
Young Writers Society

City of Secrets *Started | Permission Only*

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Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:56 am
SubjectBlue says...


'He who kills for his own needs, must look at his victim's eyes- to see him die-- he chose to take other life for his own, so he owes at least that. He who kills for the greater goods must look at another pair of eyes- his own- and see there the justice of what he had done- or the sin.'- I had memorised this words at the age of 8, I never had a hard time when I killed an opponent in battle, looking into the man's eyes- I never had a problem looking at my own reflection in the mirror after commanding my armies to act, and yet- now- when I looked into the silver abyss, I felt like a murderer, I've never felt so guilty, even when I sinned with the one woman I never should have sinned with.
My best friend- brother really, I killed him. and now the woman me and Darienis travelled through a desert and waged war on an entire kingdom for, Hector's mother- is dying by my hand as well. I had to! I had to? Am I a monster?
I shook my hand, I couldn't let the guilt stop me, it had to be done. I sighed, and brushed my hands against my grey robe, then looked away from the mirror.
The round chamber had very narrow windows, one in each direction, and seeming door on the walls. the two walls were on the floor and ceiling.
I climbed up the ladder, and opened a door to the clear blue tower top, a breeze of wind tingling my cheek.
Climalsi haven't arrived yet- He was starting to call himself the fox- I need to talk to him about that, humility is a virtue, and he was one of my "children"- and I expected all of the youngsters I raised to be more than tools, they were to be great members of my righteous state- I had great hopes and expectations for them, and I expected them to be humble, good, moral men and women- be they're line of work what it will be.
If only someone would have raised hector properly... I thought sadly- none of us would have had to go through all these horrible things.

But they didn't- I still had hope for him though, he was young.
I'll do my best to make him prepared to inherit, to stay alive- but if I can't, I'll have to kill him.
and with that thought, I climbed down to welcome Climalsi...
'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.' -Stephen G. Tallentyre

"Great minds think alike- idiots are unpredictable"

For Free!

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Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:21 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Aisha | Temple;

Aisha looked up when the man approached and frowned. General Aban, the one closest to the Prince, was in the Temple? Aisha's frown deepened and she tilted her head to one side. The woman seeking Sanctuary leaned into Aisha's shoulder. She appeared to be weeping; it sure sounded like it.

"I think once we find her a room and give her a meal, she'll be fine, General," Aisha murmured, lowering her head. She wasn't going to look him in the eyes, and frankly, he was too close to be respectable. He was about to answer when Isranda swept into the room. She spotted Aisha and the woman, scowled and crossed the hall to them. People who had stood to see better parted before her like she was a ship and they were water. Isranda was a force to be reckoned with--and no one dared to cross her. She demanded respect and she got it.

"What is the meaning of this?" she demanded, then paused. She gave the General a look and he backed up a step. Isranda fell to her knees beside the pair. "You should not be here, General," she said, not looking away from the distraught woman. "This is Temple business, and it is not for the likes of you. I suggest you leave. Now."

She didn't look at him as she coaxed the woman out of Aisha's arms and into her own. Together, Aisha and Isranda got the woman onto her feet and Isranda led her away, leaving Aisha and the General standing there in uncomfortable silence. Aisha glanced towards the General and swiftly looked away--towards the shadow in the corner. Why was the General trying to throw his weight around in the Temple where he had no voice? At least, not when Isranda was there. It made Aisha wonder...and if Aisha was curious, it wasn't always a good thing.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:41 pm
Demoness says...

Keira - In the outskirts of the Forest, outside the citywalls.

"Why did you let her leave?" Keira burst out. They were crouching in the bushed in the outskirts of the forest, watching the people who passed in and out of Asyra with the guards spying like hawks on them. None of them looked anything like Keira and Aodán. They dressed in filthy, torn clothing walking with their heads bowed and their feet were uncovered and sore. Keira walked barefoot like them, but she was dressed in a satin dress that had cost her father a huge pile of goldcoins, it had been torn at a few places but anyone could see she wasn't like them. She walked with pride and confidence, she walked like the royalty she was and she couldn't handle being diresepcted. The guards treated these people like vermin... Keira would have to let them. "She said she knew another way in! A safe way!" Keira whined and looked at Aodán for response. At first Keira had been both confused and a slight bit hostile towards the girl but once she realized it was a friend of Aodáns she knew she needn't worry. Compared to Aodán, Keira almost seemed trusting, so if he didn't shy away, neither would she.

