
Young Writers Society

Survival Island (Full/Started)

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Sat Mar 23, 2013 10:52 pm
methrirr123 says...

Mike Lewis: Day 33

It was at least eight in the morning when Mike finally awoke. He looked down to find that, to his relief, Raven was still there, and hadn't fallen out of the tree. She was still sleeping, sound and deep. He stretched his arms, rubbing his neck. He was aching from all of this kindness. I am being very nice, he thought, masaging his neck muscles which ached from sleeping in the tree. He had given the safer, more comfortable spot to Raven, while he had climbed higher to another fork in the tree. It was safe enough, but dreadfully uncomfortable compared to the other spot. He clambered past her, silent except for his chuckling. Look at me, he thought. Complaining about the quality of the tree's that I sleep in. He scaled down the rest of the tree, dropping the last ten feet with a thump.

He did his daily rounds, the same routine he did every morning for the past month. His traps all were empty in the forest. He went to check the fishing traps he had set over the stream. His luck from yesterday had not carried over, it seemed. Only one had caught a trout. It was a big trout, but still only one. He cursed as he eyed the other hooks. The bait had been nibbled off. He pulled in the trout and cursed again as it struggled against him. He wanted to kill and clean it as fast as he could, before Raven woke up. He didn't think that she'd be to keen to watch him butcher a fish.

Sure enough, she woke up just as he had cut off the head, making a scrabbling sound as she suddenly remembered that she was thirty feet off the ground. He quickly gut the fish, flinging the entrails into the stream. Maybe it would atract more fish. He threw the head in as well, and looked up to see Raven hugging the trunk of the tree as she made her way slowly down to the next branch. "Good morning!" he called up. "How did you enjoy your stay?"

She may have laughed, but it was difficult to hear. "I guess I liked it so much that I'm finding it difficult to leave." she said. Mike couldn't help but laugh. He started working on the fire. The embers from yesterday were still plenty hot enough to make fire. He blew on the coals, and the white dust blew away, revealing their beautiful orange glow, which grew brighter as he blew on them. Soon, after adding a few twigs and branches, small flames flickered to life, and he admired his handiwork. It was this "technique" that earned him the nickname "fire king" during Boy Scout camp-outs. All you had to do was blow really hard, and try your best to ignore the searing heat, and smoke. He had earned the reputation of being able to bring back any extinguished fire. And he could, so long as there were still embers. He looked up at Raven to find her still at the same spot.

"You having trouble getting down?" he asked.

"Yes." she replied. Well, at least she was honest.

She took her time climbing down. She was very high up. He tried to guider he down as best he could, calling up to her to direct her. "Shift all of your weight to your right leg. Your right. LEG."

"NO. I'M GOING TO FALL." she called back. Mike laughed again despite himself, and contemplated going up to get her. He was still laughing as he began to scale the trunk, using the thick creeper vines as hand and footholds. He was up to her in no time, and she seemed pleasantly surprised to see him. He almost laughed again.

"Hi." he said, grinning like an idiot.

"Hi." she replied.

"I'm gonna guide you down, ok?" he said. "Just go where I go. Remember how we used the vines to get up here?"

She nodded. "Yeah."

"That's how we're gonna go down." he said.

It took a while, but eventually they got to ground level suffering no casualties. Realizing he had left the fish on the ground, he went to the stream to wash it off. When he returned, Raven was sitting at the fire. "Thanks again." she said, looking up at him with those eyes.

"Don't mention it." he tried, mentally trying to come up with the most attractive looking way to look humble while skewering a fish on a pointed stick. He ended up just throwing it on there, and made to roast it when she stopped him.

"Let me do it." she said. He wouldn't have let her, too. He would have probably said something like "no, I got it," but those eyes... Besides, he knew what it was like to feel useless. He nodded and gave her the fish-on-a-stick.

While she cooked it, there was an awkward silence, where Mike would wander around the fire, and near the lake, and pretend not to be staring. When it was done, they ate in an awkward silence. And then they just sat, staring into the dying fire. Finally, Mike stood up.

"Let's go exploring." he said suddenly.

"Exploring?" she said. I'm an idiot, Mike thought.

"Yep. I want to see what's around us. Map out the territory. Besides..." he began.

"We might not be alone." she finished. Mike nodded.

"Exactly." he said. She got up as well. "Take me to where you landed here."

