
Young Writers Society

Blazed (Closed/started)

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Wed Oct 12, 2011 5:22 pm
PrincessOfDarkness says...

QuickSilver -

I tried not to feel betrayed at the fact Sire had left me. I mean, we looked out for ourselves, right? But I couldn't help feeling hurt at the fact he hadn't waited for me. Maybe because unconsciously I'd been willing to open up to him a little, thought that just maybe, I'd found someone. I sighed, staring out the back door into the woods.


I knew it was no use. I slumped against the door frame, angry at myself. This was the last time I let my guard down, because I'd only get hurt. I sighed again, yelled a bye to Zeke and set off into the forest.
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Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:35 am
EnchantedPanda says...


I felt the hands pick me up and take carry me over to a nearby tree. My head throbbed after being dropped and I guessed that my head had fallen off onto a rock, falling was never this painful. The voice began to speak again, this time more concerned and sympathetic.

"So, you say you want to join the rebellion?" he asked curiously. I heard a tapping sound at this question and I saw the girl that her was with tap him firmly on the shoulder.

I nodded weakly and tried to not look in the direction of the clearly irritated girl. The boy smiled and held out his hand, "I'm sure we can take you on." He said still smiling.

"What's your name?" I asked.

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Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:26 am
gleek456 says...

Okay, I hope I'm doing this right.

Camille Huntington

"I hope it's not a problem," Sam finishes. I sunk back into my seat an crossed my arms.

"Of course it's a problem," I muttered. I'm pretty sure he heard it because I heard a chuckle. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window as Sam continued to drive. When we arrived back, Sam stopped the car at the back of the Experiment area. Might as well get to know their powers better, and posisibly find their weakness, or weaknesses. I opened the cardoor, followed by Sam and left it open. See, even if I have powers (cold ones to be exact), I'm not the strongest person. I looked at Sam patiently.

"What?" he asked. I gestured to the girls with my hand, and rested my free hand on my hip.

"You know the drill," I replied. Sam rolled his eyes and carried Atila out, handing her to me. I muttered a swear word as her weight literally made me drop a bit. I obtain myself and fix my hair with my free hand.

"Flats Sam, flats!" I shouted, kicking the air so he could see what I was wearing. Sam chuckled and began carrying Blindie. We began to make our way towards the Experiment area, with me lagging behind and Sam having to stop constantly. I opened the back door with a key and literally dropped Atila inside. I covered my mouth with my hand.

"Good job, Camille," Sam mocked.

"I did not mean to do that," I retorted. Sam rolled his eyes and set Blindie on a nearby chair, leaving me to do the same with Atila.

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Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:06 am
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Dynamo says...

(Okay, it's my time to shine :D )


The blind child struggled a bit, but the two of them managed to get her into the same room as Atila. The fiery haired girl let out a few heated insults that made Sam want to strike out at her, but he stopped himself when he felt a prickling sensation in the air. He instantly frowned as he turned to see Ray Hudson, codenamed "Dynamo", coming toward them.

"Well well, I see you guys managed not to botch this mission. I'm surprised," he said with playful condiscending tone. "Though I'm not surprised to see Mr. Speedy didn't come back with you. Did he finally manage to get himself killed?" Ray was tall and lanky, with white hair and stark yellow eyes. The eyes had changed colour during the experiment that had given him his powers. He wore clean blue jeans, white running shoes, and what looked like a brand new leather coat lined with fur on the inside and around the neck. A pair of big-eared headphones hung around his neck.

Samuel couldn't stop the frown from forming on his face. "He was just delayed, he'll be back later. What do you want, Ray?" He noticed the man had stopped just out of reach of his power negating field. He had no doubt he could take the jerk on in hand-to-hand if he could get him within his field, but knew Ray could fry him in a split second before he could ever get close enough.

"I just came to see the government's new playthings," he said, his gaze sliding over to Atila and Mishta. It was his turn to frown now. "That's the mighty Atila? She's just a kid! I don't know why the higher-ups assigned you lackies to capture her, I could have taken her out myself."