"Me too" Aodán answered plainly. Keira sighed, she knew him well enough to be able to read the rest of the words by looking at his body language and the almost invisible shiftings in his eyes. With those two words he actually meant; "Don't worry, I know the way in... and we'll see her again, I know where we're going."

"Who was she anyways?" Keira asked and leapt forward so that her feet landed just inches behind Aodáns. Thereafter she reached forward and let her fingers intertwine with his. "Was she your girlfriend once?" She went on, shaking slithly on the voice as she took a faster grip around his hand.

"No, just a friend." Aodán answered, but he sounded distant, a little dreamy and Keira got worried. Aodán must have sensed it because he made a quick turn and embraced her in his arms. He mumbled something into her hair, Keira had never heard him say the exact words out clear but she knew that he meant "I love you".

"We'll be fine right? You'll keep me safe." Keira whispered more as statement than a question.

"Always" Aodán answered and kissed her gently before he took a new grip around her hand and started dragging her towards the city, they didn't head straight for the guards though. Aodán obviously had other plans.
"Some say the world will end in fire;
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice." - Robert Frost

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Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:42 pm
Demoness says...

Keira - In the outskirts of the Forest, outside the citywalls.

"Why did you let her leave?" Keira burst out. They were crouching in the bushed in the outskirts of the forest, watching the people who passed in and out of Asyra with the guards spying like hawks on them. None of them looked anything like Keira and Aodán. They dressed in filthy, torn clothing walking with their heads bowed and their feet were uncovered and sore. Keira walked barefoot like them, but she was dressed in a satin dress that had cost her father a huge pile of goldcoins, it had been torn at a few places but anyone could see she wasn't like them. She walked with pride and confidence, she walked like the royalty she was and she couldn't handle being diresepcted. The guards treated these people like vermin... Keira would have to let them. "She said she knew another way in! A safe way!" Keira whined and looked at Aodán for response. At first Keira had been both confused and a slight bit hostile towards the girl but once she realized it was a friend of Aodáns she knew she needn't worry. Compared to Aodán, Keira almost seemed trusting, so if he didn't shy away, neither would she.

"Me too" Aodán answered plainly. Keira sighed, she knew him well enough to be able to read the rest of the words by looking at his body language and the almost invisible shiftings in his eyes. With those two words he actually meant; "Don't worry, I know the way in... and we'll see her again, I know where we're going."

"Who was she anyways?" Keira asked and leapt forward so that her feet landed just inches behind Aodáns. Thereafter she reached forward and let her fingers intertwine with his. "Was she your girlfriend once?" She went on, shaking slithly on the voice as she took a faster grip around his hand.

"No, just a friend." Aodán answered, but he sounded distant, a little dreamy and Keira got worried. Aodán must have sensed it because he made a quick turn and embraced her in his arms. He mumbled something into her hair, Keira had never heard him say the exact words out clear but she knew that he meant "I love you".

"We'll be fine right? You'll keep me safe." Keira whispered more as statement than a question.

"Always" Aodán answered and kissed her gently before he took a new grip around her hand and started dragging her towards the city, they didn't head straight for the guards though. Aodán obviously had other plans.
"Some say the world will end in fire;
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice." - Robert Frost

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Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:08 pm
StandStrong says...


Age: (16 or older please)<-- um...6, actually, but I'm going based off equine development. In human terms, it's about 25 years old.

Gender: Mare (female)

Race: Unicorn

Rank Commoner

Allegience:Hoof, leader of the Herd, but that is fading fast.

Appearance: Speckled blue-gray hide, similarly speckled horn and hooves, black/white/blue mane and tail. She is a draft unicorn, very tall and muscular, with a masculine head, thick legs, and feathering about her hooves, plus lots and lots of mane and tail. While many consider her to be handsome, she is commonly mistaken for being a stallion (male) due to her sheer size (the trait of a commoner). Her blue/purple eyes both fascinate and disturb those she looks upon. Height-wise, she stands 18 hands tall (72 inches) at the shoulder but her head reaches higher than that.