"Landed? You mean washed up?" she asked. Despite the joke, she wasn't grinning all that convincingly.

"Yeah." he said, strapping on his machete and sheathing his hunting knife.

And she led the way into the forest.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.

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Sat Mar 23, 2013 11:25 pm
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littleauthor says...

Katie Stone

Blaze the Giant acted if nothing was wrong when a girl just walked up to the camp and fainted. She just laid there while he started to casually cook the fish. I wasn't sure if I could trust did Giant or not.

He gave me a bit of the fish and gave Colin the other 3/4 of it. Colin ate half it in one bit and I eyed Blaze the Giant slowly as he waited for me to eat the fish. Colin's fish was long gone by the time I chose I was already as good as dead and I should eat the fish anyways. It wasn't bad so I finished it then crawled into Colin's lap so he could braid my hair.

"Wow." Was all Blaze the Giant said. I wondered why he was so amazed I ate the fish. Colin finished braiding my hair so I leaned into his chest. The girl was starting to wake so I got off of Colin and moved away a little scared of what the girl would do. Colin leaned over her waiting for her to wake.

"Blaze!" Colin called looking over his shoulder for blaze as the girls eyes snapped open.

Colin Stone

The girl's eye's snapped open as I leaned over her. She took a sharp intake of breath as her blue eye's screamed at me with color. I glanced at her trying not to seem like I'm staring at her. She was beautiful. She looked around my age maybe a year or 2 older, I didn't care though. Blaze stomped over snapping me out of my day dreaming.

"Is he a giant?" Katie ask whispering in my ear. I tried not to laugh but I gave in and let a chuckle escape my lips

"I don't know Katie," I replied "Why don't you ask him? I'm sure he would love a little conversation with you."

She stared at me in confusion. She didn't understand that you could actually talk to people besides your family. She shook her head as we stood to see who this girl was. I remembered that she had said er name was Luna earlier. Luna Perfect. I loved how that name sounded next to mine.
It's better to be WEIRD than boring

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Sun Mar 24, 2013 1:30 am
winterbites says...

Luna Rae

My eyes were heavy again as I opened my eyes. Blaze, the man from before was stealing glances my way but tried to concentrate on what he was doing. I remembered seeing figures in the shadows, they looked half dead. But as they looked at me I realized it was just the shadows tricking me again. A small girl was looking at me intently and saying something to the boy about my age next to her. They were both looking at me. I was feeling uncomfortable. The boy looked away, but the little girl moved closer.

I know she is only little, but I gripped my pocket which had my knife in it. "Luna...?" She said with the cutest little girl voice. My hand relaxed, but I kept it there just in case.

"She won't hurt you Luna." Blaze said making me look at him. I nodded and took my hand away. I'd never really seen many little kids before. Not where I was from, They were all killed off. My heart pained as I thought of home and Damon. His sister would be about her age if Jamie hadn't killed her. I tried to smile but gave up. I moved away from the girl and closer to Blaze.

"Luna, its fine." He said gently. I nodded as they moved closer. The boy came and sat in front of me with his sister on his lap. He studied my face then glanced at my arms. I pulled my jumper closer and looked away. How do I get off this.. Island? I just what Damon back. I felt a hand on my shoulder. Blaze looked down at me with a sympathetic small smile. I looked away from him and noticed the boy had narrowed his eyes at Blaze's hand. What's happening?

"I feel light headed." I said breaking the silence. "I might rest up..." I said brushing Blaze's hand off. The other boys' eyes lightened up.

I stood up and brushed the sand off me and begun to walk a little further away from their staring eyes.
I've got you under a spell and I don't think I'll be letting you out~ If Only She Knew Voodoo Like I Do, Get Scared.

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Sun Mar 24, 2013 3:10 am
Dakushau says...


I walked through the door to my home, Celest trailing right behind me. It was a mess. I went over to the left wall and started tossing things into a pile in the back of the room. Soon I had the spot relatively clear. I bounced over to the other side of the room and grabbed a deer hide blanket. I walked over and laid it on the spot I had just cleared.

"You may sleep here, young one." I tell Celest, motioning toward the hide blanket. I watched as she walked over and sat on the blanket, feeling the soft fur. Suddenly my stomach growled and a thought crossed my mind.