"I'd like to see you try," Atila spat.

Ray's expression shifted from dissapointment to amusement. He held out his hand, and a bolt of electricity blasted out of it and hit Atila square in the chest. The force of it slammed her into the wall and left her writhing in pain on the floor. The blind girl let out a shrill cry of shock as she scrambled to Atila's side to see if she was all right.

"Ray, what the hell are you doing!?" Camile shouted as she stepped in front of him. The look Ray shot her had her moving away again.

"What? They were going to die anyway," Ray explained. "In fact, these two are probably lucky you managed to haul them in. If not, I would be on my way to kill them right now."

"What do you mean?" Samuel demanded.

Ray gave him a friendly smile. "Don't you know? The higher-ups just gave me a mission to take out the rebel rats infesting that little hole they were hiding in," he said, motioning his head toward Atila and Mishta. "They only sent you in after Atila to get her out of the way so I can do my job without a hassle." He turned toward the two rebels in the room and said, "You hear that, little girls? I'm going to kill all your friends in that little hideout of yours, and there's nothing you can do to stop me."

All Atila could manage was a weezy, "...Bastard..."

That made Ray's smile widen even more. "Keep up the attitude, I may just decide to come play with you when I get back. I'll tell you all about how I vaporized each and every one of your friends." He was laughing as he started to make his way toward the parking lot.

(Hope that's okay.)
Last edited by Dynamo on Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

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Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:38 pm
*singerofthenight* says...

(OOC: I kind of feel like my last post was ignored but okays))

This was so not happening. She looked at Atlia, check to makes sure she was still breathing. She wasnt paying attention to the newcomer, but she did hear what he said, It shocked her to the core. How could anyone be so cold...so unfeeling. She wasnt going to open herself up to her powers, simply because she couldnt take the pain right now. She sighed and turned to the group, standing up to her full 5'2 height. She turned her blind gaze to where she assumed the newcommer was and let out a deep growl. They were not about to take the only home she had known...not if she could do anything about it. She jumped, landing on someones back and bit into their shoulder.

"What the hell?" She heard a guy yell as she was tossed of of them. She crumpled to a heap on the floor, her gaze one of murder.

*sorry so short*
"Hello, is this thing on?"

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Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:23 pm
Dynamo says...

(I'm going to assume she jumped on Ray's back.)


Ray was furious. Who did that rebel rat think she was, jumping on his back and biting him? If Camile hadn't pried her off he would have sent a thousand volts through her body and let her fall off like a fly from a bug lamp. Still, even if she was off that wouldn't stop him, the defiant look she had in her eyes ticked him off even more that the bite to the shoulder.

"The higher-ups only wanted Atila, they didn't say anything about capturing you alive, bitch," he said as he raised his hand toward her. Ray hadn't realized when Samuel stepped in front of him, putting him within arm's reach, within the proximity of his field. A few tiny sparks fizzled out of his fingertips instead of the deadly bolt of lightning he had intended. He turned his own murderous eyes toward Samuel.

"We don't kill prisoners," Samuel told him, trying his very best to keep fear out of his voice. His negating field would keep him safe from Ray, but there was something not right in the head of the man that always managed to scare Sam.

"Correction, you don't kill prisoners. I can do whatever the hell I want," Ray said, but didn't move to attack again. He merely huffed in agitation as he turned on his heel and went toward his car. He hated Samuel for the simple reason that he couldn't use his electrical powers on or near him, and there was nothing he could do about it. Still, there were other ways to hurt him. He would think of one when he got back from his mission. For now, he would have to settle on relieving his frustration on those rebel rats.
Last edited by Dynamo on Tue Nov 01, 2011 4:33 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

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Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:26 pm
SubjectBlue says...

