
Young Writers Society

Bad Narrator's review enterprise

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16 Reviews

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Points: 4141
Reviews: 16
Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:37 pm
Black Thought says...

Send me a pm with a link to the work you want me to critique or post one in this thread and that's it

These days, I don't have the time to search through the forums for other people's work to critique. So what I've decided to do is let fellow writers come to me. I enjoy critiquing people's work because by giving advice I fell like I am also learning more about writing. These are the same rules I've posted on another site where I Mod the literary section.

1) Fiction only

Most of what I write is fiction. It's my focus for my major and as such this is the area I'm most comfortable critiquing. Now there are some genres which appeal to me more than others, but as long as its fiction, I’ll read it.
I'd be more than happy to drop my 2 cents on a poem or essay, but don't expect an in depth review on anything other than fiction

2) Don't Catch Feelings

Part of becoming a better writer is being able to accept criticism from other people with a stiff upper lip. I'm not always going to like the stories I critique but I try my best to be fair. If there's something I feel that needs some improvement I'm going to let you know it. DO NOT TAKE IT AS A PERSONAL ATTACK!
I’ll try my best to be impartial when reading your work (and I think I do a pretty good job of that if I do say so myself) but I’m subject to the same faults as any other human being.

I will never point out something wrong with your work without offering some way of improving it. Keep in mind, these are only suggestions. It’s up to you to put them into action (or disregard them). The quality of your work is ultimately controlled by YOU.

3) One request at a time

I already read a lot of fiction both on and offline (and on & offline). So in order to keep from getting flooded by read requests, I ask that you limit your requests to One fiction piece per request and One Request per week.
By doing this I will be able to give each story the attention it deserves. The only time I will accept multiple requests is if they are separate threads on the same story. (Part 1, Part 2 etc.)

4)I’ll get back at you when I get back at you

Believe it or not, I don’t spend every waking moment on the computer. If you send me a request (and you follow the guidelines) I’m gonna read it, but don’t expect an immediate response. I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I can whether that be within a few minutes or a week or so. I’ll try my best to never take longer than a week to respond to a request, but I’m not making any promises.

5)Let me know the context of the piece

What I mean by that is let me know, either in the pm, the title or with a short description, what it is I’m reading. Is it a short story, a chapter, a prologue, a vignette, a novella etc? It’s important that I be aware of what it is I’m reading because it will affect the manner in which I read your work (and how I critique it). Do not underestimate how important this is. You can’t read a vignette the same way you’d read a short story.

6)Make sure your story has some literary value

I know that having other people read and criticize your work can be a nerve wrecking experience. So very rarely will I ever turn down a request from someone who has followed the guidelines. HOWEVER, if you send me a piece that I feel has no literary value whatsoever the only response you will get from me will be, “Declined”

Now it’s very hard to find a fiction piece that I am absolutely not willing to read. I’ll critique pretty much everything from a short story about prancing unicorns to a vignette about a homicidal baby killer who stomps puppies to death in his spare time. You can have all "fuck yous" the sexual innuendos and the racial epithets you want, just as long as its fiction and it tells an actual story.


Like I said, I love reading fiction just as much as I love writing it. So help me out. Tell your friends

That’s pretty much it. I do NOT operate on a quid pro quo basis. You don’t have to comment on any of my work, but if you want to I'm not gonna complain. Feel free to hit me up with any questions. If you’re interested in doing the same thing or something similar, you have my full permission to copy this post and paste it on your own profile. These guidelines are subject to change as I see fit.

I look forward to reading your work. Just keep writing, ya freaks!
I owe everybody who gives me feedback one critique on a fiction work of their choice. Just give me a pm with a link and I'll critique whatever fiction piece you want.

See my blog for more details

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Reviews: 11
Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:20 pm
Winterblossoms says...

Hi there, I would like a review on this one! :D


It's called Last, genre is general fiction. It's the second chapter, but I think it will be okay even if you don't thoroughly get through with the first. ;) I hope you like it.
Innuendo, oh my~ ♥

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16 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 4141
Reviews: 16
Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:48 am
Black Thought says...

I'd be glad to review your story for you. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
I owe everybody who gives me feedback one critique on a fiction work of their choice. Just give me a pm with a link and I'll critique whatever fiction piece you want.

See my blog for more details

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Sat Jun 17, 2023 10:18 am
DreamyAlice says...

Hello, I am one of the res crew mods here on YWS. This is a message just to inform you that I will lock and archive this thread as it is not active anymore. We have to archive and lock the inactive threads to keep the forum organized so no worries if you'd like to reopen it at any point in the future please contact a current resources moderator, we would be happy to reopen it for you ^-^

Imagination is a superpower. Use it well!

No one is perfect; not even your reflection.
— Chalkboard Words