I rush over and start rummaging through a box in the far corner. Here we go! I grab the items and walk over to where Celest sits. I take one of the items in my hand and hold it out to her.

"You must be hungry. Here, take this apple." I tell her, holding out the fruit.

"Thank you," she replies, taking the apple. I watch as she eats it hungrily. I take a bite of my own apple and look at the girl sitting before me. She was a pretty girl, young and full of youth. What a joy youth had been. If only I was still in my youthful years.

"Here," I tell her, tossing over another apple. "Go ahead and get some rest, young one. The island can be a stressful and lonely place sometimes. Sleep is good."

"Okay," Celest replies when she finishes her last apple. I turn and walk over to my own mat. Sleep is good. "Thank you," she tells me as I lay down into my sleeping spot.

"Don't mention it, young one."

As I lay on my mat I stare and watch as Celest falls asleep. Soon, I follow her lead and enter into the realm of black darkness.

The next day...

It was still dark as I stirred to life a fire outside, in the firepit, not very far from my house. After a fire was going I brought over another large boulder to act as a seat and to join the rock that was already there.

I went to the stream and spent a fair amount of time catching some fish, which always seemed to hang around the pond near my house. I gutted and cleaned the fish and placed them on a stick over the fire.

The sky was starting to turn a beautiful red, orange color as the sun rose over the horizon. I sat on one of the stones and gazed into the fire. Fire... blood... screams... death! Ahh, no! Please don't do this! A gun shot! Nooo!

I shook as the strange memory reverberated through my head. No... The pain... The emotions... They felt so real, so vivid! I shook my head and tried to get all the strange thoughts from another life out of my mind. A sudden motion caught my attention.

I turned to see Celest, a bundle of youth, walk out of the cabin. She stretched and looked around. She soon noticed me and I waved her over. "Come, young one. The fish is ready." I grabbed a piece of fish and handed it to Celest as she sat down on the other rock across from me.
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Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:15 am
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Cspr says...

Blaze David

I watched as the young children, the Stone children, whispered together and the nearly forgotten yearning I’d had for a sibling what felt like eons ago raised its head weakly. The thought of a family that didn’t consist of merely a distant mother. I shook my head.

I hadn’t bothered to ask.

“How did you get here?” I asked the two children. “Where are your parents?”

I hoped they weren’t dead.

I then frowned, realizing I should talk to Luna first, before she fell asleep.

Conversing with normal people was often so difficult.

“Consider what you want to say, I will be back. Keep an eye on the fire, Jack--Collin.” I shivered and quickly stood up, feeling as if I’d walked through a giant spider web strewn with tarantulas.

I then turned heel and followed the younger girl, the one Collin had made lamb’s eyes at, to where she was going to bed down again. She’d forgotten my coat, so I picked it up and tapped her shoulder, it held out as offering. I noted she was beautiful, but far too young. Too young, but scared about the eyes. Familiar. Blue eyes, but not gone gray--

I shivered again.

“Were you one of Ioann’s?” I whispered, not wanting to ask in front of the kids or have them hear me. “Or someone else’s?”

It didn’t matter, exactly. If she was one of Ioann’s, she might not have long left and I wouldn’t want the kids seeing that. They were innocent. Like lambs. Nothing would change that. Not the girl. Not anything.

I could save something.

I didn’t know anything about ship building or geography. I had no idea how to survive in the wild, not really. I’d been born in a small town and used to camping and living on meager rations, but most of my time with Ioann, when I’d seen the man and not Mino or Viper, had been in places of concrete and cold steel with flickering fluorescent lights.
The warmth of the sun on my shoulders was almost confusing.

Once I knew the children’s story, maybe I could help them return home. If not, maybe I could pull a Swiss Family Robinson.

I wondered if they’d ever watched that, or if it was too far behind their time. I wasn’t sure if ostrich races could be included, natch.

Funny how our heads clung to things like that.
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Sun Mar 24, 2013 5:35 am
winterbites says...

There was a tap on my shoulder as I walked away and rubbed my eyes. I spun around, my stomach did flips as my eyes came in contact with Blaze's yellow-brown ones. I mentally cursed myself, It's been two week since Damon died, you wickered person! I closed my eyes and heard his voice saying something about Ioann. Ioann? Who is that?

I shook my head. I didn't say anything else afraid he'd hurt me. I looked away from his gaze. I knew he wasn't really looking at me he was just thinking. But about What? I didn't understand his question when he asked, “Or someone else’s?”