I hoped I wouldn't have to beat Dynamo- he was a useful asset regardless of the fact he was a bastard.
Fortunately- he didn't pushed too far: "I have a nest of vermin to take care of, I'll be back for you"- He looked at Atila with an evil grin-"later."
After that, he turned and left the room, muttering to himself.
Cam bowed next to Atila: "Are you all right?" I could hear the concern in her voice, she didn't like rebels, but she would never ignore a wounded person- She and Wess were people better than me, I was in the same place as Dynamo.

My fists- I just realized- were still clenched, my knuckles were already white- One day- I'm gonna give him what he's looking for, son of a bitch!
I raised my gaze, the blind girl looked confused, I wasn't so surprised about her powers, I was used to that- what shocked me to the core was the place...
"You! how did you do that?!" I mumbled.
She turned to me, her expression partly mocking and partly confused-"Did you forget? your government gave us powers and stuff..."
"Yes, but- but I'm here! your powers shouldn't have worked!" I yelled in protest, I wasn't sure it was her I was yelling at, or myself.
She shrugged, and turned away from me.
My fists clenched again- I wondered how it would feel like to smash her head against the floor.
"We don't hit prisoners." I said, reminding myself of who I am.

Cam and I walked through the corridors of the facility, an awkward silence hanged in the air between us:
"so,"- I started cheerfully- "now that we're done, what d'you think your next assignment will be?"
"Who knows... probably some sort of luring mission- like always." she answered- I felt that there was something bothering her.
"Okay." I looked at her as we walked in silence, I had to get it out of the way!
"What's the problem, Cam? are you still angry about that guard?"
'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.' -Stephen G. Tallentyre

"Great minds think alike- idiots are unpredictable"

For Free!

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Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:37 pm
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icebender28 says...

Atila-Currently trapped and irritated

After the guy left, I stood up, shoving off Ice-y in irritation. I stood as tall as I could and glared at black-out(Sam, I think, but black-out suited him better).
"Do...you're...worst..." I hissed, and cursed. "You'll rot once you're done."
He glared right back. He was taller than me. Unnacceptable. I hated how most of the government scum were taller than me. It made my skin boil.
He grabbed my arm and I felt my heat, my power, dissapear. He dragged me out a door and into a dark hallway, cells lining either side. One was filled already with an old man, huddled in a corner muttering to himself. He didn't seem to have his mind.
Black-out shoved me inside one of the cells and the rest of the hallway was gone. It must've been one-way mirrored walls, because I saw myself repeated over and over into oblivion.
Black-out smiled and slammed the door behind me. After a moment I heard Mishta and him struggling as she was thrown into one, probably across the hall from me.
I stood for a second, then sat. No sense moaning and groaning about anything. Instead I thought. I thought about the man with lightning.
He was going to kill the rebels.
I tried to keep calm.
He was going to kill my family.
I clenched my fists, trying to keep from screaming.
And he was going to die.
I lost control.
I stood back up, ran to a wall, and punched my fist against it hard with a scream. The mirror cracked and blood dripped from my knuckles. I didn't care, I punched again, just as hard, imagining the man's face in place of mine. Imagining his screams of pain matching those of my friends. I screamed louder and kicked, punched, tore the mirror away from the wall, ignoring, welcoming, the pain it brought.
Ideas of causing him pain raced through my mind, and the only way to make this happen, was to get close enough.
A plan was forming in my mind.
I smiled wickedly, and punched the wall one more time. It shattered and dropped, showing a blank white wall behind.
I laughed.
"I think I've gone insane." I muttered.

(So, I was thinking, Atila could try and be a double agent to kill them all from the inside! If you guys don't want to, I can think of something else, or you guys could just find out about it before she does anything. :D I'm going to go read the DT posts right now, so if it messes up with someone's plans, ignore her getting an idea. :D )
Life is to be lived, not survived.

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Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:55 pm
PrincessOfDarkness says...

