
Young Writers Society

The YWS 2010 Yearbook

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Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:29 pm
beckiw says...

This January I will hit the 2 year mark on YWS, a long time to some, a short time to others. I'm just glad I found this place and although most of the time I don't do enough around here, I love this website and all the people I have met here and all that I have learned here. YWS and its people will forever be a part of my life and I'm glad for that.

Now onto the shouts outs I suppose!

Dems - I could probably fill up this entire page going on about how much I value our friendship. One of the main reasons I love talking to you is that I know at some point in the day you will make me laugh and probably laugh so much my eyes will stream. You manage to put up with my merciless mocking, which is a credit to you as a person, not many people can with stand that. But you are just an all round amazing person and you're always there for me. So thank you :) I looooooves you!

Blinkeh - You are not online nearly enough and I miss our banter and tag teaming when mocking Dems. You are one of the funniest people I know. I love our Skype chats where you just giggle in the background as I am rambling on about nothing. I am also sure your PM box is full of PMs from me along the lines of 'COME TO CHAT NOOOOOWWW!'

Stells - A lot of the time you are a valuable partner on my apparent mocking mission against Dems. You also do the girly thing a lot better than me! I love it when you, me and Dems are in chat and the things you come out with sometimes make me laugh so much. It's a pleasure to know you.

Meshy - What can I say my small friend? I can't wait till you come and visit me! It's not often I find someone with a similar affinity for everything dirty. You are another person who helps me mock Dems but also get caught in the cross fire a lot too. You put up with it and for that you are amazing. I enjoy our chats and I love you as a person.

Groin (Big_Cheesy_Grin) - I feel the need to shout out to you just to apologise for your nickname xD However I am not sorry enough to stop using it! It is afterall...pretty amazing.

El (Explosive_Pen) - I miss chatting to you! You need to be around more often. You are such a sweet funny girl and you always make me smile. You're also a much better writer than I ever was at your age, maybe even than I am now.

Gladius - You're someone I'd love to get to know better. But you always make me happy when you do the tacklehugsglomp thing.

Insomnia - To be fair I doubt you would be on here if I hadn't talked to you on chat last night but...you like film! And study it! So here you are.

Jabber - You helped me with my dissertation! For that I am forever grateful. You are such fun and I love talking to you! Whenever I think about rainbows I think of you.

Jagged - I haven't talked to you that much but we seem to think a like on a lot of things. You helped me with my knife story, which I hope to post sometime soon, and put up with all my questions about knives. Although I think you quite enjoyed it as it gave you an excuse to play with your knives xD You're an interesting person and I hope we talk more in the coming year!

Jon - I miss you!!

Kama - You're an amazing person and I love it when you PM me about how much of an attitude you have, it makes me laugh.

Lumi - *tags x infinity + 1* I hope we get to know each other better this year!

Meep - Another person I've only just begun to know but you seem like a really lovely person and always laugh at my stupid jokes. Plus you are an amazing artist.

Mira - Another person I miss! You are probably one of the sweetest, kindest, loveliest people I know. This makes knowing you a joy and I hope that I continue knowing you for a long time.

Mizzle - You are such a true, sweet person. You make me smile and I love it when you are around.

Mr. Knightley - Timato!

Rosey Unicorn - I haven't talked to you as much this year as I would've liked. We both always seem so busy with deadlines. However, you are always there to help me and you write one of my favourite stories! And put up with me constantly bugging you to post teasers.

Sachiko (SACHEH) - A Supernatural comrade! I love how crazy and all over the place you are, just a bundle of energy. You are so creative and talented and one day I will own one of your dolls!

Tenyo (Teeny!) - We haven't talked that much lately but I have valued our talks in the past. You let me open up to you and you're such a lovely person *extra huggles*

aweqs (Ava) - You're brand new and shiny! But you are such a sweet person and I hope you will stick around for a long time to come.

Fluteh - I miss you! You should come on chat more often.

Peanut19 - PEAAAAAA!

And to everyone else out on YWS who I have ever talked to, you are all amazing and all helped make YWS what it is so thank you!
Last edited by beckiw on Thu Dec 30, 2010 12:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
'The creation of a single world comes from a huge number of fragments and chaos.' - Hayao Miyazaki

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Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:39 pm
Meep(: says...

OdeToYWS.jpg (84.11 KiB) Viewed 701 times

Spoiler! :
Special Mentions (my sincerest apologies if I've left anyone out, I need to upgrade my 256 megabyte memory)
EM.JPG (16.89 KiB) Viewed 686 times

Amniel: Thank you for being my joy.
beckiw: I'm starting to get to know you better, and you're a really fun person to know! Especially when you mock good-natured Dems xD
BondGirl007: It's been a pleasure getting to know you!
chibibo: Nice to eat meet you *oh-so-discreetly hides a blender*
Demeter: You've been such a lovely friend to have (:
Isha: You are
Half.JPG (1.4 KiB) Viewed 687 times

Lava: I knew you before, and I know you better now. You're awesome to talk to!
Lethero: Q
Linx: You're not really active anymore, but when you were in the past, you were one of my closest YWS friends.
Rosey: You're a darling :)
Snoink: A wonderful person to know; quirky and intelligent.
Yuriiko: Not if I eat you first.
*writewatiwant*: Awesome reviewer of my older stories, and a friend :)

I'd also like to thank Nutty, borntobeawriter, Jon, Juniper, beckiw, Prokaryote, Ross, RedLeaf, watchmeburn, Insomnia and the rest of YWS for shaping my YWS experience in various ways.
To you guys/girls:
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P.S: The cartoon credits go to Edward Monkton, a genius.
Last edited by Meep(: on Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:17 pm, edited 5 times in total.
~Liverpool F.C Supporter~
"You'll never walk alone"

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Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:50 pm
Writersdomain says...