Personality:She loves sweet alfalfa hay and corn, but her all-time favorite thing to eat is roses. Being told where to go and what to do are her pet peeves, things that have caused friction with the Herd in the past. When she denied Hoof spring time mating, he grew agitated and ordered her to see what news there was in the Two-Legs world--ten years had passed and it was time for another report. While she would have normally snorted and gone to eat dandelions, she accepted the excuse to be away from him during her next cycle.

Flaws: Rash, rash, rash. Also ill-tempered, enjoys teasing and pestering. She despises signs of weakness in others and would be likely to join in during a stoning--if she'd had hands, of course. She also has a weak spot for baby anythings, what she views as her worst flaw.

Power/s: Normal by unicorn standards--oh, wait, you Two-Legs get injured and stay that way? *snort* sucks to be you. And your horses drop dead after running too long. She likes that. It makes it easy to escape. And she can talk, much to the surprise of many hunters she lead astray, kicked in the head, and left hunkering in the ditch while she bounced away in glee.

History:Not too much. Her dam (mother) left her herd young, went traveling, got too flirtatious with a blue-eyed stranger, then joined the nearest herd for protection while Mane was a foal. Her mother left once Mane was a yearling, but Mane stuck around because she enjoyed confusing unicorn hunters and leading them away from the Herd. If Mane were to leave, she wouldn't have all this fun, would she? Mane will rejoin the Herd in the fall, after she has stopped cycling and Hoof has consequently lost interest in her.

Up For Love?Please. She embarrassed Hoof in front of the Herd, then left to avoid any more "lovin". Though perhaps she needs reminded of the familial love friends share.

Other:She loves a good ear scratching. It can break her from her most foul moods (hint, hint).
Bob: hmm, there's a lesson in all this.
Mr. Eglamore: Okay. Let's hear it.
Bob: Never let sixty angry kids use a herd of laser cows to take over your house.

Gunnerkrigg Court is awesome.

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Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:33 pm
StandStrong says...

Mane | In the outskirts of the Forest

City smells wafted on the wind, assaulting her nostrils with sweat, human stench, livestock stench, worked wood, and fecal matter. She flattened her ears back and gnawed at the bit, a curved hunk of metal stuck, wedged between the roof of her mouth and her tongue, resting behind her arch of teeth but before her molars. Sometimes she could swish the bit backwards where she could bite it with her molars, but that did little good except to give her a way to vent. She couldn't run without dropping the reins from her lips or kicking the saddle that had loosened and now hung about her belly.

Not long after leaving Hoof and the Herd, she had gone to talk to her informant, a house cat who told her about when the Two-Legs were planning the next hunt, what the quarry was, and where. It so happened that the wife was with child and grew distressed at her favorite fluffy cat being gone, and sent her husband after it so the fox wouldn't eat it. Little did she know the fox feared the cat, but that is aside from the backstory. So, the husband came upon the cat and unicorn in candid discussion about the gritty details on how Mane rejected Hoof, then showed him that though he might be a noble, fleet-footed thing, he was delicate and she wasn't.

So enraptured was she in telling the tale that neither the cat nor Mane noticed when the human tossed a rope about her neck and tied her to a tree. He was fortunate Mane stumbled on the rope as she chased him, else she would have run him through. She worked on cutting the rope for some time, but before long the entire family poured forth with ropes and horses, and had her body well-secured. The bitter irony of the situation, to be captured by those she'd taunted. She was prepared for death, but the wife suggested the unicorn be "broken" and handed over to the General as a mount--with the hope that her husband would procure some monetary gain.

Here Mane stood now, weeks later, having escaped the man on their first ride together. And much as she had teased the hunters who pursued unicorns about having two hands instead of legs in which to race faster, Mane found herslef in need of hands to untie this knotted mess of tack from her body. Not finding a human in the woods, She crept closer and closer to the nearest settlement, willing to stand in the middle of the road if need be.

Mane hoped whoever she found did not have the wits about themselves to ask for a price in return.
Bob: hmm, there's a lesson in all this.
Mr. Eglamore: Okay. Let's hear it.
Bob: Never let sixty angry kids use a herd of laser cows to take over your house.

