We can go. We can leave tonight. No more--waiting around." Leif bent over trying to regain his breath. When he could finally breathe, he straightened up. "Where's Marlon? I've got to tell him." Glumber shrugged and Leif ran off again in search of the leader.
“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”
― Mark Twain

“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”
― Ray Bradbury

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Tue May 07, 2013 5:44 pm
KeiPie says...

(Hey everyone, I made a small edit to my final paragraph a couple posts ago. The one between Leif and the King. I would suggest you re-read the final paragraph.)
“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”
― Mark Twain

“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”
― Ray Bradbury

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Tue May 07, 2013 11:44 pm
Dakushau says...

Aureo Nokar ~ Ghost Sprite

Aureo walked the halls of the castle and soon found his way to his room. He had no complaints about Marlon being leader. Of course, he hardly knew anyone here so it was hard for him to assess Marlon's abilities as a leader. From what he could tell so far, he seemed decent. I guess I'll find out soon enough how good he is.

Aureo walked to his bed and opened his sack began packing. He packed all his belongings, which were few, and he also packed the things he thought he could use and the castle wouldn't miss too much. What didn't fit in his sack he stuffed into his satchel.

Glancing out the window at the sun, Aureo estimated the current time. It seemed he still had quite some time before he was supposed to meet back with the others. Bags in hand, Aureo exited from the room.

Aureo walked silently through the castle halls and soon lost himself in thought. Before he knew it, it was time to meet with the others. I should start heading back, he thought.

Ayleth Kaduri ~ Fairy Sprite

Ayleth had almost nothing to pack. So instead of going off to pack like the rest, she had decided to go off and do some training, not like she needed it. She had trained plenty of times throughout the centuries. One might instead call it playing.

She was in her room, which was enormous compared to what you might think a fairy would need. A light breeze wafted through the open window. She had already packed what little things she had and now it was time for some fun.

Ayleth ran on her tiny legs and then transformed herself into a fully grown human female. As she approached the window, she jumped and dived out the window. Her room was several stories off the ground and she was falling through the air.

A smile spread across Ayleth's face and she began to giggle. Suddenly Ayleth transformed into a large bird and soared into the sky, narrowly missing the ground. She flew up and up into the air until she began to stall. Ayleth fell towards the ground at a high speed, gravity causing her to move a bit more rapidly.

As she neared the ground she leved off into horizantal flight. Rushing at high speeds toward the castle, Ayleth flew through the window of her room. Right before hitting the wall, she transformed into a ball of ice.

Suddenly she hit the stone wall and fractured into several pieces. Ice flew across the room. The pieces hit pieces of furniture around the room, damaging some. One piece of ice smashed into a vase and it shattered.

Ayleth changed from ice to water and then reverted back to her normal form. Ayleth smiled and giggled. Standing up, she looked around the room. it was damaged. "Oops," Ayleth says before giggling again. Atleast we're leaving today.

Looking out the window, Ayleth noticed it was time to meet with the others. She fluttered to the meeting area. Several others had already gathered.

"Can one of you people help me writing?" Ayleth heard Glumber thunder. "My writing is too big, and plus, you are all just sitting there like fleas on a dog."

"I'll help you," she offered from behind him. "I'm Ayleth." She grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill as he turned around and said, "What should I write?"

"Good, pleased to meet you Ayleth," He replied, then he glanced at her again, "You're the little fireball from the feast right?" She giggled. "Alright then, write this..." Glumber began to sputter a list of things and Ayleth began jotting them down.

Ahkrin Sunvaar ~ Dragon

The warm sunshine poured forth heat upon Ahkrin's scalely hide. A leader had been selected, the meeting had adjorned, and those who had things to pack were sent to pack them. Ahkrin flew swiftly and gracefully through the air. It felt good to stretch his wings out and fly.

The meeting had gone well, though he hadn't said anything and seemed to go almost completely ignored.

Soaring through the sky, Ahkrin could see the land stretch for miles in every direction. From the sun's position Ahkrin could tell it was about time to return and began to make his way back to the castle. Soon, he was within site of the place where they had met. Many people were starting to gather there. Flying low, Ahkrin landed gracefully on the ground beside the meeting grounds.
Last edited by Dakushau on Thu May 09, 2013 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision.”
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Wed May 08, 2013 12:14 am
littleauthor says...

Raven Ordare

Raven laid out what little clothing she had across her poster bed. She neatly put it away and stowed her knit bag under the bed. Raven straighten out the sheets being the perfectionist she is and brushed her purple hair out of her eyes. She sighed and headed down the hall to where they were suppose to meet. The she ran into a invisible barrier.

"Sorry," The ghost sprite she sat with earlier said moving back a bit.

"It's my fault," Raven replied blushing making her pale completion a light pink.

He shook his head and moved out of way. Raven blushed more walked towards the wall. She leaned against it awkwardly and crossed her arms. She felt her self go invisible and then she saw Aureo do the same. Raven felt his eyes on her even though she was invisible so she turned the other way turning visible for less than a second. He crossed the room next to her.

