
Young Writers Society

The University of Soul Extermination (Started/Closed)

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Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:56 am
kat13254 says...


After announcements I walk into my room, not realizing someone else was already there. When I do notice, the girl has midnight blue hair, and annoying gold eyes. I'm acting as if she's not there, as I always do. I would rather read then soul fighting but of course that isn't possible. I look out the window and see the yard is covered by mostly Tigers, Wolves, and Foxes. The three Orders I hate most, Crows, Rats and Owls aren't that bad. I'm not sure but I think the girl beside me is an Owl. I finally realise it's too quiet in here so since the girl isn't going to be the one to talk

"Hi, I'm Scarlet. I'm an owl."

"Hello, I'm Penelope. I'm also an owl."

"Well, I should be going." I don't know where I'm going, class hasn't started yet. I can't go outside, it's infested by Tigers, Foxes, and Wolves, most of them are fighting. So I think I will just walk around inside, maybe to the library. There might be some new books to read.

While walking there I do what I always do, have my head in a book and ignoring everyone else. Well, except for the few first years who are lost. When I get to the library, I see no one else is here, so that's good. Hopefully no other Orders come in. Owls are fine but I swear if a tiger comes in and tears even one book I'll lose it. This library is basically my home. I'm in here if I'm not fighting souls.

After what I think was an hour or two of reading this book about Medieval Ages I decide to go back to my room. When I go in there I take my favorite novel and start reading it. I don't know why I didn't bring it to the library, I could have read it in there. I wouldn't want to go back there again in the crowds so I just stay in here. I read for so long I fall asleep while reading. I think I lost my page.

I wake up in the middle of the night and my book is on the floor closed! I want to yell, but it is in the middle of the night, so I don't after telling myself that multiple times. I pick it up find my page and keep reading. I quietly leave and head down to the library. There I can be alone and read in peace. I read for hours. I don't want to leave, but I should. I stay anyway, I know I shouldn't but I do. I stay there reading all night.
Mew ฅ(⌯͒• ɪ •⌯͒)ฅ❣

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Wed Jan 15, 2014 3:54 pm
Inkpot says...

Stanley Hope | Tiger

Horses dragged the carriage over the cobbled road and through the open, iron gates. Great red cuts bled across the darkening sky, and the vibrant, orange sun was beginning to disappear behind the towering university. Students hurried out of the way as the carriage moved up the driveway, stopping in front of the grand, oak doors that were the entrance to the school. By this time a crowd had gathered around the carriage. Ones stood, whispering amongst themselves, wondering if some learned professor or important figure had arrived. The Twos were more engaged in thinking what kind of person still used a horse and carriage to get around. The Threes simply clenched their fists and waited for the carriage door to open. When, after a few moments of anticipation, the door finally did open, it wasn't an important, eccentric or particularly aggressive-looking person that stepped out. It was Stanley Hope.
"Good morning, folks," he beamed, stepping down onto the driveway. Several of the students sniggered. Stanley seemed not to have noticed. he walked to the front of the carriage, where a hooded man held the horses' reins.
"Bring my boxes in," Stanley ordered. The boxes he spoke
of weighed down the carriage. They were packed into the back, tied onto the roof and crammed under the seats.
"Certainly," the driver said, but with a heavy tone to his voice that showed how exhausted he was at even the thought of moving the boxes. Stanley moved away from the carriage, through the double doors and into the university. There he came across the reception desk.
"Gloria! You're looking lovely as ever," Stanley said, approaching the stone-faced lady behind the reception desk.
"My name is Rachel," she spat, "and you're seven hours late, Mr Hope."
"Oh, there's no need for formalities, please do call me Stanley Etchingdon Welldale Hope."
"I have signed you in, though the school day has already started and finished," Rachel sighed, used to dealing with the arrogant young man. "You're in dorm room twelve," she said, pushing a set of keys and a timetable across the desk to Stanley.
"Thank you, Gloria," said Stanley, taking the keys and timetable and starting up the stairs.
Inkpot :)

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Thu Jan 16, 2014 12:11 am
KingLucifer says...