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I was too frightened. He went silent for awhile before pushing his thick coat to my chest. I took it with both hands trying not to touch him. No luck. Our fingers brushed. I looked up at him, but he was already looking at me. Luna! He is too old! My brain screamed. I shook my head, Its not like I really care. Damon was 18. . . Damon, how could I betray him?

Blaze still hadn't moved his hand away yet. His eyes darted over my face, from my eyes to my cheeks, nose, then to my lips. I stumbled back away from his hand. He caught my arm so I didn't fall.

"Clumsy?" He smirked. "That's what I'm going to call you now." He nodded once.

I couldn't say anything again. I held the ends of my light jumper so when I put Blaze's, Blaze? It's such and unusual name. But, it suits him so well. Like a blaze of fire in someones life. Gahh, Luna, you need to stop being creepy! , thicker coat on the didn't roll up.

"Thanks, Blaze" I said in a small and shaky voice, "Is that your real name?" I turned my head slightly as I asked him.
I've got you under a spell and I don't think I'll be letting you out~ If Only She Knew Voodoo Like I Do, Get Scared.

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Sun Mar 24, 2013 5:00 pm
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Cspr says...

Blaze David

My eyebrows furrowed at the girl, Luna’s, last question. Why wouldn’t it be my name?

Then I remembered I’d been surrounded by people with nicknames like Viper and Snow. No wonder they hadn’t bothered to give me a nickname; just a new name, an insult. Asmodeus.

“Um, yes.” I realized I hadn’t responded. “It’s my name.” I paused, twisted my hands before myself, head ducked. “But you did belong to someone, right? I... Ioan put me here, I think.”

It was the only way I could end up on an island, unless I had fully gone mad.

Maybe I was in a coma. Wouldn’t that be fascinating.

Maybe I’d wake up and be able to see the future and past by touching things, like Johnny Smith.

I let out a snicker, unable to help myself, and then quickly pulled myself back together.

None of this was funny. Why did I think it was?

I looked back over the shoulder at the children. Collin was watching the fire, the girl, Katie, was curled up with him, mouth moving, probably asking questions.

I wrapped my arms around myself.

“Um.” I bit my lip, close to drawing blood.

I should let her sleep. Why was I bothering her about this? Had I completely forgotten tact?
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:56 pm
littleauthor says...

Katie Stone

I sat beside's Colin as he poked the fire with his long stick.

"Are we ever gonna see mommy and daddy again?" I asked looking up at his eyes that looked so much like mine.

"I don't know Katie," He said looking straight ahead. "Maybe Blaze will help us get back home."

"I don't think so." I mumbled turning away from him. He sighed and played with the fire a little more.

"Can you sing for me?" I asked him leaning on his arm.

" Katie, you know I can't sing." Colin said looking at me with hard eyes.

"Yeah you can, just please." I said turning towards him. I put on the cutest face I could manage and he sighed and finally gave in. I gave a silent celebration and he smiled little. Then Colin began to sing.

Cause we're just under the upper hand
And go mad for a couple grams
And she don't want to go outside tonight
And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland
Or sells love to another man
It's too cold outside
For angels to fly

Colin Stone

I knew it was cheesy but it was my favorite song. Ed Sheeran in my opinion knew how to turn any little thing int a beautiful song.

Katie sorta just stared at me after I finished the song and she clapped. I had to laugh because I knew I sucked at singing and she didn't care.

"See Colin," She said "You don't suck, that was better than what I could ever do."

She was joking, Wait no she wasn't. She really though I was good. Or she's a really good actress.

I went back to nursing the fire when Blaze walked over and took a seat next to me.

"Luna's gone to sleep," He said nodding his head over to the lump that was Luna. I got the message he was trying to tell me. I went to pick up Katie and told her it's time for bed. She groaned but fell instantly asleep once she laid her little body down on the blanket. I curled up next to her, My arm wrapped around her body to protect her from the ash. I thought about our family and my best friend back home. I shook my head, that life is over, this is my life now.
It's better to be WEIRD than boring

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Sun Mar 24, 2013 7:29 pm
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Cspr says...

Blaze David

I watched the Stone children warily. They both seemed to be strong kids, if confused and a bit lost. I’m glad they had each other, nonetheless.