2010. A year of growth and excitement! It was in 2009 that I came back to YWS, after a period of time in which life struck a little too fast and hard. In 2009, I rediscovered everything I had been missing while gone--the community, the friendship and encouragement of other people, the environment fostering writing and the wondrous place that YWS is. This year, in 2010, I feel I have immersed myself back into this community. And I love it. I love all of you vibrant, wonderful people, and I love YWS. YWS is a grand website--easy to navigate, full of fun, with many features. But what anchors me in this place, what makes this place so grand, is the community. An always changing, developing, growing community. Older members may leave, new members arrive--the warmth and the energy of this place remain. There are so many talented writers here, so many wonderful people. And I thank you, YWS, for another fabulous year.

As for shout-outs,

Nate - I'm not sure how to begin thanking you, really. But I'll start somewhere--thank you for YWS. Your dedication and diligence in not only maintaining but constantly seeking to improve this place is impressive, and I am sure that sometimes the routine tasks of keeping YWS running don't seem so grand, but I appreciate it, immensely. :) Thank you for creating this beautiful site, for all the guidance and responsibility you share. You're a real rolemodel and a great leader. Thank you.

Snoink - I still thank you for bringing me back here! You are Snoinktastic! I have enjoyed getting to know you better this year, and I always have a good time talking to you. You are lovely and you are a great writer--keep being wonderful you! <3

Sachiko - You are simply fabulous! I have really enjoyed talking to you this year--about writing, about critique groups, about all sorts of things. You are beautiful, hilarious, charismatic, and you are a whole lot of fun to talk to. You are one of my most treasured allies (that word sounds so ominous. xD), and I can't wait to continue on writing adventures with you! I have enjoyed helping you stomp the snot out of your characters, and I look forward to future conversations with you, m'dear! Love ya!

JabberHut - You are awesome. I loffle you. <3.14 You are so helpful and sweet, and you are lots of fun to talk to. Your list of nicknames is enormous, and you rock my socks.

Elinor Brynn - my lil' sis! I have enjoyed getting to know you better this year, and you are such a sweetheart. You are growing so much as a writer and as a person, and it's been fabulous watching you blossom--you are wonderful! I always wanted a little sister. ^^Can't wait for another year of talking with ya and can't wait to see you continue growing!

Skins - I have enjoyed reading your work this year! You're a fun, kind, talented person, and I can't wait to read more of your noveltastic writing. Live long and prosper, keep up the good work!

Samuel Garrison - I get excited every time I see one of your blog posts! I have been bad about responding to your messages this year, but I still think you are amazing and I still like reading your writing. I hope to be better about reading and talking to you this year!

captain.classy - You are very classeh. Has been tons of fun talking to you this year, can't wait to get to know you even better this coming year. You're always so enthusiastic, and it's encouraging. Keep being classeh! And keep that chin up--you are lovely.

Meshugenah - I loffle you, you are fabulous, and we need to talk about medieval literature more often!

Rosey Unicorn - I know you are busy, and I really respect your work ethic and your adeptness at juggling life, school and YWS. You are diligent, lovely, and I admire you for your commitment to writing even in the midst of stressful school! Keep up the good work, m'dear!

Angels-Symphony - I missed you, girlie! I am glad to see you around a little more. I always enjoy talking to you, and I hope you know how awesome you are. <3 Keep it up! You are wonderful!

I also want to shout to Kamas, Conrad Rice, Wiggy, Juniper, Jigsawifflepuff, Suzanne and all of my dear friends whom I don't see around here as much anymore. And I also want to shout out to Demeter, Evi, Firearris, AquaMarine, Mr. Knightley, silented1, Lava, BondGirl and to so many others whose names aren't coming to me right now. Lastly, a shout out to all the new members! You are the new blood to our community and we love ya. :)

Happy New Year, YWS!
~ WD
If you desire a review from WD, post here

"All I know, all I'm saying, is that a story finds a storyteller. Not the other way around." ~Neverwas

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Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:36 pm
SporkPunk says...

Well, I joined this summer, and I must say, I miss YWS. I really do. School started for me in September, my senior year, which means UNIVERSITY applications. Of course, rather than taking an easy year to help with stress...I loaded on three AP classes, and three other work intensive classes. That on top of doing almost everyone's chores around the house and everything else...my free time has disappeared. But whenever I have a few moments to spare, or when life seems like the light at the end of the tunnel is actually a train coming, YWS is there for me.

I managed to get featured in October, even though I'd only been around for four months at the time. I want to thank everyone for that. October was an extremely difficult month in my real life, hence my almost disappearance in November, but seeing that there are people who have never met me,who don't really know me, who honor me like that? I don't know if anyone will know how much it meant to me, even though it was only on the internet.

As for people I'd like to point out, I sadly haven't had the opportunity to get to know many people yet, but I will mention Ninjacookiemonster for the amazing storybook plans and her brilliant ideas, Jash for being possibly one of the kindest people I've "met," and Luxy for continuing to ask for reviews even when I'm sure I'm just rambling. Also, GoldenQuill, if you're reading this, thank you. For being my first friend on YWS and making me feel more welcome than almost any place in real life. You're a true friend. :D

If there are others, I apologize for forgetting you. It's just been awhile.