Annamarie Blanco - Dorm Room - Aftermath

I lay in my bed as the wounds along my body needed time to heal, not that it would stop me from practicing with my Arma. My arm was draped over my forehead, as I was resting, I would go out when it was sun down to practice as not attract Avalon's attention again. Then my dorm room door opens and then I hear a fall, then a familier voice rang in my ears.

"Hey Anna!"

I look over to see Eliot, rubbing his forehead looking particularly clumsy. "Could you make any bigger noise?"

"You want to talk about noise? Go see the guy in my room." He sits up "You got a roommate?"

I return my head back to it's resting position, "no one has walked in yet, honestly I was kind of hoping you were my roommate. If not, then I'm hoping I'm alone, what happened this morning was bad." I groan slightly from the humiliation.

"I was never going to be your roommate. No mixing, remember? And you should've thought it through more than you did. Then you wouldn't be in this situation."

"Yeah, but I was so pissed off with his arrogance that I needed to wipe his smile off his face. Now I can see how stupid it was." I rub the bridge of my nose as I sit up.

"What exactly is it he did that annoyed you so much?" He grabs a random chair and sits next to my bed.

"He acts like he owns everyone, every woman kisses his ass, and no one is willing to stand up to him. I just... I just wanted to prove he wasn't as invincible as everyone thinks he is."

"I think you proved that with enough lackeys, he's invincible. So he made a pass at you?"

"Yeah, I then proceeded to punch him in the mouth for trying to kiss me, I believe I'm done with boys after that." My leg bounces impatiently.

"You of all people." he gives a smirk that I can see out of the corner of my eye, "I mean there are cuter girls out there."

I glares at him "what's that supposed to mean?!"

"Woah, calm it, I kid." he holds up his hands defensively, "I'm not cut out for jokes then."

I sigh and drop my head into my hands before coming back up and taking a deep sigh. "The Crow who treated me said I'll be fine and just rest, I'm to anxious to rest right now."

"I'm anxious to find a quiet place and ignore everyone, and that's not happening. Your room's the safest place right now."

"Until I find out I have a roommate, but until then, yeah." I Get up and go over to my desk which is the center piece of my room. I open the left drawer and takes out Eliot's necklace.

He smiles slightly, "you don't want to wear it?"

"It's not that I don't want to wear it, it's that I just don't want to loose it. It's one of the few things that remind me not everyone is bad and hateful in this world."

"Well that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. I could find a clasp that won't break, and if you loose it, I don't mind making a new one. For you, mind."

"That would be great, I won't have to worry then." I smiles.

"Maybe it'll help with that temper of yours," he smiles.

My Smile begins to grow as I shake my head, "maybe."

I hacked and slashed at a straw dummy practicing everything I knew, the sun has been down for a while now. I was covered in sweat despite the cold night air, I would need a shower once I was done but it didn't matter now. I was practicing everything I was taught and done over a thousand times over with my Senior Excorist. My ruby blade, the edge that never dulled after all the training I've done. Breathing heavy, I've decided I've had enough and begin walking off to the showers, only to slam straight into someone who I didn't see.

"Oh sorry," I said.

She turned toward me, wiping her lip, she cleared her throat. "Just...watch where you're going next time? Damn." she said.

"My fault, I'm Annamarie and I was just..."

"Annamarie? that Rat girl who challenged Avalon to a fight this morning?!"

Damn it she must be a Wolf Order, "he's an arrogant asshole!" I said defensively.

She rolls her eyes at what I said, "agreed, he's a womanizer, the only reason he's so high in the Wolf Order is cause he's beaten everyone who wasn't a Three!"

I was caught off guard by her agreement, maybe she wasn't as bad as I first thought. I could get to know her, find out what exactly she knows about him and the Order. I give her an off handed comment, "I think we could become friends," I give her a small smile.

"Agreed, my name is Valora from the Wolf Order." she smiles back.

I shrug since she already knows my name, I walk past her giving her a slight wave from behind, "I need to hit the showers, see you around Valora from the Wolf Order."
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Thu Jan 16, 2014 12:30 am
Pan says...

Penelope Night

I decided to leave the room after Scarlet left, lightly walking around the grounds until I run out of things to distract myself with.

My fingers were cold as I clenched them. I didn't want to go back to my dorm, but I would have to at some time.