QuickSilver ¬

Birds were singing overhead. One swooped low, landing in front of me, and began to idly pick uo some twigs and worms from the ground. Any other day I would have stopped and admired the fact that the bird was bold; standing less than a metre away from me, but I was only dimly aware when it hooted and took off. I sighed, kicking a twig in front of me. I walked past a shed, and kicked it angrily. I lay my back against the door and sighed. I let out a little cry as the door toppled open and I landed with a thwump. A figure shot up out of the makeshift bed and I imediatly stood up, moulding silver. Zeke. I sighed.

"God, you gave me a fright," I whispered, letting a small grin pass across my face. If I'd found Zeke, maybe I could find Sire...

He smiled slowly and stood up., rubbing his eyes. He still looked half asleep. "I'll just be outside if you need me."

I stepped out, leaving him to wake up, and looked out into the forest. I could see figures. Three people?

"Sire?" I cried, resisting the urge to run at the figures to see if it was him. "Sire ,is that you?"
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Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:18 pm
Audy says...

Wesley Snipes | Following Estelle through the woods

3:01:26 am

I could've caught her from long before, but when I noticed the path she was taking, I hid myself a considerable distance behind her. The corridor I followed her through took a winding path straight towards the woods. She was going towards the direction we had just left from. I remembered the house with the lights still on and how I had felt suspicious about it. I knew if I kept my distance, if I slowed to her pace, then she would lead me somewhere and I had to follow her there.

I took note of her features. She was certainly very young, but brave, the way she kept at it alone through this darkness. She was also shorter than I was. Took short strides. I sighed, relaxing my muscles. I felt like the living dead going at this pace. And they said patience was a virtue.

3:29:16 am

We were still walking. I had to hand it to her, she never stopped once. I had taken some time earlier to submit a report through my phone and only just now got a response. The night-shift workers are a bunch of lazy buffoons.

Estelle Van Pragog. The report said. She was the only one unaccounted for. The government gave her a high pain tolerance and super strength. I sighed, she wasn't someone to take down so easily by myself. I was sure I could dodge whatever she threw at me, but I couldn't hold down a fight long enough to cause her any sort of pain. I would have to rely on my tools to take her down quickly. Then I saw her age. 15. She was so young...at what age did the government take her into custody?

Atila's words rang in my ears. They kidnapped children! I shuddered.

A few ways in I saw a figure up ahead. She was going straight towards it. I shook my head, but all I could do was watch. But she hadn't kept going. Instead she stopped to rest. I looked at her. She was exhausted. The figure came to her, lifting her from the air. I couldn't see from the point where I was hiding. Were there two of them there?

Estelle struggled to scream and then she shouted out, "Are you from the rebellion?"

I perked my ears at this. If I brought all of them in, this could mean a promotion. My heart leaped. Patience! I decided that was all I needed in this life.

The three of them started moving and I cautiously kept to the shadows watching them. The one who carried her was a man. The way he moved was very agile, stealthy. I focused on the movement of his neck. Twice he looked back and I had to rely on my speed to hide before he turned all the way around. I was grateful for the darkness.

They finally came to a stop at a clearing. The way the light of the moon came in, I could see his features clearly. He didn't look very strong. He actually looked around my age, somewhat tan, his brown hair spiked up. The female was pale and ghost-like.

"So, you say you want to join the rebellion?" The man asked.

Estelle nodded weakly. The other girl looked irritated and distrustful. She was looking around, suspicious, tapping the man on the shoulder. Had she spotted me? I didn't know what was happening, but this was all the information I needed. I took a step closer.

"I'm sure we can take you on," he said smiling. He seemed very cheerful and friendly. Was he really a part of the rebellion? I always pictured them angrily stomping around, yelling, and fighting, and causing trouble.

"Whats your name?" Estelle asked.

"You can call me Devlin," he said. "And this is Marla."

I made sure to memorize the names.

"I know a cabin nearby where you can take refuge for the night," Devlin said. "Sometimes the fox is there, we'll just have to see."

They started moving again and I got ever nearer. I was too excited - got too impatient. Devlin stopped. He was about to turn again and I hid just in time, but somehow it was no use.

"I know you're there," he said, "I can see you."