Oh, and before I end this. Nate, thank you so much. I know it's hackneyed, but without you, none of this would be here.

I must say that 2010 has been one crazy year, one I will never miss. But I'm looking forward to 2011 and all the amazing things that will happen. Hopefully I'll be able to pop in chat more often. :smt003

whose real name is actually...
Leslie. (:
Grasped by the throat, grasped by the throat. That's how I feel about love. That it's not worth it.

REVIEWS FOR YOU | | Uprising (coming soon!)

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Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:48 pm
Kamas says...

My spot is here. And it will be replaced by something emotional and or clever.


PS. Shoutout :0

Spoiler! :
Adnamarine - Just <33

AquaMarine - You're my favourite and only space muffin.

BenFranks - Please do my morning news.

beckiw - You're fantastic, never change.

Bondgirl007 - You're a cool cat, and possibly one of my fave gingers.

Demeter - We need to talk more.

Evi - Look who's a big bad mod now, young'un.

Firearris - Wife <3

Galerius - Darn you and your secret ways.

Hannah - You could of just told me.

Bittersweet - You're a wonderful and talented artist.

JabberHut - *sparklethoughts* and no one will ever take that from us, as hard as they try.

Jagged - nomnomnom iconsnudibranchsandshinyweapons. And you're good at poetry, stop it.

Kyllorac - Would-be-fiance of mine, you're on a poetic roll.

Kylan - Please come back with your work. Thanks.

Lava - :D

MeanMrMustard - Despite not knowing you well, you're an interesting doode with lovely music.

Mizzle - As always.

Mr.Knightley - My kind of husband, I must mention you.

Nate - Thank you.

Navita - You're just so happy at all times.

PenguinAttack - <333

Prokaryote - Don't go around thinking I like you or anything Porkchop. I just need your witty humour to keep me sarcastic.

Squall - We need to have long conversations again.

Xx_whiteshadow_xX - You're crazy.

Rosey Unicorn - Epic.

Bolt/Vulcan - Hey loser.

silented1 - Please become a teenage philosopher and poet, eating your cereal and thinking and stuff.

Writersdomain - this is a shoutout, because you're awesome.

And many others, to many for me to think of at once.
Last edited by Kamas on Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:02 pm, edited 9 times in total.
"Nothing is permanent in this wicked world - not even our troubles." ~ Charles Chaplin


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Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:19 pm
GeeLyria says...

YWS... I'll keep it simple cause I'm cool like that, Iloffyousomuchthanksforeverythingforthetyposthe0chatspeaktheimportanceofcommasandperiods
themurders... *keeps talking* This 6 months have been intense... and I want to mention a few people that had made it wonderfully fun... I won't mention the whole memberlist, though... but I would if I had the time. xD

Mah girls... somebody messes up with them and they'll get a free kick into next week.
Spoiler! :
Isha (Issie) Isha, Isha, Isha... if I start typing adjectives that describe you I will never end, so I'll just say you're amazing... that's the conclusion. You're too cool and you're too beautiful... I know what to do when I'm feeling down... I wait for Isha to be online, type username and password and log in into chat... then I read a "SOLVYALVY!" and everything changes! Wuhooo! I love you and to sing Veggie Tales' Silly songs with ya', too! xD hahahahaha Thanks for being you!
Puzzle (Emmz) Emmy! Thanks for all your advices and for being there for me and for always being up to kill whoever made me... :( LOL You're my crime partner, my sister and don't believe in rumors... you're not my aunt, I will not accept it! Hahaha... I loff you!
Ladypurple (Lilapurps) You, my favorite stalker... I stalk you back... we stalk each other mutually and constantly... LOL I never really like purple until you're around... cause not liking purple is not liking The Lady in Purple and I love you! D: So when you're around I start liking purple! lolololololol Thanks for all the fun moments and for the Christmas present, I will never forget. *clings*
RazHuni (Razzy) MY orange tornado... D: I know I'm really mean and I insult you, but it's cause I loff you... Anita! Don't you call me Solita again! *deathglare* Wahahahahahahaha! Don't you dare to change either! *has a knife in her purse* LOL
Jashbagabaldo (Abigail) You're talented, humble and nice! You always leave me in shock... keep the good work, sista'! You're going far and you know I'm your Fan!! :D

My soul sisters/BFF... my twins!
Spoiler! :
Bluewaterlily (Tay) You're terrible and krazieeee! "It's got a rhythm, you and me can get along. You and me the perfect team, chasing down the dream! We're one and the same!" I love you and I'm so mad I didn't met you when I first joined! LOL! Thanks for being a true friend and understanding this crazie girl.
Shubhi (Shubz) You are so sweet and... D: I know time zone discriminate us and we barely talk, but you're still amazing and I don't forget about you, so....Thanks, sista! I loff you!

