
Young Writers Society

Darkmoor Juvenile Prison

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Fri Sep 17, 2010 10:51 pm
Rydia says...


The Plan

Hello there! This storybook is about having fun and improving your writing ability in a friendly and encouraging environment. If you're not sure how to storybook or are looking for a few tips, this is the perfect place for you! But by no means is it closed to those more experienced writers, in fact we're on the lookout for volunteers who'd be willing to help advise and teach those who are less experienced. The storybook has fifteen places in total and will work on a one out, one in basis. This means that each time someone leaves, a place will open up for another to join.

Late comers will not be expected to read the previous posts, they will enter as a criminal newly transferred or sentenced.

The Plot

Your character is a juvenile criminal. They may be in for petty crime or something much more serious but either way, they are currently living in the East or West block of Darkmoor Juvenile Prison. The East block is where the female prisoners live and the West block is for the males.

Criminals are organised two to a cell, each of which contains a single bunk bed and a small chest of drawers. Characters will be assigned to rooms by myself and will have two drawers each for their prison clothes and personal possessions and may fight over who has the top bunk.

The storybook will mostly take place in the on campus juvenile school which is shared by both genders. There will however be some opportunity to role-play your character's mornings and evenings.

There will be a series of events from an attempted escape to a lock down, all designed to keep the storybook exciting and active and there is a DT thread here where you can make suggestions and help us to build the plot.

The School

The criminals are escorted to and from the school and the guards remain in the classroom with them. They are divided into groups of thirty in each classroom, fifteen males and fifteen females. The criminals take two hours of lessons before dinner (this is eaten in their own wings) and two hours after dinner.

The Rules

This is a learning storybook. That means we're not going to get all mad if you get something wrong, we're here to teach you the rules and their meanings. Here I will introduce them but if there's anything you don't understand, don't worry. We'll help you out along the way.

1. Post your character profile in the character thread here. Please use the form provided.
2. Refer to other character's profiles when writing any posts which involve them. Aim for minimal control of another player's character.
3. Keep it realistic. They are not going to have guns as this is a tight security prison but they may be able to bribe the guards for cigarettes or chewing gum.
4. Do not kill the characters of other people without their permission.
5. Boys belong in the West block and girls in the East block. They have separate cells, separate showers and even separate yards. The only time the boys and girls will interact is during school hours.
6. Have fun! Yes, that is a rule and I expect you all to follow it!

If you have any questions, feel free to message me.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Tue Sep 28, 2010 3:07 pm
Rydia says...

Cell Assignments:


Cell Block A: Reginald Carter "Reggie"/ "The Priest" (16) and Louis Savidge "Cujo" (16)
Cell Block B: Vivian Joseph (16) and Nick Brown (17) after 1 week Solitary
Cell Block C: Tobias LaBelle (17) and Marcus "Birch"/ "Willow" (14-16)
Cell Block D: Leslie Moore "Chance" (17)


Cell Block A: Jada Livingston (16) and Katrina Gill (16)
Cell Block B: Aiden Omi (14) and Kisa Vandaguard (15)
Cell Block C: Carrie Craimer (16) and Annaleigh Marshal "Click" (15)
Cell Block D: Lisa Miller (17) and Mahrissa Matherson (17)
Cell Block E: Gabriella Wakefield (17) and Alisandra Koren (17)
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Tue Sep 28, 2010 3:54 pm
BenFranks says...

Current Character listings:

Username - Character Name - Character Profile Link - Status (Active/Not Active)

allmixedup - Jada Livingston - Profile Post - Not Active

Georgiexx - Mahrissa Matherson - Profile Post - Active

fictionfanatic - Leslie "Chance" Moore - Profile Post - Not Active

ninjacookiemonster - Annaleigh "Click" Marshal - Profile Post - Not Active

DragonWriterFanatic - Katrina Gill - Profile Post- Not Active

BenFranks - Reginald "The Priest/Reggie" Carter - Profile Post- Active

Elinor Brynn - Lisa Mary Miller - Profile Post - Active

Kitty15 - Tobias Dorian LaBelle - Profile Post - Active

jok101 - Nick Brown - Profile Post - Active

Lava - Vivian Amar Joseph - Profile Post - Active

XChangeX - Alisandra "Andi" Hayden Koren - Profile Post - Active

captain.classy - Kisa Vandaguard - Profile Post - Active

TIGERSPRITE - Aiden Omi - Profile Post - Active

Kaywiia - Carrie Craimer- Profile Post - Not Active

ScarlettFire - Gabriella Wakefield - Profile Post - Active

Cspr - Louis Savidge - Profile Post - Active

Ryanator96 - Marcus - Profile Post - Active

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Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:04 am
Rydia says...