Despite being from the same order, I sensed that Scarlet didn't much like me, and as antisocial as I am, I figured that I wouldn't bother with trying to win her over-- I know how Owls are.

Sighing, I slid my fans from my sleeves and entered the training grounds, approaching a straw dummy.

I began attacking, my fans helping me control my element. The wind sliced open the straw dummy, and I felt relieved, I hadn't completely lost my touch over the summer.

After I destroyed the dummy, I decided to go back to my dorm. Scarlet's bed was empty, and I ignored it.

I picked up a square case from my bed, and opened it, revealing a shiny wooden guitar. I strummed it a few times, and closed my eyes, listening to the sound reverberate.

I didn't play it, however, because it was late, and I didn't want any complaints, so I put it back up and decided to try and rest.
Formerly 'PenAndSword'

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Sat Jan 18, 2014 11:21 pm
Craz says...

Eleanor Alger | Fox

Eleanor opened the door to her new dorm room to find it empty of everything except of her's and her new roommate's stuff. She warily took a step inside, slowly closing the door behind her, and examined the opposite side of the room where the other girl's possessions waited. Everything was a little bit everywhere, with a discarded backpack that haphazardly had clothes thrown half out of it, a beaten up dresser with a few jewelry boxes squatting on top, and a dark comforter, rumpled as if someone had been sprawling across it moments before. Eleanor sat on her own bed, a pale ivory thing, and glanced around the room, searching for something to entertain her with the absence of her roommate. She found nothing too engaging, so she settled to play trivial games on her new laptop she had saved up for and bought over the summer.

With a jolt Ella jumped back farther from the door as it struck open with the power of a temper, and inside strutted a short purple haired girl wrapped in a white towel, whistling, completely unaware of Ella until she began to take off her towel. She swore as she spotted Eleanor out of the corner of her eye and reflexively snatched the towel back around herself, tighter than before, pressing it to her chest and snapping, "What the fucking hell!

Well dammit!" She continued. She looked at Ella for a moment, and after recovering from the other girl's first impression, Eleanor returned her look. "Damn, I do gotta roommate. Shit."

There was a moment of silence as the girl went to the door and locked it, and then returned to the middle of the room. Making a line in the carpet with her big toe, she cooed, "This is my area, and that is yoouurs. You don't go in mine, I won't go in yours."

Satisfied, she eyed Eleanor as she disappeared into her small closet, where Ella could hear rustling. Muffled through the door, the girl asked, "So, what should I call you, roommate? I'm Annamarie of the Rat Order."

Eleanor opened her mouth to speak, and then cleared her throat. "Eleanor. Or just Ella. Fox."

She could hear Annamarie whisper, "A Fox..." through the door, and then she came out dressed in shorts and a black tank top. "Well, Fox, Rule Number One: Do not cross the line. Rule Number Two: We dress in the closet. Got it?"

Ella hesitantly nodded, and watched as Anna jumped on her own bed and pulled out a pair of headphones. "Well, you're not going to sleep in that, are you? Remember: the closet."

After a pause, she slowly stood and gathered her clothes, glancing back at her to see if Annamarie was serious, but she was busy fiddling with her headphones. Eleanor quietly squeezed herself inside of the closet, dressing as quietly as she can, and then opened the closet door to find Annamarie in the same position she was before. A bile of indignation and heated temper flared inside of Eleanor, but she just swallowed it and readjusted herself back on her bed. She glanced one more time in Anna's direction, and then jerked the covers over herself, feigning sleep.
"we'll fasten it with some safety pins and tape and a dream, and you're good to go, honey."

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Wed Jan 22, 2014 2:07 am
TinyJarStoredDreams says...

Keigan Tomlinson | Wolf

I entered my dorm to find it empty. I smiled to my self as I threw my suitcase onto the opposite bed. I stripped out of my jacket and threw that on the bed too. I giggled to my self knowing that since I had the room to my self, I could almost do anything I wanted. I changed out of my skinny jeans and into a pair of shorts and a crop top. I let my long pink hair down letting it fall down my back.

"This is going to be amazing." I whispered to my self.

I moved over to my backpack and pulled out my throwing knives, a sharpie, a speaker, and my iPod. I laid my knives across the floor and hooked up the speaker. I plugged in my iPod and started playing Fall Out Boy way louder than I should. I took the sharpie and drew a target on the wall. I returned to my spot on the carpet and started throwing my knives into the target.