My boys... You guys are excluded from anything I say at a mad-at-boys-moment... and I mean it. LOL I loff y'all.
Spoiler! :
Dr.Who (Doc) Thanks for always being there, willing to listen... don't let anyone change you! You're awesome and I'm here for you, too!... In case I never showed it to you. xD
Jalmoc (Wesley) You're so sweet, thanks for always making me smile, even when I feel I'm stuck in a tunnel with walls made of trouble... Thanks for being honest and nice at the same time, it's a talent I don't see very often... I should learn to do that! xD *squeezes with a huggle*
CardDragon (CAAAAAAAAARDY) You're mah little brother! I love you forever...And I love it when you talk about your crushes... and I just thank God we met... people like you are not everywhere! xD Oh, and you're crazier than me, accept it! *Sol doesn't believe that herself* =P wahahhahahahahaha
Jenthura (Jenthura) I know I don't have a cool nickname for you, and I'm ashamed cause someone as awesome as you should have a good nickname...not Jenny, by the way. Thanks for being so fun and nice. Oh, and you're not ugly... -___- And about the duck-face-pic you told me to take... I forgot... forever... I really can't remember. *nods*
Whisperer (Whispibey) You mah brother... you rock in every single way... You know you're a wonderful writer, a good big brother, a lovable friend, a nice person and I just love you too much... that's why I adopted you as my brother. :D I still don't regret it. xD

My favorite Mods. You're just awesome.
Spoiler! :
JabberHut (Jabbz) You're the funniest mod in this Planet, thanks for all the laughs and for the "likes" on mah wall... *giggles* I <3.14 = forever
PenguinAttack (Boli) When I said you are the sweetest mod, I actually meant it... It's true, I didn't want the cookies that you were cooking at the time... the one that looked tastily crunchy and with lots of chocolate. *drools* I love it when you call me Vienna! xD Thanks for being a Penguin. Don't change.

Thanks for always keeping "God has more Followers" Active. God bless you, people! :D
Spoiler! :
TheNewHero (NewHe) You're something out of this world, thanks for everything...You're awesome and I already told you, but you're a deep thinker and that's great. You're way too much! LOL I loff you!
Ranger Hawk (Hawky) You! I loff you! xD Christian avatar day was totally fun and... indeed, we should do it again. Thanks for everything.

H (Blake... or Jack... not sure) First you were Blake and it was fun, even though you were just a piece of stone... he was awesome, CRAZY and our conversations were always awkward, but somehow always funny! xD Then, APPARENTLY, Blake sold his laptop to a kid named Jack, who was 16 year old and he found YWS in "history"... I still think Blake is lying and mocking me, but whether it's true or not, it was FUN! Loff ya! You're mah favorite SEAL.

My favorite *doesn't know* Aww...I hate you guys, too. *Squeezes with a huggle*
Spoiler! :
Lethero (Uncle Letherou) I am your niece, legally... I adopted you as my uncle, accept it... AND No burritos for you until that happens. =P Thanks for cracking me up and for making me mad! :smt003
silented1 (Eddie Teddy) You... you're weird! I like that! LOL Thanks for being so entertaining. Rawr! Lolololololololol...

Nate (Natelee) I admire you too much. Thanks for YWS.

To ALL YWSers... Stay Beautiful!
Last edited by GeeLyria on Sun Dec 12, 2010 10:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Noob is a state of being, not a length of time. ~Ego

"Serás del tamaño de tus pensamientos; no te permitas fracasar."

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Tue Dec 07, 2010 3:01 am
SisterItaly says...

YWS has been my safe haven for a few months now,when you live in the kind of place I do it's nice to have one place you can feel safe.


Isha. My Fishloaf, rant buddy, bffland, YWSsoul sister and mother dearest. You've been my bestie from the beginning, of course... we did meet through your SB minions abducting me :P. I couldn't live without you!

Skype people - Who's awesome? YOU'RE AWESOME!

Everyone else - You're all amazing! Keep being the awesomest!

Blotface- Keep being... you. :P

People I have yet to meet - HI!
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:32 am
Baywolf says...

I remember my first day on YWS. I had just finished my first novel, and I wasn't sure how to proceed when suddenly I came upon this site. Since then, my writing has blossomed and I've developed friendships with awesome people whose own writing inspire me to be a better writer. It's an unending cycle that keeps me filled with hope. Also, YWS is a great way to procrastinate doing actual school work. Hallelujah! :D

To Tanya (borntobeawriter): You are my favorite Canadian, thus replacing Ryan Reynolds. Hope you're happy. All of your support for my stories makes me so happy, and I must say it is super fun to stalk you on here and on Facebook. You make me laugh and can whip up a spectacular nit-pick session after an unnaturally quick read of a book. I still can't figure out how you did that. Anyway, if I'm ever lucky enough to meet you in person, I have a feeling it will be like meeting the older sister that I never had but always wished I did. So, thank you. I only ever hope to be able to repay you in kind some day.

To BubbleGirl: Hello, dear friend! I'm so glad that I read and reviewed Fluffy! It's led to a great back and forth of reviewing that I've come to look forward to each time I log on to YWS. You are a wonderful person, and don't let anyone tell you different. Just send 'em to me, and I'll let my characters take care of them. You know what I'm talking about. :)

To Ranger Hawk: Dark-headed girls unite! Haha! I don't talk to you as often as I would like or should, but whenever we do get to netspeak, our conversations are always interesting. I like how we talk about Harry Potter and want to propose that we write something Potteresque together. It. Will. Be. Epic. Also, I want you to know that if you ever do decide to join the name changing craze, that I will steal your username. Mwahahaha! Just thought you should be warned. :)

Rach, aka RachaelElg: Hi! We haven't talked in a while, but you made a great beta-reader for Dawn. I was just flattered that you weren't scared away by all of the cliches running amok in my story. Also, I'm jealous that you got to meet Snoink. Oh and your blog is awesome. Nuff said.