The Warden. 07:40. Monday. Girls and Boys Breakfast Halls.

The warden was a large woman. Not large as in fat, but rather a broad shouldered, weight lifting hulk of a woman and she believed in efficiency. It was the first Monday of the month. Mondays were special, they were days for new starts and new recruits. Under the warden's tyrannical rule, new inmates were only accepted in over the weekend so they were fresh and prepared to meet the team on a cold and disheartening Monday morning. There was a new male prisoner and so the warden was starting in the Boy's hall.

As the boys were marched in from the cold, all dressed in their bright, orange uniforms, the warden carefully scratched behind her ear. It was rumoured that the short, blonde hair that fell in singularly straight lines to her shoulders, was a wig. No inmate had ever been brave enough to prove this. "Remain standing." Her voice was as foreboding and stiff as her freshly starched, dove grey suit. The prison guards stopped at the sole entrance to the hall while the inmates who were familir with this procedure lined up down one side. The warden wasnt surprised to see that the new prisoner knew how to be a sheep and as soon lined up with the rest ofthem. "Good morning inmates of Darkmoor," The Warden stood with her hands clasped behind her back and waited for the usual chorus of Good morning warden.

"Some of you may have noticed there is a new face amongst us. His name is Brown, Nick. He will be cell sharing with Joseph one week from hence." That was about as welcome as the warden ever made anyone. "The week will commence as usual. Breakfast is at eight hundred hours every day, followed by a short period of quiet time and then lessons begin at nine. Class will break for lunch at twelve hundred hours and let out at fifteen hundred, at which time there will be mandatory labour and then you may retire to your cells. Lights out at twenty-two hundred hours." Well that was the daily routine over with.

The warden appoached the line of inmates and strode down it, her eyes inspecting and criticising their clothes. "LaBelle. Comb your hair. If you cannot manage to look orderly, I will insist on regulation shaving." She barked out a few more orders and then striding past them, to the door, she left them with the instruction: "Collect your spoons and your trays but do not swallow a mouhful until eight hundred hours." Then it was off to see the girls. They had already been walked into their hall and stood against the wall, waiting. The warden gave them the same general speech, minus the introducton of the new inmate, and followed it with a similar inspection and the same warning, though the hour was mere minutes away. Then she left the hall and returned to her office, satisfied with a job well done.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:54 pm
jok101 says...

Nick Brown. 6:30. Monday. High security cell.

The bed in my tiny cell stank of disinfectant and covered in stains from many a lonely night men had spent in the cell. Their was a small metal toilet in the corner that I hadn't dare use , I could wait until school began, If it wasn't bad enough that I had to stay in this crappy little cell for a week I also had to be nice or risk extending my sentence. I pulled on the prison boxers, which too had stains in them, The thread was coming lose after years of washes in industrial sized washers. I put the jumpsuit on and the awful canvas shoes that the prison supplied. I'd had some quality trainers when I came in last night but the guard had taken them off me. For my 'protection', bastard, I'd have to get Hal to buy me some new ones. The last bit of gear I had to put on were three reflective snap wrap's, two round my ankles and round my right arm. The snap wraps made it easy for the guards to identify me as an escape hazard. If I was caught without them on I'd be stuck in the cell for months rather than a week.


I followed the rest of the inmates round the hall to where the Spoons were kept. I saw a empty table close to the back and walked over. A couple of guys walked over and sat at the table.

"You are" one of them said.

*can be anyone (male)*

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Sun Oct 03, 2010 2:49 pm
BenFranks says...

Reginald "The Priest/Reggie" Carter - 07:45 - Boys' Breakfast Hall

I sat at a table, which was already occupied by three other boys. I recognised two of them, Tobias and Chance. They were looking at their breakfast, eage and keen to get started but mindful of the gaze of several guards. The other one, joining them slowly and timidly, was new. I hadn't listened during the Warden's talking, it didn't seem important to me. It happened now and again, routine had clouded any curious thought of my mind. The new boy was muscular with thick, brown hair. He looked heavy, like a wrestler or fighter, but whether or not he was seemed pretty irrelevant. He failed to intimidate me, as I sensed his slow curiosity as a dimished version of nerves. He was new here after all.