See me? I had stopped breathing for a moment. Surely it was impossible. I had enough time to completely shield myself from his view. How could he possibly see me? It had to have been his powers. I was as still as my body could allow.

"I can see your past," he said. "You're Wesley Snipes."

I shakily glanced down at my hands at the many lines and ridges that formed them. All I knew was the government. For two years I had worked with them and trained intensively. They had given me my present life, an ambition, a future! But they failed to give me the details of my past. I came out of the clearing, looking at Devlin square in the face.

"What do you see?" I asked, my jaw clenched.
Last edited by Audy on Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:13 pm
gleek456 says...

Camille Huntington - Rebellion

"What's up Cam? Are you still angry about the guard?" Sam asked, after a long awkward silence. I crossed my arms and looked at him.

"The guard? I've gotten over that. It's just that you shouldn't have yelled at Blindie," I answered. It's true. She's blind, she's practically a child, and she has powers. It's kind of intimidating, but still, she deserved some respect.

"My powers didn't cancel her powers!" Sam retorted. I stopped walking, Sam followed in suit.

"So?! That's a sign. We can figure out why, and soon, we'll find their weaknesses and know how to kill them easily, meaning that we'll be practically enhancing our powers, while their's stay as it is," I answered. I started walking ahead of him. It's night, and a girl needs her rest. I unlocked my door, and glared at Sam, who was right behind me.

"Good night Sam," I said slowly. Sam got the message and began walking away, muttering a good night back.

(Hope this is fine that I went to the next day! :) )

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Fri Oct 14, 2011 12:21 pm
Daisuki says...

Sire and S’oul | Woods | Rebellion

To the tree and then the rock. Tree. Rock. Sometimes I take a detour to that weird-looking mushroom, but for the most part it’s hello and goodbye, hello and goodbye. Pacing, pacing. Is this some deep analogy for my life?

I can’t believe myself. I left QuickSilver. She yelled, and I thought she’d be fine. But I didn’t think. I didn’t remember that my life is no more important than hers. I whisper under my breath, sing a song that’s been stuck in my head for my entire life.

How fickle my heart and how woozy my eyes,
I struggle to find any truth in your lies,
and now my heart stumbles on things I don’t know.
My weakness I feel I must finally show...

The singing makes me feel better. Just a little. Xandi’s bird had gone to check on Silver and reports that she’s headed this way, but my guilt isn’t satisfied. Another verse, then.

Lend me your hand and we’ll conquer them all,
but lend me your heart and I’ll just let you fall.
Lend me your eyes – I can change what you see!
but your soul you must keep, totally free.

Soul? My S’oul? I know the song means my spirit, but who am I kidding? S’oul is the very thing I am living for. The only family, the only tie I have. And my S’oul I must keep totally free.

“Sire!” A voice called from the trees. QuickSilver. A wave of relief washes over me, but maybe something else too. Am I supposed to be tougher now? How much am I willing to sacrifice to keep my S’oul free?

“QuickSilver!” I shout, keeping my voice light. No need to put others through even more emotional trauma than we have already. QuickSilver’s face is a little flushed, but I guess that’s from running.

S’oul wanders up to greet QuickSilver’s return, and I look at the small, animal-like girl. She is completely focused on QuickSilver, and if she had a tail I bet she would have been wagging it. Had she grown fond of Silver? That would be unusual, though not a bad thing. She needs someone to go to, if I ever... had to prove my resolve. But before the thought grows, I shove it quickly aside and turn to welcome the white-haired girl.

( OOC: Dang, this is choppy. :/ )
Last edited by Daisuki on Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Oh, I wish I was punk-rocker with flowers in my hair.

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Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:31 pm
Dynamo says...


Ray intentionally parked his car three blocks away from the target area. There was going to be a lot of flying debris before he was done, and he didn't want any of it dinging up his new car. It was a black sports car with decals of yellow lightning streaking down it from front to back. He had made sure the government paid for it. After all, he was the strongest of all the agents in his position, and the strongest deserved only the best, right? Of course they did, and Ray made sure the higher-ups knew and understood that.