To Warrior Princess: WAR EAGLE!!!!! :)

To Snoink: Keep up the good work of being yourself. I particularly like when you post your blogs and I get a huge shock from the content. It keeps me on my toes. Oh and when you illustrate them, I smile for hours. "I kill people in my sleep!" Good one. :)

To TheMadHatter: Helping you grow as a writer has been so fulfilling to me and I want thank you for thinking so highly of my thoughts and ideas. I know your story about Sally will come to full fruition some day, and I can't wait to see it happen when it does. I know you can do it. I'm always going to be here to answer those long, rambling PMs of yours that never cease to amaze me. How you can come up with some of that stuff is just mindblowing. I haven't heard from you in a while, so I hope everything is going okay. Until your next PM, happy writing!

If I've left anyone important out, I would like to extend my deepest condolences. I didn't mean to, but my memory isn't what it used to be when I was a still a youth. Ahh the stranglements of age!

As always: Happy Writing!
Bailey (baywolf25)

PS. Thanks, Nate!! You're a delightful mastermind!
After all, it is the pen that gives power to the mythical sword.

"For an Assistant Pig-Keeper, I think you're quite remarkable." Eilonwy

"You also shall be Psyche."

"My only regret
all the Butterflies
that I have killed with my car" Martin Lanaux

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Tue Dec 07, 2010 5:10 am
GrantBlayfur says...

So, I might as well post a little somethin'...

To all my chat accomplices friends (Puzzle, Isha, Lethero, Vulcan, RazHuni, and all the rest of you guys): You guys can always make me laugh. Good days, bad days, neutral days, Apocalyptic days, Green Days...you guys are amazing!

ForestQuen808 (my dear Emily): Psh, you know why I'm mentioning you. :P

Nate: For creating such an amazing, astounding, and sometimes scary site! Kudos, mate!

GrantBlayfur: Yes, you, you dashing, handsome, smart, funny, witty, charming little demon! You and I need to go cause some more trouble in chat sometime- what? I'm not allowed to sign/talk to myself anymore? D'aaaww...

I think that's it...Merry Christmas, and have a happy New Year everyone!

- GrantBlayfur (Garrett)

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Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:50 am
PenguinAttack says...

My darlings.

I promise I still love you.

Adieu until tomorrow.

I like you as an enemy, but I love you as a friend.

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Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:54 am
Yuriiko says...

So this ninja penguin has a lot of things to say. Cliche' it may sound but words just couldn't express how much I adore each and every YWSers here. Before signing-up, I had a bad grammar, poor vocabulary, misspellings and things that make your grades in English low. And right now, this site changed me a lot!

YWS has helped me so much, it seemed like a school for me. A school where fun and writing are the same, and when it doesn't stress me. This is my first time to do shout-outs *deep breath* so here it goes.

PinkShearwater- Ultimate YWS dad ever. The first time I saw your name was when you got featured and I was like, “Oh. It sounds like Pink sweater.” Then I was just surprised that you requested a review on my WRFF thread. And I think that was one of the reasons how we met. You’ve been a very helpful friend and a great company/mod in chat and a good reviewer. For that, you deserved lots of chocolate cakes.

Borntobeawriter: Ultimate YWS mom ever. I honestly didn’t expect that we would be so close. Also, you’ve been very supportive, caring and a funny friend/mom. I’m impressed with your critiques, they are short but informative. I also want to apologize for the troubles that I have made between you and Pink. (It's fun for me, ha.) :smt004

Shubhi- Ultimate YWS sister ever. You have been one of my first friends here, and it’s weird that we don't talk that much anymore. I know. Timezone is the problem. You’re sweet and very kind, and to mention that you give good reviews. I thank you for the friendship and I’ll never forget it.

Skins: Rhian, right? Haha. I remember those times when I was still a newbie, and you helped me improve my grammar by sharing some helpful links and your wonderful critiques. I thank you for the laughs and joys you have shared with me and for your active participation in my first contest. I would never forget you for that. :D

Ranger Hawk- You are a very friendly. I think it is Mcfly that made us friends, because I do remember the time when you commented on my thread in “About Authors” section. I hope I can review some of your works but I’m just really waiting for a vacant time... because I know you write stories very well. :wink:

Jashbagabaldo- I never thought that you’re a Filipino, and I forgot how we met but I know you’re greatly improving everyday with your reviews, posts, lyrics and even your career as an indie singer. Remember that the whole penguin family is so proud of you. Keep it up, Jash!

Octave- Hello, my fellow countryman! It took me months just to realize that we are on the same country. Maybe it’s because of your first account name (Kara Hargreaves). I thank you for being like a big sister to me; for the advices about college courses and stuffs. And I would always be greatful of your reviews, they are so helpful.

RedLeaf- I thank you for your compliments and reviews you gave on some of my poems. You just don’t know how I appreciate those things, it makes my day, and for being a good friend too. So, thank you.

Puzzle- I’m sorry for being ‘conpuzzled’ between you and forsakin. Lol. I don’t know why either. But anyways, you’ve been a good and a funny company in chat. You would brighten up the chat room when you sense there’s a dead silence occuring. Haha.

TigerSprite- Heeya! I know I get to win the battle between us; the ninja tiger and ninja penguin. I thank you for being one of those people who entered my contest. I also adore your stories, you’re such a good writer and a reviewer.