I parked myself next to him, opposite Tobias. I nodded at them and looked down at my breakfast. It was like slop, but unlike the other days, it seemed rather more appealing than usual. Jesus once said that we should love thy neighbour, but even the sayings of Christ the Lord were questionnable in a prison. Questionnable in the whole of society. No-one offers there love by puking up a jumble of wheat and oats to feed it to people who've made some mild mistakes in their life. I hadn't made any mistakes even, simply been betrayed by people who had. The thought of the faces testifying against me made me sick, and my pupils glazed over white as I focused my gaze away from my food and onto a dirty clock ten feet up a wall. It was ticking slowly past the time of 7:47 am. That left another thirteen minutes of routinal staring at pointless things that I'd all seen before. Not even the rhythmic breath of the new boy next to me seemed to be entertaining enough. Not even Tobias' messy hairstyle that looked like he'd gone ragged with his prison pillow. Aiden was being impatient, but I just didn't find the interest in his mild fidgeting either.

Everything was too dull today. It was always dull. I missed the light, the streets and the Church. Religion was pressed in here. People thinking around that a small catholic Juvie boy was pointless and got thrown in here for violently twiddling with some inferior religion people. They kept forgetting the people I'd inspired, the mob I gave birth to, like Jesus did his disciples. They keep forgetting that I ran this place - in a sense. I had the power to give even the scummy prisoners some sense of purpose and God, did they love me for it. They worshipped me.

I glanced at the new boy quickly and then looked forward again. Just like you soon will too.

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Sun Oct 03, 2010 3:26 pm
Elinor says...

Lisa Miller | Monday, 7:46 AM | Girls Breakfast Hall

Lisa had never liked the inspections the warden gave on Mondays. They were stupid and boring and they took far too long. Besides, the warden smelled bad and always looked like she could kill someone at any given moment. But Lisa sat (or stood, more appropriately) through this one, because she didn't have much to look forward to.

The food was disgusting. Well, it was always disgusting, but it's not like she had really had much better at home. Today they had frozen waffle sticks (which were still almost frozen, because Lisa could barely get her fork into them) with strawberry sauce that Lisa guessed had been reheated at least fifteen times. And there was lukewarm milk which probably had sat out all night. Her tray in hand, she found her usual seat at the small round table towards the back, by herself. She ate as quickly as she could, thinking it better to just get this stupid thing over with so she could get to classes. Those weren't much better, but at least she got to do something without constantly being alone.

In the six months she was at Darkmoor, she hadn't made a single friend. Well, she hadn't expected to, seeing as how she had never made a single friend in her life, but her hopes had been high. Before she left, she thought because no one knew she was and what kind of reputation she had at high school, it cold happen. A month ago, she'd even taking to wearing makeup and wearing her hair in high ponytails, which one teacher said had brought out her eyes. Thinking of all this, Lisa really wished that she had a cigarette. Maybe a bottle of beer also. But then she remembered she couldn't have drugs, not for three and a half years. There was no way she could wait that long. Somehow, there had to be a way she could get a something, even if it just meant one cigarette. Maybe she could a bribe a guard--Lisa swore she saw them smoking more then once.

But she shrugged it off. It was a stupid idea. Lisa shoved the rest of her breakfast into her mouth, telling herself that she couldn't wait for class to start.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Tue Oct 05, 2010 3:56 pm
jok101 says...

Is ANYONE going to post?

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Tue Oct 05, 2010 5:00 pm
Rydia says...

Have patience jok, there are two members currently working on posts who I know about, and I'll add one for Tobias after the next few. This storybook involves members who are still learning the ropes and it's here so we can give them the time and encouragement to do just that.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:37 pm
XChangeX says...

Alisandra 'Andi' Hayden Koren-Monday, 7:30AM-Cell Block A

The loud click of the doors unlocking usually startled the inmates of Cell Block A but this morning only one jumped. Andi was up off her hard, dirty plastic 'mattress' and getting dressed when the door unlocked. She had already pulled on the dark orange pants with 'Darkmore Juvenile Prison' written down the right leg in dark black print and the matching orange shirt was already pulled over her head. She was slipping on the canvas shoes when her cell mate woke up. Andi didn't say anything, or acknowledge the other inmate. She proceeded to brush her teeth and walk out of her cell. The familiar sound of the intercom coming on was no comfort to the teen. "Warden to Girls Breakfast Hall in 2 Minutes. All Inmates to the floor, stay off the carpet, in a line." She did as she was told and took her place at the head of the line, standing taller than the most of the other girls. She scanned over the group, trying to pass time and see who would be getting reprimanded this morning. She was sure to make her bed and make sure her cell was up to code, being a lugger meant she had to avoid cell searches at all costs.