"Hi," Raven said as he tapped his foot to say visible.

"Hey," He replied as Raven choose to stay hidden.

"So, Why are you over here?" Raven said coming off rude without meaning too.

"I wanted to ask you a question," He said still taping his foot. "Do you like dragons?"

Thank god, I though we were going somewhere else there. She thought exhaling. She shook her left hand and nodded.

Aureo smiled. "Good, there are a lot here," He replied simply.

"I know, I've been here for 5 years now." Raven said swinging her long hair onto her back. Aureo nodded and returned to his side of the hallway.

It's better to be WEIRD than boring

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Thu May 09, 2013 5:14 pm
KeiPie says...

Leif Vex

"Marlon, Marlon," cried Leif all out of breath. The man turned around slowly. Leif had burst into his room only moments earlier.
"Yes, err, Leif right?"
"Yes sir. I've spoken with the king."
"And?" Marlon seemed very impatient. Whatever he had been looking at on his desk must have been very important.
"We can leave, sir. The King says we don't have to wait any longer. We can leave tonight." Then remembering his place he added, "That is if you agree."
Marlon nodded. "Thank you Leif. I shall keep you statement in mind." By the look on his face, Leif knew he was no longer welcome in this room. Leif dashed out the door and into the hall. Creepy man, he thought to himself. No wonder the king wants me to keep an eye on him!
As Leif headed to the courtyard to meet the rest of the company, he came upon a dragon making a graceful landing. Leif recognized him as the tame dragon who had been in the meetings earlier.
"Hello!" Leif said approaching it. "I'm Leif, what's your name?"
"Ahkrin," boomed the dragon. "Well met, little fellow. An elf sprite a presume?" Leif nodded. "You are awfully small."
"I'm young too," said Leif proudly. They might as well know. "The youngest of the company!"
"Is that so? You're a brave one then eh?"
Leif blushed. He hadn't meant to brag.
"Can I ask you an enormous favor?" asked Leif. The dragon nodded. "Could I possibly, maybe, just try, perhaps, ride? I've always wanted to ride a dragon, but people say I'm too small. Could I just try?"

Spoiler! :
Dakushau you can decide whether Ahkrin lets Leif ride or not.
“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”
― Mark Twain

“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”
― Ray Bradbury

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Thu May 09, 2013 9:17 pm
Dakushau says...

Ahkrin Sunvaar ~ Dragon

Ahkrin couldn't help but emit a light chuckle at Leif's slightly unexpected request. "A ride you say? I suppose I could give you a ride."

"Thank you, sir." Leif said as he tried to scambled onto the dragon with little luck.

"Here," Ahkrin said, lowering so that it would be easier for Leif to get on.

"Thank you,"

"Hold on. We wouldn't want you to fall." Flapping his enormous wings, Ahkrin flew into the air. He made sure not to fly so fast that Leif would fall off.

A smile spread itself across Leif's face. "This is amazing, I've never been this high up before, and look at this view! It must be wonderful to be able to fly around the sky like this."

They were high above the ground now and now able to see the spectacular view of the land below. Ahkrin flew about simply in a wide circle.

"Um, do you think you could, well, do some maneuvers?" Leif suddenly asked.

"Maneuvers? What kind of maneuvers?"

"You know. Spins and loops and the like."

"If you think you can hold on."

Ahkrin began a low dip and then rised and flew into a loop and then came out of the loop doing a spin. He came out of the spin and began to do a few other maneuvers as he flew about the sky.

Aureo Nokar ~ Ghost Sprite

"Well, I believe it's about time we should get back to the meet with the others." Aureo told Raven. "Care to join me?"

"Okay," Raven said. They started walking down the hall.

"So what do you do around here?"

"I spend time in the kitchen cooking."

"Sounds fun."

Spoiler! :
littleauthor I'm thinking our characters can talk on there way back to the others.
“The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision.”
–Helen Keller

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Fri May 10, 2013 1:43 am
Pokit says...