Firearris- You might not notice it, but you’ve been one of my first friends here on this site. I could remember those days with Loose, even the time when we made a soap opera on chat. And I hope we could chat or talk more.

People who have also brightened up my days:

Solvalery- When you were a newbie here, we almost PM each other everyday. But then it stopped, so I hope we could chat more.

Isha- I am really confused between you and Irishfire. Haha.

Squall- Andiloo. Don’t get bored here.

Vasticity- You're a great scriptwriter. I hope to read some of them. soon.

Razhuni- Raz-raz! You've been a very jolly friend. Skype! :)

Meep- I adore you like how I love when you’re on my plate. (Eventually haha)

Watchmeburn- Thank you for the reviews and the friendship.

Kyousuke- Are you still alive? Be active, come on. Don’t tell me you forgot your password.

Scarlettfire- You’re a great storybooker, your ideas are really unique and splendid.

Warrior Princess- Your critiques are really good and helpful. I truly appreciate them. You're a warrior and a princess, isn't that great?

Last but not the least… NATE. I thank you a million times for creating this site and for being a cool site administrator. Without you and YWS, I’d probably still have a low grade in English. Haha. You have helped around hundreds of people already about English grammar and for showing to the young generations how we should still preserve English Literature and authors. Wish you more luck and power.

To all YWSers, thank you so much guys.

Thanks you YWS. *bows down*

Last edited by Yuriiko on Sat Dec 11, 2010 3:52 am, edited 7 times in total.
"Life is a poem keep it in the present tense." -Sherrel Wigal

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Tue Dec 07, 2010 5:17 pm
Sins says...

I can't believe I've only just found this... I've clearly been missing out on life.

Although I joined the site sometime last year, this is the first year I've actually been visiting and using YWS. If it wasn't for the epicness of the people here, I probably would have forgotten about the site after a month or so. My writing has improved immensely since joining this site. It's far from perfect, but I'm learning something new almost every day, and that's thanks to all of you guys.

And now for the shout outs! This is in no particular order, so don't think that if you're last, you're my least favourite. The same goes for whoever's first. It doesn't mean that I have a shrine for you, and pray to you every night. Thinking that could result in me brutally murdering you. Either that, or you'll make me cry. Okay... *Clears throat*

Ranger Hawk - You're a McFly fan. What more can I say? You clearly have an epic taste in music, and also an extremely epic taste in avatars as well. You were one of the people I silently stalked when I first started using the site... :')

AngerManagement (Poo head, smelly, mouldy face, soggy midget e.t.c) - The nicknames say it all. You make me feel normal, which is a very hard thing to do. You were willing to swap avvies with me when I wanted to confuse people... Even though it failed. If you ask me though, we epically PWNED.

borntobeawriter (The Machine) - You review so much, and are so committed to it, it actually scares me. You're one of the most helpful people I've ever met, especially when it comes to advising me on my writing. You're also a win of a person, and you humour me and my penguin eating love. If it wasn't for you, there'd be no penguins left in this world.

Isha (Pisha) - Haha, your face. Is hot. You're one of the storybookers, and you have been since I've known you. You are epic at being one, if I may say so myself. When I used to go into chat, like, every day, you were easily one of the most epic people in there. I miss our chats in chat... Hey, that sounded funny...

Shubhi - You didn't think I'd forget you, did you, Shubs? ;) You were probably the first person who I felt was my friend on this site. That makes you special. xD I remember being really impressed with your A Criminal's Heart novel. I thought that you'd written it extremely well, especially considering English wasn't your first language. You were, and always will be, a wonderful reviewer. Your all round personality is just as awesome.

PinkShearwater (Brev, dude, bruva, bro) - Duuuuudeeeeee. Hi. You're just awesome overall. You review like a crazed person, and do so well. I always forget that there's, like, a 4 year difference between us... You could be 80 and I wouldn't care. We became JMs at the same time, so that means we're cooler than Barack Obama. You and Tanya help keep me from devouring penguins, so for that, they are eternally grateful.

RachaelElg - You're just plain epic. It's like your reviews were written by God or something... Even though you always seem to have a lot on your plate, it doesn't stop you from being a committed reader, reviewer, and writer.

Apple (Pear) - Peary, oh Peary. Your username is my favourite fruit. What more could I want? You have the same messed up sense of humour as me, so for that, I feel so understood. You're always great to talk to if I'm in a funny mood. xD

Mr.Knightley (Timothy) - You need to be online more. Anyway, that's beside the point. Even though we don't talk all that much, not anymore anyway, you'll always be one of the people who comes to mind when I think of YWS. You should feel appreciated, kid. I remember our Flyleaf vs Paramore battle.... Good times. When I started using the site, you were, like, one of the big people to me. I thought you knew everything... Seriously. I clearly had issues. (Oh, and best avvie ever)

ultraviolet - Yo. You were another person I silently stalked for a while. It was fun. I like the random conversations we have,and like I said to AM, you make me feel slightly more normal. You support penguins, but hey, you're still an epic person.