I watched as Colin put Katie to bed, a nest of sand and leaves, and thought to myself that it was hardly mid-afternoon, wasn’t it? Why did they require so much sleep?

I shook myself. It was maybe just something people a bit more human than I did. Children needed more sleep, too, didn’t they?

“We should move to the interior of the island soon,” I told Colin quietly, “if another storm comes, we could all be washed out to sea. We’re not safe from predators or anything else, either. I kept watch last night, but at dawn we should start moving inward, understood? I can always help carry your sister, if need be.”

I knew at least that children were terrible at hiking.

I paused for a moment, then put my hands in my pockets. “Can you tell me what happened now? Tell me how you two got here?”

If they’d come on a boat, it might be fixable. If they’d come on a plane, it might be giving off a distress signal.

Maybe I could finally get away from Ioann, at least for a little bit.

That’s when I heard it, the growl, and then a far off beating of drums. I tensed from head to foot and the wannabe spear I’d made was out and at the ready.
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:13 pm
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Clarity says...


“…and then I took the right over there, so if I was walking the opposite way we are walking now I must have took a left.” Raven always over-complicated things, and by the look on Mike’s face, she could tell she had done it again. Raven laughed and repeated what she said, but in more simple terms. “Basically, I went this way,” Raven started in the direction of where she had pointed, but stopped walking, so abruptly, that Mike bumped into her. This sent them both tumbling to the ground, with Mike landing on top of Raven.

“Oooopsie,” Raven giggled. “I was going to say, before we landed in this tangle, ‘how did you get to the island?’” She sucked at small talk, but it was better the silence they had been walking in.

“By Helicopter. I won a contest for a ride in one, but the pilot suffered a heart attack whilst in the air. I crash landed.”

“Oh, that doesn’t sound very fun…” Raven began to wish she hadn’t asked.

“It wasn’t, but I’m alive so no worries.” Mike said. “What about you?”

Now it was time for Raven to admit what a fool she had been. “I, uh, fell off of a boat…”


“I tripped.” She replied quietly. Mike tried to hold back his laugh, but failed.

“And how did you manage that?” He said while recovering.

“I’m just clumsy, I guess.” Even though she felt stupid for managing such a thing, Mike’s laugh was contagious. She couldn’t help but let a giggle escape herself. Raven and mike laughed for a few more minutes, then got up and began there exploration again.

“Here we are.” Raven said as they got to where she washed up. “It was quite the ride, you should try it sometime.”

“Looks very… thrilling.” Mike agreed. “Fancy a swim?”

“Hmm… I don’t know.” Raven absolutely loved the water, she swam perfectly. Her only issue was the scar along her back, if she took off her jacket, Mike would see it. She hated anyone to see the scar. It made her feel weak and defenceless.

“Oh, come on! It’ll be fun! I’ll race you!” Well, she couldn’t deny a race, especially with the way Mike was looking at her.

“Fine.” She took off her jacket and met him at the water’s edge, careful to keep his line of sight away from the scar. “Ready… GO!” Raven took off swimming, at a similar pace to Mike, giving him a chance to get slightly ahead of her.

“I’m gonna win!” Mike shouted to her.

“In your dreams! To that rock and back, GO!” Raven picked up her speed and easily took over Mike, the look on his face was priceless as she turned around and swam back to shore, all 6 seconds before him. “Haha, ha, ha, HA! I won.”

“Dayum, where did you learn to swim like that?”

“I was part of my schools swim team, took me away from home and kept me occupied,” Raven had hated it with her parents, they talked to each other like dirt, and talked to her even worse.

“Whoa, you sure did a good job…” His voice trailed off and he was silent. Raven turned around to see what was wrong. Oh no, Raven thought. He’s seen the scar.

“Um, how…”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Quickly, Raven put her leather jacket back on and ran into the trees before Mike could see the first tear fall.
"Be courageous and try to write in a way that scares you a little."


Home is where the books are kept.

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Mon Mar 25, 2013 8:06 am
winterbites says...

Luna Rae

"Blaze." I screamed running towards the fire, "Blaze, I heard something." I whimpered and looked down at his hand made spear. I heard the noise again and jumped next to Blaze using him as a shield. I gripped his shirt and pressed my face to the side of his chest, Man he is so tall. I thought. I could feel his body tense and wondered if it was because of me touching him.