Gunnerkrigg Court is awesome.

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Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:38 pm
eldEr says...

Aban | Temple

That had Bren out of line, and he hadn't even realized it. Good gods, he had just disrespected the temple- and he had come here to atone for his arrogance where religion was concerned! Damn him straight to hell; at this rate, that's where he was going to end up. Assuming tree was one... Woe, he needed to pay a visit to the library and do some reading.

"I... Forgive me, if I've... violated any sacred rules." He cleared his throat, pulling back another two steps. One thing that he had managed to suddenly remember was that he should probably keep his distance from the temple maidens. "I'm afraid I'm not so keen in my knowledge of... spiritual matters." And last his authorativr tone of voice- why couldn't he ever get rid of that?

"My jumping into situations is a bit of a habit." He managed something that may have looked like a smile, attempting to lighten the mood. The maiden wasn't laughing or even smiling in return.

Aban let out a quiet sigh and nodded before making his way towards the doors. He had disrupted the peace enough, and he planned on keeping his job. A spark of dizziness hit him, causing him to pause for a moment and squeeze his eyes shut. With that momentary spark of dizziness came that feeling... the one that told General Aban that this wasn't just from over-exertion or a head cold. It was a feeling that made the pit of his stomach twist and his palms grow sweaty. It always stopped the moment that the diZinrss stopped.

Aban straightened and rubbed the back of his head. Would it be against another rule to ask the temple maidens for some form of spiritual guidance, or was there somebody else that he went to for that? Oh, he was definitely readig up on the temple after he regained his composure.

got trans?

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Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:44 am
SisterItaly says...

Alycia | The Temple

I had managed to slip away from Jasmine when Mistress had taken control of the situation. Now I found myself wandering back in the temple, and watching over my shoulders. Surely Jasmine hadn't noticed I was missing. I subconsciously tugged at my sleeves as I walked. My back was slightly hunched over and my arms were crossed. Supper would be soon, though. All this drama would be over under the watchful eyes of Mistress Isaranda.

I hit a hard surface and stumbled back a step. I looked up into the eyes of none other than one of the generals. I dipped my head and mumbled an apology, expecting the general to walk past me. I mumbled another apology and went to move past him.

"Wait." He blurted, turning to face me. I felt my face flush as I turned to him, expecting him to be upset with me. "Could you... help me with something?" he asked. I looked up again, and nodded slightly.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Thu Sep 01, 2011 2:26 am
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Shadowlight says...


I had left the temple when General Liamson had come in. he was a good and honest man but I didn't want him knowing I was out of the palace without a guard. I had slipped along back streets and had come back into the palace garden just as the clock in the great northern bell tower struck ten. I made my way into the brilliantly lit throne room and stared at mt fathers empty chair once again.

“Oh papa, why did you have to go so soon? There are so many things I still need to learn.” I murmured to the chair, imagining him sitting there like he used. I had yet to sit in it, I had not felt it was right so soon after his death and now it just seemed wrong to do so. Like I wasn't really going to be king, like this all was a bad dream I was going to wake up from.

I ran my hand down the worn armrests, generation upon generation of my ancestors had sat here and I was to be the next. The concept was still so new, so strange for me.

“You know you are allowed to sit in it Hec.” I looked to the left sharply as Kosey slowly came into view from behind a pillar. I smiled at him, he was more like a brother too me than a friend.

“How long have you been standing there you sneak.” I said glaring at him, but he saw through it in a moment and laughed.

“Long enough my friend. You are troubled Hector, you have been troubled more of late. Whats wrong?” I turned from the throne and sat heavily upon the dais steps, my head in my hands.

“Everything little brother. Everything is wrong.”


(I hope this is alright. I was thinking that Hector and Kosey would probably drop the honorifics in private so that is why they are so informal with one another. If I did anything wrong please tell me and I will edit.)
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:21 am
Redfang18 says...