Andi carried her tray over to a small table that only had a few girls at it. She took a seat next to a small brunette who looked in desperate need of a cigarette, perfect. "Lisa, right?" She asked in an almost kind voice. Gaining trust of this girl would be the first step to getting a permanent customer. She looked the girl head on, subconsciously asserting that she was the one in control of this situation. Out of the corners of her eyes she could see some of the other girls sitting around them, some talking, some just staring at the clock or their tray. She scanned over the girl quickly, making note that there weren't any tracks on her arms and her veins were in good shape meaning she wasn't cranking up. Her nose had small red marks under it but it didn't look like she had taken anything to the dome in awhile. Her eyes were black from lack of sleep and bloodshot from the same. You could tell by the blank look on her face she was a toker and her yellow nails and pale skin meant she was a smoker too. In a matter of seconds Andi had sized the girl up and knew what she was about.
The only constant in our lives is Change.

Revelations 21:4
He will wipe every tear from their eye. There will be no more mourning or death or pain. There will be no more crying for the old way of things has gone away.

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Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:17 am
Elinor says...

Lisa Miller | 7:50 AM | Girls Breakfast Hall

Lisa had only realized that the girl was there after she had sat down. She was alarmed, but also very surprised. Her first instinct was that she was dreaming. Lisa thought that it was too much of a coincidence that the thing she was thinking of was how much she had wanted a friend and a girl who she didn't know that seemed friendly happens to sit down next to her. Life didn't work like that, as Lisa had long since known. Still, she perks up her head, turns it away from her breakfast at manages a smile in the girl's direction.

"Yeah, I'm Lisa," she says, realizing how much she sounds like a pathetic little mouse. Her face goes bright red and she turns back down to her breakfast. She tells herself that soon the girl will start to tease her; she knows it. For as long as Lisa could remember, that's how it always was. People acted nice to her at first and then started being mean and nasty. "What's your name?" The words come out a bare whisper.

Now she really wants a cigarette.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:55 pm
Rydia says...

Tobias LaBelle

Running a hand through his untidy curls, Tobias gave a flat stare to the Warden's back and went to grab a spoon. Unfortunately, everyone else wanted one too so he had to stand in the queue, hands stuffed so far into his pockets that he was forced to hunch his back. You'd have thought that the meals would actually be good with this level of eager anticipation but no, they were in for another plate of slop. Toby collected his and then headed for a table, falling into step with a guy he knew. Chance. Most of the inmates stayed out of the way of Chance, but Tobias liked him well enough. The lean, black haired boy led the way over to the new kid. Oh yeah? This looked like fun.

"You are?" Chance asked in a fierce tone, as he took the seat opposite the boy. Toby slid in next to his pal. He remembered the warden had called the kid Nick Brown. Now, a more complex kid would have known that this was the time to snicker, or at least to keep your mouth shut. Tobias on the other hand had always been the simple type. It was hard to say why Chance suffered his company.

"The kid's called Nick Brown, didn't you hear the warden say? He's new today, going to bunk with Joseph once he gets out the naughty closet." Chance stepped on Toby's foot and Toby shrugged his shoulders. Huh. He'd done something wrong again? Score. That was two things already and they hadn't even had breakfast yet. Chance probably would have found himself an awesome come-back in another minute or two, but then Reggie came over and the clock was ticking.

Tobias nodded at the Priest in a friendly way. The boy was rather crazy but certainly one of the most interesting inmates. In fact, the new boy might not know it, but he'd just landed himself in the middle of Darkmoor Juvy's big guns. Chance seemed impatient to get started and Toby was pretty hungry himself. Nick was eyeing the food with distaste. Darkmoor was one of the shittiest juvys so he was probably used to better treatment.

"If you don't want any of it, just shove it my way," Toby told him, eyes still on the clock. Personally, Tobias could eat a lot more than what they gave him; he had a stocky build to uphold, thanks to his dad.

And the clock ticked over. A cheer went up across the tables that was quickly subdued by glares from the guards and then there was nothing but the sound of spoons bumping against plates with a rhythmic click. Toby didn't say anything for the full five minutes he was eating. Nick didn't seem as thrilled by his food.