NewBolt (Bolt - Not Vulcan, ginger midget, lard brain, shorty, ugly smug, fatty, stupid head e.t.c ) - How could I forget about you? I like how you think you're cool. It makes me LOL. You make me feel smart, especially when I PWN you at our chat wall battle. Face it, I win. There's something about the way you stalk chat that entertains me. I always look forward to the radio show because of you, and am proud to say that I announced you as a creper on that very show. I like how, if we joined forces, we could easily take over the site with our lasers (LAZERZ.) I love to hate you, NewBolt. I wouldn't have it any other way. Die, midget. DIE. (I hope you feel proud; you've got the longest paragraph... even if it is full of insults...)

Azila - You're one of my newer buddies, but you're so epic, it hurts my spline. I swear that your reviews are done by some expert machine, and may I ask you something? Give it to me!!! Seriously though, your reviews are amazing. I adore how you call me Sir. It makes me feel all might and such. You're also one of those extremely patient people who bear with me on my ever changing novels... For that, I thank you.

jashbagabaldo - Jashy! Oh. My. God. I can't believe I hadn't put here in my first post! I swear I was mentally ill at the time or something. Another one of my patient followers, who help me out with my writing, no matter how dodgy it is. You're just one epic person too. I love your art and music, like seriously. I've never told you that, but I really do. I always check out those links of youtube videos you post on your profile. I love them all!

Mizzle (Mizzle fa shizzle) - You've been stalking my wall lately, so I just had to put you here. :P You are one stalkerish person. Just like me... :') It must be love. Plus, you're one of my PR buddies!

seeminglymeaningless (Jai) - I can't believe I didn't have you here at first either! I blame your lack of activness lately. xD Anyway, you are such a wonderful reviewer. You're always patient with whatever I'm writing, and give me great reviews on whatever I ask for a review on. That sounds funny... Anyway, keep up the amazing work, Jai!

Phew... There's another 100 or so people that I want to mention here... but I don't want to take over the page. If I haven't mentioned you, don't cry and eat a table because I still love you. From the rest of the epic British members, to the Australians in Australia land, I love you all, especially the almighty Nate. This site wouldn't even exist without you!

I may be back with more names... ;)
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

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131 Reviews

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Reviews: 131
Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:53 am
Sunshine says...

The day my cousin got me a file on this website was an amazing day. I only joined in August of 2010 and then again, on this profile in September. I'm not an amazing writer, an amatuer if there ever was one. I put commas in odd places, get sad at bad reviews, and rush through my work. Yet somehow, I'm not exactly sure how, you guys love me and lead the way in flashing colors. I must say that I am obsessed with every aspect of this site. I love all you who can get through a novel. I love all you who think I can. I want all of you to know that you all amaze me. Every chance I get I log onto this sight first, even if the last time I was on here was about an hour ago. I love all you who loved my Dear Humans piece, because it's that, that may keep me posting. I love all you grammar freaks and even all you who gave me a bad review. You had a good reason and I promise you next time I'll thank you.
I don't think there's ever going to be a website that feels more like home. Like a worn out old blanket where you know you'll be excepted. Even a bit like that eccentric old Aunt who pinches your cheek before giving you a hug. Point is, I think YWS has alot in store for me. I may never be an amazing writer or a truly great artist, but one day...If one of my stories is on a shelf you can bet your favorite notebook that the front flap is going to say:
If it doesn't though, please hunt me down and slap some sense in to me. Because of you pinching hand and kind hug is going to help me. So next time your feeling down, whether on your writing or even your life, I want you to remember that somewhere in a crazy land called Michigan, U.S.A. somebody believes you are amazing. Someone thinks you are undefeatable. You may even have to relate me to a little kid who never looses faith. Maybe I am. Hey, I have a lot to owe you, all of you, already and I will in the future to. So always remember that. Even if I've never met you click on my little avvie and you'll be amazed. Or you may not be. Little fazes you people. :) I love you, whether you think your ugly (I can find one good thing about you, just watch.) or horrible at poetry, I'm like a little puppy dog. You guys taught me so much and I want to give you all a big group hug! (That'd be a big hug...) So thank you all for creating the new leaugue of writers. The future of books is looking bright and it's all because of you. Thanks.

Shout out time!

Thanks to RaziHuni, for showing me what YWS is all about.

Thanks to PinkShearwater , for making me jealous and in awe all at the same time.

Love to Skins, just because you write amazingly and carry a crazy conversation.

Thanks to ElinorByrnn for toughing me out with a hard review.

Love to Pointe, just cause I can. :)

Love to Brooklynwriter who introed me to the site. (By the way,cuz, I totally won the random war.)

Love to Baywolf for mixing together my favorite myth.

And thanks to Snoink, for all her evilness.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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21 Reviews

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Points: 936
Reviews: 21
Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:36 pm
Blift says...

Well tbh 2009 was a vbery good year for me. I was 13 years old (until october 2010) in Year 8 at school. That time was just great because we had better teachers at school than we do now and I went out to a lot of places on my own in London. Yeah, I used the Tfl site to find out how to take buses to go to these places and I joined some library boroughs, there was ermmm... Westminster, Greenwich, Islington and Bromley.

But... I used to bunk a lot of school mainly on Tuesdays, so hey I could go to these places. I went to Paddington a lot and Oxford street, but they got boring and so I went to pursue places in Lewisham. Plus, I went to Canary Wharf which was sick.Plus it qwas the year I watched Desperate housewives.

When i became 14, life was very boring man. I used up all the places I needed to go in london, and there was only boring choices left. I went to Hackney which was alright. But the half term holidays were quite dark you know.