Kosey| The Palace- Throne Room

Kosey could tell Hector was troubled. It was written on his face. Kosey felt the same way. He decided to confess what he felt all these years. He sat next to Hector and said, "I too am troubled, Hec. Every so often when I leave the palace for some air, I sense the presence of a twin. It's almost like I could sense my twin is still alive all these years."
Hector said, "Your twin's been dead for twelve years, little brother. That was the day you lost your parents and home, but my parnets and I took you in because this is like your home. You and I practically grew up together."
Kosey's heart tugged at this. True enough, ever since Kosey's parents were killed and his childhood home was burned down, Hector and his royal family gave Kosey a chance to live a life in the palace walls. This was a chance that Kosey took instantly. Since then, Kosey was loyal to the royal family and wanted to keep it that way until he draws his very last breath. Tears began to run down his face as he just sat there. He was rendered speechless by his tears.
Last edited by Redfang18 on Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:44 am
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Shadowlight says...


It pained me too see Kosey's pain so evident on his face. I had spoken too quickly- I didn't like the idea of having to share the only friend i had left to me. I had hurt him with my words, the one person I didn't want to hurt. I had been drowning in my own troubles and hadn't seen his pain- I kicked myself for my heartlessness.

"I'm Sorry little brother." I said quickly, putting my arm around his thin shoulders. "I spoke unkindly, I have heard twins can sense one another, even when separated by distance and many years." I paused trying o find the right words, he needed comfort right now and I didn't know if I could give it too him. "Mayhaps your brother is still alive somewhere." I said slowly, now sure how my words would effect him. He looked at me out of the corners of his strange eyes.

"Do you really mean that, or are you just trying to make me feel better?" he said wiping his nose on his sleeve- mother would have slapped him upside the head for doing that. I smiled at him.

"I really do believe that if you feel he is still alive he must be so." Kosey smiled slightly then. "But little brother." I continued. "I need your help just now, can you hold off on your quest to find him for a time?" he looked at my mystified.

"I need your help Kosey, I need your magic and I need your support most of all. I will do all within my power to help you find your answers, but for now will you help me calm the growing storm?"

(as always tell me if I messed up and I will edit)
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:25 am
Redfang18 says...

Climalsi | Hideout- Location: Unknown

The General looked a little ticked about something. Climalsi could see it in his eyes. Of course, Climalsi knew better than to ask questions. His vigorous training made him understand when to talk and when to obey. Climalsi stood soldier-like before the General, force of habit as it were. Most of the other soldiers thought the Fox was wayward, but Climalsi had constantly proved them wrong. The General said, "You're late, Climalsi."
Climalsi said calmly, "I swear to you, sir, it won't happen again."
The General said, "No matter. I want you to give me information on the one some call the Lion. He's been in the palace for only the gods know when, but all that is known to us is that he's one of the most loyal of mages to the royal family. I want you to find out about the Lion. If he sees you, you know what to do."
Climalsi smiled slyly and said, "Good as done, sir." He left proudly at first, but when he got outside he started crying. This disturbed him greatly. Like the presence, these strange emotional blows have been picking on him since he was born. Twelve years ago, he was bawling for hours like he was mourning the death of someone close to him. During that time, he kept himself locked in the Fox's Den. He didn't want the General or the other soldiers see the Fox cry. He murmured, "What's the cause of this? Why am I feeling this pain?"
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:34 am
SubjectBlue says...

hey, only one thing.
As I mentioned before- Tarasel might be commanding his henchmen and women but he had raiseed them and sees them as almost his own children, he expects discipline, as he was raised in that certain way, but he's not a bossy evil mastermind.
'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.' -Stephen G. Tallentyre

"Great minds think alike- idiots are unpredictable"

For Free!

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Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:48 am
ScarlettFire says...

Blue, comments like that to the DT please, unless you are also posting. Link to DT: topic86651.html I hope I don't have to remind you again.

Aisha | Temple:

Aisha slowly moved away from the General and deeper into the Temple where she sat on the steps before the altar, watching the General talk to another Maiden. It was a few moments later that she realized it was Aly. Mistress Isranda had retreated with the woman who asked for Sanctuary a while ago...but now the General was bothering Aly. Aisha stood up, he gaze on the pair.

She joined them just as the General asked, "Could you... help me with something?"

Aisha stepped in, gently brushing Aly to the side. "What do you seek help with, General?" Aisha asked, staring up at the General. He'd been bothering Aly. If it wasn't for something worth doing, Aisha would not be happy.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:56 am
DSF6647 says...