Deiven Luric% ELF

The dwarf continued with his inventory, while everyone else mixed a mingled. The moment was close at hand for their great journey, and the dwarf was ready to assume he had finished, when a loud voice echoed the entrance of one more unexpected recrute.
"Deiven of the Luric family!"
Rouken's ears perked up, and his eyes went wide.
All eyes were on the young elf that entered. He was tall, and pale. His dark hair was cut short, which showed he was no traditional elf. He smiled, white teeth gleaming with a bright sense of spirit. "Hello, did I make it for the feast?"
Rouken glared at him. He had hoped the summon didn't reach him, even more, he hoped he wouldn't except it. His younger brother being there, only meant trouble.
Deiven dropped his large pack. "Whoo!" he stretched his arms and cracked his neck. "Someone come get this thing." He left his pack on the floor, and made sure his handy bow was still connected to his back, and his quiver full of arrows was fastened securely to his thigh.
He glanced at Doe, who was staring at him with emense fascination. When he gave her a smile, she raised her eyebrows and blinked innocently.
Deiven scanned the people, then on seeing the one he was looking for he shouted: "Roukin!"
Roukin glared at him, and clenched his teeth. "What are you doing here?"
"ME! To save the Princess! That's what!" His voice range in everyone's ears. "I hear she's pretty..."
Glumber grabbed his shoulder firmly. "Quit shouting! We all have perfect hearing here!"
Glumber's powerful voice put him in shock. He paused, and said quietly "Okay."
Glumber released him and continued with his business. Deiven pressed his shoulder. "Ooouch."
Slounder, came up behind him, chewing on his pipe, and whacked him harshly over the head, walking away he murmered: "..kids..."
Deiven glanced at Roukin, who thought it best to do somthing else with his time, rather than sit their and talk to him.
"Okay," he was now rubbing his head. "Got it ...aah..." he moaned.
Last edited by Pokit on Fri May 10, 2013 2:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Fri May 10, 2013 2:14 am
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onedarkhorizon says...

Titch Van Ro'Shay / Human

Titch felt bad for abandoning Michael in the middle of their conversation, but she knew how irritable J.P. was when he didn't get fed. She had given him all that she could carry from the table and then left him too it.

Titch had returned to the meeting room to continue her conversation with Michael but he had gone. 'I should have asked which room he was staying in. She thought, annoyed at herself for not using her time wisely.

Eventually after eavesdropping on a lot of conversations, the little human grew tired and sauntered up to bed. She'd only managed to sleep a little before footsteps outside of her bedroom woke her up.

Groaning and realising that everybody elses day had already started, she opened the trunk she'd finally unstrapped from J.P. and begun to change. Titch had opted for a sleeveless leather halter-top, leather trousers and knee-high boots; she tucked her trousers into her boots and then walked over to the dressing table.

Titch brushed through her hair a couple of times and reached into her trunk once more, she grabbed a small vial filled with some red liquid and began placing it onto her hair. She decided to re-colour the fading strips of red; she wanted to look presentable.

After that was done, she placed on her dark wristbands, a simple brown belt and the necklace her mother had given her a long time ago. She closed the trunk and shoved it under the bed, she had already packed a separated knapsack for the journey.

Quickly leaving the room and running down the hall, there was a faint voice coming from somewhere within the castle. Titch stopped dead in her tracks and cursed under her breath. "No, it can't be--"

Titch contuinued walking at a faster pace and then froze. There he was, that stupid little elf who had once promised her the world. That was until Titch had seen him for what he was, a liar.

Swiftly grabbing a nearby tomato, she pulled back her arm and then threw it in his direction. She waited for it to hit him and then sighed, "What are you doing here?"

Titch was a little disappointed, her cute, enthusiastic attitude would be absent for the rest of the trip. Deiven brought out the worst in her, she shuddered at the comparison she was making to a bitter old woman in her head.
Last edited by onedarkhorizon on Fri May 10, 2013 3:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Fri May 10, 2013 3:27 am
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Hopkin says...

Roukin Luric~Elf

Roukin was embarrassed by the intrusion of his brother Deiven, his manner and hair were atrocious, he was sick just being next to him, making him remember all those so called fun childhood memories, were nightmares coming back to his mind.
“Deiven, what in this TOO small of a world, are you doing here?” Roukin wasn't in the mood for his jokes, after making everyone know that they were brothers.
Deiven opened his mouth before he jerked, something soft and mushy had hit into the back of his head, “What the..” he felt and grabbed a chunk of whatever it was, “A tomato?” he turned and his eyes widened at seeing her. Standing there.
“What are you doing here?” she said folding her arms.
“W-what am I, what are you?” he said a little uneasy swallowing hard. Roukin looked at both of them in interest, what could this mean?
She pursed her lips.
“W-was this yours?” Deiven held out the mushed tomato trying to force a smile.
She rolled her eyes walked up flipped the tomato out of his hand, before giving him a hard smack to the face.
Roukin's mouth dropped.
She flipped her hair in his face as she turned and strode away, glaring at him as she glanced back.
“Wow,” Roukin smirked, Liking her. . He thought to himself.
Deiven turned to Roukin a sort of panic filled his face, “What is she doing here?!” he pointed his finger at her direction.
“No the question is, and what I would like to know, what did all that mean?” Roukin folded his arms pausing.
“Is there some kind of list thing here, that I can cross my name out, I decided I don't want to go after all.” Deiven looked around.
“Humans? Really Deiven, again..” Roukin shook his head, “Once you come you can't leave, and if you do brother, and ruin the name of Luric, I will personally seek you down, and kill you the way I have always wanted to.” Roukin let out a bigger smirk, “looks like I'm not the only one that knows you Deiven.”

Spoiler! :
Hey you guys I REALLY wanted that smack, so I put it in! sorry if you didn't want it, But I SO did, and Roukin did to, hehehe.
Last edited by Hopkin on Fri May 10, 2013 3:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

If you are tired remember it's a sign that you haven't expired
— fatherfig