The little girl from before let out a squeal as another sound echoed around us. "Please, Blaze, keep us safe." Whispered into his shirt. This is so messed up, I just wanted to sleep. I'm so tired.

Blaze detached me from himself and told me to go by the fire with the other two. I looked up at him with watery eyes and nodded feel unsafe. I was still holding his shirt not wanting to let go.

"They won't hurt you." He gave me a gentle push and faced back to the noise. I dropped my arms and my head as I walked closer to them. They kept their eyes on me as I sat across from them, with the fire between us. I fiddled with my pocket and pulled out my knife. I looked up and saw that the little girl had her mouth wide open just like her eyes. I looked down and wrote lyrics to my favorite song in the sand, that was lighted by the fire.

Drag my hand behind you like a chain behind a truck.
Sparks over your carpet while I chase you through the darkness.
Somebody's supposed to fall in love, but nobody even calls.
Somebody's supposed to... Pierce The Veil.

I looked down at it pleased with how it came out.

Where had Blaze gone? I looked around like a lost lamb. I felt panic rise in my chest. I turned my head a few times and realised Blaze was nowhere to be seen. I wrapped my arms around my knees and stuck my knife into one of my boots. They were still looking at me as I closed my eyes and tried to dream of happy things. Only Damon came into my head. I clenched my teeth and tried to open my eyes. It's like I'm stuck in here. I saw Jamie killing Damon's little sister then it flashed to him smirking at me while he slowly killed the one I love.
Last edited by winterbites on Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I've got you under a spell and I don't think I'll be letting you out~ If Only She Knew Voodoo Like I Do, Get Scared.

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Mon Mar 25, 2013 12:47 pm
littleauthor says...

Katie Stone

The girl was acting really weird and I couldn't help but to stare. Colin finally drew me out of it when he asked me to go look for some more sticks. I walked into the forest as I heard a noise. I jumped behind a tree and slowly looked around it. It was Blaze the Giant.

I stayed behind my tree waiting for him to leave, but he never did. He looked like a watch dog trying to protect his family from thief's. His stick out and ready in his big hands. I slowly turned away not wanting to make a sound. Then I tripped.

Blaze the Giant came running towards me. His stick high above his head ready to kill. I closed my eyes terrified till he stopped. My leg was killing me and I was sobbing as he bent down next to me.

"How much does your leg hurt on a scale of 1 to 10." Blaze the Giant said looking at my purple leg.

"14," I said between sobs. I could feel Blaze the Giants big hands lift me up but I was pasted out by the time I was back at camp.

Colin Stone

After Katie went off to get the sticks I moved next to Luna.

"Hey, you OK?" I asked rubbing her back. She shook her head. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"No." She replied still not looking at me. I nodded and respected her privacy. I moved back to my log and poke at the fire again.

Blaze came running into the camp, Katie in his arms with a squishy purple thing. "Katie hurt her self, help me." He said with urgent eyes.

Blaze laid Katie down and the purple thing turned out to be her leg. It was bent at an awkward angle and looked extremely painful. I was glad she passed out.

I took a wildlife survival class when I was 13 so I had to look back to that so I could figure out how to make a splint. I got a strong stick and a piece of rope we found earlier. I tied the stick onto her foot and over her knee to keep it from moving. It wasn't the prettiest thing in the world, but it would do for now.
It's better to be WEIRD than boring

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Mon Mar 25, 2013 3:44 pm
mortimermcmirestinks says...


How did I do the first day?

…Tom Hanks I ain’t.

After finding myself to be on what I eventually discovered the least pleasant part of the island (it was covered in sharp rocks, evil crabs, slippery weeds, and despair), and after running around screaming like a red-shirted officer from Star Trek, I decided to sit down for a while and think.

After due consideration, I decided to sit somewhere not currently occupied by an evil crab and think.

I realized three things:
1. Sitting on crabs is really uncomfortable
2. If I wanted to survive, I needed my fishing equipment; I really didn’t want to hunt for food
3. If I knew anything about deserted islands at all, I knew that they were primarily inhabited by evil cannibals, large animals, and crazy people who had washed up on the island thirty years ago and called themselves “Ugg” or “Burble”.

I set out in search of my stuff and found my ship wrecked atop a very tall very sharp rock. It took some doing and a few rocks thrown out of frustration, but I finally got the ship down to mostly horizontal ground. It still contained my fishing pole and my bait.