There was a knock on the door. I groaned throwing my last knife into the wall and standing up.

"What the hell do you want?" I said leaning into the door frame.

There stood a stood just below my height with curly purple hair. "Yeah people here actually like sleep, so turn off that music."

I rolled my eyes and dramatically waltzed over to my speakers and pulled the plug making a huge show of it.

"Goodnight neighbor," I said waving the plug at her.

She rolled her eyes before returning back to her dorm. I walked back over to the door and shut it before taking my knives out of the wall. I laid them carefully back in their case and slide them under my bed leaving one out for me the have on my bed side table. I tied my long hair up in my bun before brushing my teeth and crawling into bed.

'Good,' I thought 'It's always good to make an enemy on your first day of school.'
How the hell are we suppose to look forward to the future if we aren't sure if we will be alive in the next 20 seconds?

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Wed Jan 22, 2014 2:20 pm
Ciblio says...

Valora Faye

The girl started walking away, but turned her head slightly to look at me, and waved, "I need to hit the showers..see you around Valora from the Wolf Order."

I wipe my lip again, not really feeling anything, and headed back to the dorm.


"I'm gonna go shower." My roommate, Nikol, said, before leaving the room.

Sighing, I went and shut the door the rest of the way, and pulled out my clothes.

The clothes were from a few weeks ago, I'd bought them with the money from my summer job. Nothing fancy.

Slipping into a pair of navy blue pajama pants, I then pulled a black short-sleeved shirt over my head, then collapsed onto my bed, exhausted.

This was way more comfortable then what I was sleeping on before.

There was absolutely no way I was getting up.
'we have lingered in the chambers of the sea /
by sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown /
till human voices wake us, and we drown'


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Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:38 pm
TinyJarStoredDreams says...

Keigan Tomlinson

I woke up to a knock on my door. I groaned and grabbed my knife off my bedside table before answering the door.

"Miss. Tomlinson," A woman said smiling slightly at me ignoring my weapon," I have your schedule."

I sighed and held out my hand for her to give it to me. She placed the piece of paper then scurried off to the next room. I spun back into my room and shut the door. I opened the envelope to find a list.

Physical Combat and Weaponry.
Element Harmonizing.
World History of Exorcisms.
Herbal Plant Anatomy and their Uses.
Tactics and Weaponry.

I laid the paper down on top of my backpack so I wouldn't forget it and started to get ready for class.

I changed into black leggings, a navy tank top, and a gray zip-up sweatshirt. I applied a thin layer of mascara, eyeliner, and lip gloss. Then straightened my long, annoyingly pink and wavy, hair so it now was so long it sat at the bottom of my back. I smiled at my now gorgeous self and exited the bathroom. I stuck my schedule into my jacket pocket along with my eleven white knives. I grabbed my back pack containing books and a bottle of water and headed out my room.

I noticed some girls staring at me and then whispering to each other as I passed them in the halls. I took a deep breath and kept walking ignoring their looks, the purple haired girl must have told them about me.

I found my way to the gym only stopping once to pick up a muffin from the cafeteria. I took my last bite of the blueberry muffin and threw the wrapper into a trashcan right outside the gym. I took a deep breath before walking in to find some kids were early just like me.

I took a seat on the bleachers next to boy pitch black hair and gold eyes. I smiled slightly at him trying to make at least one friend and to my surprise I got a very weak smile back.

"I'm Keigan," I said giving him another one of my signature smirks.

"Avalon," He replied shaking my hand.
How the hell are we suppose to look forward to the future if we aren't sure if we will be alive in the next 20 seconds?

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Sun Jan 26, 2014 4:47 am
Dakushau says...

Najur Kalvak | Tiger

I awoke early the next morning laying atop my bed with my sheets spread out neatly beneath me. I had gone to sleep on the top of my bed sheets. The previous day had been long and uneventful, not to mention boring. I hadn't participated in the battles for the day prior, I just wasn't in the mood, which was strangely unlike me.