He stepped out of the car and took his headphones off his ears. He had been listening to music with them during the trip over. He looked around, disaproving of the bleek appearance of the small desert town. Why'd the rebels have to hole up here? he thought. He hated sand, it always managed to get everywhere. It got in his shoes, his hair, his car, and he hated having to clean it out of his new car's carpet. Or, he would if he didn't have someone to do it for him. Still, it was the principle that mattered, right?

Ray shook his head, he would worry about the inconviniences later. Right now he had a job to do, a very fun job. He still had a lot of frustration built up from that girl jumping on him as well as his bout with Samuel. He couldn't wait to take it out on these rebel rats. He lifted one hand, made a loose cup with his fingers and filled it with electricity.

Everyone in the rebellion know about him, he had made sure of it. He had countless missions before that involved exterminating the vermin, and every time he did he made sure they knew who it was that killed them. He would light up the sky with one of his lightning bolts, and everyone who saw it would know he was coming, as well as the destruction he would bring with him. There were those who stood their ground and tried to fight, of course, but they were always quickly dealt with. It was the ones that ran and hide that he enjoyed the most. It made killing them all the more fun when he found them. Just the thought of seeing their frightened faces moments before he ended their lives brought a smile to his face.

"Well, time to get started," he said with a voice filled with anticipation before lifting his hand and blasting the electricity into the sky. The bolt jolted about half a mile into the air, lighting the entire town for a split second and letting out an ear-peircing crackle that echoed across the wide expanse of the desert. Everyone from miles around would know he was here, and would know the death and destruction that was about to ensue.

(Well, if the other characters didn't know about Dynamo's attack before, they will now. :3 )
Last edited by Dynamo on Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

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Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:52 pm
PrincessOfDarkness says...

QuickSilver -

At first I thought the lightning was just me.

When Sire had shouted my name, I'd heard the relief in his voice and blushed. Did he...? I slapped the thoughts away and then the lightning struck. I jumped, searching the sky, and pulled Zeke out into the woods. Maybe this is what Zeke's vision was: Lightning.

I tried and failed not to call out Sire's name again. I walked over to his side and smiled at S'oul. My stomach tightened slightly. Jealousy? Sire had left to protect S'oul, but I didn't hate them for it.

Far from it.

I tugged in Zeke's sleeve.

"Was your vision- was it about lightning?" I lifted my arm, instinctly reaching for Sire's hand, and then I dropped my hand, blushing. I turned away from him. Stupid me.
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Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:34 pm
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Redfang18 says...

Zeke | The Old Cabin/ His Secret Base

Quicksliver asked me if my vision involved lightning.
I answered grimly, "Afraid not. My vision was about me dying from a wound in the stomach. Visions like that are so horrible, I keep struggling to avoid them from coming true." I went back inside and brewed some tea to calm my head. "When I was taken by the government, they thought I was useful after I had my first vision. They didn't count on the fact that I became a master illusionist after I was given my powers." I sat down on a wooden chair, sipping my tea.
Light footsteps entered the kitcten from the bedroom. It was a brunette with grey eyes. She said calmly, "Zoroark, the headquarters are calling."
I said lowly, "If it's about making me a field agent, I'm not picking up the phone. I already made it clear that I only come when the mission requires my illusional expertise. My visions don't come at my command, they come at random and when I least expect them. You know how I am, Mia."
Mia said, "I know, Zoroark. HQ is calling because the rebels found your parents, but have bad news." She went towards me and held my hand. "Your parents- Mark and Amy Zoroark- have perished from a car crash. A driver was so drunk, your parents were on their way home from the store when the driver ran them over."
I went to my room, locked the door, and started weeping. My parents- the ones responsible for my education and only friends in my whole life- are now dead. My one chance to see them again and show them how much I've grown, gone up in smoke. I laid there in my bed, weeping like a child.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

Who knew Kansas City had its own branch of the Yakuza?
— Jason Sudeikis