I spent the next few hours hauling rod, reel, bait, and sail (I figured I could use it as a bag or blanket or tent or something) through the increasingly dense woods until I was exhausted. By then it appeared to be getting dark; I’m not sure if it was late, or my eyes were tired, or the forest was really thick, or what, but I was tired and had been carrying stuff for several hours. I made a makeshift tent/blanket/thing out of the sail and fell asleep.

I slept rather restlessly, and kept waking up to the sound of voices. Each time I figured that I was just dreaming, but they sounded very real: a few times I thought I heard children, and once I was sure I saw someone climbing a tree...

The Next Day:

When I woke up, it was somewhat lighter out—I’m not sure if it was actually lighter or if my eyes had just adjusted—and so I went on walking. I don’t know what I was looking for, but I found it.

Boy, did I ever find it.

The “It” in question was a house. Well, not so much a house as a shack. It was, for a shack, very well made; it looked as though it was made by an excellent craftsman, with mostly straight walls, actual windows, and a door.

I went inside; it was empty of people even if definitely not empty of stuff. I figured that whoever had lived there originally had left a long time ago. Well, either that or they had taken a stroll and had stepped out five minutes ago. It was hard to tell.

I decided to go outside and find out what was up. I asked myself “What would James Anderson do?”

Dr. James Anderson was a famous inventor and doctor that disappeared years ago. We learned about him in high school; he invented new remedies for diseases during the war and helped a lot of people. One day after the war, he said something about “getting away from it all” and vanished. People have speculated (it’s what they do best) that he went mad from the war and committed suicide, but nobody is certain. He hasn’t been seen since then, about 15 years ago. Ever since I first learned of him, he's kind of been a hero of mine (because of the inventor part, not the 'going nuts and committing suicide' part), and I’ve always wanted to meet him.

I walked through the mess and opened the door, practically running into DR. JAMES ANDERSON.
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11 Reviews

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Mon Mar 25, 2013 5:11 pm
Dakushau says...


We had finished eating the fish, Wow could that girl eat! , and decided to head back inside my house.

"Oh, how I wish there were showers on islands." Celest mutters as she stepped into the house.

"I have a waterfall," I tell her.

A bit later, Celest was bathing using natures "shower". I sat in my house on a stool at a crudely built table, thinking. No that wouldn't work, or would it? No, that definitely wouldn't work. "Uh, blasted thing, why can't I figure this out?" I mutter to myself. I stared at the assembled parts before me. Apparently, making a wooden spring-powered crossbow from scratch was harder than it had seemed. If that piece goes there and that one here then that would definitely work, but then this piece couldn't go there like it needs to. Wait! If i move that piece there and this one here then that one could go there like it's supposed to!

I took a swig of the coconut milk that was inside the hollowed out log-cup sitting beside me. Yes, yes! That works! Now I only have to work on that other mechanism. I continued to fiddle with the devices before me. There we go! Now I just need to go get a part from outside to work as that piece and then it'll be done!

I stood and walked over to the door. Suddenly, the door swung open itself. Blasted, the doors broken again. I think to myself, then I notice the man standing at the door. He had an excited look on his face.

"Why are you intruding upon my house?" I ask. Wait. out of all the questions and responses I chose that one? It's another person! My lonesomeness is again getting lesser! But how did this guy--. My thoughts were brought short as the man responded.

"Your Dr James Anderson! I never expected to see you!" The man proclaimed excitedly.

"What nonsense are you sputtering boy? I'm not the man you think I am."

"But your Mr Anderson!" He persisted.

"I told you I have no clue what your talking about!" I tell him, getting slightly upset. "My name is Glunker! I am Glunk, and I don't want to hear anymore of your nonsense about me being someone else!"

I take a breath and try to calm myself, I never get this worked up about anything! "Look, boy, if your stuck here and want a place to stay your welcome here. If your not I'd advise not staying. This island is a lonesome and dangerous place."

I have no clue why but something about this conversation bothers me. James... Why is that name familiar? Why is there a weird annoyance of it? And Anderson? Ugh, It's just this conversation and the thoughts of so many people finally here getting me confused and worked up. Before I know it I'm muttering incomprehensible chatter.

"If you have room i'll stay here," the man says, looking at me slightly confused. I shake my head and get back to the thing at hand.