I had entered the room later that evening to find my roommate still there as I had left him, but this time his body was covered in a layer of sweat from working out in the gym. I ignored him as I got prepared to lie down. He was of no concern. Without a word he left the room to shower and I didn't see him again that night; for I had gone to sleep soon after he left.

After rolling off my bed, I stood and began to survey the room. My roommate was back and still sleeping on his own bed. Everything appeared to be undisturbed. But before I could do anything, my gaze fell upon something and I noticed a couple sheets of paper slide under the frame of the door.

Instinctively I instantly walked over to the sheets of paper. They were schedules. I discarded the one that didn't pertain to me onto the desk near the door and began to look over my schedule. After a brief glance I folded the paper and shoved into into the bag beside my bed. 9:00 am -- gym -- Physical Combat and Weaponry. It appeared I had the best class first, which meant all the other classes would be boring by comparison.

I looked over to the clock on the desk, 8:30 am it read. I would probably be early, but this was one class I was alright with being early for. I quickly changed into a pair of dark blue jeans, black tank top, and a dark grayish-black jacket. After dressing for my class, I began packing my bag for the next couple of hours, no point lugging all of my books around needlessly when I could always return every other class or so to pick up what I needed.

Now finished packing, I threw my bag across my shoulder and began to head out. A sudden motion caught my attention and I stopped. Looking over, I saw my roommate rise and stare at me. I met and held his gaze for a moment before decided he wasn't important enough yet for me to be engaging in a pointless conversation, and so, I left the room without a word, heading to my first class of the day.

After a short walk across campus I was heading into the gym. I noticed a few others already gathered. Glancing at my watch, it read: 8:49. Yes, I was early, but not by a great deal of time. A stood there, watching the others intently, attempting to estimate what sort of power each one might have. I continued to observe them, waiting for class to begin. This was going to be fun.
“The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision.”
–Helen Keller

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Fri Jan 31, 2014 6:12 am
AlmondEyes says...


I'd gotten to the Gym before anyone else had to think in silence. The hallways were always bustling with too much chatter and noise in the morning before classes started, and it always made me a bit irritable. For once, everything was calm and quiet, giving me a chance to meditate before people came in with their loud mouths and riled me up.

Dropping down in my Danskin sports bra and Spandex shorts, I pulled myself into an Indian style position and began. In through the nose, out through the mouth, letting every muscle in my body relax and the stress flow from my body. I let my mind wander, trying to find something to center myself on, when that ass of a Wolf popped into my head and broke my concentration.

"Ugh!" I shoved to my feet feeling livid.

Now I wanted to punch someone in the face, but instead settled for the wall. I yanked my hand out, making my way through the double doors and outside unto the open air. The Sun hadn't even come up yet, though it was fast approaching. I decided a run is what I needed to blow off some steam.

Putting my head phones in, I put on Heavy Prey by Lacey sturm and started off at slow jog to get my blood flowing, then picking up the pace as song after song played until my feet were kicking up dirt and I was practically flying through the trees. Everything felt so overwhelming in that moment. So vivid, I smelled everything, saw everything, heard everything. Felt the wind brush across my skin and the twigs scraping against my arms and legs, though I didn't feel it. Counting Bodies Like Sheep To the Rhythm of the War Drums by Full Circle had just ended as I made my way back to the Gym doors and finished, covered in sweat.

By then the Sun had found it's way high into the sky. Doing a few quick with cool down stretches, I slipped back into the Gym as class was beginning, and felt someone's eyes on me, though I didn't know who. I turned to meet their gaze.

Spoiler! :
This can be anyone, I was just trying to make an opening for someone if they were still looking for one. Just have her stare at you with calm and cold eyes and looking all serene and be really unsettled by her eyes like everyone usually is though she's covered in sweat :P And if you want to do anything more with Kaiya other than that, then you'll have to let me know because I'm really picky with my characters, as some of you well know :)
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:23 am
Ciblio says...

Valora Faye

I woke up, my alarm beeping.

Time for my shower.

I crawled out of my bed, and stretched, yawned, then rubbed my eyes.

The alarm shut off, and I looked around in the dim room for my towel, and soap.

After finding it, I headed towards the girls bathroom.

It was empty.

I sighed in relief, and went to the shower at the very end.

Stripping off my clothes, I turned the hot and cold water on.