"So," he said a little awkwardly. "What are you guys in for?" Tobias looked up from his empty plate and cocked an eyebrow at the boy. That was often a dangerous question to be asking but meh, it didn't bother Toby none.

"Murder," he said in a casual tone. "How about yourself? Let me guess, you're innocent?" He grinned and shook his head, the curls flopping about. It was sometimes easy to forget that Tobias was scary when you saw his curls. Sometimes.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Wed Oct 06, 2010 4:57 pm
jok101 says...

Nick Brown: 8:35: Breakfast hall:

"Murder" Tobias said in a casual tone.

"How about yourself? let me guess, your innocent" He said grinning and shaking his head.

"Organised street fighting but yeah I did it" I said. They didn't know this wasn't the worst thing I'd done but for the forseeble future this was all they were gonna know. The guy sitting next to me nodded.

"You are?" I asked.

"Reggie but you can call me the Priest" Reggie said.

"Or I could call you Reggie" I replied. I had to deal with stupid nicknames enough on the outside I didn't need them in here. the tall tough looking boy called Chance looked at me before speaking.

"You don't look like you'd last one second in a fight with proper fighters" Chance said.

" you don't look like you want to be on the floor with a fist in your face but obviosly looks can be decieving" I replied.

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Wed Oct 06, 2010 5:40 pm
Tigersprite says...

Aiden Omi/ 7:50 am/ Girls Breakfast Hall

I walked as slowly as a possibly could, to the one of the spare tables. I saw a few girls look up as I passed, in that dreary way people look at passing strangers on the street, before they looked away again. It wasn't that I didn't want to be friendly; I did, desperately. But I didn't want to seem too friendly. Alice's cousin, Davin had been in juvie once, before I came in he told me never to appear too friendly, or people'll think you're naive and take advantage. And, he said, giving me a wink, they think a whole world of other things if they find out you're gay too.

I sighed. Maybe I was being paranoid. I waved to a girl as a passed her, she gave me a strange look (can be anyone). I sat down and sighed. The food looked about as appetizing as dog crap. Still, didn't want to starve.

As I picked up my fork to dig in, a shadow fell on me.

"A superman ... is, on account of certain superior qualities inherent in him, exempted from the ordinary laws which govern men. He is not liable for anything he may do."
Nathan Leopold

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Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:02 pm
BenFranks says...

Reginald "Reggie/The Priest" Carter - Past 8am - Boy's Breakfast Hall

"Or I could call you Reggie," Brown replied. I decided to let the disrepectful comment slide; he didn't know me and I didn't know him. All I'd do is make a fuss, and that wouldn't solve the beans from the can. Instead, I just studied his fighting talk, his paranoid quick responses to try and intimidate the people around him. It was captivating, studying emotions such as his. He seemed to breach on the lack of intelligence and his balls shoved way up in his mouth, his physical features were demeaning to be sure, but his mental attributes were questionnable to say the least. His fighting talk was mildly admirable at some points, to a certain extent, interesting, however, I knew I could take him. Not because I'd be faster or stronger, but merely the underlying embodiment of the mind. I'd think before I attacked, identify his weak points, calculate my views and use my words to make him question his own self-conscience. It was an interesting tactic that had kept me out of trouble.

"Hmm," I muttered and grabbed my tray full with the food grimly slopped over it. I stood up and looked around to Chance and Tobias who were still thinking of a reply to Brown's torments. I nodded at them and said, "boys", before walking off to find a table on my own. It wasn't that I was anti-social - far from it - but more that I needed to be alone, away from sin and disrespect. Instead, I'd simply explain to Mr Brown in due course who I was and that I would not tolerate his sinful behaviour. At first, my analytical study of this perceived situation would seem redundant, since a built-up incredi-Hulk like himself to be intimidated by a rough-haired Catholic boy was unlikely, but in the extent of words, I summed the chances to be relatively even. Worst case scenario would be he'd go at me, and feel his punishment later when the people around the Juvie heard. I wasn't tough, but people respected me as I was a form of passive forgiveness, or someone who understood them uncompetitively well. It was one of my admirable features: the study of human innocence and pride.

I glanced over to the table I'd just been at and thought smugly to myself, we shall see, old boy. We shall soon see...

Pigeon poop is the best way to solve problems.
— Pompadour