Plus i really hated this girl and I swore not to ever talk to her again (until march 2010 was the next time I talked to her)

And the Christmas holidays? What a load of ****!!!! All the electricity was gone and the ****ing council took our water supply so we had to get the water in buckets, like the olden days.

But i didn't mind that, at least I had something to do.

This year has gone by quick. I've been 14, that's a really ****** year if you know what I mean. I had a lot of arguments with girls (I am a boy!!)

Plus I got this girl against her friend and we did a lot of mean things to her (a bit like mean girls)

So it ended up pretty bad then...

Now I am 15, this years been a bit fine just a lot of drama going on. But i still have a feeling that 2011 is going to be a good year...



Tracy Beaker!!!

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Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:47 pm
borntobeawriter says...

Before finding YWS, I was an all talk and no action writer. I kept saying that I’d become one but never actually wrote much of anything. Truth is, I was terrified to realise that I really sucked at it.

My grand-mother used to berate me, saying that if I really loved writing, I’d have something to show for it. And she was right. But she died before I could really show her what I was made of.

One day, while browsing the net, searching for the perfect formula to become the next J.K. Rowling, I came upon YWS. At first, I thought it was a scam, too perfect to be true. But, I decided to try it out and have never regretted it.

My shout outs:

Nate: Without you, there would be no YWS. Maybe someone else could have thought of this project, but no one would have made it happen like you did. You inspire us all and have made better people of us. Thank you.

PinkShearwater: Pinky, my wife, my better half. You were one of my first reviewers and I have always cherished your thoughts and opinions. I love throwing ideas back and forth with you. I love receiving a PM from you, even the totally random ones. Thank you for being yourself and accepting for who I am. You make me a better person.

Ranger Hawk: What to say? You’ve been with me since almost my beginning. I value your thoughts and your opinions. I am honoured that you think so highly of me, and I am blessed to have you as my daughter. Je t’aime, ma fille, merci pour tout!

Shubhi: My eldest daughter. I’m so proud of your accomplishments, especially since the English language isn’t your first. It is always a pleasure to get to know you more, and chat with you. I’m blessed to have you in my family, and as a friend.

WritingSpitfire: My sister. You followed me on this website because you said my writing inspired you. The truth is, you inspire me, to write, and to be a better person. I want you to look up to me (although you’re taller) and to be proud of what you see. I love you.

EmmaJane: Emmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaa! What would I do without you and your story? You delight me with your sense of humour and your unique writing style. You make me want to be a fly on the wall to watch you write; you make it so pleasing to read, it must be as pleasing to watch you write it! :D

Skins: my mortal enemy/brother-in-law. I can protest all I want about your penguin-eating ways, you crack me up, friend. Your sense of humour is unique, and quite your own. I love getting random messages from you and I am truly blessed to call you ‘friend’. Thank you for making YWS such a delight. And thank you for not telling Pink I was secretly feeding you penguins.

Isha: My random happy fact buddy. You have seriously made these past few weeks better for me. I love racking my brain, trying to find something new to post on your wall, making me smile in the process. I love rereading our last posts. You are a great friend, thank you so much for sharing your time with me. Goats rock!

Yuriiko: My trouble-making daughter. Thank you for causing trouble between your father and I for being who you are. You make me smile and laugh when you go about your trouble-making ways. I don’t remember exactly when you came into my life, but I realise how much better it is with you in it. *here’s the fifty bucks you’ve been asking for*

Bluewaterlily: My daughter. You have such a sweet disposition and a kind way about you. Always quick to thank for a review. YWS wouldn’t be the same without you.

Baywolf25: Bailey, you are such an incredible writer. You are awed by my unnatural reading skills, when you should be awed that your writing is what kept me reading so fast. You make me smile, and I love exchanging Pm’s, or wall messages or facebook chat. Thank you so much for being my friend. I would love for the opportunity to meet you, friend from Alabama. :D

Jashbagabaldo: My first son. You went from being a ‘nobody’ to a superstar on YWS so fast! You are all over the place, reviewing, commenting, talking, stalking, following. You are a go-getter, and I am so proud to have you in my family. Thank you for being who you are. Mommy loffs you. :D

Lauren2010: my go-to person when I have issues with the site. Lauren, what would I do without you? You are so eloquent, so kind to those in need. I love reading anything you’ve written, you make reading such a delight. Thank you for the review you gave my novel, thank you for always being there when I need a friend, or a question answered, or simply to say hello. You rock, friend :D

I want to give two special shout outs to Jenthura and seeminglymeaningless. Your reviews are great, guys. Not always easy to receive one, but you are to the point and so very thorough. I think you don’t receive enough appreciation for the hard work you put into the reviews. But I notice them. Thank you for being honest.

Tigersprite: My dear pet tiger. Another member who seems to be all over the place, reviewing, helping out, giving a friendly hello or a ‘rawr’. You brighten up my days, Tiger. Thank you so much for that :D

Snoink: There’s a special place in my heart for you, dancing piggy. You always seem to be at the right place, at the right time, diffusing potentially ‘hot’ situations. Thank you for your patience and for all your hard work on YWS. It does not go unnoticed.

To the members of the Born to be a Pinky Writer Family: You are a crazy bunch, but I love you all. Your creativity and wit will never cease to amaze me.

There are so many others I would like to thank, but there’s only so much words to express my gratitude and appreciation. It is an honour to be surrounded by you all, understood by you all.

Thank you for making YWS a better place.


This report, by its very length, defends itself against the risk of being read.
— Winston Churchill