It turned warm, and soaked my body.

The water was warm against my cold skin.


I slowly walked down the hall, holding my clothes and soap in my hands.

It was about 6:30 in the morning, and it seemed as if nobody were alive.

The silence was killing me.

I slipped inside of the room, glanced over at Nikol, who was sleeping, and slipped inside of the closet to out some clothes on.


I sat on my bed, and pulled out an old book that I'd had for...well, since I was little.

I've read it quite a few times, but it never got boring, or anything.

The book was 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. I loved Harper Lee. Amazing author.

I turned to the first page, laid down on my side, and started reading.
'we have lingered in the chambers of the sea /
by sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown /
till human voices wake us, and we drown'


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Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:18 am
KingLucifer says...

Annamarie Blanco - Balenced Mind, Fierey Anger

Annamarie was hopeful, she's heard a lot about this class and she couldn't wait to meet the teachers today. Physical Combat and Weaponry was up first on her class list, she wore her usual navy blue sweats and long sleeve shirt and gray blouse underneath. Kaiya Blackfire was already there, and judging by her clothing she had been here awhile, she looked at me and looked really ticked off. I stared back at her and gave a small smile, I had already heard about Avalon's fight with her the other day, I was pleased by it.

I shock my head towards an area marked with a wide circle, it was a sparing circle made for before class and after. We both walked towards it, we both went right into a combat stance I moved into a boxer stance and so did she. We circled each other quickly Kaiya started with a few jabs, I protected myself with my arms and quickly retaliated punching her in the ribs. Before I could bring my arms back up she catches me square in the face and I immediately go to the ground.

Kaiya backs off taking a step or two back, her punches hurt. From what I heard, she was able to keep up and counter Avalon. How did a Rat fight? using there minds, what were Tigers best known for? being reckless and angry. I got to my feet, and changed my stance from boxer to self defense. Kaiya quickly moves in holding her boxer stance and starts with a flurry of punches, I dodge each one, then she swings with her left I step back with my right. Catching her fist with my right hand, it looked like I caught it, but I was just out of arms reach.

I tightened my hold on her fist and bending my knees I leap into the air, and now I was above Kaiya holding myself with her right arm and my left arm. Perfect demonstration of a Rat's sense of balance. I hold it for a second and then land behind her still holding her fist, she whirls around her left fist looking to connect and misses. I dodge and then while she's still distracted hit her as hard as I could with my free hand. She takes a step back her left going to the spot and connected with, the look in her eyes told me she didn't like that very much.

I return to my stance, and Kaiya not quite angry yet comes at me quickly, I match her, she's mid swing and was still stepping forward. I match her and have my left foot catch her right and she goes to the ground. She rolls and looks at me surprised, then slams her fists into the ground her anger claiming her. Now she's back on her feet coming at me fast, I side step her, grabbing her by her arm and hit her again in the jaw. Her imbalance sends her back to the ground, she rolls again and now I see she has tunnel vision. I back up a few steps just before the line that marks the circle of the combat area.

Kaiya charges me fast and her hulking size over me,I drop to a crouch, balling my fists, elbows to my knees. When she was just over me, I sprung up my fists slamming into her stomach. Her momentum carrying over me and throwing her straight out of the circle, marking my victory.

"I win Kaiya."

A small crowd had gathered to watch, Coach Kramer included, he applauded my victory over her. "Alright, that's enough, line up it's time to take attendance!" he ordered.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Mon Feb 03, 2014 9:31 pm
Inkpot says...

Stanley Hope / Tiger

Coach Kramer had a booming voice, and Stanley didn't much care for it. In fact, Stanley didn't much care for anyone- booming voice or not- who was under the absurd assumption that they were for some reason in charge. Only Stanley was in charge of Stanley.
"Stanley Hope?" Coach Kramer called, when he reached Stanley's name in the register. Stanley did not reply. He sucked in his cheeks instead.
"Stanley, I can see you sitting there. Answer to your name next time, do you understand?"
"Stanley, my patience is starting to wear thin."
"Well, at least part of you is capable of slimming down," Stanley remarked, glancing over the Coach's considerably sized stomach. Kranmer narrowed his eyes and took several steps towards the boy, stopping only when the two were practically nose to nose.
"The only reason I don't march you to the Head's office this instant," he hissed, "is because I know who your uncle is. But that excuse won't work forever. Consider this your only warning." With that, the Coach walked back to the centre of the gym. He drew a long, thick wooden stick from the inside of his large coat, and held it up. "Right, class," he said, and the pupils watched him curiously, "today we're going to learn how to fight Marsh Demons."
Stanley, however, had other plans, which did not include work or training of any kind. What they did include was an hour or so of lounging against the wall, waiting for class to be over, and with the word "uncle" resting on the back of his tongue should Coach Kranmer confront him again.
The girl sat behind him shot him a sideways glance, as though to question Stanley's complete lack of interest in what the Coach had to say.
Inkpot :)