"Welcome to my home," I say. "Oh, your name is?"
“The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision.”
–Helen Keller

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Mon Mar 25, 2013 8:05 pm
catcha01 says...


Glunk's house was pretty messy there were things everywhere and piles filled of miscellaneous items on the side. It wasn't a small cabin, the back wall extended what I gaged to be 15-20 feet into the mountain side. Glunk walked towards one of the piles and made a new pile somewhere else,then he walked over to the far wall and got a blanket that he put down in the now clean space.

"You can sleep here,young one,"he said motioning to the blanket. I walked over and sat down on the soft blanket. Glunk then again went to another wall and came back with two apples. He handed me one and said,"Here young one,you must be hungry,take this apple,"for the first time I cherished it and stared at it before taking my first bite. The apple was crunchy and sweet. I ate it fast and Glunk handed me another one which I ate just as fast as the first. . "Go ahead and get some rest, young one. The island can be a stressful and lonely place sometimes. Sleep is good."he said when I finished my second apple. "Okay,"I said quietly,Glunk walked over to his own mat,"Thank you," I added before zipping up my sweat shirt and pulling up my hood the words "Sleep is good" bounced around in my head before I drifted away from here into a horrible dream.

It was so vivid,like it was a memory.

I was on the cruise ship with my grandmother,mother and cousin Ara in my arms singing. We were laughing at her version of Taylor Swift's singing. My grandmother must have noticed people staring and she scolded,"Hush child"Ara immediately obeyed and instead wrapped her arms around my neck getting her brown braids in my mouth. "I love you sissy,"she said quietly and then broke into a contagious fit of laughter that my family shared in. I put Ara down an she sat next to my mother. A fit of "aawws" erupted from the crowd and Ara and I smiled. "Mom,"I started " I'm gonna go to the room and start my science homework," I finished. "Okay honey,keep your phone on just in case,"she said. I nodded and skipped to my room. I plopped down on my bed and did my science work,but received no call from anyone and my books had been falling off the bed over and over again. I became worried and walked up to the upper deck. I was greeted by screams and shrieks. The captains voice came on the speaker,"The ship is sinking,find the nearest life boat immediately. "Mama!Ara!Grandma!"I screamed. I saw Ara an ran to her. I hugged and kissed her cheek,before sending her with other kids her age. A woman saw m and gave me a boat,"Go and be safe child," she said. I nodded and saw Ara's boat and an odd figure in the water,"Shark!"I yelled,but it was too late. It jumped up and ate a child it was Ara I was frozen. I dropped to my knees and I felt hit tears come down my cheeks. My eyes closed.

I woke up hyperventilating and sweating,I pulled down my hood and quickly unzipped my sweater,"It was only a dream," I whispered before getting up folding my blanket neatly in the corner. There was a fur outside and surely enough it belonged to Glunk. I stretched as I walked outside and then took a seat on the rock across from Glunk. He handed me a piece of fish,"Thank you,"I said,as I bit some of my fish. I finished the first fish and was offered some more which I ate whole. When Glunk and I had both finished breakfast,we got up from our seats and,for the first time I realized how dirty I felt.

"Oh how I wish there were showers on this island," I muttered as we entered the house.

"I have a waterfall," Glunk offered.

He walked in and handed me a blanket,"Here,"he said,"The waterfall is right over there,"he said pointing in the direction of the waterfall.

I nodded and walked towards the waterfall. It wasn't far,and I was there within 10 minutes.The waterfall looked so nice and clean. I got undressed, and place my clothes on a nearby rock and submerged myself in the lake created by he waterfall. I swam under water and stayed under there for a bit. My hair was wet,but clean, I felt good. After my nature "shower" as Glunk referred to it as and grabbed the blanket. I wrapped it around myself and dried my self down. I quickly got dressed, and pulled my hair up in a pony tail and skipped back along he trail to the log cabin with my blanket in my hands. I opened the door and expected to see Glunk alone, but today was different there was another man there. He was much older than I was and talking with Glunk,who looked somewhat annoyed. I was happy to see someone else on this island,but I was a little wary about this man, though he looked nice, I knew better than most that looks are very deceiving.

Spoiler! :
sorry for the long length
Writing alone can be my escape. Writing with others is my idea of fun

I have hated words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right.
— Markus Zusak, The Book Thief