Lynx | Silver Rose Tavern

Lynx slowly meandered down the steps and into the main room. The Tavern was bustling and busy. Numerous people milled about, some calling for more food, others for beer. They laughed and jostled each other at the bar, while groups gathered at table to swap stories and share a laugh before heading out for a days work.

It was busier then Lynx had expected, but he could tell quite a few people were still nursing hangovers from the night before. The serving girl, Sarah, was bustling about with a tray of beer while fending off the greedy hands of a man who kept trying to get a feel. She smiled when Lynx came down and called, “Just take a seat anywhere and I’ll bring your food over Lynx.”

He gave her a thankful smile and plopped down in one of the empty booths, idling tucking his hair into a pony tail as he waited for Sarah. It had been a long night. He couldn’t remember the last time Jasmine had been so eager. Not that he cared, the girl was doing what he paid her for, and damn did she sure do it well.

Sarah came whirling over and set down a plate of eggs, bacon, and potatoes along with a cup of beer with a thick head on top. The tantalizing smell made his mouth water as he gave her a nod of thanks and began to dig in. He had only taken a few bites before someone suddenly slid into the booth across from him. Lynx didn’t even bother to look up. Cain’s smell identified him, as did his height and girth.

“So you know those two coins you asked me to hold for you?” Cain asked? Lynx nodded, knowing that the Bartender was referring to the rings he was trying to fence. “Well you’re not going to like it but they were fakes.”

“Bloody hell!” Lynx spluttered, sending little pieces of egg and potatoes all over the place. “Even the damn rich people are using fake jewelry.”

“’fraid so,” Cain answered with a grimace as he brushed bits of egg from his tunic. “They’re excellent forgeries though, almost damn perfect. I should still be able to get a pretty penny for them so don’t worry about that.”

Lynx nodded his thanks and asked, “Any knew news?”

Cain’s eyebrow arched in question and he replied, “I pay you in gold for your portion of this place, not in rumors. You want information you need to pay like everyone else.”

“Bastard,” Lynx said with a frown as he reached into his purse and pulled out a silver coin. He passed it over the table to Cain who took it with a gracious grin. Cain bit the coin, and seemed satisfied that it was real. “What you don’t trust me?” Lynx asked with a hurt expression.

“Not after those forgeries,” Cain answered back. “Now what to you want to know, anything specific?”

“Just give me a general overview, I like to be informed.”

“Well there isn’t anything knew yet,” Cain admitted. Lynx opened his mouth to demanded that his coin be given back but Cain held up his hands, “Hold on there, I said there isn’t really anything knew, but things are still happening. Prince Hector took another one of his trips out of the palace today, not sure where he went but he was gone for a few hours. Rumors are spinning that a hit is going to be put on his head soon, and that he will either be taken out or maybe that his mother’s life will be used as leverage to get him to do what certain people want.”

“Good luck with that,” Lynx said with a cheeky grin. “I know that prince has that Mage boy following him around. I’ve dealt with mages more then once before Cain, and they are not easy to tend with.”

Cain shrugged, “So what, maybe whoever is after the Royal Family will remove the mage boy and then go for Hector, who knows. Other than that there hasn’t been any recent assassinations or killings, everything is quite. Oh but the Red Hands and the Crimson Fist did get into another fight last night.”

“Stupid gangs,” Lynx muttered, “They should really settle this whole dispute over who had the name first and be done with it. I can’t believe Vexo is letting this go on.”

“As far as crime bosses go Vexo is pretty lenient,” Cain agreed, “but if he gets to annoyed then bodies will start to pop up.”

“Just what we need,” Lynx said with a frown as he cleared off the rest of the food on his plate, “more dead bodies.”

Cain pushed himself out of the booth and moved to go, but paused suddenly and said, “Hey Lynx, there’s word that Vexo is looking for you right now, he wants to see you today.”

“Better not disappoint the big man upstairs,” Lynx said as he picked up his plate and licked it clean. That done he drained the last drop of beer and strutted out of the Silver Rose and across the Market Square. Time to find Vexo and see what he wanted.

The very worst use of time is to do very well what need not be done at all.
— Benjamin Tregoe