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Sun Feb 09, 2014 2:21 pm
TinyJarStoredDreams says...

Keigan Tomlinson | Wolf

A boy in front of me was chatting up a storm with the coach. He caught sight of me staring at the back of his head in disgust and he gave me a smile. I gave him a fake smile back and turned back to face coach.

"Hey," He whispered shaking my leg.

I sighed and replied, "What do you want?"

He shrugged and stuck out his hand bowing a bit in his seat, "I'm Stanley."

"Keigan," I replied shaking his hand hard.

He nodded, straightened his jacket, fixed his hair again for the millionth time, and then faced the front again. I shook my head and noticed another girl walk over and sit next to him. I noticed Stanley and the girl both seemed to be completely full of themselves. Idiots, you aren't getting anywhere in life like that.

Coach clapped his hands making me jump and walked over to the mats laid out across the floor motioning us kids toward him. I walked down the bleachers to be met by Stanley at the bottom who gracefully helped me down the last step. I gave him a real smile this time tying my long pink hair up as I did. We grouped around the mats as coach explained when and how we would fight and train. I became board and decided to befriend Stanley and his female friend.
How the hell are we suppose to look forward to the future if we aren't sure if we will be alive in the next 20 seconds?

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9 Reviews


Gender: Female
Points: 229
Reviews: 9
Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:51 pm
kat13254 says...

Scarlet Owl

In gym I sit next to someone who, like me, is completely full of himself. I believe he's an Owl. I mean, he MUST be an Owl. He's so much like me. Ok, enough doubt, I'm just going to ask him. Just to prove my guess.

"Ummm. Exactly what Order are you in? It must be Ow..."


"Um, pardon me. I thought you said..."

"Tiger. I'm in Tiger Order."

I'm starting to shake, I know it. Stanley can probably see it too. "Is everything OK?"

"Did I hear you... Say you were... Tiger Order?"

"Yes, I did." Well that's great. Stanley's a Tiger, Keigan's a Wolf or Fox. Great friendship ruined.

I just stop talking to him and everyone else at that, not that I would have anyway. Tigers, God I hate them! There so hot tempered and full of themselves! I still remember why I hate them.

(Flashback) -First Year at University Of Soul Extermination-
I was skipping around the yard as usual not caring about anyone. I was reading my diary from when I was younger. It was my only escape from the harsh reality I was in. It was nearing the end of the year and the Wolf's and Foxes were in battle more than ever. The Tigers were more full of themselves as ever, and everyone else was with there friends. I was still by myself. While I was there minding my own business, some Tiger's came out of what seemed no where. They grabbed my diary and started laughing at me. I was always short which made it worse. Especially since they were all very tall. I tried to fight for myself, but it didn't work. I got out my Arma and tried to fight. When I tried I slipped which made them laugh even more.

-A week later-
The same thing happened I was there reading my diary and this time I got caught in the middle of a fight between some Wolves and Foxes. It wasn't on purpose, but it happened any way. I got injured from them, and from that day I've hated all of them! All the Tigers, Wolves, and Foxes!

Spoiler! :
Don't worry TinyJarStoredDreams and Inkpot Scarlet will get it eventually, just give her a little time and maybe a little convincing
Mew ฅ(⌯͒• ɪ •⌯͒)ฅ❣

fun fact i hear my evil twin once wrote a story about a hacker who used the name fyshi33k bc there are 33k-ish species of fish and she liked phishing so fyshi-33k made sense but then she got super embarrassed when someone forced her to explain
— VyperShadow